PAGE TWO NUMBER AUTOSDTT CAROLINA NEARS i ALL-TIME RECORD (Continued from Page 1) Columbia. N. C., lawyers, have been named by a select committee auLbm' "uy Cuc^icaa lo iiuuvo lllafeligations of such activities and report back when Congress reconvenes. Trivial complaints will not be considered, but those apparently of .."11 1... ffnno into Viv IhpSf at- i torneys. They invite those with com* plaints to present them. Many such reorganisations have been made vicious rackets and thousands of bondholders and other creditors victimized. Too largo parts of assets have often been dissipated in paying large management and legal fees, it is pointed out. REVOKE DRIVER S LICENSE The first driver's license revoked under the new Drivers* License Act has been received by the Division of Highway Safety. It was issued to Boyd Coats. East Laurinburg. who was sentenced for drunken driving. The sentence automatically revokes the license for a period of one year. The license was revoked as ot November 4. four days after the newlav became effective Licenses are being mailed out rapidly, but it is expected to be 10 or 15 days before all can lie mailed to the approximately 800.000 applicants. The law is not being iijadjK enforce ! until the licenses have been mailed out. NOTHING TO OFFER Miss Susie M. Sharpe, prominent and able young woman attorney of Reidsville, was embarrassed last week in a workmen's' compensation case scheduled for hearing before Industrial Commissioner T. A. Wilson when she asked and was granted a continuance of the hearing. She ex plained that the injured worker was away at a CCC camp and she had not been able to get in touch with h:-"., one witness had been committed to an insane, asylum, another had left the state and the third was then being tried in criminal court. She had nobody and nothing to offer. TO PHOTOGRAPH PROJECTS Kari H. Fosald, who was present and took pictures of the Wright: Brothers, Qrvill and Wilbut, at Kitty Hawk during their first flight for a nationally known photograph* r, and whitted his initials on the first heavier than air plane to fly with a man, is in the state to take motion pictures of CWA. ERA and WPA projects, primarily the fish-frcezing plant at More-head City and the first Sir Walter Raleigh settlement in Roanoke Island. The flight was on Dec. 16, 1903, almost 32 years ago. Mr. Fos:t!<i attended the 25th anniversary exercises at Kitty Hahvk on Kill Devil Hill seven years ago. BANKERS TO NEW ORLEANS Two pullrnans of N. C. Bankers and their wives are attending the TRESPASS NOTICE All persons are forbidden under llu- penalty of the law to hunt, fish, trap, or trespass in any way upon the lands of the undersigned in Watauga county. Violators will be punished as the law directs. This November 1. 1935. Mrs. Moses H. Cone Blowing Rock. N. C. 4tp. Can You Imagine! CAN you IMAGINE the quirk thinking: of a man in Indiana who, when 4 people became desperately i*I from eating t tainted meat at a conference, ran for BISMA-KEX and completely relieved all tour In a few minutes! I m EXPLANATION . . . " Bisma-Rex is an antacid treatment that's different from the many other ineffective treatments you have tried. It acts four ways to give you a new kind of relief from acid indigestion, heartburn and other acid stomach agonies. Bisma-Rex neutralizes acid, relieves stomach of ga3. soothes the Irritated stomach membranor and aids digestion of foods htat arc most likely to ferment. Bisma-Rex is sold only at Rexall Drug Stores. Get a jar today at Boone Dru?' j Store. Remember, BISMA-REX. j i m i - ?^ ? annual com entton of the American | Bankers Association in New Orleans! this week. Nov. 11-14. About all of i the officers of the N. C. association ami others are Robert M. Hones, president of the Wachovia Bank & Trust Co., made two speeches before two different divisions of the association. EDUCATION WEEK FKOUliAMS : S?V?n <|vfforc^nt p^nr?!(> ^JlKillg j seven talks each over the seveu dif-, fcrent radio broadcasting stations lit North Carolina this week on phases of education in celebration of ''American Education Week," the general theme being "School and Democra- { cv." The broadcasts are under auspices of the N. 0. Education Associa-; tion. Parent-Teacher Congress. Amor-1 lean Legion and State Department of j Public Instruction. The topics dealj with schools and the citizen, the state, the nation, social change, coun.1 try life, recreation and religion. The j stations are located at AsheyUle. Charlotte, Durham, Gveensboto, Ra-1 leigh. Rocky Mount and Winston-Sa-! lem. PITBIJC accidents lead Accidents to employees of the state j counties and cities were 20 times j more severe last year, fiscal, than in-1 Justri&l accidents, the X. C. Indus trial Commission shows in a study! made of such accidents which were compensable and reported to the commission. The total cost of all accidental injuries in the state for 193435 was $1,107,209. of which $115,685, or 10 per cent., was on accidents of governmental employees, yet only WITH Cfl Safegua NO DRAFT VENTILJ the most beautiful and co for a la SHOCKPRO making driving easier NE w I ~ -V- 'Jjjf;: i 'i'- - ' ' "tK ' y AT AUG A DEMOCRAT? EVBRY one-half of one per cent, of the total of number of cases reported were of ac- to indents to governmental employees, ? Commissioner T. A. Wilson, In charge ,v of safety work, is calling this to the m attention of state, county and city, officials and urging them to teach safety methods to employees. FKOEKAI. FENDS SPENT North Carolina was appropriated w Sit,363.234 under tlie National In-: ! ; dust rial Recovery ace tor nignway 1 work for both 1934 ami 1935, of ir which all had been spoilt or provi p sioh mack- for using it. except $409.- c 800. up to October X. All of the cost, except probably 10 per cent, was fur-1 nished by tlie Federal government j From this and the small state addi- y Hon, 1.172.6 miles of highways hai'e n bixih completed at a cost of $12,293,- ; 127: 109.9 miles are under construe- f tion, estimated cost $2,3841,911, and 0 10 2 miles had been approved for ;construction, estimated cost $401,127.; p All of the fund, except a few odds ;. and ends, has been accounted for by j t tills time, and the state is well along 11 on spending the later funds, which c have to be matched 50-50. ; r ? j i MAIiK 96 SSURVEITS Rural electrification surveys have a . i made in 96 of the 100 counties, o which cover 964 different lines of 5.- i v 970 nines and to serve 31,913 custo- .> mcts, Chairman Dudley Bagley re-11 ports. The original survey last year is included 7$ counties, 6i7 iines, 4,4$6 j t miles and to serve 22,799 customers, h The surveys recently completed were ' in 65 counties, new lines in several sur-ry d last year, or. 237 new lines i t :r advertisement J EVROLET'S NI riling you and your f< /Slugj | SOLID STEEL one-pU*. ^ ^ TURRET TOP many oil a crown of boaufy, o fortress of tafoty J'TiCf tl CO in its pri TLcy ITION ON NEW fcODIES BY FISHER CVcr (let mforfablo bodies sver created new to 1 wprtced cor 1936 the Visit OP STEERING* this new ond safer than over be for* CHEVRC Compare < GM.A.C. W CHE1 l. CHEV THURSDAY?BOONS, N. C. 1,483 miles and to serve 0.134 cus-1 wets. Xo requests tor surveys had, :ne from the four counties in j htch no fiftrveys have yet lwe&> 11 $30,000 TO GO TO WOBK , The \VPA office here hnd approv! projects which will put more thar. 1.000 to work when they get under ay i:i the next fcxv days, in ap- ' rovals through last week. The oices worked through Armistice Daj | . i order to get projects for as many,ln topic a3 possible, seeking to get ail mployablea to work in a month. ^ .STRANGE BKOEEE1.0US C A study in contrasts: Dr Ralph v 1". McDonald, candidate for Cover or. railed on. Governor jEhringtiaus i O" ist week. News men in the outer ofice listened to raised voices and had l> ccasional peeps at the two, both arward and erect In their chairs, It oth gesticulating and gesturing and \ liking at the same time. . . . And b iie contrast: The. next day Clyde R. Ioey. candidate for Governor, called j fc n Governor Ehringliaus. A lone i .. eporter observed through the open! oor (hat both men were sitting back | jisurely in their chairs, composed j r! nd quiet, so quiet that not a word 1 ,. f their conver sation, nor even their ,j oices. got past the open door. Dr.j n leDonaid let it be known he was : d rymg to get the Governor to do j p : inditing about sick leave for P eachcrs, for polrtieai, as well as for P lumanitarian purposes, probably. n Ir. Hcey. attending Supreme Court, aid he just paid a friendly call on he Governor. y . :'""x .iyftii M 1 '" "r : : : : :: ;: . -- - Be Saf, sW PERFECTS imily as you have ni - New Perfected Hydraulic. Bra ?1M H highest development of the 1 _ brake principle?arc stand..r Chevrolet models for 1936. . Iter important features of the only com r, these new brakes are exclusive to ( ce range! are the smoothest and m< st efficicr eloped. They give stopping-ponvr a motoring. They help to make Cliet safest motor car ever built. your nearest Chevrolet dealer. See t Chevrolet?today! >LET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, M Chevrolet's lmn nn'/vw ?? _ _ __ 6 per cent time payment plan?the lowest finui, G.M~4.C. history. A itencral Motors Value mOLET ROLET BOONE, N. C. Vilas News ^ Rev. Robv Painter, of Balm, sup- !*' ied for Pastor Davis at Wiliowdalc , in<Iay. Alt'. B. S. Dugget of Kik Park, was ~ the community recently shaking aids with friends. Miss Fleming, of the Demons train School at Boone, spent the weekid with Mr a. C. J. Billings. Uncle Johnnie Smith continues to prove. j Mr. anil Mrs. J. M. Campbell, of I eaver Dam. visited relatives Sun-1 ly. Mrs. ralmcr Tester of Dutch reek, spent the week-end with Mrs. . M. Prcsnell. Miss Vclnu Brown was a visitor ver the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. John Dagger have' eon visiting relatives in Elk Park. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Isaacs, of leaton. came over Sunday to help Ir. Gurney Biinkly celebrate his irthday. Mr. Sunshine Martin was a visitor j >r a few hours Sunday. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE j Having qua'ified as the adniinistrajr of the estate of the late E. B. 'ox, this is to notify all persons havig claims against the estate of said eceased to present them for paylent within twelve months of the ale hereof or this notice will be lead in bar of their recovery. All crsons indebted to the estate will lease come forward and make paylent. Thi3 October 16. 193S S. B. ADAMS. Administrator, Estate of E B. Fox, deceased. ri!as, North Carolina. 10-3i-6p. uw-nriee Mmttt } J D HYDRAULIt ?ver been safeguarde kes?the lydraulic d on all And, like IMPROVES CLIDINC plcte Joip- KNEE - ACTION RID1 Chevrolet l.^e smoothest, rntnsl rid of al it brakes ltogether HIGH-COMPRESS* Tolot for giving oven hotter parforroc ind dme ALL THESE FEATUE CHEVROLET'S LOW AND UP. List price c ICHIGAN Flint, Michigan. With 1 ntfyrcdua lock, the list price is 1 icing cost i in Master Models oi quoted in this advertis chigan, and subject to FOR If COMPOS NOVEMBER 14, 1935 ? ? ** H8| The soil erosion unit handled by ic county agent in Haywood countyis completed 12,000 feet of terraces Bn L70 running feet of ditches, and 830 HI ret of farm road. jjl 4?BIG DAYS-4 Nov. 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th BOONE DRUG CO. eciAjp I r L>c j^port S+dan J BRAKES r d before ON VALVE-IN-HEAD BINE mce with oven led Qaw and oil 1ES AT * S495 PRICES.. if New Standard Coupe at Dumpers, spare tire and tire >20 additional *Knee-Action i!y, $20 additional. Prices ement are list at Flint, Michange without notice. )56 wNY

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