f fOP/^V find | SOCKBRIDOl SQUIRRELS . westward h The gray -squirrels are migrating again from New England. Nobod; has yet found out the real reasoi why so many thousands, perhaps mil lions, of these litlle animals go west ward in the early winter. They havi lately heen crossing the Hudson Riv er over the bridges, on the ferr; boats and some of them even swim ming across. The latest theory is that they an driven out of their old homes by thi smaller but more pugnacious rc< squirrels. Farmers and hunters havi been encouragedd to kill hawks, be cause hawks kill game . kids; bu hawks also are fond of baby re< squirrels, and a possible explanuiioi is that the red squirrels "nave multi piicd. as the hawks have diminisnedc in number, and there isn't room ir the woods for bolli the rod and th< gray squirrels. It is just one of those interest *"& uiuoirailllg LUG COIlstant effort ol nature to maintair the balance between all the various forms of life. at * a TAXES . . . plain figures I asked five intelligent people at a social gathering the other night if they knew how much they paid in taxes to the Federal government on each package of cigarettes. Nobody knew the answer. The revenue stamp on the cigarette pack simply says "20 cigarettes" and does not disclose the fact that the manufacturer pays .iix cents for each stamp and adds it to the price of the cigarettes. I think it would be a very useful law, if Congress could be induced to enact it, to require that every tax stamp tells the buyer of the taxed article just how much tax he is paying. We will never get real economy in government until the "man in. the. street" realizes that he, too, is paying a share of the cost of the eov crnment. QUAI.ITV .**.**. . pll>8 One of the wealthiest men I know is Herbert L. Sattorlee, brother-inlaw of J. 1\ Morgan. Mr. Satterlee is still using an automobile which was built for hint in J91S. The 20-year-old car has gone over 300,000,000 miles and is capable of GO miles un hour in a pinch. Mr. Sntterleee tried one or two high-priced modern cars and discarded them because they were not as comfortable to ride in as the old machine that he sticks to. Wealthy people can afford to he unfashionable. They can also afford to buy the highest quality of goods in the first place. I know one mil?. ionaire who has worn the same overcoat for 20 winters, but he payed $300 for it when it was new. l have spent more than that for a succession of overcoats in the same period. In the long run, it always pays to buy the highest quality of any commodity, if you can afford to tie up enough of your capital in the initial purchase. ? ? * ? FINGKRPJtlNTS . accurate One of the reasons why there is a popular prejudice against being fingerprinted was disclosed the other day when the Bureau of Criminal Investigation, in Washington, reported that several hundred former criminals had been detected by a comparison of the fingerprints, iaken when they applied for jobs, with the fin" gerprint records of convicted criminals* on file in Washington. Many business concerns and some munici palities and states now require a fingerprint record of every applicant for a job, and send these records down to the Department of Justice. I liave long believed that the time would come when everybody's fingerprints would ne recorded in infancy as a matter cf course, and kept available for identification at any time in later life. There is no good reason why this should not be done LONGEVITY ... but why! An eminent scientist. Dr. William Marias Malisoft, predicted the othei day that scientific research wouk find ways of lengthening human lift until men might ordinarily live foi possibly hundreds of years. In view of'what has already been achieved ir this direction, that docs not seem tc me at all impossible. Mere longevity, however, does noi seem to me of any great value, either to the invidual or to society, unless some way is found at the same time of utilizing intelligently the experience which only the passage ol years enables one to accumulate. I! is interesting to imagine a world ir which the majority of inhabitant; were centenarians. It would, at least be a world in which fewer futile so cial experiments were undertaken. SENATOR IS DEAD Senator Thomas D. Schall, Repub lican, of Minnesota, died Sunday in i Washington hospital, the victim of ? traffic accident. An automobile struck him dowi last Thursday as he was led acrosi a highway near his home in Mary land. His sturdy physique was unabli to battle off the shock of a fractur ed skull, internal injuries and a bro v ken leg. II Wa i ji An : GRAHAM FAVORS j : EXTRA SESSION '! STATE ASSEMBLY l | Candidate For Governor Thinks Legislature Should Again Assemble. 1 SOCIAL SECURITY AND LIQUOR, H3S REASONS Lieutenant Governor Thinks Security Legislation Imperative and Says Liquor Laws Scrambled At Present. Charlotte. Lieut.-Governor A. H. Graham, campaigning* for the governor's chair, is on record for a special session of the legislature 10 enact a state alcoholic control measure, social security legislation and i repeal the sales tax on essential I foods. j '"It is my mature opinion that the governor should call a special session of the legislature for the purpose of enacting security legislation which will meet the federal requirements and thus save for our working people of North Carolina almost two million dollars that will be paid by the state Into the federal treasury during the coming year," asserted Graham In an address to the annual dinner of the Carolina branch, associated general contractors. Turning to the question of liquor control, the Lieut.-Governor described the state's present laws as "scrambled." "1 believe," he continued, "that a majority of the members of the present general -assembly* .if, called Into special session, would support a plan for setting up a state alcoholic control authority which would operate alcoholic control stores in those counties -wherein a majority of the voters had expressed themselves as favoring this plan. "And in. fairness the plan should j provwe ror a division of profits on an equitable basis between the state, the county, and the city." Graham expressed belief the sales Lax should be removed from restaurant and hotel meals and from essential foods. He said increasing: state revenue would warrant the removal of the tax from these items. Methodist Children's Home Given $10,000 For Building Win3ton-Saleni, Dec. 20.?The gift of S10.000 by Mrs. L. E. Brown, of Waxhaw, for the construction of a community building: at the Methodist Children's home here was announced today following a meeting of the executive committee of the board of directors at the orphanage. i encajnve plans lor construction i have been approved by Mrs. Brown and work is expected to get under i way early in February. The building will contain on the main floor a reading and social recreation room, a . kitchenette and stack room for books - Beneath the main floor but on the I ground will be a room providing for . Boy Scout activities. The building also will contain heating and plumb ing equipment. i - JACKSON DINNKRS I . Itaieigh, Bee 20.?Jackson day dinr r.e.-i to be held all over me state r and nation on January i> will take i the form of general Democratic ral> lies and will not lie limitea to members of Young Democratic clubs, alt though the dinners will be staged un. der the direction of officers of the . Young Democratic organization. . Senator J. W. Bailey announced . last night that former Representative f E. C. Brooks Jr., of Durham, had I been designated by the national Dem, ocratic committee as co-ordinator for s North Carolina in the Jackson day dinner arrangements. BOY OF 19 GETS HIS 20th ROAD SENTENCE Wilson.?Jirnmie Pittman, 19, will - spend Christmas in a familiar spot. i Sir.cc he was eight years old he i has been arreste 23 times here, con vieted and sentenced 19 times, and 1 now he faces 15 months "on the 3 roads." Judge E. H. Crarvmer, trying Jimi my for storebreaking, said the 60 day sentences with which Jimmy has - known well ir. the last 11 years were not long enough. AUG Independent Weekly New '-i: BOONE. WATAUGA boU - . a ? The Watauga Democrat i the friendly associations it 1 twelve months. Our patrc cess, and to them a heart-fi heartv eood-fellowshin whi whose closer friendship we feeling, or passed a kindly and looks forward lo many enjoy a continuous spirit of an abundance of all that wi MOORE CMLDE STRUCK BY AUTO Seven-year-Old Rnone Girl Suffers Serious Injury. In Charlotte Hospital. Little Miss Margaret Moore, seven-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Mooore of Boone, was seriously injured in an automobile accident near the Advent Church Friday afternoon. Mr. Dell Richardson was driving the automobile, and avers that the child ran into the side of the ear, inflicting serious facial injuries ar.d breaking one leg above the knee. The popular cliild was rushed to a Charlotte Hospital where it is believed a complete recovery can he affected. Understanding is that the accident wag unavoidable. WASHINGTON BLAMED FOR RELIEF MUDDLE Raleigh. ? Congressman Walter Lambeth was applauded at a meeting of Federal agencies in the state when he asserted that the Federal relief program in North Carolina is "bogging down because of inflexible conditions imposed by Washington.' Urging that greater discretion be placed in the hand3 of local administrators of the various agencies, he said, though he hailed from North Carolina, he might be a congressman "from Missouri" at the next session unless some things are changed. KNOX SEES SOCIALISM IN ALL OF ROOSEVELT'S ACTS Joliet, 111.. Dec. 20.?Col. Frank Knox today charged the administration with attempting to destroy private enterprise in order to establish a socialistic state. A gathering of Republicans heard the Chicago publisher assail the new deal; then adopted a resolution indorsing hini for their party's presidential nomination. "I think the new dealers have a definite objective?the realization in whole of the socialist dream," Col nel Knox 3aid. COLD WEATHER A story, which gives an idea of the intensity of the cold wave last week comes from down the river. A man crossed the river in a boat late. Friday afternoon, and early Saturday morning walked across on the ice at the same place. And, that is respectfully submitted as big-scale refrigeration, speedily accomplished. '? -kl - J SfikV'.-i spaper?Established in the NTY, NORTH CAROLINA, THUR5 % I . X - i . >1 - iinds particular pleasure at this Cb lias enjoyed with the people of thi; ms have enabled us to enjoy an ii sit appreciation is manifested for t icli accompanied it. To our patro; hope to accomplish?to everyone i word?your county newspaper ex more years of friendship. Duriri happiness,, a full measure of succ 11 add to your comfort. | Dependent Families Are Causing Concern i Raleigh.?Mrs. Thomas O' Merry, state relief administrator, asserted j j today in a prepared statement that as a result of present work relief ! regulations and the scarcity of private employment, the basic needs of ! 30,000 to 40.000 families and individuals for whom no provision has been n made will present a serious problem t j in North Carolina. t Informed that appeals would be < | futile, neither Governor Ehringhaus t ' nor Mrs. OVBorry has requested further relief funds from Lite federal f government since the "dole" was sus- 1 pended December 7. i Recognizing a widespread need for i relief tu this state, Mrs. p'Bcrfy said she and the governor have informed t Washington of the serious situation. ; However, the statement said, lie- < fore tho final grant of $500,000 in < federal relief funds was made for 1 | the purpose of liquidating the NC- t l ERA, Governor Ehringhaus was re- c quired to sign a certificate waiving 1 any further requests for funds. SUBZERO sou ALL i STRIKES WATAUGA : Frigid Wave Brings Brief Halt i to Heaviest Holiday Buying 1 in Years. Watauga county came in for its share of tile backwash of a genera! storm which swept the nation last ] week and took a toll of more than a dozen lives. Friday morning the thcrmometer reading at the weather station at the College was five below ( zero, and snow and high winds accompanied the severe freeze. Saturday plumbers' crews were busy throughout the day thawing and 1 repairing frozen pipes, and Christmas 1 shoppers in large numbers did not ( appear on the streets of Boone until I. afternoon I' The intense cold brought a slight i lull in what is believed to be the > heaviest holiday buying in. recent i years, and will intensify the last-min- I ute rush in the 'local shops. Stores will be open both Monday and Tuesday nights in an effort to fill the wants of the late shoppers. < Only 87 persons out of 3,670 who i have tobacco adjustment contracts ! in Columbus county have so far fail- < ed to sign for the new program. This I is a sign-up of 97 V4 per cent., re- i ports the county agent. i M0C] Year EigfB&en Eighty-Eij 'DAY' V-. * ' S 1 .. y: r K % ?Mf f ' & ><:;?#<?( v:-:> f. 1 , ' - 8 r-/ 'e . >'i p s?:^ 0 S 4 P' f -. ' *^ 3 t iristmas tiuc ,.. .. .lowing r s section ovinia i- past icrcased measure1 i t suc.hoir support, and lor the t os, and friends, ar . those c who has shown a iendly |} tends season's gre.''.trigs, 1 ig the New Year may you c :ess anct cojitenlnient, and ? IEOLEX WILSON ; SUCCUMBS SUNDAY! \ C 'romineni Baptist Divine Fails!1 to ilaliy From Liong Period ; t of Illness. |] Rev. Ij. A Wilson, aged 74. promt-1 tent resident of the Meat Camp secion, and leading minister in the Bapist Church, died at his home Sunlay, after an illness of long duraion. Funeral services were conducted j1 r6m the Meat Camp Baptist Church ! ; Monday by the Rev. J. C. Canipe and j nterment was in tire neighboring j :emetery. Survivors include the widow, and'; he following chiidreri: John; L.con Lid, Grady and Sidney Wilson, Mes- j fames I-rnney Greene, Carl Ragan, Srover Winebarger and prill Ste-i' air-residents of Watauga coun-! y. One brother. Rev. L. C. Wilson. >f Beaver Dam, survives, and one J lalf brother, Frank Main, Damascus. Mr. Wilson was the son of the late ^emuel Wilson, who died while doing jervice in the Confederate army durng the Civil War. He was born and was reared in Watauga county, where te entered the Baptist ministry more than 44 years ago. He wa3 pastor of most of the churches in the county, and preached at intervals in adjoining counties. He was an able and consecrated preacher of the Gospel, and occupied a high place in the esteem of the people of this section. He interspersed his ministerial duties with agricultural work, and was a leading force in his community, a kind neighbor, and citizen of rare worth to his county, state and nation. CAROLINA STORES ARE NOW DIXIE STORES The signs in front of the old Caroina Stores are now being changed to read Dixie Stores here and twelve >ther stores in this district. Mr. C. I. Bcnfield, of Drexell, will continue is active supervisor of all the stores in this district which includes Leroir, Morganton, Granite Falls. Blow ng Rock, Boone, Shelby, Rutherfordton and Valdese. DEMOCRAT CLOSES MONDAY The Democrat office closes Monday ivening for a Christmas holiday, and von't be reopened before Friday. Since no other complete holidays are >bservcd by the county paper during Jie year, it is felt that there '.viU be 10 unfavorable reaction on account of this suspension in service. ' i \KT ght $1.50 PER YEAR SEEK BIG AMOUNT SCENIC PARKWAY DURING NEW YEAR Expectations Are That Six To Seven Million To Go On Road Next Year. 5EE FOUR HUNDRED MILES BEING BUILT BY END 1936 Sxcccdingly Favorable Bids Causes High Mileage to Result From First Allotment. Mountain Sections to Come. Washington, Dec. 20.?The Naional Park service said today' it expected to spend $6,000,000 to $7,000,00 next year for new construction .1 the Shenandoah-Gieat Smoky -arkway. The parkway was begun this year ith an initial $0,000,000 outlay. If the second installment on the conic highway connecting the Virginia and North Carolina national mrks, builds as much as the first, 00 miles of the 500-mile parkway rould be completed or in advanced onstruction by the end of the 19367 fiscal year. Park service officials, said with he "exceedingly favorable bids subnilied on the first links, 200 miles if the narkwav will he built with the initial allotment to the project. They .added, however, Uiat contacts for some of tlio "more diffilUlt mountain top stretches arc yet i? be let, especially in North Caroi.na," and probably will increase the iverage cost. Authorities were not inclined, to je specific about sources of the new noney. They arc prohibited from dismissing matters subject to approval >y the budget bureau. "We are hopefu of getting the noney," was the answer to the qucsion of whether it was expected un!er the new works program recently liscussed by tlie President. Construction started in North Carjiina several months ago. MRS. DICKSON DIES IN WINSTONrSALEM FRIDAY Prof. C M. Dickson, principal of Bethel High School, was called to Ashe county Saturday 011 account of the death or a sister-in-law, Airs. W. O Dickson, 35. which occurred in Winston-Salem Friday from a recent illness. Funeral services were to have been conducted from the home and interment at the family graveyard at Silas Creek. Mrs. Dickson was a daughter of John Hlevins. and was reared in A she county, where she was held in high regard She is survived by the husband ana five children. TRAVEL, RUSH New York, Dec. 20.?Transportation lines over most of the eastern section ol tne nation were mobilizing everything but the office rocking chair today to handle what is anticipated as the greatest Christmas travel rush in years. Railroads, steamship companies, air lines and bus companies alike report that every available piece of equipment will he ir> use over the peak of the holiday rush, expected over this week-end. Officials of transport lines of all sorts estimate that business will be better from 20 to 45 per cent, than last year. SAYS BONOS TO BE PAID Washington. Dec. 20.?Speaker Byrns said today that he believed both Senate and House would dispose of the cash bonus issue by February 1. shortlv afterward Sirnatnr mrrnnc (D-SC) predicted that the bill he. and Senator Steiwer (R-Ore) have introduced for cash payment of the bonus in 1939 would pass at the coming session of congress even if vetoed by President Roosevelt. Byrnes made his statement at the White House after explaining the provisions of his bill to Uie president. He would not say whether he thought the measure might meet a presidential veto. A flock of 235 Rhode Island Red hens returned J. L. Houk of Morganton, Route 2, Burke county, a net profit of $580.00 above feed costs during the past season. . . .Sit

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