may 23. 1935 IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL Sunday i chool L.esson BV Rr.V. P P. FiTZTVATER. D. D-. Member of Faculty. .MouUy iiibU bu-tltutc of Chicago. U"o-:t<-rn N>weiap?r Union. Lesson for May 26 THE LORD'S SUPPER ? >N TJr.XT?Mntthew 2*: i i -30; l Corinthians 11: 23-23. vJ? 'LDJ:N* TEXT?-This do in rvtnemu r " mo-? I Corinth inns 11:24. ri.'IMARY TOPIC?The Supper Jesus Cave His Friotiils. JUNIOR TOPIC?Why We Have the : -tapp'-r. I \ TI: RMEDIATK AND SENIOR TOPic?Why observe the Lord's Supper? YOUNG TEOrLE AND ADULT TOPIC?The Meaning of the Lord's Supper. I. It Was Instituted by Christ (-Matt. :-;;7 ou). I. The time of (1 Cor. 11:2:?). It .a- :>a the of the betrayal of just after the betrayer had been ar.: "Uiiced. The circumstances of (Malt, 20: It was in connection with the -ating of the Passover. At the command of Jesus tiie disciples had -my the Passover, and while they wen- eating lie took bread and blessed It and gave to the disciples. 3. The elements used (v. 20). Bread, doubtless common bread of the Passover feast, and the cup which was the fruit of the vine. II. The Significance of the Lord's Supper (I Cor. 11:2-1-20; cf. Matt 20; 2?>2?. Jesus took natural and literal elements and made them to be symbols of his own body and blood. Just us our bread and drink are transformed Into brain and brawn, becoming Integral parts of our bodies, so by means of tin-o symbols the communicant partakes of Christ. We are in him and he is In us. 1. It Is n memorial of the Lord O.oke 22:11)). When ho iott the world ho left the bread and the cup by which the disciples would remember him. luyery^truo disciple will gladly avail himself of the opportunity thus to re member his Lord. 2. To show the lord's saevilicial death (v. 2(1). Jesus Christ did not die as a hero or as an example of unselfish devotion, hut as a substitutionary ransom. On the cross he made expiation for sin. 3. It Is a guarantee that our sins are forgiven (horn. 1:23). 'It was the signet of the Son of God attached to redemption." -4 It symbolizes the believer's ro vailion of filirist fl Par. 10:1(51. The communicant thereby mydJcl pates in the body and blood of Christ, becoming a member of his body; Ti. It is a forward look to n completed redemptoi* (I Cor. 11:2G). When faith is exercised in Christ, redemption I) eg iris and Its completion will take place at the coming of Jesus Christ (I Tncss. 4:10, IT). The bread and the cup constitute the keepsake of tho Lord until he returns. Those elements possess not only a spiritual, but a tremendous psychological value, hotli as n memorial and as a prospect. Hi. Qualifications 'ar Participation in the Lord's Supper (1 Cor. 11:27-29). 1. A proper apprehension of its meaning (v. 27). Eating and drinking unworthily primarily refers not to the ' demerit of the communicant, but the failure to, grasp the meaning and Importance of the ordinance. To engage thoughtlessly In this service Is to do It unworthily. Only a regenerated person can discern the Lord's body. Kalth ^ in the integrity of Christ's person and work Is essential. Anyone who does o?t believe In t>' absolute deily of Christ and his vicarious atonement 12 an unworthy communicant 2. Church membership (I Cor. 11: 1S-22). Christ's body la the Church which Is composed of regenerated men r.nd women united to him as head and to c-ach other as members of that hods by the Holy Spirit. 3. Orderly walk. Conduct which dis qualifies for participation In the Lord's supper Is a. Immoral conduct (I Cor. f>:l 13) It Is most perilous for one who is guilts of Immorality to approach the Lord's table (1 Cor. 11:30). Sickness ant death are often visited upon such. This explains why some are mysterionsl} t.'il'on aurav In <1 nn?h b. Heresy (TIL 3:10; I John 4:23) The one who does not believe In th< deity and Incarnation of Christ is i heretic. Such should be excluded fron the Lord's table. c. The one who stirs up party strife (Bom. 16:17).Those who cause divis ions In the Church should also be ex eluded from the Lord's table. Freedom and Triumph To be stripped by an iron-handed ne f i I WEIL,PC THF HAZARD I lrlE' FINALLV HOUSE STARTED PAINT TE OF HOUSEHAZARDS HAS DECII * TO MIX H By Qwnjpai Mac Arthur y LEGAL NOTICES ! I Advertisements appearing under this classification are payable in advance. This rule is enforced impartially. Please do not expect the publishers to deviate. NOTICF. OK iJVir v PUBLICATION Nortli Carolina. Watauga County, in j the Superior Court: The Federal Land Bark of Columbia vs. G. M. ; Henson and wife, Mary Ilenson, Oon L. Henson and wife; Beuiah ! Henson. I. W. Xavc. and J. C Mure Hardware Company, et al. ?Th.- defendants, I. W. Nave and ?he J J. C. Muse Hardware Company, will; ' take notice that an action entitled as I above has been commerlce I in the Suj perior Court of Watauga County, North Carolina, to foreclose a mortgage executed to the plaintiff by G. i M. Henson and Mary Henson on propj erty located in Watauga County, in which the said defendants have or claim to have some interest; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Cierk of the 3u- i perior Court of said county in the courthouse in Boone, X. C., on the 25th day of Juno. J 935, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action. l f>r uie piainlil t will apply to the court for the* relief clemah?U*d m the said complaint. This the 20th day of May, 19351 A. E. SOUTH, Clerk of the Superior Court of 5-23-4 Watauga County. NOTICE or TRUSTEE'S RESALE^ By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned Trustee bv Clinton Stone on the IStli day of September. 1031, to secure the sum of Seventy-five dollars (S75.00) to Carl Stone, said deed of trust being recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Watauga County, in Book 23, I'ago 229, and default having been made in the payment of the moneys thereby secured as therein provided and said property having been sold ana a raised bid having been made, 1 i wiil, un >1 outlay, dune 3rd. 1935, ut 1 o ( lock r. M., at the Courthouse door of Watauga County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: BEGINNING on a white oak in old Howell line; running north with said line 30 poles to a red oak and chestnut in said line: thence west 30 poles to a chestnut oak; thence north 52 degrees west 15 poles to a black gum; thence north 25 degrees west 32 poles to a stake in Jerry Watson's line; thence south with said line 2S poles to a chestnut oak (now dead); thence south 8 degrees east 18 poles to a chestnut (now gone); thence cast 24 poles to a red oak (now gone); thence south 4 poles to a stake in old CoJlett line; thence east with said line 80 poles to the beginning, containing 30 acres, more or low? This sale will he made subject to a deed of trust or mortgage to Mrs. Millie Watson for the sum of $175.00. The bidding will start at ?535.50. I Tins the ISth day of May' 1935. T. E BINGHAM i)-23-'2t ; ~ TT"*" -TruaiCC. FOR SAUK j On Saturday, June 15, 1935, at 10 ; j u'clock a. in. at the town of Foscoe, Watauga County, we will sell to the . highest bidder four plots or parcels , of land, three in the town of Foscoe: Six-acre tract with good dwelling. ! Two-acre tract with dwelling. I Thirty-six square rod tract with . storage house. i One S-acre tract located on Nettle { Kno!i_.or the headwaters of Clark's Creek. Calls and plots will be presented at sale. * CHAS. L ROWE, , LETCHER S. BYRD, r Executors of W. H. Byrds* Estate. 5-lo-4c i cesslty from without Is slavery; to be borne along the path of duty by nn Inward force, which we would not re; slst If we could, Is freedom; peace, trls umph. 1 j 5 i SEED THOUGHTS i Often It takes some tide of grief to . \ life us to our best. ? 1 * i I Remember tlint every drop of rain i I that falls bears into the bosom of the | earth a quality of beautiful fertility.? 5 1 G. H. Lewes. All things and all acts and this whole wonderful universe proclaim to n> the Lord our Father. Christ our love, Christ onr hope, onr portion, and our _ Joy. 5TT] /mSON- SAY YOU CAN JAS . |AH'JUJT ASSUME THE i 1^1''OpJfTJ- PLAY AND YOUll C TO WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVE j MEMORIAL DAY j nrnmn??? T? I?- 1?? . UUVS 1U11SH J3UCKS J for National Event | TilE DRUMMER ROYS of the ! sixties are still carrying on in the ; thinning ranks of blue which turn out each yea- lor Memorial Day St-wires. The ;.bcvc photo was taken at Philadelphia last year as a i union drummer boy polished his j sticks to roll out a marching song. NOTICE OK SACK By virtue o* he power of sale eon| laineil in a certain mortgage deed exj eciited by R. R. Greer and wife Rosa j Greer of Watauga County and State |of North Carolina, to S C. Carroll of Watauga County and State of North. 1 Carolina, on the 15th day of May. 11"1, to secure tin? payment of one I note in the sum of $f?SO.OO, will\ inj tercst on tiic same at the rate of six per; cent per annum, and whereas default having been made in the pay1 merit of the said note secured by said | mortgage, the said mortgagee will of. j for for sa!r? at public auction to the j highest bidder for cash at the Courtjhouse door in the Town of Boone, ; in the County of Watauga, on the ; 21 til day of dune, 1935, at 12 o'clock ' noon, the following described lands, j viz: j BEGINNING on a hemlock in John j \\ . i lodges' line and being' Joe Greer's j corner; thence north same degree oast with Joe Greer's line IS poles to a iwhite oak at. the State Highway; then j crossing the highway north same dcgrtv. west 13 poles to a white pine (stump; tlienee north same degree east with P. H. Mikeal's lino 3*2 poles to a j maple; thence north with Bob Bingj ham's line 14 poles to a small hemj lock in Bob Bingham's line; thence | west with old road to a stake at the I ford of Pine Run Creek being 53 poles [coming to J. W. Hodges line; thence {up the crook wiul .T. W: Hedges lint' 26 poiea to the beginning, containing 15 acres more or less. I For a complete record of the lands I r. K/m .i . I rto * >? ? *-w-w1 ? a made to book No. S page 153, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Watauga County. This the 20th day Of May, 1935 S. C. CARROLL, Mortgagee Charles T. Zimmerman, Attorney. 5-23-4p TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE North Carolina, Watauga County. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed on the 11th day of Marcji- 1931. bv and between Arlie i W. Brown and wife, Ora Brown, ic the undersigned trustee, said deed of trust being made to secure the payment of a certain sum of money which is past due, and default having beer made in the payment in the sums of money as thereby secured, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder I for cash, on Monday, June 24th, 1935 jat 1 o'clock p. m., at the courthouse I door of Watauga County, N. C.. the j following described real estate to-wit: BEGINNING on a small chestnut (corner of Lot No. 6 in Hardin's lir.c, land runs west with said line 39 poles to a double Spanish oak; thence south 20 degrees west 102 poles to a stoiu jat Meat Camp Road; thence south 6i I degrees east with the road 34 poles tc j a stake; thence south 80 degrees eas1 ! 4 poles to an apple tree, a corner ol Lot No. 6; thence '20 degrees east 9( poles to the beginning, containing acres. This the 21st day of May, 1935. JOHN E. BROWN, 5-23-4 Trustee. HELP ME--] A DAD'T "B.I6HT. NOVATTITUDE PRETEND I'M A SOO . .. j,- V VIIUII C I UK TUIC i n piuyt ? ** IKY THURSDAY?BOONE, N. S^STSSTS r,ALc or reai ESTATE Under and by virtue of tiie pow and authority rontained in that ce tain deed of trust executed and deli ereu by Chase Brenizer and wife, Lo ise N Krenizer, and J. It. VanNe and wife. Blanche D. VanNess. dat the 8th of April. 1931, and record' in the office of the Register of Deo for Watauga County, North Carolir in Boox lb of Mortgages, at page and e7, and because of default in tl payments of the indebtedness there' secured ana failure to carry out ai ; perl* rm the stipulations and agr? ! Jiienls therein contained, and purs j and to de-maud of the owner and hoi ; or :-.i the indebtedness secured by ss j deed of trust, the undersigned trust i -viii >;pose for sale at public aueti ! to d. highest bidder for cash at t jusual place of sale in the coun courthouse of Watauga County in t ' 'ity of Boone, N. C., at 12 O'cloc *: n. on Monday, the 3rd day of .Til! 1S35. being the first Monday in sc u : 'h. all those certain lots or parc<j of land. situate, lying and being Watauga County, State of North. Ci and more particularly describ | as fallows: S-ifir I jots Nos. 67 and 08 in t ; l'b.; .if May view Park, registered ! 'he Office of the Register of Dee i. f Watauga County, North Carolir in Book 25 of Deeds, at page 163, r< i ere nee being made to said deed for i full description of said land, said I : No. 67 fronting 205.8 feet on Wond ! land Trail, and said Dot No. GS fro: | ihg 170 feet on Wonderland Trail Together with the right of \v over and upon that said road or hif way upon which said lot fronts. 1 same; being known and designated Wonderland Trail or Laurel La said road or highway connecting 1 said lots with the main street of Village of Blowing Rock, and the s right of way is limited to Tngrc egrCks and regress over and upon said road from the westerly bound; j of the lots hereby conveyed I the said main street of the Villi ! < ?f Blowing: Rock. Being the same lots of land o | veyed in said deed of trust. 1 Terms of sale: Cash. -Subject to unpaid taxes and assc ment.s for paving, if any, inelud; i uuoi ivi i9iW. mm a?n- witi ? ?- u open ten days for upset bid as by 1 required. This 1st day of May, 1935. i 5-3-1 W. B. McCLINTOCK, Tru.s NOTICE or SAI.K OF UNI) WHEREAS on the 24lli day of V ] ru.arv, 1934. M. C. Oliver and w Emma Oliver. executed and <jelive unto \V O. McGibony, Trustee for Land Hank Commissioner, a cert deed of trust which is recorded tlie office of the Register of Dc for Watauga County, North Caroli ?n Hook 19. at page 543; and Whc as, default has been made in the p meat of the indebtedness thereby l' cured as therein provided, ami ; trustee has been requested by owner and holder thereof to exen ! the power of sale therein contained i NOW. TIIKREFORE ur.der and | virtue of the authority conferred j the said deed of trust the undersig 1 Trustee will on the 3rd day of Ji 1935, at the Courthouse door of County of Watauga, North Caroli j at twelve o'clock noon offer for i to the highest bidder under the tei hereinbelow set forth, the follow PMMMHBHnHiHHHHflBHHl . real esuiui. All that certain tract of land c i taining Forty-Six (46) acres, mor< 1 less, known as the "Millard Oii r'lace" in Shawttechaw Township, i I tauga County, North Carolina, lo< ed on a public road, about 12 m ! west from the Town of Boone, N. ! and now in the possession of M Oliver, bounded on the North by lands of H. M. Watson and Jim . chael; on the east by the lands ! J. S. Baird; on the south by the la of C. D. Taylor; on the west by 1 lands of Jim Michael. Said traci j land is particularly described, acc ing to a plat prepared by I. A. & 1 garner. Surveyor, on the 24th da} [ September, 1923, as follows, to-wi1 BEGINNING on a white oak runs south G1M? degrees west poles to a chestnut tree: thence n< 5 degrees east 99 poles to a stak< the road; thence with road the lowing courses: North 81 degrees < 9?fc poles; south 57 degrees east poles; thence north 56 degrees < 11 poles to a chestnut tree: th< - south 86 degrees east 71 poles \ J stake; thence south 3 degrees \ 1 37 poles to the BEGINNING. Copy of said plat now being on with the Federal Land Bank of > lumbia, S. C. t The terms of sale are as follow ' Cash. * The property will be sold sub - to a first mortgage executed by lard Oliver and Emma Oliver to Federal Land Bank of Columbia der date of February 16th, 1924, duly recorded in the office of the I ' I CAM I II 1 ONCE SA A JCRKCBJ ^^{clown DO r? (AN* HE DlDf ElS- W/P c. i of for- Watanwa fToimtv. | North Carolina, in Book 2. at Page er j 288-289. r. | No bid will be accepted unless its v_ | maker snail deposit with the Trus u_ tee's aiiorney and agent at the close ss of the bidding: the sum of Three Hune(j dred ($300 00) Dollars as a forfeit ^ and guaranty of his compliance with fjs his bid, the same to be credited on his ia bid when accepted. 5g Notice is now given that said lands ke will be resold immediately: at the same by place and upon the same terms on the ncl same day unless said deposit is made. ,e_ Every deposit not forfeited or ac;u_ cepted will be promptly returned to :C>_ tlm maker upon the expiration of liie lid fffsriod allowed by law cru- filing nt" >ee advance or upset bid. on This 1st day of May. 19.TV hC W. O. McniBONY, Trustee. *y Trivettc & Holshouse?\ By J. E. Holshousor, 5-9-lc ill Agent and Attorney for Trustee. ~,e* Ti:r:s'rF.F.'? <<\ \ v ",ci By virtue of the power of sale conVs tained in a certain deed of trust exem cuted to the undersigned trustee by ir^ R. L. Teague and wife, Acidic Teague, ev* on the 27th day of June, 1933, to secure the sum of $1,550.00 to the Watauga Building and Loan Association, *n said deed of trust being recorded, in f,s the office of the Register of Deeds ia> for Watauga County in Book 17, at -* " page 64, and default having been made a in the payment of the moneys there^ by secured as therein provided, I wil! on Monday, June 3rd, 1935, at J 2 o clock M.. at the courthouse door of Watauga County. N. C., sell to the 'ay highest bidder for cash the following >h~ described real estate, to-wit: ^lc Lying and being in Boone Township 03 and beginning at a stake in the westne* ern margin of Rnone-Blowing Rock the Highway, or. the southern bank ol the pjannerys* Fork, J. M. Mdretz's cor ner, and runs south 8 degrees 39 min ;ss, utes west 150 feet to a stake; thence ^ie south S3 degrees west 705 feel, mor< ir- j or less, with the old line to a stake at the south bank of Flafinery's Forl^ l^e as it meanders 725 feet, more or less to the point of beginning, containing nn~ 11 - acres, more or less. Tli is the 1st day of May, 1935. W. H. GRAGG, '.ss* Trustee ing Trivet to & Holsnouser, Attorneys: 5-9-4< aw : ^BALD? Give Your Scalp a Chance , Japori?i? Oil is the name of the remarkably successful preparation that thousands an* ifc. using to got rid of loose dandruff, stop scalp Itch and grow strong, healthy hair on thin red and partially bald spots when; hair roots are not deaa. This famous antiseptic, cou:i ter-lrritant stimulates circulation In the am | scnlp. biTigs an abundant supply of hlo(?i jjj to nourish and feed starved hair roots- o:? of tlie chief causes of baldness. Get a bottle CdS today nt nny druggist. The cost Is trilling, ina 600 vF-'>or.on>y sire. $1). You have little !? ' lose and uiueu to gain. FREE. valuable hook ;re- " The Truth About the Hair." if you write to ay Remedy Co., 56 W. 45lh 31., N. Y. - JAPANESE OIL the *Thfs advertisement was reviewed ond approved by a registered physician. v YOU KNOW A COP by uiun nniiDi aimc nnu uuiTii lASN5 tiie ina. of Tired, Aching, Burning Feet ;ms ,;n?y ?tell him to shake Zeeta, the antlaeptlc ^ deodorant powder Into his shoes and rub It C- b!c fct :on- In 3 minutes his misery Is over?excefii or five, offensive persplration disappears. ' the burning sensation vanishes, cracked iver itching toes heal?ho will shout for joy .Va- and bless you for telling him about Zeeta. cat- But bo sure ho asks for and gets Zecta lilea ?there's nothing else that works bo sure, BO fast. "*? Doctors, chiropodists, athletic trainers C. recommend Zeeta for aching feet, water the blisters, also for chafing and sunburn. Tour druggist or department storo guarantees 7.?>eta to relieve you in 3 mln? Ol Qtea or your money back, mcis : of j__ "-y~ ? = r.l- \W \ m- '1 I spend most of my [,of time being and |Jj rethreoded. Do you? cast | \ .o a I 4 vest I A - j \ 3-; ! I JUST I A/n iject' '^1 ANY 5 \V ] Mil-1 ^pJTHREADJ and! ^ PACK SEVEN ! COMMON CAUSE 0* BALDNESS One of t'.e cbief causes of premature srayne-~. fjJLrg hair and ultimate baldness is lack of circulation in the scalp. To overcome this and bring an abundant supply of blood to nourish the hair ropis. : mis^i-.c calp at night with Japanese Oil, . an,: . . '.i-- counter-irritant, j Thousands of men and women report afnar. [ try result- rtopptng falling hair, growI ins new hair on bald areas and in ehaunai' ' ic~ dandruff and itching scalp, j Japanese O'l eosts hut *0- at any druggiM. -C ^i/c. $1. TREE "The Truth AL-jut. \VrlU. Dept. 36 C *T1>: VST. H!M inV m r.?; Win* 15t StrwM, \?-w Yurie Tf ^ E*t>lalfiN Our t'- irv-cIyjiilVl/arrf 9 If Tr.\itm>'nt whfrh ii brln^ine 3 fy ?Vf#| njuaiiik* ic!i?-f. Sold on ifoncUiJ JJ V nj k I r~M PRICELESS INFORMATION g B** ?'?r those sufTi-rin^ from ' W\0>*lr\ STOMACH OR I>UODENM. Y%SSM*JUL<:?RK, POOR IUGF.S. m AGIO DYSPEPSIA. i -4* ~-fJP" SOUK VJOMV 1. CJASSI i y-^7 NP-SS, HE ARTIST TIN CON- = | \0 STIPATION*. DA i> 1?I< rATII, 5 ^ SLEEPLESSNESS OK HEAD- * ACHES. OLE l <J EXCESS ACIL?. J A*k fui a frw COj.v of H'ilL^rd's %1,-ssoze. *?Vr J j ?: Authorized WluJiil !> - -? ra Jj WATAIC 1 IHU"<; (O.Mi'AXv" Boone, N. (*. 13 r?T? ft ol1! i^Tjjg ??% fe DO you suffer burning, scanty or too frequent urination; backache, headache, dirtiness, swollen feet and ankles? Are you tired, nervous?feel , 5 all unstrung and don't know what is 5 wrong? 4 Then niv* UVn? tr, wmir kidneys. Be sure they function properly, for functional kidney disorder permits excess waste to stay in the blood, and to poison and upset the whole . system. ; Use Doan's Pills. Doan's arc for the f kidneys only. They are recommended the world over. Vou can get the genuine, time-tested Doan's at any drug store. ' HKSCL'l'MM'lllSli il lit " - V; ! ? ' " ^ ^ f1\ proutesi of the rSSStow ' I famous Merriamy**. j KZ&J I Wcbstcrx- hacked by a century of 1 I :N=^ J leadership umi I jf :-l ' representing the I3e^^-r*c -V.. hlShost modern ? *! J-'i ffifcl?r?bli>. Ju.i 1 completed at a h^B^SiCrV^} V. CO<t Of I T non 1 V V e n i s newer than any comparable dictionary. WEBSTER'S | NEW INTERNATIONAL mrTinN&uv Second Edition i 1)600,000 Entries-?122,000 Not Found in J Any Uttier uicrionui f T.T"-^of N?w Words 1)12.000 Terms Illustrated liMoqnificent Plctcs in Colcr ond Half Tone V.Thousand^ of Ency: lo -??d?c Articles 1)35,000 Geographical Entries 1)13,000 Biographical Entries 1)200 Valuable Tables ^Synonyms and Antonyms 1)3350 Pages I See T7ic Xeio Mcrriatii-TVrhilcr .1: Your liookstorc Or Write ruvyf.'-t G. & C. MERRtAM CO. | Springfield, Mass. =f Not I. I sew with ^ | |=| J- & P- COATS best |ei |j 6-cord thread?it |=J fn doesn't break every (= j minute! Jrr. ItapH ? / ^, IP dad, you think. you're^ jjust commencing this It Isfe Ijob but the interior of] gtnc garage is pr\ct!gv?v/ |FiNlSHID--lNCLUDm&rJ ae^j

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