PAGE SIX The Watauga Democrat The RIVERS PRINTING COMPANY . _ ; ti( Established in 1SSS and Published for ^ 45 years by the late Robert C. Rivers : sr PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Sa SUBSCRIPTION RATES: m One Year Six Month V5 ,AFour Months 50 -a (Payable in Advance) 0; i m R. C. RIVERS J:-.. - Publisher nc ? Cards of Thar.ks. Resolutions of Respect. Obituaries, etc.. are charged j for at the regular advertising rates. - ' of Entered at the MRa As S e c o n d w Postoffice at Class Mail ' Boone, N. C. Matter. w THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1935 . ei - ? ? 'ft He who i? r.ot contented with what si he has w:?5.1 not oe contented with tl what he would like to have.?Soera- ci tes. 11! We .ire apt to think that best in K general for which we find ourselves best fitted in particular.?Pope. v' He who lives in a hurry is out of step with the purpose of God.?Alio- t: nymous. ti He that would eat the kernel n should crack the nut. Anonymous. 1 __ " : P KNOWS HIS SUBJECT Those who had become alarm- si ed over the local crime wave, especially as regarded an appar- f ent increase in public drunken- Is ness, with simultaneous loss of q sleep on the part of the law- ? abiders. have relaxed a bit for y, the past few days, and taken a id deep draught of enjoyment from R the fact that the boys are learning how to behave and are jm trekking along a course leaning "' mightily to the "straight and narrow,'' the coheeuve thirst, quenched by soda water, tomato juice and an occasional mug of no beer. | lit For over the week-end "the,Wl boys'' took a preliminary educa- 'v! tional course on the consequen- j" ce.s of the use of ardent spirits, j and a new professor tapped the j,, bell in the person of S. D. Ollis, h.i a former police officer in Mor- . yc ganton. widely recognized as an iij authority on the subject of pub- in lie intoxication and how i t fn should be handled. The jovial y< 240-pound "teacher," towering y" six feet one and one-half inches, T) and incidentally the proud fath- th er of 10 husky childien. started "classes" immediately upon his arrival in town, and appearances b indicate that so thorough in hisj course of training, that a number of his scholars have already fi entitled themselves to diplomas 18 front his institution of public P sobriety and gentlemanly be- 11 havior. ri Mr. Ollis is a kindly gentle- pi man, but with business-like at- fa titude which defies hostility. His methods are getting results and 'c( the people are grateful for a per- jsc iod of freedom from the annov-! ances and dangers resulting from; ? a recent noticeable increase in' public inebriation. YOU DON'T NEED WISDOM _ It doesn't take brains to push the throttle of your car to the floorboard. qu It doesn't take cleverness to'"s weave in and out of traffic at sixty miles an hour, and no in- j ^ tellectual capacity is required to ! (-c hang onto the steering wheel,! give her the gun and attempt to i ci< make the speedometer touch! wl ninety-some. j os In other words you don't have i to know anything to drive fast.! f" Drivers who regard streets! and highways as the Indinaapo- h'{, lis racing bowl, might be divid- u-i ed into two classes: Those who co are weary of living and don't i sv mind if they take innocent per- jt!o sons along with them into eternity, and second, those whose t0 stupidity blinds them to the fact {*( that several thousand pounds of ca metal whirling at a terrific th . speed is as lethal a weapon as a th Tommy gun?both for the dri- th ver and for anyone else in the j w< locality. Speed is responsible for the sie] great majority of motor acci- ?'f' dents?all other causes paling sa into insignificance as compared, ho As even the most mentally deficient driver should be able to w< realize, an accident occurring at if sixty miles an hour is almost in- 8a variably a great deal more seri- ge ous fhan one occurring where m the speed involved is 20. ai | The roads of America are litT tered with broken and bleeding at bodies because an increasingly w< t large number of drivers persist in in an utter disregard for their own wel1-being and that of their fellowmen. I f ? A \\ SUCCESS TALK "A success talk" directed par- j :ularly to farm boys by Presi- j ent Roosevelt is carried in e current issue of the Progres- 1 re Farmer. Mr. Roosevelt ,, ys: There was a time when the foru!a for success was the simple, ad- i onition to have a stout heart and tiling hands. A great. new country i y open. tVhcr. life became hard in c :e place it was necessary only to i ove on to another Today we can ) longer escape into virgin territory: j i e must master our environment. ! "The very objectives of young- peoe have changed. In the older days great financial fortune was too ten the goal. To rule through ealth. or through the power of ealth, fired our imagination. This as the dream of the golden ladder each individual for himself. "It is my firm belief that the new* generation of America has a diffrent dream. You place emphasis on lfficiency of life, rather on a plelora of riches. You think cf the sejrity for yourself and your family lat will give you good health, good >od, good education, good working >nditions, and the opportunity for ormal recreation and occasional tra*1. "I, for one, am willing to place my rust in the youth of America. If ley demand action as well as preachlents. I should be ashamed to chill heir enthusiasm with the dire prohecy that to change is to destroy. I m unwilling to sneer at the vision f youth merely because vision is ornetimes mistaken. "Let us carry on the good that the ast gave us. The best of that good ; the spirit of America. And the pirit of America is the spirit of inuirv, of rcadjusffiteht of improve- f tent, above all a spirit in which suth can find the fulfillment of its !eais. It is for the new generation participate in the decisions and to ve strength and spirit and continty to our Government and to our itional life." WORTHY OK A PLACE (Henry Van Dvke) Are you willing to stoop down and rtsiflpp frhi* ni>AHo inn /Incixic /?f tie children; to remember the 11 jakness and loneliness of people J ho are growing old; to stop asking! >w much your friends love you. I it rather lo aslc yourself whether L iu love them enough; to bear in I y ind the things that other people ive to bear on their hearts: to trim j iur lamp so that it will give more ;ht and less smoke, and to carry it j front so that your shallow will 11 behind you; to make a. grave for >ur ugly thoughts, and a garden for >ur kindly feelings, with the gate ide open these even for a day ? her. you are worthy of a place in j v lis world. c ALMOST CXANIMOp i illy Arthur in Tile New Bern Tribune Mr. Murphy was taking his first ig'm in an aeroplane. The pilot was iking him over Asheville and when t ley were about 3,000 feet up, the lane suddenly went into a nose-dive. c "Ha, ha," laughed the pilot as ho i ghted the 'pl&iie. "Half of the peo- t e down there thought we were f illing." t "Sure," said Murphy, "and 50 per , nt of the people up here thought , i, too." j 1 The Family Doctor By DR. JOHN JOSEPH GAINES it(1TTT I TOT* fTV" C It occurs to me more ami more frelentiy as the years go hy. that * ullibility" is one of the greatest * isfortunes that afflicts our people, me times I think it costs our coun- a y more in the total titan the most vastating epidemic of disease. ^ Let's get the meaning of the word ? ar. Gullibiltyi is the ease with . tich you can mis-ied hy fake prop- ' itions. At heart you really abhor all indies. It's the deal tht you THINK honest] that you bite at with avidi- 1 and do not learn that > you have s en stung until you have parted 111 all the good, -lonest money that uld be extracted from you. Your nihility leads you through sucker- r m. There are all sorts of fake sani- . ria in the country, with a so-called eligious" complexion added and a ;ak dietary system, all designed to tch the American sucker. Such have no legitimate place in ? e honest care of the ailing?nor are ey true component parts of any irthy church enterprise. The ''preacher-doctor" has long cn noted as an American hoax, in- ^ mating himself into the confidence gullible people by prostituting the a cred tenets of religion to his un- ' ty ends. c There is no more humanitarian 1 >rk than that of the true physician. c an individual must summon reli- c on to commend him in a money- I tting scheme or calling the chances T e that he is sadly defective in the c ost important qualification, the ' lility to honestly deliver the goods. 1 I wish I were able to write a book 1 >out humbuggery. But, I think I t aula run myslef ragged, only to fail c finding a publisher. ? o A good conscience is a continual a hristmas.?Franklin. t rATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVERY IIKKSIDK PHILOSOPHY .Bv \r mekson) Kxtrcra? evolutionists take great! iride in worshiping their ancestors. Both hefedicy and environment fig- j trc very largely in the development f a human being. No wonder "static" asserts itseii n many radio productions. It's no more foolish to vile at his naster's' crib than for a perso n to lie ignorant in the midst of knoweuge. No niock'"g bird would attempt to nimick all that's broadcast now-alays. Yes. a :?a~rot can talk. Ill the future, I suspect that traveling' cards will contain the slogan, Turn off the radio." A buzzard docs not enjoy the arona of flowers. Some quadrupeds walk upon only .wo legs. Rip Van Winkle left the world better than he found it. He left some demoted disciples. Esau is not the only man who has sold his birthright. A nudist and a naturalist have some ideas in common. The eagle lowers his dignity when ic lights on a carcass. The strength of some people is found the lips up, while in others from the ankles down. The most efficient mechanic can not do good work without tools. Which is the mother, the hen that | lays the egg, or the one that hatches j and raises the chick ? Would a crow be less a crow were its feathers white? A finished product has no defects in it. Many people seem spiritually inclined these days. Many homes have been made happy by the presence of Poodle dogs. Blessed are the childless wives who administer to the needs of oth- -?r peoples' children. To know when to stoo is as essenda] as to know when to begin. A butterfly should not forget that t was once a caterpillar. A nudist and a naturalist have ,. .. . tn ome things in The eagle lowers his dignity when j" le lights 011 a carcass. The strength of some people is ound from the lips up. while in oth- j rs from the ankle down. The most proficient mechanic can- j. | lot do good work without good tools. Which is the mother lien, the one ' hat lays the egg, or the one that latches and raises the chick? Would a crow be less a crow were St-' ts feathers white? lu A. finished product has no defect i,c n it. B' Many people seem "spiritually" in- <'-a dined tliese days. Many homes have been made hop- as >y by the presence of Poodle-dogs lo Blessed are the childless wives th vho administer to the wants of oth- fci r people's children. A butterfly should not forget that UI t was once a caterpillar. 30 m ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH ni vc Dr. F. E. Warman, Pastor Mrs. Warman will be with us in )a, he services next Sunday. We urge every member of the y, ihurcli to do his best in the Sunday m School contest. Let us make the at- ar endance next Sunday the largest of er iny up to this time. 10:00 a. rn.. Sun- A: lay School, Prof. Hodges, Supt. 11 m i m.. Sermon: "Do We Need a Re- m dval ?" 6 p. m.. Loyal Workers meet- sl) ng. 7 p. m.. Sermon: "A Business ?c idan Converted." ar Remember that the Sunday night iervices begin thirty minutes earlier. th TIMELY FARM QUESTIONS Question: Is it advisable to burn by iff the dead grass on my lawn? I th Answer: If the lawn has gone to J to reeds and you plan to plow it up and j Ai agin a new iawn tlien it is safe to | ar urn i>. uu: ourning, nowever, is not *'> dvisable if the old lawn and shruh- fo ery is to continue as the foundation. ar Vood ashe3 are beneficial when sprin:ied on the lawn and shrub beds, but wi urning will only kill the grass and !,a i some cases the heat will start new r0 op growth at the wrong season. cu Bj Question: Would you advise feed- P1: ng a moist mash to pullets at this th eason of the year? Answer: If your pullets are in norlal production, or about 50 per cent, or leghorns hatched in April, the da noist mash should not be fed. This <Ie 3 a stimulating feed and may be us- th d to advantage for bringing late 0U atched pullets into production, to >n elp war off neck moult in early atched pullets, and to prolong the th lying period of adult birds at the W1 nd of the laying year. Too much It. orcing may bring on a neck moult in he normal laying pullet. la do Question: How can I rid my to- us acco fields of the mosaic disease? to Answer: A rotation of crops that er llows a collanse of one year before [>a obaeco is replanted on the land will iu' ontrol any infection from the soil, f it is not possible to rotate the a rops, the disease may be effectually ontrollcd by disking. In this way the wi iants are cut up and decay more eadily during the winter. Do not cu ut and plow under the stalks. Care wi n selecting the plant beds and the ise of clean seed will also tend toward liner control. cau3ca of this disease ua ogether with recommendations for "? ontrol methods are given in Experi- it sent Station Bulletin No. 207. copies ha f which may be secured free upon pplicatlon to the Agricultural Edlor, State College. dc THUKSDAY?BOONE. N. C.__ Another Forgot Hog Killing Tin (By It E. Nance) 111 October ami November suggest tej e average North Carolina farmer J g| at hog killing days arc almost to. Generally speaking. December, ^ ipuary ana February are the | ' onins in wliich most farnier3 like] kill and cure their pork. Natur-1ol ly, weather conditions arc more vorable at this season and too, sc cat insects are less troublesome, it has long been a common prac- w 'c with many farmers to try to b< lect the coldest day in mid-winter r hog-killing day Then knowing i 01 i\v disagreeable the job will be they| ways plan to complete it the same cl ty. Many readers can remember at cold December morning when ds a kid you were called out of bed 1*? tig before daylight to lieip with e daily chores that had to bo finish- 1" before the hog^ were killed. Did "Dad " ever tell you to hurry J tT id feed the hogs the first thing j they could finish eating while you!** ade the fire around the wash pots; id, while the water was getting hot 81 >u had to sharpen those eld worn- k it butcher knives and bury that mo- u sses barrel with the turpentine in and scatter some pine straw around a e barrel? Can you remember how 81 iserably cold it was that morning P id how many pairs of pants and ov- b alls you had to wear to keep warm. ^ Tter a hurried breakfast, all hands et at the hog pen to witness your arksnianship with the .22. The first a ot was perfect but after the hogs fl ?t excited you missed the next one v id hit another ir. the shoulder. Finally. "Dad" had to climb over n e pen with his axe and knife to ^ lish the execution. The hogs were en dragged to the house, either n r man power or mule power, and ^ c scalding began. Was the water ^ o hot or loo?cold?that morning? ayway, the hair didn't slip so well id by the time you finished wor- " ing over those hot hogs you had n rgotten about the. cold weather 0 id shed several pairs of overalls. 11 After the hogs were dressed and ^ ished out, you noticed long icicles ^ nging from their noses so "Dad" R ckons they had cooled enough to ? t up one or two before dinner. 01 r 3 or 4 o'clock all the year's sups' of meat was buried in salt and j ** e men kolks more hacDv that tbnv ! a . * - J , ;re through with the hog killing.'tc Poor Meat j'' The meat is forgotten, until one? ^ >' y in early spring when Mother 01 cides to try one of the hams and c< e first ono she cuts doesn't smell ib ite right and it also has skippers | ^ it. She cuts a smaller one and finds j 01 usable but the whole family agrees j a at the cure was not so good as it! is last year. Dad can't understand ' We killed hogs the coldest day ''' st winter," he said, "we salted it ei wn the same day and I guess I 'r ed as much as 20 pounds of spit 100 pounds of meat. That was ough, I'm sure. Oh! well, it's too .d. Maybe we will have better ;k next year." , You may wonder why 1 describe picture so common to the average s' Drth Carolina farmer. Thousands u: 11 ask the question, "What's wrong la th that method of killing hogs and w ring pork? That's the way we al- a: lys kill hogs and we usually have a od meat." ^ That's the point exactly. "We us- fl lly have good meat'" or sometimes A ur meat is so much better than T is at other times," or ''maybe we'll b ve better luck next year." What Was Wrong ? I '5Let's consider for a moment a |" izen things wrong with Dad's me- 11 ten Man -?? hp T\'pni" <! Aflvi ? ? T * iods of killing and curing pork. ' is 1. He selected the coldest day pos-! ? L>le for the job. I ^ 2. He fed the hogs within 24 hogs j ?fore killing. 3. He shot or knocked hogs instead 1 u " sticking alive. | j, 4. The hegs were dragged to the j ? :alding place and bruised badly. j tj fi. The temperature of the scalding! tl ater was not known. It should have j c< ;er. 150 degTees F. j t: C. He dchaired and scrapc<i hogs ! c i the ground. I is 7. He cut the carcass before they j v tilled thoroughly. j t< 5. He salted the meat the same ly it was killed before the meat c at escaped. t 9. He used only plain salt for cur- c ;g. h 10. He did not weigh meat and \ n Uesscd at the amount of salt to use.; f: 11. He used 60 per cent more salt jc Ian was necessary. 12. He did not have a fly proof | moke house, neither did he protect j is meat from flics by wrapping ii j ith heavy paper. J r Either one or a combination of the j c bove mistakes could cause meat to j c aur around the bone or spoil com- j f letely. It would be well to remem er these 12 things as "Don'ts" for : t illing and curing pork. | p The Better Way jg Now let's study the problem from s nc-ther angle and remember the 11 allowing procedure as the proper 11 ray to kill and cure pork: The coldest day in mid-winter is j b ot the best weather for hog killing, j l; 'kn ,VV. ->- ? - - - juu 1a iuu uisagreeaoie Uieii, and j t 30, there is a great danger of the j q leat freezing on the outside before i h lie animal heat escapes from around j a lie bone. A good plan to follow, is I r j Select a cool, dry afternoon for! illing. Allow the carcasses to hang 1 n 1 the smoke house or barn over j!; ight and chill out slowly but thor- t ughly before cutting and curing the t leat the following morning. Any ime the temperature outside ranges rorft 28 to 40 degrees, is ideal hog illing weather and there is no dan- p er of meat spoiling if handled prop- ? -Iv. V Hogs should always be kept off " :ed for 24 hour3 before killing but s Uoweil to have plenty of fresh wa- o r. Every pound of feed given hogs g jring this time is a total waste as p adds nothing to the dressed weight a r the carcass. A hog bleeds more p implete'.y when empty as the small a lood vessels are not gorged with j< wd ami the more blood you get j, at of meat the better it keeps. Hogs r, re much easier to dress when empT. Good Tools Good tools are very necessary to n J the job quickly and correctly. Ev y farmer should have the followig tools for butchering: ^ Two six-ta eight-inch knives. ^ One steel to sharpen knives. 0 One hog hook. Two bell-shaped hog scrapers. One meat mm c The number of hogs to be killed _ lould determine whether or.e should 5 se a barrel or vat for scalding. The itter is much more satisfactory here more than two or three hogs re to be scalded, but in either case small platform or table about 12 > 18 inches high and three to four :et wide should be provided on -hich to pick and scrape the hogs, his makes the job much easier and eeps the carcass cleaner. There are three methods of killing: Y stunning with an axe, by shooting irough brain, and by bleeding. Killig by bleeding is by far the most sat- > NOVEMBER 7, 1935 - by A. B- Chapin ice lo Farmers .factory. A hop will not bleed out as -ell if stunned before it is stuck, 'oo, when killed by shooting' the bul t often lodges in the shoulder, j luses a blood clot and spoilage. For best results in scalding the 'ster should be 150 degrees Fahrcneit Tf no thermometer is available ne can judge the temperature of le water by dipping his finger into ic wator three limes in rapid sucession. If it burns badly the first :me the water is too hot. If you an continue after the third time it i too cold. If the temperature of rater is right nothing need be added r get a perfect scale. After the hogs arc dressed, the arcass should be split down the cener of backbone, the leaf fat loosend from the lower end of ribs and ung in smoke house to chill over light. Be sure the meat does not reeze as freezing causes trouble in urlng. MORE FOLKSON THE FARMS (The State) According to statistics given out eccntiy, the number of people living m farms in North Carolina has inreased materially during the l??i ivc years. It is figured out by the Universiy News Letter that during the above icriod of time there has been a net ;ain of 523,322 farms in the United Itates. North Carolina has shared in hat increase, but not to the proporions desired. Numerous plans and schemes have cA suggested from time to time reitive to improving economic condiions in this section of the country. Tie most sound 8~d the most sensi il- pian 01 an, nowever, is to bring bout a larger increase in our farm ,fi r?i i "t? When a mar. is living on a farm nd cultivates that farm intelligentK depressions and financial reverses nroughout the nation have comparaively little effect upon him. METHODIST CHURCH Amistice Day will be observed at re Boone Methodist Church Sunday lorning. The pastor. Dr. Ernest C. lidenhouse, will take as his subject. Peace?Good Will." There will be pecial music by the choir, directed y Miss Virginia Wary. The Sunday chool will meet at 9:45 with Dr. J. >. Rankin, the general superintenent in charge. The Bpworth League, resided over by Ray Stike, will meet t 6:30. The evening preaching serv:e will be at 7:30. Special music will e by the young people's choir, diccted by Professor Henson. Card of Thanks We wish to express thanks to the ".any friend3 and neighbors for the cts of kindness and expressions of ympathy during the illness and eath of our mother, Mrs. J. W. Farming. May rich blessings follow each f you. The Children. Cast all you care on God that n?. hor holds.?-Tennyson. BOONE DRUG CO. The KEXAI J. Store

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