~-r -- 1 IK) ONE SKETCHES | By j. C R JUST A MEMORY Life, for some mysterious reason, had iost its savor . . . the springs of hbbe. subjected to the merciless lava t>f"despair, had ceased to flow . . . . the pleasures, disappunIS.II11o .atones : and defeats encounym% tered along the l|| earthly highway bc^3 came intolerable . . . *** ant* ^arl Payne, our - ~ j good frier.d from j; .sj|jLA' ||| early childhood. dropped by the way;-- ? side! Of course, his passage right in the ^ jSk heyday of usefulII :i JpL ness fetched sorrow, ? loads of it . . . but Mini" consolation offers itsclf in the beautiful memories which jorever will surround the name of this lovable chap . memories of his unselfish attitude toward fellow creatures . . memories of his charitable disposition . . . memories of his nfr'able smile and sincere handclasp memories that will last for many ,c days of a friend who would stick with his friends through thick and thin! Merc words can scarce express to the bereaved family of Carl Payne what the heart dictates . . but our sympathy goes out to them all of it. JUST COULDN'T TAKE IT! Burl Horton, big, strong, goodnature*! black boy . . . arranged a rendezvous with death late Tuesday evening . . he told his friends that "he couldn't take it" . . . the i ocky road to Jordan" was rocky indeed . . . the tempo of life had waned to the doleful strains of a funeral dirge . . and Burl Horton used an automatic pistol to sever 1 ceiir.ec'terrestrial regions. A high-brown down Newport way had a fast hold on Burl's heartstrings . . . he'd put a lot of | faith in this particular gal . . . rosy 1 dreams of a little home and dusky offspring and the security of married life had conjured an equally rosy picture of the future in his mind . . . things looked plenty good! Sunday Burl paid a visit to his "ehoeolate-drop" . . . she gave him what is commonly known as the "cold-shoulder" . . . and Burl got "smoke in his eyes" . . . the melodious song of the turtle dove died in his ears; in its place came the foreboding croak of a raven. As a salve for the injury he'd received, Burl sought solace in the flowing howl . . . but it wasn't a , hit of use . . "Crab Orchard" just naturally failed to stop the hurting in liis bosom! Tuesday evening iu called on a colored barber . . his whiskers were shaven, his hair was trimmed. Walking to the door 01 | the tonsorial establishment the I alack boy made his great gesture: j "I'm going to see my . . the doer ; an automatic harked . . . ( and Burl . . . well. Burl isn't hoe- 1 St Hftono Ho- 1 tel any more! And as they carried him away to the colored cemetery tills afternoon. we couldn't help but think of a high-brown down Newport way ... a high-brown clad in superb raiment . . . white teeth glistening hair coifed a la' Harlein * Burl's gal! A NEW CHAIN LETTER Local chain letter fans take notice . . neres' a luscious little proposition, cram-full of "faith, hope and charity." that's destined to knock the old send-a-dime type of missive into a cocked-hat. Just pick a quintet of gullible acquaintances, head the list with another quintet of ambitious relations, and . . . "In omitting the* top name from the list above, send this person one raw oyster, carefully selected and packed in a bushel basket. In turn, as your name reaches the top, on the sixth operation, by mental calculation. you should receive 156,350 oysters. The law of average says that in this amount of oysters there should be one and 19.32 pearls. At the present market value this should bring about $1,563.51. Ts this worth an oyster to you ? Explain it to five of your friends who haven't any more sense than you. "STRTTCn AT Avn nnmir TTO ? *"> rtijv/i'*\j nun u>0 YOU'LL HAVE A STRING OK BEAUTIFUL PEARLS." HEALTH CLINIC A health clinic for children of preschool age will be held at the Deep Gap School on June 3rd, at 2:30 o'clock. Parents of that section are urged to bring their children to the clinic. Those between the ages of six months and six years are asked to "be present. Among those attending the funeral services for Mr. Carl Payne Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. A1 L Payne of Nashville, Tenn., Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Graybeal, of Marion, Va. Red clover being grown for hay in Lincoln County appears to be the best that has been produced in the county for some years, i t>ort the growers. 1 Tin ^ vva i An I VOLUME XLVI. NUMBER 48 ARABIAN KNIGHTS , Ataxic Bacr and Jimmy Braddu ship Fight in New A NEW YORK.- Either the news-can or else fight-camps are going "Arab, from the training camps or Champ M my Ftraiblock (right), as they make ship fight here on June 13th. Fftlfival H011 siiif Representative o Considering the fluctuations of his j fortune and the uncertainties that at- ; tend his enterprise, the fanner stands : out as the most conspicuous example of American faith in himself and in his country," said Miss Cora A Harris. Field Representative of the Federal Housing Admiinstration, who will speak at a mass meeting in Boone on June lsi. 7:30 j?. ..... deal tfijr with modernization and new con- \ slruction and the insured mortgage i phase of F. H. A . Continuing, Miss Harris said, "Am- | erica still looks to the farmer for its ' bread and meat and its essential cioa- ! ture comforts Wealth that he ere- j ales in primary and basic to the pros perity of this republic. His economic | status in large extent determines the ! national economic level." Miss Harris stated that in North ! Carolina there is a possibility of $14,- ! 60S,000 worth of farm work to be | done now. A recent survey made in j 1*2 typically agricultural counties "ill, North Carolina, conducted by the} State lC. ii. A., co-operating with the division of home demons! rat ion work tinder the direotiot of Miss Helen Rs- j tabrook and assisted by David Wea-; ver, of State College, reveal startling figures on rural homes. .Much Repair Work Needed Forty per cent oi these iiuiucs need repairs and replacements ot wells and spring used as a source of water sup-1 ply Water is carried by three-fourths j of all families for distances ranging) from a few feet to a mile. Conditions show ?0 per cent of the homes might have water by means of an inexpensive pump. Of 1,624 homes having piped cold water 864 have flush toilets; 13.6 per cent of all homes have privies and 53 per ccr.t have unimproved privies. ! JC nn- ......f ?(' f V.I l.nn.aa U WI ' 1 <-? pel evilL ui uic i ui a uuiiico need painting:. Some houses have no means of artificial light. As an example of poorly lighted rural homes, I shall quote this amazing figure, 25,000 out of 28,000 are using kerosene lamps. The complete tabulations of the 28,000 homes surveyed show 19.657 occupied by white families and 8,548 by (Continued on Page 8) CHARLES SULUVANi KILLED IN CRASHi i Prominent Baseball Player and; Former A. S. T. C. Student Dies Near Maiden. N. C. Charlie Sullivan. 30, native of thej Yadkin Valley and a student for twoj years at Appalachian State College] here, was instantly killed Tuesday aft-1 ernoon when a car in which he was riding was struck by a Southern Railway train at a grade crossing near] Maiden. Funeral services were held in thei Happy Valley Wednesday noon and j interment took place in the Sullivan ] family burying ground. Surviving is the mother, one brother. Walter Sullivan, of Mississippi, one sister, Mrs. Finlev Hawkins, of Columbia, S. C., and a number of niece 3. According to brief information, Mr. Sullivan was en route to South Carolina when the fatal accident occurred. Death came before the injured man reached a Lincolnton hospital. Mr. Sullivan attended school here around 1924. was prominently identified in college athletics, and was well and favorably known to many Watauga people. For the past number of years he had played professional I baseball, and had for three seasons done mound work for the Detroit Tijgers, American League champions. a -r AUIjj independent Weekly News BOONE, WATAUGA \ LA* QUEENSBURY 1 L-k Train for World ChampioniTork oil June loth. ii ^ I neraman have bath-towel complexes j " because here are current pic.Lures < tax Baer (left). and challenger Jim- j ready for their open-air champion- j i i Administration \ ; To Speak Here I; 1 1 Will Speak Here jJ ? -i |; i. ' v _ F Miss Cora A. Harris, Field Representative of the Federal Housing Administration, who will speak on Home Modernization Loans here 1 Saturday evening. June 1st, 7:30 o'clock. THRONG ATTENDS MEMORIAL SERVICE Federal Judge Johnson J. Hayes Delivers Inspiring Address to Fifteen Hundred. Forternl .Tiiilr^o Johnson J Haves de livered an inspiring address to a gathering of twelve to fifteen hundred Watauga County citizens at Gnp Creek Church Sunday, May 25tli. The large crowd had gathered in a memorial service for the deceased veterans of all wars, under the sponsorship of Watauga Post 130, American Legion. Post Commander J. Wilson Norris deliverer! the address of welcome and presided over the meeting. Rev. W. C. Greene, post chaplain, delivered the invocation, and W. H. Gragg, mayor of Boone, introduced Judge Hayes. A bountiful picnic lunch was served on the grounds, after which members of the Legion and Auxiliary placed wreaths and American flags on the graves of deceased World War veterans throughout the county. Front Line Sketches i WASHINGTON, O. C.?Oklaho- j ma's cowboy Congressman, Percy \ L. Gassoway (above), is having a j terrible time trying to make "Pub- j licity Highway." His ten-gallon hat. , flowing locks, cowboy boots and ; range-rider drawl gets him little | notice here. Even his "baiting and heckling' of Hucy Long and Rev. Coughlin leaves his audience with the conviction that he lacks the words to be a match for either. a TVr? t\ L/? paper?Established in th< COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA. PRIMARY RACE IS ! CfflEF TOPIC ABOUTi STATE CAPITAL [ioey and Graham tiring Spotlight to Play on Race for the Governorship. FOUNTAIN FAILS TO SCARE BAILEY IN SENATE BATTLE dumber of (.'audidates for State Of- \ fices In Lower Brackets. Liquor Status Remains Unchanged. Other Uaicigh News. By M. R. DUNNAGAN < Special Correspondent) RALEIGH, N. C.?Now that the i Governor's race is fairly well under J vay, witli A. H. Graham, Hillsboro, j ind Clyde R. Hoey, Shelby, definitely n. and Rep. R. L. Dough ton, Laurel Springs, and John Sprunt Hill, Durtaiii; definitely out, North Cardinal ts are beginning to look with interest; on the smaller races. Of course t is probabl\r a more than even 3hot that Senator-Doctor John T. Burrus, High Point, will be a candidate for Governor on an anti-sales tax platform, and one out of five chance that u\. jrviLipii vv. ^icuonaiu, r orsytn rep- j fesentative, may be the man. Senator J. W. Bailey is probably not frightened as yet. even though | Richard T. Fountain, Rocky Mount, 1 is Shaking the bushes against the Senator. It will likely take more than Fountain to cause sleepless nights, although he is getting about. Manystill hope that Governor Rhringhaus will enter the race. If he intends to he has given no information of it. fudge M. V Bamhill, Rocky Mount, | to be a if the Gov-1 ernor is not. Legion folks are trying to gel Congressman Frank W. Hancock, Oxford, out, and Congressman Lindsay Warren, Washington, Henry Stevens. Warsaw, and John G. Dawson, Kinston. are also mentioned: For No. 2 place, that of Lieutenant Governor, only one has definitely entered, Paul D. Grady. .Johnston County, long-time Senator and president protem of the last Senate. W. L. Lumpkin, Franklin, anti-sales tax leader, and W. P. Horton, Chatham, "dry" clincher for the liquor control act, are giving il tliought. Senator Lee *A. Gravely, Rocky Mount, Senator Carl Rnilcy, Washington County, Senator Harriss Newman, New Hanover, former Senator George McNeill, Fayetteville, and Senator \Y. G. Clark of Turboro, are also listed as having ambitions. No Oilier Opposition Charles M. Jolin-son, State Trcas-j urcr, has-no opposition in sight. He j wants to move across the hall to the; Governors' office after another term. Dan C Boiu-y. insurance commission-1 er, has been opposed, but not success- j fully, and may have discouraged new i opposition. William A. Graham, com-! hussioner of ngricuiuiiv, has so far baffled those who would oust him. Laurie McEacliem, Hoke County, is said to be looking' toward that place, however. Major A. L. Fletcher, commissioner of labor, may be unopposed for his second term, although there has been intimation that Roy R. Lawrence, head of the State Federation of Labor, and Clarence Mitchell, Raleigh printer and legislator, might enter the race against him. Secretary of State Stacey W. Wade, for almost 25 years a State official, is in for stormy weather, apparently. Thad A. Eure, Gates native, Hartford legislator, thrice House of Represent tatives clerk and escheates collector; for the State University, is almost; certain to oppose him. Strong intimation is heard that a man who would represent the great, heavy-voting Piedmont and western sections, now with only one of the seven constitutional State officers, Clyde A. Erwin, may get into the running for this post. Durham On the Spot Baxter Durham, long State Auditor, is also apparently in for opposi(Continued on page two.) POPPY SALES SUCCESSFUL The annual sale of poppies conducted under the auspices of the Ameri can Legion Auxiliary, took place Saturday and S14 worth of the artificial blooms were disposed of on the streets of Boone. Mrs. C W. Teal, chairman of the sales organization, states that this money will be used in its entirety to aid in child welfare work in the county. R. F. D. CARREERS ORGANIZE Several R. F. D. carriers met at the Rnone Hotel Monday evening with Mr. Jennings of the Wilkes Association and organized the Watauga County unit of the North Carolina Letter Carriers' Association. F. A. Icenhour of Blowing Rock was elected president, and R. Clyde Winebarger of Boone, secretary, treasurer. The first car of cured sweet potatoes shipped to eastern markets this sprmg from Catawba County gave rise to an immediate order for another car. MOC1 i Year Eighteen Eighty-Ei; THURSDAY. MAY 30. 1935 NIFTY POPPY GIRL I Ginger Rogers, Movie Actress, Chosen by V. F. W. LOS ANGELRS.-Ginger Rogers (above) of screen fame, is Hollywood's "1935 Buddy Poppy Girl." She won the right to he because \ her father, John Logan Rogers, is i Commander of the Veterans of For- 1 eign Wars Post at Quenemo. Kan- > sas. and Ginger belongs to the Auxiliary. NEGRO ENDS LIFE !i WITH PISTOL BALL: Burl Horton, Grieved Over the Death of White Friend, Commits Suicide. Burl Horton, respected 25-year-old negro, and an employee of the Daniel Boone Hotel, died Tuesday evening at ten o'clock, a little more than an hour after he had sent a builet from an automatic pistol crashing through his skull. Burl, after having secured a shavej I at a barber shop in the colored sec- i : tion of the town, told the incredulous: barber that he expected to take his | ! life, and with the words "I'm. going j to meet my buddy," strode into the! street arid fired a builet point blank; into the left side or" his head, just; above the cs The remark made to the barber was in allusion to Mr. Carl Payne, j whose death is said to have grieved jtho dusky friend. Burl worked for a long period of 'ime at a garage where Mr Payne; was employed, and had held the white j ' man in \>gh esteem. Besides, CUrl; [had been to Newport, Tenrn, over the j week-end, had been jilted by his girl i friend, and had been known to have) j imbibed rather heavily since. Funeral services will be conducted j | Wednesday evening and interment: | will be in the colored cemetery here. I Besides the parents, June and Bet-' ty Horton, several brothers and sis- j tors survive. ; r. ; IITDADO m* A WJW juiumo muivtii | FOR JUNE TERM Judge Finley Expected to Preside at First Mid-Summer Session of the Superior Court. Judge T. B. Finley of Wilkesboro is expected to preside at the two weeks civil court term to begin in Boone June 10th. and the jurors have been drawn. This is the first court to be held since the legislative act providing three regular terms for this county. Following are those drawn for jury j service. Those named for the first' I week have been summoned, and if I it is seen that the term will continue into the second week, the additional summons will he iOVI & 'FAIR THOUGHT TO HA I CAUSED FATAL ACT a rum*ra *vices Held Wednesday Af(ernc 3 Member of Prominent Mother, Several Brothers and Sisters Survive. A state of despondency growng out of the flustration of a ove affair is believed to have >een responsible for 'he death )f Carl Payne, 35-ye~.r-old member of a prominent Boone famly, whose lifeless body was round at the home of his moth?r Tuesday morning, a bullet wound through the heart and a .38 calibre revolver lying close by the prostrate form. The body was found at about seven o'clock, when Dallas Cottrell, a close friend of the deceased, called by the house to start a fishing trip which had Seen arranged between the two 3ii the previous evening. Dr. H. B. Perry, acting as deputy coroner, held in inquest, the verdict of the jury being that the deceased met his death from gunshot wounds inflicted by his Sjvn hand. Medical opinion was that lea til had ensued seven or eight hours jefore the body was found. V few words hastily scrawled on :.he back of an envelope indicated that h'sanpointment in love hail precipitated the self-destruction. Mr. Payne had been engaged in his Linuai uuiica Oil iViOHUUV HJUl III T-HC; evening hours mingled with friends about town in his usual cordial manner. However, since his demise associates have recalled slight evidences of a depressed frame of mind A revolver wa i borrowed from John K. Brown, a neighbor, on the pretext of taking it on a fishing trip the following day. Funeral Wednesday Funeral services are to be conducted this (Wednesday! afternoon from the Baptist Church in Boone by the pastor. Rev. J. C. Caiiipe, and interment vviJl be in the city cemetery. Surviving is the mother. Mrs J. M. Payne, and the following sisters and brothers: Mrs. Sam Austin, Sirs. P. M. Winkler. ShulLs Mills; Mrs. Mary Graybeal, Marion Va.: Mrs. D. L. Wilcox, Boone: Mrs. Loren Harrison Boone; Rev W. Pay nr. Blowing Rock; A C. Payne. Nashville, Tenn.; R lwavd L Payne. Boone and Coleman Payne, West Jefferson. Was Popular Citizen Mr. Payne was a son of the late lamented Rev. J. 1*1. Payne and Mrs. Payne, e.b-t was _7born in Watauga County. whore he had since resided, lie received his education here and for about ten years was engaged in the automobile repair business. For the past few years, however, he has been an employee of the New River Light and Power Company as an assistant electrician. He was a consistent member of the Baptist Church of this ' ;ty. Mr. Payne was unusually popular with the people of this section, and the news of his death came as a distinct shock to the community. Possessed of a hannv ilicnncitinr, made friends easily and 110 more likeable or industrious young man lived in this community. His death is the occasion for deep sorrow. HEALTH CLINICS ARE IN PROGRESS Green Valley and Cove Creek Clinics Draw* Large Crowds. Schedule Is Announced. Infant and pre-school clinics were begun in Watauga County Monday by the District Health Department, the first being held at Greene Valley School. A clinic was held at the Cove Creek School Tuesday. Both were largely attended, and a great deal of interest was shown. In each community a group of local citizens contributed largely to the .success of "IV V-Jiiuvo tjy couiiig UIU I1CW6, and by assisting the physician and nurse in their work. | The following clinics are scheduled jfor the next few days: Friday, Blowjing Rock: Monday. Deep Gap School; 1 Tuesday, Bethel School. Each will | commence at 2 o'clock p. m. I Parents are urged to take advanI tage of this opportunity to have inIfants and pre-school children exam! ined and to obtain advico regarding | their general care. The thirty-twc North Carolina Guernsey animals sold at Salisbury brought an average price of about $245 per head.