MARC 11J A 1936 | LOCAL AFFAIRS Master John Conway, who has been quite ill for the past several days, is now improving. Mr. Wiley Lewis of Bristol was a Sunday vistor at the home of a sisP i tor, -Mrs. Bob Rivers. S Mr. and Mrs. Paul Winkler of Mor- j pinion visted with home folks in the ; community Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Spencer, of Lenoir, spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. John Conwav. Mrs J. K. Mast, of Valle Cruets was a vistor with friends in the community the first of the week. Mr. and Mis. if. F. Greer of Mor- j mutton were viators last week with l.uivos in the community and coun. i i Mrs. J O. Rankin returned home i Saturday from a week's visit in Oas-1 Ionia with her sister. Mrs. McG. Anders. Mrs. Scotly Wilson wa3 called to | 9 Apt ilachia, Va.. Sunday evening on! .itcount ifC the serious illness of a' iother, and hits not yet returned j E. S. Quails was in Boone Saturday ( on his way North to buy furniture for the Quails Furniture Store here ' and for his store ill Blairsville, Ga. | Attorney Charles T. Zimmerman was in Raleigh the last of the week ' vhero he attended a meeting of the 1 State Democratic Executive Committee, and attended to legal matters. ; Mrs. R. S. Abernethy who has been i with her daughter, Mrs. .T. D. Rankin. during the winter has gone to j spend some time with her daughter, I Mrs. ..IcG. Anders in Gastonia. Mr. I. A. Morris left. Saturday on j his return to Oklahoma City, having j been called here on account of the ; death of a brother, Mr. Paul Morris of Route 2. The Fidelia class of the Baptist Sunday School will meet with Mesdames Charles Teal and William Tun- ' licll Thursday evening at 7:.'!() nt the . home of Mrs. Tunr.clT. 1 >r VV. M. Mathcson will return Wednesday evening' from Washing-! ton, D. C., where on Monday and Tuesday he was In attendance upon j $ a post-graduate dental clinic. Mr. and Mrs W. W. Mast of Valle: Crucis passed through town Friday on their return from Florida where ! they had spent the winter. Mr. Mast is apparently considerably improved in health. Mrs S. K. Tucker of Winston-Sa- ' .in. was a week-end vistor at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. j 1-. Clay. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker recent- j Sy returned to Winston-Salem from i Phoenix, Arizona, where they had made their home for several months. Mr. John C. Jones of Zionville spent last week at the home of a niece, Mrs. Cicero Greer of Boone, and took medical treatment while here. Mr. Jones, who has not been well for several months, is now showing n satisfactory improvement. Mr. T. D. Heffner. member of the engineering division of the Works Progress Administration, spent the week-end in Boone and will remain in the county for a few days check ing over Hie progress being made on different WPA projects in this territory. Mr. Ralph Farthing is spending two weeks at the home of his par, ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Farthing, u having been released from a Sparlanf burg hospital last Friday, where he had undergone a serious operation a few weeks ago. He is now recovering rapidly. Mr. Wilfred Davis, construction foreman on the M&Wl "chool building states that the footings for the. stone structure are in and that actual laying of rock is to start this week. About half enough stone, he says, is on the ground, to complete the modern structure. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wilcox and son. Glenn Wallace left Friday for j Jacksonville, Miami and other inter- | esting points in the state of Florida, and expect to be away for about ten | days. Mr. M. E. Brummitt of Hamp- \ ton. Tenn., is relieving Mr. Wilcox j during his vacation as agent for the i Ldnviile River Railway and the local bus terminal. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Winkler and Mr. H. W. Horton vistcd with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Moore in Greensboro Sunday and on their return , stopped by to see Mrs. Etta Horton ' in Winston-Salem. Mrs. Horton, who } is one of the pioneer residents of this j section, is described as being ha'.e and | t hearty despite the fact that she is ; now 84 years old. Mr. T. L. Mast, prominent citizen : and merchant of Lovill, has been I gravely ill at a Statesville hospital, i following an operation performed last j week, and for a period there was doubt, as to his recovery. This week, however, Mr. Mast is showing an improvement, and friends and relatives are encouraged in the belief that he will have an early recovery. Mesdamcs W. R. Butler and J. A. Sproles, who have spent the winter with relatives in the state of Kansas, have returned to Mountain City. They were accompanied by Mr. Chauncey Butler of Oregon, who will remain in this section for some time. Mrs. Sproles and Mr. Butler were in Boone Sunday enroute to WinstonSalem where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rivers. Mr. Alfred Thomas of Mabel dropped by Monday to renew his subscription to the Democrat and also to j bring a renewal for his father, Mr J. L. Thomas. "Uncle" Jasper, veneri able ami esteemed citzen, is reported . as being considerably improved alter a period of slightly failing health. : "In casf something should happen" | this good friend of the county paper had hU expiration date moved up to j September 1938. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Wyke and tarn 1 ily who have until recently lived in the state of Ohio, moved Wednesday into the John Steele residence where j they will live for the time being. Mr. j Ernest Hicks of the Boone. Transfer j Company, delivered his household j goods by motor from Ohio. Later in the spring Mr. and Mrs. Wyke will j occupy the Joe Greer home recently; purchased by them. The formerly much admired Crazy. Water v* r/?n a *?r?u ^ ? v.v?uv<MWIO Will <ippear in person as Ihe Monroe Brothero and the QUI I til Oil Hand ax the Watauga Courthouse Saturday, 11. at 8 o'clock. Admission for children is fifteen cents, adults 25 cents. The proceeds from the commission will be used in purchasing equipment for the Home Economies Department of the Boone High School. Benefit yourselves with ant evening of unusual pleasure and your j school by your whole-hearted support. | MORETZ-THOMAS Married last Saturday in Boone Miss Ethel Thomas of Mabel to Mr. Raieigh Morelz of Boone, the ceremony being performed by Rev. E. C. 1 Hodges of the Baptist Church. The : contracting parties are members of prominent families and are popular in their respective communites. UNDERWOOD-ANDERS Gastonia. March 3.?Of interest throughout the state is the following announcement received here today: "Dr. and Mrs. McTyeric Gallant Anders announce the marriage of their daughter, Anna Blair, to Carl j Holland Underwood on Saturdav. the I twenty-ninth of February, nineteen hundred and thirty-six, Winston-Salem, North Carolina." The marriage was solemnized at noon by Dr. G. Ray Jordan. The bride is the eldest daughter of Dr. and Mrs. McG. Anders of Gastonia. She is a graduate of Duke University, and aiso studied at the University of Dijon in Dijon, France. At Duke University she was active in student and social activities, having been a member of the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority, a Phi Beta Kappa, and a member of the editorial staff of The Duke Chanticleer. After graduation, she taught in the j high school of North Carolina, hut| for the last several years has been associated with the Security Life and Trust company of Winston-Salem. Mr. Underwood is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Underwood of Gastonia. He also attended Duke University and was in business here until recently when he accepted a position with the General Motors Acceptance corporation in Winston-Salem. Doyle Disliked Sherlock Co nan Doyle disliked Sherlock Holmes, the detective hero of his stories. People knew Doyle only as the creator of Holmes, whereas in his opinion some of his other stories, scarcely noticed, were of higher merit I | The production credit association of i Davie county will be of tremendous value to farmers this season, according to the present outlook. 1 POTA \ and CA 1 Need Lots o m J In addition to the major pit 5 ric acid and potash?Armoi j! minor or secondary plant f |! plant growth, just as vitan C * ^ pOlH .HJC/VIO U1 JII^ VUU II1U11 5 size, less seconds and finer c ! are made in nearby plants ! Non-acid forming, they act well as increase your yields ! They will argue to y< !; fertilizer than Armou I; would use it ourselve $1600 worth a year ; ;I value by actual field t \ M. C. Holler 1; Brick Building, Main St; 1 BOON! VVWWVUWiAMMVVViWVWWW - ,.v \: - WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?E^, LOCAL CHURCH SERVICES 1 CALENDAR Of 1,1 THKKAN SERVICES St. StH'ks. Blowing Rock: Preacli lug service or. the first Sunday o each month at 2:30 p. m. Sunda; j School every Sunday at 9:45 a. m. Miss Marie Bradshaw. Superinten dent; Prayer meeting Wednesda; night of each week at 7:30. Luthe League every Sunday. 2:30 p. m. Grace. Boone: Preaching scrvici every Sunday at 11 a. m.: Vespers a 7 p. m. on 2nd and 4th Sundays; Sun day School cverv Sundav at n-JS ? nv. Prof. George L. Sawyer, Super iv?' 'mdent; Luther League each Sue. !. . flight at <? p. in. Holy Communion Banner Elk Piv aching service on the 3rd Sunday of each mouth at 2:30 p. in.;' Sunday Svhool every Sunday at 9:45 a. m. Luther League at 3 p. m. on first second and fourth Sundays. We nios heartily welcome the public to al those services. On the fourth Sunday of eacl month we hoid services at Hanging Rock Chapel at 2:30 p m. The pub lie invited. REV. J. A. YOUNT, Pastor. METHODIST CHURCH Evangelistic services will begin a the Boone Methodist Church Easte Sunday, April 12, instead of Apri IP as was formerly announced. Dt Walter A. Stanbury, one of the son of the church will be with us ant preach during the meeting. Dr. Stan bury is one of the outstanding mem bers of the Western North Carolina Conference. For the past three year he has been pastor at the West Mar kel Street Church in Greensboro. H< has also held pastorates in the lead ing churches of Raleigh and Durham We are delighted to have him wit! us for this series of services. The pastor, Dr. Ernest C. Widen house, will preach Sunday mornin: o;i ' The Loneliness of Jesus.*' Thi: is the thirii in a series of Lenten set mons on the words of Jesus from thi Cross. Sunday School will be at 9:45 The Epworth League will hold its de votional service at 6 o'clock. The eve ning preaching service, will be at 1 o'clock. The young people's choir directed by Prof. Van G. Hlnson. wil lead Hie music for this service. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH What a fine time for people wh< have been shut in during the long cold, winter to come out now to Sun day School and church. Most of thi sick arc improving and spring is al most here. We invite you and wel come you to any and all of ou church services. We want to r.iak< them simple, worshipful and helpfu to all who come. FOREST GROVE Preaching and business confcrenci on Saturday. Sunday I p. m., Sunda; School with preaching at 2 o'clock All the people are welcome to al these services. ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Dr. F. E. War man. Pastor The night services will be resuinei a week from next Sunday night. Mr; Warman will preach at that time oi the subject, "Why We Are Adven tists." Services for next Sunday as fol lows: 10 a. m.t Sunday School, Prol Hodges, supt.: 11 a. m., sermon: "Th Basis of Our Hope of Life." 7:30 i in., Wednesday, Prayer service an choir practice. TOE#" BBAGE f Plant Food int foods?nitrogen, phosphoir's fertilizer is also rich in oods, which are essential to lins are to humans. Seven ; e profitable yields, uniform 1 mality. Armour's fertilizers j to suit your soils and crops. > ually improve your land as < 3u that there is better I rs. If we thought so we ; s. We use $1200 to | and have found out its ' ests with other brands. ; - L. H. Holler eet, above Democrat Office B, N. C. Mwwvuvvwvmvvvwvvw flSRV THURSDAY?BOONE- N. C " Itenis Froid lh?* IJemoorat of March 1 II. 1897 V Joe- C. Hedges 13 now engaged in ' I repairing the jail roof y| Mrs. Math:as Parker, of New Rivr er, a very aged and infirm lady, died j at her home on Monday of this week 5 j and was buried at the Ray graveyard t j yesterday. Another one of the old | landmarks has besti removed from : r?nrrr> ?<??? *- * . -..u, or i.rusi, is transplanted ".jin a fairer ciinie. _: Messrs. John anil Sam Phipps of I Shu!13 Mills have changed farms with .ij. A. Walters of Beaver Creek in 'f i Ashe county, anil the parties have all moved. We lose two good citizens in .! Mr. Phipps ar.-l son, but gain four ' good citizens in Mr. Walters and I three sons. j On Thursday of last week Mr. Taylor Greene, who lived in Blue Ridge. 1 this county, was in Globe, Caldwell r county ami ivas chatting with his ' - sister-in-law, Mrs Charily Greene, when without a moment's warning ! he dropped from his chair to the floor and expired instantly. Heart trouble was the cause of his death, we are ^ informed. Mr. Greene was a good man and his death is deeply deplored, j The legislature wants to tax horse I traders and it looks now like the bill _ ; will pass. j The tax on lawyers and doctors has I l!l!iiliiilllii!!lllilill!!lll!!llll!ll!!i!!!!!!!l - 1 1 EE for the newest spring! - !| now daily, straight fr s|=| traditionally reasonal | f? LADIES '!|| lEsl LADIES 1 = VSg?j?,> SUITS?JKBK4 3*, l Anifc'v ?? ;I == " good qu !; = P 54-INCH WHITE SUITING |! = sell rapidly, per yard p MEN'S SUITS?you can't i ! = to overlook?styled by Cur |! (Others at $12.3 i':p RUGBY SWEATERS?one !j j =E outstanding values ; (Others at ? | =E RITZ SHIRTS, a nationally i sss product of superb quality... f ? (Others i S ?? The NEWEST HATS for s] 5 == all shapes and sizes at 5j (Others at $ > M MEN'S OXFORDS of parti 5 = charm?long wearing qualit i = (Others at $1.94 SI EE TIES, in a colorful array of ; = newest spring patterns f M LADIES' DRESS SHOES ^ |! == blacks and combinations. V |t BELK j; = "ALWAYS SHOWING TH ? hrEarly Bkr ; not and will not be repealed. The $10.00 will have to come as usual. t The House of the Legislature has passed the biii to add Davie and Yad. 5 : kin counties to the eighth congres } sional district and take Cleveland ar.rl j Gaston out of the eighth and add j ; them to the seventh. Citizens of Denver, Colo., have1 mailed to Washington a monster pe- j ; tition oi 100 pages, bearing over 6,- j (\rv\ ? rm- A . - ww jiujuca. me petition prays Prcsr- j : dent-elect McKinJey to revoke Presi- i East Tennessee & Western North Carolina Motor Transportation Company. i New Schedule Now Effective: Buses leave Boone for Johnson City,, Kr.oxville, Chattanooga, all Ala- i fcama and Western Stales points at 8 a. m.; 12:20 p. in., and 9:05 p. ni. j Leave Boone for Lenoir, Hickory,; Statesviile, Salisbury, Charlotte,' i AshevUle, Wilmington and all' South Carolina, Georgia and Flor- j ida points at 8:25 a. ni.; 1:40 p. ni : and 5:10 p. m. 1 For further information call bus station?Phone 45. E. T. & N". C. TRANSPORTATION COMPANY L Herman Wilcox, Agent. I II!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!!!! %parinien P AT BE sensations in proper appare om Broadway and are bit jle prices. r SPORT COATS, in Qff lewest patterns? VvivU >" SWAGGER and JIGGER fi?? Something new tj)* (Others at $4.95, $6.95 and >' DRESSES in a wide variety ? 3 to suit all ?! (Others at $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 i' FINE SWRATRRS Twin Sets (Others at 79c. 97c, and S, exceptional values in white, bin i brown- LS iY, the well-known l.arkwood anc Brands (Others at 58c, 680, ant! ?UITS, All Wool?one of our most ig offerings 5' STRAW and FELT HATS ng?latest styles (Others at 97c, $1.48, and !AGS in varied materials and all tl t colorings (Others at 97c and $1 3' HANDKERCHIEFS, a rare barg ality, as low as . (Others at 19c, 23c anc -79c to S1.94 $9.95 to 22.50 >5, $11.95, $16.50, $19.50) ?'our 97c to $2.95 $1.48 and $1.94) k"?w" 48c to $1.98 it 79c and $1,481 97c to $3.95 11.48, $1.94 and $2.95) f" $1.48 to $4.95 , $2.48, $2.95, and $3.95) 25c to 48c lND OXFORDS. Whites, blues, fl Widths AAA to EE q (Others at $1.94, $2.95, $3.95, $4.95) -WHIT IE NEWEST' THE HOM1 PAGE FIVE lent Cleveland's recent executive orler placing about 6,000 government mployees under the rul??s of the civil ervicv. Soar, after MeKintey's iru'uju ration Senator Wolcott will present the petition to the Executive. Entire alphabet, except "J" is confined in the Bihle verse of Ezra 7:21 MOTOR ANALYZER TELLS TRUE STORY High Speed Motors must he properly tuned in order to perform officently ami economically. They siiouuu of.' crrvuovj every 3,WM? or *?\>GLa niiks to ke?.p them in proper shape. The present day motor can no longer be PROPERLY checked bv old methods?:1 is impossible to find the TRI E condition without a motor tester. Our "KING" motor tester wi'l (jutekiy and accurately tell the true condition of your car after which adjustments are easily made. It will pay you to drive In ?the minor cost Is offset by efficient operation. BRENDELL'S GARAGE BOONE. N. C. i(!i!!l!!iI!lllIISiiliilS!!!i!!liii!l!n!l!i;!il ^ | wmmmsd I t Store | ;lks 1 :1. rhey are arriving = >ught to you at our || , 9.95,14.95 1 {.95 to $12.50 1 I $!).!?.->) = >1.94 to 12.50 1 and S9.50) = 29c to $2.95 1 SI.48) *: 59clo97c | ' 48c to 97c 1 $4.95 | 48c to $2.95 I I $1.94) = 48c I .48) = 5c 1 l 48c) EE EE REMEMBER OUR LAY- HE AWAY PLAN jEE 51.48 to S5.95 | E CO. I I OF BETTER VALUES S niiiffl!iHiiifi!Kiiiiii!{iniiiii!nniBiiiiiM . .: J

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