I BOONE SKETCHES By j. C R. MOUNTAIN IDYLS Did you ever stand at the top of that beautiful waterfall near Valle Cruets, where gurgling, laughing . Dutch Creek plung** " | es o<8h,y feet, so the neighbors say, from ij" TBN a moss-grown wall | *? of granite to a crysjr tal po?r beneath ? ... wel I di( ! And what if " j an eyeful! . . . state1 M 'y hemlocks, slender | $||P'v*?{i poplars, magnificent i <s oaks, standing scnti' i . $&?*' nel over a far-flung orchard of rhododendron and niount=sa tain laurel . . . over "Jim" a tangled infinity of mountain loveliness! Down throue.ii this canyon of green boughs, i and limpid pools, and white rapids, | ar. 1 waving wild-flowers the vision j wanders to Valley Mountain with its ! patchy acres of corn ground, its min-! iature pastures, its grazing flocks . . . j to rustic homes ill the valley where ! happy children play! A trout?one of the native speckled kind? splashes the pool as he seeks a belated dinner ... a bob-white calls his mate from a distant grain fieid ... a late sun sends shafts of gold through the secluded bower . . . and you turn your back, reluctantly, on something that will live in mcm'ry for many a day! That's Dutch Creek Falls . . . which lies within the hospitable precincts of Valle Crucis! ? n m Did you ever pauae for a just a : moment in the gap of Rich Moun- . tain . . . along about sunset . . . when ! Mother Nature has brought out her: pallet, her brushes and colors to splash heavenly designs on the west- j ern skies ... to gild, during the receding momenta of twilight, a landscape to halt the feeble breath of man? No? Well I did! Away to the left of you lies Grandfather's face, carved in ancient stone ... a wreath i of filmy cloud caught in his whis- j iters . . . and Hanging Rock, which ! guards the enterprising village of i Banner Elk . . . and the towering pinnacles of the Beech . . . and the crest of the Roan with its magnificent balsams hidden by the blue haze of distance . . . and the far-away Unakas of East Tennessee . . . and the smoky j spires of countless mountain chains j not catalogued ia the Sketch Man's mind! The scene is fast changing . . . darkness settles in the tiny valleys . . . lights appear in the windows of many a distant cot . . . the crest of Rich Mountain carries its last flush i of subdued gold . . . day is done! I * * * * i Did you ever stop at Lawyer Lcvill's home, just west of the village, 1 as night draws on her ebon garments ... to puff a pipe on his wide veran- i da ... to enjoy his stories and strengthening philosophy? Well, I did! A embryonic imill wheel in the; nearby brook lends its cheerful tunc j to a chorus of crickets ... a screech owl, 'way up on the face of the Pinnacle offers his plaintive call ... a breeze, carrying' the chilling hint of approaching fall weather stirs the tall Lombardy poplars and tama! rnnlrc ^ ? ? ? - . . . jruu jcoii uccp ui yuur rutiving chair . . . inhale a couple of good deep draws of the Lawyer's "hillside navy" . . . you draw your coat closer . . . and kinds wonder why you ever have. ^o ?ee,Te It all1 - whv vou ever have to worry over installment collectors . . . over printing newspapers . . . over past-due notes . . . over grocery bills . . . over the opinions of other people . . . over a thousand and one of those pesky little things that make life miserable for we of the two\ legged horde? A visit up to Lawyer Lovill's house during the early night hours makes a fellow feel that way! o BRAINS APLENTY Here's a little ditty we gleaned from the Christian Herald ... a good story. 1 and something to fill this column: It it's brains you're looking for, I've just heard of some you'll be bound to respect. Out in Omaha, the officials who hire men for the Farm Credit Bureau have one of those highly scientific intelligence tests to which every candidate is subjected. Up to a few days ago, these tests included a couple of catch questions?the kind that couldn't be answered. You proved j you had brains by not trying to answer them. Well, all went according to plan until a young University of Iowa graduate turned up for the exams. He was aSked the two questions ?and to the horror of the scientists he answered both of them. Here they are, with his answers: "How long," reafd the question, "is a piece of string?" "A piece of string," said the bright hoy from Iowa, "la twice as long as the distance between its center and cither end." Think over that one. "How far," read the second question, "can a dog run into the woods ?" To which the young Iowan answered: "A dog can run only half way into the woods. After that he's running out of the woods." The joke was on the scientists. But that's only half the joke. For the test contained another question; one v WAH j An VOLUME XLVII. NUMBER 10 IN "BABY DERBY" Eleven Children Born to Canadian Wife Since 1926. .-. ^.- ,WS^ I l^j I TORONTO, CANADA.?Aijove is Mrs. Lilly Kenny, mother of fourteen children, 11 of whom were born since October 21, 1926. Below is Mrs. Grace Bagr.ato, mother of 23, nine of which were horn since October, 1926. These two lead in the baby derby to win the Millar will bequest of ?500,000 to the Toronto mother giving birth to the most children between October 31, 1926, and October 31, 1936. J.LGRIDERMESIN CROSSVILLE, TENN. Former Resident of Watauga Dies After Long Illness. Sister Resides at Peoria. The. Crossville (Tenn.) Courier tells of the death of Mr. J. L. Gryder, 77 year old, who passed away at his farm home near that place on August 23rd, after a long illness. FMr.eral services were held in the Crossville Baptist Church on Sunday, the 25tli. The body was taken to his old home in Jefferson County where interment was made in Shady Grove Cemetery. Surviving are two daughters. Miss Nola Gryder, who has been a teacher in the Crossvillc city schools for several years, and Mrs. J. E. Nelson, who livis with her hue1.and on a farm adjoining the Gryder home place. He also leaves a brother, J. N. Gryder, of Crossville, and a sister, Mrs. S. C. Greene, of Peoria. Mr. Gryder was a most excellent Christian gentleman and enjoyed the friendship of a wide circle of acquaintances both in Tennessee and Western North Carolina. 4fis wife preceded him in death several years ug" He was born in Alexander County, | North Carolina, October 17, 1857. He moved with his parents to Watauga County in 1872. He was married to Lucretia Farthing, December 21, 1883. He moved to Jefferson County. Tennessee, in 1914, where he lived five years before going to Crossville. In early manhood he professed faith in Christ and united with the Baptist Church. Chevrolet Dealers Win Excess Sales Award Members of the organization of the W. R. Chevrolet Company of Boone have each been awarded wrist watches, valued at 127.50, for their superior salesmanship in having practically doubled their quota of sales of Chevrolet cars during the month of August. The awards were made by Wii liam E. Holler, general sales mana-1 ger of the Chevrolet Motor Company, to the following: W. R. Winkler, Dallas Cottrell, W. T. Payne, Hamp Blackburn and L. L. Bingham. WITHDRAWS APPEAL Kermit Wilcox Tuesday appeared before the Recorders Court, withdrew his appeal to Superior Court and asked to begin serving his sentence of eight months on the roads for larceny of mules, passed several weeks ago. iof the kind that you'd get away with in New York, but not in Omaha. Here : it Is: "If A gave a mortgage on a [ mule to B and the mule had a colt, jwho would own the colt?" And for I that one the bright boy's answer was: j "A mule can't have a colt." SH ' ' ;-V'r*vT-rf' ' f!>2 '58 y-.-'t; ' ?. ?> * ? *. j. -? "'-. ?" :aug Independent Weekly Newi BOONE, WATAUGA LOCAL FARMERS' RECEIVED OVER SEVEN THOUSAND Figures for A. A. A. Rental and Benefit Payments Are Made Public ct Rnloigh. HIGHWAY PATROLMEN ARE ASSIGNED TO NEW POSTS Oue Motorcycle Officer to Be Sta- j tioiied at Boone. Extra Session of legislature Not Likely. WFA Projects are Hastened. ?-? : By M. R. DUNXAGAN (Special Correspondent) RALEIGH, N. C. -\Vatauga Covin- | }ty farmers received S7.732.61 in AAA j | rental and benefit payments dislrib-! Iiued to growers co-operating in the i crop adjustment programs during the j fiscal year ended last July 30th. Dean I I. O. Schauta, of State College, re- I ports. These payments, he adds, are ' only a part of the increase in farm . income. The rise in prices paid to' growers for their commodities has in many instances increased their income more than the amount of rental and benefit payments, Dean Scliaub said. Total payments in North Carolina for the fiscal year were $K,732,147.51, of which $8,015,380.21 went to cotton growers, $5,915,844.43 to tobacco growers, $719,363.20 to corn-hog producers and S51.599.67 to wheat growers. Expenses or administering the programs for the year were $ 1 ,147.290.71, about seven per cent of 1 the amount distributed in the State. ] Most of this went to county and community committeemen named from lo- ' cal farmers to aid county agents. 1 i IMPROVE STATE INSTITUTIONS The Governor and Council of State ' have been busy in recent days get- ' ting ready for Federal funds as grants to supplement State funds for ' improving, enlarging and equipping ; State institutions. The General Assembly provided for a bond issue of $500,000 for the three State hospitals 1 "or the insane and Caswell Training : School, and for $2,000,000 for othpr J State institutions but on projects to ' be self liquidating. The bond issttl^M have been ordered tions for Federal grants of 45 per ' cent of the cost are going in. The plans arc to get these projects ap- ' proved before the deadline this week 1 and next. CONVICTS ESCAPE Six convicts in the Macon County ; camp near Franklin jumped on a loner guard trying to overpower him and I' escape One escaped, but the guard ' shot one, likely to death, stopped an- ' other with a load, clubbed a third with his gun, and two others surrer.- 1 dered to a nearby guard who came ' to the aid of his lone fellow. Most ' of the prisoners had bad records, murder, robbery and the like. I I PATROLMEN GIVF.N POSTS Sixty-six State HigtwSj patrolmen , were paraded before Governor Ehringhaus who issued them commis- i sions as State officials Friday, after , they had been sworn in by Justice ] Clarkson, and they were then assigned to the respective posts over the State by If. G. S fdoble Jr.. executive assistant commissioner of revenue. Two of them fill vacant places on the old guard, the 64 being added by act of the 1935 General Assembly, making a total of 121 officers and men, headed by Captain Charles D. Farmer. The troops and divisions remain the same, (Continued on Page 3) Republicans to Meet in Greensboro on Friday Russell D. Hodge3, chairman of the local Republican committee, has rejeeived official notification of the meeting of G. O. P. leaders and followers, which is to be held at the Robert E. Lee Hotel, Winston-Salem, at 8 o'clock Friay, September 13th. Mr. Hodges joins State Chairman W. C. Meekins in the hope that a large number of local Republicans will attend the meeting, and asks that those contemplating making the trip notify him at their earliest convenience. The 8 o'clock meeting follov/3 a meeting of the executive committee, and will be featured by a speech from John D. Hamilton, executive director of the Republican National Committee. Mr. Hamilton is known as a hardhitting, brilliant speaker and has served as Speaker of the Kansas House of Representatives. Leaders in the State organization will also speak. SUNDAY EXCURSIONS The Sunday excursions to Johnson City over the narrow' gauge railway are to continue through September, says H. W. Wilcox, local agent for the road. The train leaves Boone at eight o'clock in the morning, returning in the afternoon at 6:30 in the I afternoon every Sunday during the month. a: A. DE spaper?Established in the COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA. ! ITALY POURS TROO Transports Embark With Soldiei Africa. "Sila" Divisior NAPLES. ITALY?The above piclu weeks as Italy embarks its crack divi: front. Photo shows "Siia" division or. BAPTISTS MEET \] IN ASSOCIATION: j Ninety-fifth Assembly of Three ; J Forks Association Held Last Week at Brushy Fork. i The ninety-fifth annual session of j the Three Forks Baptist Association j A was held at the Brushy Fork Church i b "Pi iMiInr anH WpHnimrlnv nf In at vupplf ! n iml churchmen state that the attend- j Ic juice was perhaps the largest in sev- ' tl :ral years. \V. D. Farthing was re-elected mod- I b irator, and Clyde R. Greene was elect- c ?d clerk of the Association. JI The annual sermon was preached e by Rev VV. R. Davis of Blowing Rock V ana I. G. Greer, superintendent of the o Miiis Home, spoke on the orphanage ti work. Superintendent. Smith Haga- v man of tlie Baptist Hospital, gave an c account of the activities of his insti- v tution, and Secretary Huggins of the State Mission Board spoke from the s lUurfntVint of missions, as did Miss d ^returned mission- li iry from China. d it was decided that the next asso- t nation will be held with the Zion- ; rille church. . Big Gain in Membership j 1 The report of associatipnal prog- , ess, made by Rev. W. C. Greene, in iicated that the membership had in- i :reased during the year by 197. while ! he total membership of the group of jP hurdles represented in the Associ-,d ition is 5,479. The total number of f n Saptists in the county would also in- ," :lude the membership of about a doz- j t ;n churches of the Stony Fork Asso- J nation. The report further showed that c here were 37fi baptisms during the a last year, an increase of 214 over the v preceding year, and that the Sunday I School enrollment is 4,473, or a gain 1 >f 313. t The financial report indicated that i Lhe group of churches had contribut- t \,1 n . .C IMC CCJ AO ? -14 - .? ?. wiai lor an purposes, or a gain of $1,873.75. Street Lights Shot Out by Night Riders j Mr. George T. Robbins. head of the ' Northwest Carolina Utilities plant | which furnishes electrical energy to i Blowing Rock, was in town Saturday, ai 1 tells The Democrat that for the si> _h time this summer the streets of the resort town have been thrown into utter darkness as unknown prowlers smashed the public lights with rifle shots. Friday night 45 of the lamps were destroyed, a BB rifle being used as the miscreants cruised through the town in the early hours of the evening. Mr. Robbins has offered a cash reward for information leading to the arrest of those who so wantonly satisfy their preference for darkness, and has bright hopes r f ascertaining their identity. Deeds Prepared for 3 Sections of Parkway RALEIGH, N. C.?Charles Ross, general counsel for the State Highway and Public Works Commission, said Monday deeds transferring the rights-of-way for sections of the Shenandoah Mountains National Parkwav from the StAte to the Fed- t era! Government would be ready | within the next month. Ross said he had informed the National Park Service at Washington he would have the deeds executed, recorded and other necessary steps taken to make the transfer of the following tracts: Section 2B to Air Bellows Gap, 7.7 miles, September 10; section 2C to Mulberry Gap, 10 miles, September 20; and section 2D to Horse Gap, 11.7 miles, September 30. t Year Eighteen Eighty-Ei THURSDAY, SEPT. 5, 1935 PS TO ETHIOPIA 1 rs Bound for Trouble Zone in 1 on Steamer Gange. ":~v' , i ^ i1 re is no unusual scene here these |1 ?ional troops for the Ethiopian war J: ibarking on the steamer Gange. WSTRICT LEGION MEETING FRIDAY; ilrs. M. H. Shuimvay, Departnient President of Auxiliary, ( to Deliver Address. ! A special district meeting of the 1 ancrican Legion and Auxiliary will 11 e held in the new Legion hut Friday ' ight, September 6th, at 7 o'clock. All >cal veterans of the World War and ' heir wives are invited to attend. ' Special installation services are to 1 e held and all post officials for the * oming years are to be installed at * his time by Department Commandr Hubert Olive over Radio Station ' VBT at Charlotte. All por.t officials f this entire district are expected f o attend and all veterans and their c nveg of Avery, Caldwell, Burke, Mit.- 1 hell and Watauga counties are in- ' ited. Sandwiches and coffee will be ] erved by the Auxiliary and many istinguiahed guests will be here. Mrs. I. H. Shuimvay, department presiicnt of the Legion Auxiliary, Lexingon. will be the principal speaker. | Urs. D. W. Logan Dies in Winston-Salem ] Mrs. D. W. Logan, member of a I irominent Watauga County famiiy, ied at Winston-Salem Saturday . light from a heart attack, having i icver fully recovered from an operaion performed recently. She was 30 ears old The body was returned to the home if the mother, Mrs. Bynum McNeil, it Zionville, where funeral services vcrc conducted Tuesday afternoon by lev. W. C. Payne and Rev. Roscoe frivett. The body was laid to rest in he family graveyard where a large :rowd of friends gathered to pay .heir respects. Surviving besides the mother are .wo children, Lucy Mae and Anna 3elle lx>gan; four brothers, Grady, , roe, H. W. and James McNeil, all of A'atauga County; and six sisters: birs. o. m. uienii, tiiaSOu'u, Mont.; Mrs. George Jackson, Missoula, Mont.; Mrs. R. S. Castle, West Lafayette, Jhio; Mrs. B. H. Castle, Canton, Pa.; Mrs. Glenn Moretz and Miss Annie McNeil, Zionville. Mrs. Logan was born and reared in Watauga County, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bynum McNeil. She revived her education at the Appalachian Training School in Boone and nad made her home in Winston-Salem for the past six years, where she was floor manager at Silver's store. She was popular in her home county as well as in Winston-Salem, and leaves a host of friends to mourn her passing. Projects Pile in as WPA Deadline Draws Nearer RALEIGH, N. C.?The rush to beat the September 12th deadline on project applications continued Monday at the office of George W. Coan Jr., State Works Progress Administrator. Coan announced here last night that he expected not less than $27,000,000 in applications would have been approved by his office within the next two days. He 3aid State headquarters had received applications totalling $35,000,000. Projects approved yesterday by the i State WPA brought to $17,000,000 the applications thus far approved and sent to Washington, he announced. Meanwhile in Chapel Hill Dr. H. G. Baity, acting director of the State Public Works Administration, said his office had received 130 applications for projects to co3t $18,081,000. Mrs. R. C'. Mabry of Concord spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John K. Brown. i hbwiw?rrin-iiTniTnTniifff^irarilfOTaBWMgfflfWPWM fa I 8|j|& RAT ght $1.-50 PER YEAR BROWN WILL BE IN CHARGE OF TEXT IfOHIS IN COUNTY Ld^,; Attorney Will Collect Renand Receive Non-Atm^tenaancc Reports. MAY BE READY HUDDLE OF WEEK M Brow ill Hi- in Office of Siiperintendent Each Afternoon After 2 O'Clock and All Day Saturday Tali in?; Requests. Under the new Slate school book -enlal and distribution system, Coun.y Superintendent Howard Walker imiounces that he has secured the services of Wade E. Brown, local at:o: ney, to work out the details of Uie system ir. this county, distribute the books to the principals of the various schools, and make the rental collections as provided by law. Mr. Brown will also be in charge of enforcing the school attendance law. All reports of non-attendance will be handed to him for immediate action. School books arc expected to be ready for distribution not later than the middle of next week. The students are to make their requests for books to their teachers, the teachers to their principals, and the principals n tnc county superintendent. The ental foe is to be collected in the same manner. Students wishing to mrchase books will send their orders lireclly to the county superintendent. This method will be followed stricty and it is requested that teachers md students offer their co-operation, t should also be understood that no ree text books are available, but that ill are required to pay the rental fee .0 the teacher before the books can ie released. Mr. Brown will be in the county superintendent's office each afternoon if the week after 2 o'clock and hroughout the day on Saturdays for uking care of book requests. Flower Show Will Be Held September 7th The Flower Show sponsored by the Ladies Missionary Society of the M. 3. (Jliurch and Circle 1 of the Bapist W. M U.. to be heid in the Quails duilding on Saturday, September 7, ,vill lie open from 10 to 12 in the norning for the purpose of reeeivng entries. The show will enter the ;lowers of any Watauga resident. Hours fur the show will be from 2 to 5 p. m. and from 7:30 to 9:30. Attractive ami useful prizes will be given for the following displays of flowers: Best vase of dahlias, 3 or more blooms; largest and most perfect dahlia bloom; best collection of dahlias; prettiest bowl of asters; pret ucsr now! or marigolds; prettiest arrangement of gladioli; prettiest arrangement of petunias; prettiest arrangement of zinnias; most attractive arrangement of mixed flowers; most attractive arrangement of hydrangeas; most attractive arrangement of scarlet sage; best collection of wild flowers; prettiest potted plant; most attractive projects; decoration for luncheon table: miniature garden; window box. Sponsors cordially invited everyone to enter this show, and see what a wonderful collection of fiowers can be grown in the Land of the Sky. J. R. Blair Is Now A Kentucky Colonel Mr. J. R. Blair, native Boone man but now a prominent furniture manufacturer of Thomasville, has been commissioned as a Kentucky Colonel by Governor Ruby Lafoon, the designation having come in the nature of a complete surprise. Mr. Biair is a son of the late George N. and Mrs. Blair of Route 1, and a brother of H. Neal Blair of Boone. A CORRECTION A suggested purchase of the Ctoffey lot on Main Street in Blowing Rock, published in The Blowing Rocket for August 31. 1935, as part of an ac count of a meeting held at Blowing Rock last week, was entirely without his knowledge or authorization, it was stated to the Blowing Rock news, paper this week by the owner, Mr. Tom Coffey. The meeting-was held to discuss the possibility of purchasing the Coffey lot as the sitfefor a town park, and was attended^ by yearround and summer residents on Wednesday, August 28th, in" the Mayview Manor ballroom. ? Since Mr. Coffey discia* -he proposed purchase, the publi- .era of the i Blowing Rocket arc glsi to ma'^ this retraction through pek of the county newspap? I " ' " f ing was reported withe" 'v I as news of local inter ie Rocket, whose next sisu not , appear until next June .ie Publishers. The Blowing Roci"*u-. M

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