I WASHINGTON . . . distance Many years ago someone called Washington "the city of magnificent distances," and the appellation has stuck. I was again reminded of it last week, when on a trip to the "NT(itn,?,c, r 1 Aiwvivn o v.uynai X HilU lO Ca.ll AC A j& dozen or more Federal offices. Washington is more like the great European cities than any other American municipality. Its growth has been horizontal instead of vertical. About the tallest building in the city is the National Press Club and that is only 13 stone3. Most of the Government buildings are under six stories high. It is not at all uncommon to have to travel three or four miles, or farther, to get from one Government building to another, and in the course of a day around Federal offices the visitor has to walk along literally miles of corridors. Tt occurred to me that one of the reasons why Government business takes so long to transact may be the time and energy wasted in getting j from one office to another. Washington is not geared up to speed and ! efficiency. ? ? * BEAUTY .... in marble Major L'Enfant, t h e brilliant Frenchman who planned the Federal city, conceived it as the most beautiful city in the world. It seems more beautiful every time I visit it? and I've "known Washington since 1881. In another fifty years there will be nothing to compare with it for bcau srThe Supreme Court moved into the most beautiful of all Washington buildings, last week. It is built all of white marble. Outside, Vermont marble, corridors of Alabama marble, interior courts of Georgia marble, floors of Italian, Spanish and African marble. Everything about the building is freshly new and gleaming except the Justices' chairs. They sit in tne old, comfortable chairs they are accustomed to. When it was proposed to buy a new chair for Justice Cardozo, he replied that the old chair that was good enough for Justice Holmes for zO years was good enough for him. ? TENANTS . . . everywhere In spite of the multitude of Government buildings, there isn't room for all the new Federal offices. Uncle Sam is the biggest tenant in Washington. After taking all the available office space in town, public offices are spreading out Into. hptels,_ apartments and private houses. Some of the "temporary" buildings ', put up during the World War are still ill use by Federal offices. Uncle Sam is Washington's largest taxpayer. He pays half the cost of running the District of Columbia. In return for the Federal Government's assumption of the tax burden, the people of the District- fill < ? . ? I gave up their right to vote or. local affairs. If they want to vote on state or national questions, they can do so in their old home towns. * * HOUSING problem I hear a lot about the "housing shortage," but I don't know of any place where it is as acute as tn Washington. More than 100,000 new Federal employees have been trying to crowd into the city in the past two years. There just isn't room for them. 145 applications on file for his next vacancy. Another tent a. so-family I heard of one landlord who bad apartment house and rented every apartment from the plans before the foundations were in. Rents are down most everywhere else, but not in Washington. One result has been the spilling of population away out into the Maryland suburbs and across the Potomac into the beautiful Virginia hills. I met one Federal official who "commutes" to Washington every day from his home in Baltimore, forty miles distant. * ? FLAG the salute I read in the papers the other day j that a Boston schoolboy had been j ?? avi loiuiig lu stuuie me i flag. Somehow. X don't feel that compulsion is the best way to instil patriotism. Saluting the flag is no evidence of how anybody really feels. It is a meaningless gesture unless it comes from the heart out. In Germany under Hitler every bod ys is forced to salute the Nazi emblem, but you can't make me believe they all mean it. If I could teach every child what our flag really means, the first thing I would try to make them understand is that it docs not stand and never has stood fo compulsion, even compulsion to salute it. If Old Glory means anything, it meaps?to nie at least?the eomple test liberty of every individual under it to believe and behave as he pleases, so long a3 he dcesr.'t try to interfere with other people's beliefs and behavior. FLAMES RAZE HOME Mr. George Greene, Stony Fork citizen, is reported to have lost his home and its contents by a fire or unknown origin, little or none of the furnishings having been salvaged. No insurance was in force on the property. I i WA1 An VOLUME XLVII, NUMBER 19 I = |N0 OPINION GIVEN ! CONSTITUTION IN LIQUOR LAW CASE High Tribunal Says Indictments Proper Course of Action Against Kum. FRANK HANCOCK TOUTED | AS OPPONENT OF BAILEY; Settlement of Smith Reynolds Es-i tate Confirmed; Increased Tax I Receipts; Usual Resume of the News About Raleigh. Raleigh, Nov. 4. Indictment oi offenders and not injunctions against officials is the method for testing the ; constitutionality of the Pasquotank | and New Hanover liquor laws enact' ed by the 1935 General Assembly, the N. C. Supreme Court held in a I three-to-one decision handed down Friday, written by Justice Michael Schenck., with Justice Heriot Clarkson vigorously dissenting. Mking no decision on the constitutionality of the act, the opinion has the immediate effect of dissolving the injunction signed by Judge Clawson Williams which prevented tuning an election on uic question of county sale of liquor and starting officers of Franklin county from storeq if the election carried. Immediately Franklin officials set about plans for an election as early as possible. Sixteen other counties vote to sell liquor and are at it. one, Rockingham, voting against the sale. Only those claiming irreparable damage from enforcement of a statute are permitted to ask the judiciary to set at naught a solemn act of the co-ordinate legislative department, Justice Sclienck holds, saying that I allegations of personal injury, property damage and discrimination are not established, and if the act is not constitutional, then the plaintiffs "have an adequate remedy at law by having indicted and prosecuted those persons doing such things." Justice Clarkson, in a lengthy and vigorous dissent, writes that he thinks the liquor act unconstitutional as impinging four articles of the Constitution of North Carolina, and void for uncertainty, and injunctive relief should have oeen granted." He thinks it violates the fundamental democratic principle of "equal rights and opportunities to all, special privileges to none." But the three other members of the court formed the majority. HANCOCK MAY RUN Rumors persist that Congressman 1 Frank W. Hancock Jr., Oxford, is planning to oppose Senator J. W. 1 Bailey for his senatorial seat next June, and another is that State 1 WPA Administrator George W. Coan ' Jr., former mayor of Winston-Salem may be a candidate for CongTess in the Fifth district, either as an opponent or as a successor to Mr. Hancock, if he does or does not onpose (Continued on Page 2) LEGIONNAIRES TO VISIT SCHOOLS OF THE COUNTY The Watauga Post American Legion in conjunction with the Legion Auxiliary, will feature special educational Week programs at the Cove Creek School Monday morning, November 11 at 8:30; Bethel School Monday, at 1:15, and Boone High School Saturday, November H5, at 8:45. The patrons of these schools are invited to be present for these exercises. All principals of high school3 and junior high schools in this entire district, who are interested in these time ly programs, are asked to communicate with G. W. Teal, district commander, Boone, so that dates may be arranged. NEW POLICE OFFICER TAKES BEAT SATURDAY Mr. S. D. Ollis of Morganton en ered upon his duties Saturday ar Tpccial officer in the Boone polici euartment, succeeding Sergcani Pitts of Lenoir, recently resigned. Mr. Ollis comes to Boone with en uuiseuieuis voiunuuny extended mm from some of the leading and influential citizens of Morganton and Burke county, and is known as a courageous, courteous and efficient officer. He has been a member of the Morganton "force" for the past seven years. ENVISIONS 84,000 AT WORK Slate WFA Director George w. Coan Jr., believes that about 28,000 unemployed workers in the state will be on WPA jobs by the first of next week and that in another 10 days the state's quota of 34,000 will be at work. Last week more than 200 projects costing above $2,000,000 were ordered started. It is reported from Washington that direct relief will end this month, for which only $350,000 has been sent so far. Mrs. Thomas O'Berry, director, hopes however that direct relief will not end' until the need for it disappears. "AUG. Independent Weekly New BOONE, WATAUGA AKDAY Monday marks the seventeenth anni tice, which terminated the World Wa is in order. Locally the American Leg announcement is made of closing of GARAGE ADDITION I \IA1IT ilAmni rwnnrv! mm LUlYlfLMUU Chevrolet Company Occupies One of Most Modern Plants In This Section. Those who came to the W. R. Chevrolet Company Saturday for their first glimpses of the new automobiles i viewer! the vehicles In the handsome < 50x50 foot brick and stone addition ' to the company's plant here. The 1 annex was completed just in time for 1 the new cars and for the present is ' being user! for new car storage. The 1 building, which is an integral part I of the older structure, fronts on two > streets, the side next to Jteseen < Street being finished In rustle stone. > With the new structure the saies ' rooms and shops of the progressive ' concern occupy a space of 50x192 1 Feet, and represent the largest plant of its kind in this part of the state. 1 Salesrooms, repair shops, lubrication 1 depots, paint and body shops are all J to be operated in their respective ijuarters, and Mr. W. R. Winkler, the j1 proprietor is being congratulated up -1 * on his enterprise. Incidentally the new model Chevrolets, which are on display In various ' uwna miu wuy types are said to have been acorded an enthusiastic * reception by the motoring public. The y new machines have many important new features, and largo sales are ' anticipated. Bids To Be Received t For Star Mail Lines > Postmaster W. G. Hartzog announces that bids are being received at the Boone postoffice for the carrying of mails over a number of star routes in the county, and that blanks . are expected daily on which to submit the proposals. Bids close on Jandry 14, 1936, at 4:30 p. m. Conracts will be let on the following outes: No. 1S.628. Boone to West Jcffer- i on; ;.oute 18198. North '.Vilkesnbro 1 > 3oone; 18232, Eioone to Lenoir; ; 5231 Iriplett to Boone; 13230 Mo.mlin City to Boone. 1 Revived Is Closed With Number Baptisms Twenty-aix were baptised a- Ihe : Towards Creek Baptist Church Sunlay following a two weeks meeting inducted by Rev. E. C. Hodges of toone and Rev. J. J. Richardson of Stony Creek, Tenn. The largest crowd ever seen at a baptismal servce was inattendance Sumlav and the event marked the close of what is said to be the most successful revival held in that section in more than thirty years. The attendant ' throughout the meeting was large, and the spiritual life of the community was greatly strengthend. ARMISTICE DAY SERVICES AT BOONE BAPTIST CHURCH Special Armistice Day services will be held at the Boone Baptist Church Sunday night, November 10, at 7:30 and all veterans of Watauga county with their families are invited to attend. The local post of the American Legion will be in charge and while the public is invited, special seats will be reserved for the veterans. /V DE spaper?Established in tl COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, IT IF F flSMBBtofe wgWMfp'y-anwhjj^^^^S iversary of the signing of the Armisr, and a general holiday observance ion has arranged special events, and stores for the day. $349 BENEFITIS PAID WATAUGANS Eighteen Local Industrial Workers Benefit From Compensation Laiw. Raleigh, Nov. 4.?Watauga county workers received $319.00 in workmen's compensation during the year which ended June 30, 3335, and $319; was awarded for medical and hospital hills for injured workers by the i >7. c. Industrial Commission. The j mnual report shows that 18 workers .vere injured in that county during the year, eight, of them receiving nodical attention only 10 receiving jftmpenaation for temporary total lis ability, none receiving compensator. for permanent partial disability, tnd none died from injuries in in- j biatrial work. In the state as a whole, injured j vorkers or dependents of those kill- j. Ki received $710,343, while 8396,286 j vas paid out in medical and hospi-1 a! costs that year. Cases reported eached $27,172, of which 20,326 vere medical cases only, 6,123 re-; suited in temporary total disability,! ?52 in permanent partial disability 1 md 73 in death, for which their de-1 >endents received $254,078.00. In the! tlx years of the operation of the i vorkmen*3 compensation act 167,-! 166 workers were injured, an aver-1 ige of 94 each work day, and; ini bat period $5,538,806.00 has been mid workers or their dependents and >2,852,007.00 fo* medical and hespial attention. 4RMISTICE NIGHT nnmn in r?r ? mmtx rMJ&id FLAJNJMHi); American Legion Arranges To Have Fireworks Display And Supper. The Watauga Post American Legion and Auxiliary will sponsor an oyster supper and fireworks display at their new hut In Legion Park Monday night, November 11, in celebration of Armistice Day. The festivities will begin at six o'clock and the public has a cordial invitation. According to the sponsors the fireworks display will be one of! the best and most magnificent ever undertaken in this section of the state. Dynamite Cap Explosion Fatal West Jefferson.?Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at Glendalc Springs for Clay Miller. only son of Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Miller. The boy was fatally wounded Monday when four dynamite caps with which he was playing at his home exploded. HU left arm was blown away and a gaping hole was blown in his lower abdomen. The child was nine years old. It is reported that his: father knew he had the caps hut did not think there was any danger in his playing with them. BANK CLOSES FOR DAY The Watauga County bank will be ] among the places of business in the j town to observe an all day holiday] Monday, in observance of Armistice I Day. MOC ie Year Eighteen Eighty-E THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7. 133 ?| Slnrps Will Pli\co _ wa vw * ? v->*v/ O V/ On Armistice Da^ Operators of the various mer-T can tile establishments in the town ^ have signified their intention of remaining closed next Monday In observance of Armistice Day. Dry Goods, Hardware, Grocery establishments, etc., have joined in the closing agreement, and people of the community and county are asked to anticipate their needs this week, in order that they may not be inconvenienced by the temporary suspension of mercantile activity. Drug stores, cafes and the like of course will render their usual service. WPA WORK SUING j FORWARD IN CITY j Thirty Men Now Engaged; Work! On Abo Road is Reported Started. Work on the first Works Progress Administration projects started in Boone last Friday as 18 men. with their supervisors started work in the street improvement program. By Tuesday the number of laborers had been increased to 30 and others will be added. Meantime ere this is printed or soon afterward crews are expected to be engaged on a number of different projects in various sections of the county. The first work done in Boone consisted of the construction of two or three stone and concrete culverts and other work prelirihiary to the placing of stone surfaces on some of the hitherto unimproved streets. A coating or binder of tar is expected to be applied in the spring. Mr. Joe Luther is project foreman, and Mr. Allen of \Vest Jefferson i3 the engineer on the job. B. R. Bryan is acting in the capacity of timekeeper, and Mayor (iragg calls attention to the fine organization so quickly formulated, and states that the town and the workers are mov- , ing along as a unit, to the end that , the greatest possible benefits may accrue from the Federal expenditures. Work is said to have been started on the road leading from Aho to Periley, Mr. D. W. Wooten being the . general lorem&n. and other projects approved for the county are getting ' in shape rapidly for active work to i start. i Local White Tutors Rank 91st in State Raleigh, Nov. 4. Watauga county's white teachera rank 91st in the 100 counties of the state in scholastic training, as against 96th place 10 years ago, fit ires in the Department of Public Instruction show. Last year the average scholastic training was the equivalent cf 2 733 years in college, as compared with only .321 of a year 10 years ago, an increase of 2.412 years in training in the 10-year period. Negro training last year was equivalent to three years in high school, as against two years 10 years ago. an increase in training of one year in the 10-year period. Everett Culler Gets Serious Injury In Fall Mr. Everett Culler, of Zionville, was seriously injured in a fall from a farm tractor a few days ago, and is a patient at the Banner Elk Hospital, according to word brought Wednesday by Mr. J. A. Warren of Hint PAmmllTlHir >1 l?ieir?Or.n r,-*?? I? V?? I a UUOIIICOO VJOIWI 111 town. Young Mr. Culler was operating ! the machine, it appears, and as it started to turn turtle, jumped, fell against the body of an abandoned automobile, broke hi3 jaw in three places, and suffered a serious fracture above one eye. The injured man is reported as being in a serious condition. ERECTS NEW HOME Mr. Jeff Stanbury, who recently purchased the Azor Hartley place east of Boone, has finished the erection of the walls to a handsome 8room brick residence, and the interior finishing is now being done. The building is of thoroughly modern construction throughout and Mr. and Mrs. Stanbury believe they will be able to occupy it within the next two weeks. AUDITORIUM REDECORATED The administration auditorium at Appalachian College has been completely decorated by the Wilson Brothers, local painters, within the last two weeks. The Greek designs on the walls are especially attractive, and the finishing is done in varied shades of tan. RAT jght 5 $1.50 PEP YEAR IT uAnc ernuim DV JUU/IUO OtUllli; L> 1 |g. 0. p. as late Ireturnscomein isa ?; fcfcYear Elections Indicate Loss Of Democratic Strength In East. DEMOCRATS LOSE FIGHT TO KEEP N. Y. ASSEMBLY | Republican Leads in Philadelphia j Race; Kenhicky Vote Heavy, hut I Returns Unavailable; New Jer| sey Returns Vet in Doubt. ! Republicans swept into the lead (Tuesday night in strategic sectors of | the off-year state election front. The home districts of Ijoth President Roosevelt and Postmaster General Farley were counted in the G. O. P. column. Several Democratic incumbents in the New York state assembly were unseated. On a basis of incomplete returns, 'the New York state Republican leadership claimed to have elected 80 of the assembly's 150 members, and regained voting control of that body. I Democratic nominees, however. were far in the lead in races for two seats in the national house of representatives, both from New York city. Wilson Takes Lead Meanwhile, S. Davis Wilson, Rerpublican, was leading John B. Kelly, Democrat, for the Philadelphia mayoralty. New Jersey, also electing a general assembly, was slow reporting its ballots. Kentucky, which settled a heated gubernatorial contest will not tabulate votes until today. Democrtic leaders in New York Assembly Speaker Irwin Steir.gut, in city have not conceded defeat, but a telephone conversation, congratulated Republican assembly speaker Irving "M. Ives on the apparent GOP victory. "The people have spoken, the results arc decisive," Ives said. "The new deal in the state of New York has been repudiated." Republican State Chairman Mclvin C. Eaton, in a statement in New York city, said the results ''clearly showed a trend awhy from the new ileai." Eaton said the Democrats "failed in their efforts to buy this election." He charged yesterday that the administration was a tempting to buy votes through distribution of WPA jobs. * i 'it*' fSflm.T>?rnfo f" irerest blow In Eric- county, whose major population is in Buffalo, anil in Monroe, where bitter battles were waged in the city of Rochester. The Democrats, who won control of the house last year for the first time in 22 years, had conceded the possible loss of only one seat in Erie and had hoped for a complete sweep in Monroe by recapture of the one seat they lost last fall. Mrs. Hilliard Dies At Lockland, Ohio Mrs. Pearl Hilliard, wife of Clyde Hilliard and a native Wataugan, died at her home in Lockland, Ohio, November 1, and the remains were returned to this county, interment being at the family cemetery near Forest Grove Church. She was 42 years old. Funeral services were conducted from the church by Rev. J. C. Canipe of Boone, and Rev. Fletcher of the Cove Creek Baptist Church. Surviving is the husband and four children, all of them residents of Lockland. Ohio: Mrs. Alice Scranton, George Hilliard, John Hilliard and Miss Jewel Hilliard. Three brothers and six sisters also survive: C. W. Eller, Butler, Tenn.; Jim Eller, Peoria: Connelly Eller, Bluff City, Tenn.; Mesdamcs Alice Helton. Bean Station, Tenn ; Mrs. Maggie Fletcher, Sherwood; Mrs. Hattie Combs, Vilas; Mrs. Nettie Gragg, Sugar Grove; Mrs. S. S. Ward, Neva, Tenn.; Mrs. Nora Reynolds, Eiizabethton, Tenn. ASSOCIATION AL RALLIES Mr. Carl Triplett, Sunday School director for the Stony Fork Baptist Association, has released the following program for the associational loiura to oe neid at the Mount Vernon Church, Sunday afternoon, November 10: General theme: "Our Call to Evangelism"; 2 p. m., song, praise, Scripture Matt. 28:19-20, John 9:4; prayer; 2:15, talk, "The Assigned Task"; 2:35, talk, "The Field"; 2:55. talk, "The Worker." REVTVAT. CLOSES i A revival meeting closed last Friday at the Pleasant Grove Church with the baptism of 10 converts. The meeting was conducted by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Ashley, who was assisted by Rev. W. C. Payne, and there were large and interested congregations. The Worth While Club will meet at 7:30 Friday, the 8th, with Mrs. A. E. Hamby as hostess. >1