PAGE SIX SPOFT FLIES by Lawrei FIKST \ ! Dan Golweil -sat in his cubby-h: office with chair tHted back, feet the cigarette-marred oak des>\ i 1 using the morning Kevv.-. A sceo time lie read the item in '.be- Arou Town e rlue:: which ?i:?c : that O' Oar b. . oi the (jarb r-V; T>etec.Live Agency was leaving bjiala w him. Probably expects you to fra her husband with some chorus cu for a. divorce Poor papa!"' t ! t' IVI> . 1 ,t: 'J U.M V-iLil <1 fit' 1 the girl was gone into til-.- qui!' of the < :' r partner, tacitur /. Hon Vaei. Col'.v I isp.-ir.ted 1 'ast ti at the newspaper piece about Garb lifted his feet from the desk, s rose. He hesitated moment, o scious > a sense ct expectancy tl speeded his pulse. A good deal per.ded on the next few minul Dan had waited for this day throi months of sordid divorce build-1 and jewel guarding assignments tlie lavish balls of the Four H dred Rut this was tp he other dreary evidence hunt for Court of Domestic Relations any other court in the county bu lng. Colwell went down the brief < rkSor and knocked or the door t bore Otto Oraher's name and warning Private He twisted kr.ob arid entered. "You want Chief V" Garb.; s stocky, jfiuioiiic f. was hunched well back in his ch his powerful, pudgy hands laced t his stomach. He unclasped his gers to scratch in ins blond stul of hair as he swung to Dan. Rig With sudden remembrance of oou Jff sy Otto hoisted himself out of p eb.Mr. ITc gestured to his vis; o.ei ;V.;kv,vir,g the movement Co! saw a young woniai. in a trim v suit with a flaring white bow at throat, a fox scarf drape i , ar iy ever sorrow shoulder:-, a as little monkey hat Mis. McBorm.i Mr. t ok .Wife of Arthur McDonald, the ! ycr. Dan." He bowed and sunk".!. She a stunning woman, of nvojsty-flv, so, a woman he would turn to rvi if he passed her on Mi .- sts-cel. complexion was creamy. her trie small and red ar.d rji..- i:,u nies ; n&i c on C from Cainornia. U.nd-rrih; trie-. dark a.air Cd'Avell f.i anc? wit* hq owes viiii? weve st&a&y and warm, teresting eye- that he.d his until \ a slight sensation of ^&dir.ess. broke the f/peH; She turiied to Garber who quickly sat down again. "Yo sure this man is the very best obi a bio?" "Sit down, Dai:., Ain't you best private operative in town?" "Certainly." He drew up a el $?#! I Mm 1 We apprc optimism it holds n greater ] everyone. Watauga 1 c? fit Deposits Insi _ - I I .1 1 -I rSMAl [ HIG1 ice A. Keating ' and lowered his solid .five foo fiame noiselessly as a cat. on : Garber laughed: it sounds forced. He filing" a band in M<-? )i c.. suiiHK'La ounj' ea ly c. the fioory with uto leather gun ease lying acroa iel "See that item about me in. to- per? I m off to Pennsylvuni n ifr" -?: y-.-ti'rj iri^crort t? ? ts- Donald here direct ? phone, m, thi case and it's rea! special >er ten you as much as she ward i go ahead. Mrs. McDonald. ( .he your man." it : Lkln reached to the open ' So i on his employer's desk and i ? ? i Graber's quick sepvv!. sclecte .nd fecto. tie puffed the wraps land passed th/i oi^ar back m under his nostii s ihhaiihg it ats | gent odcr Fifty cent cigar illi j "beyond tile modest pay of a roe | agency sleuth. .tie Mrs MoDo: i. 1 sat on the her chair, small hands citiUd nit | gloves, her face very serioi .1 - ; norrici. I- -just can't brio^ ice to repeat a(i the story. Mr. t me 1 she saiti in a ricii contraltt >er. about my see. ind Arthur has a certain promim mi- you doubtless know. He r lat criminal law " de- CoiweU ref'ectcd as he :cs. I ci{.ar smoke that she might, igh being inaccurate, have term jps thur McDonald a shyster, "t at husband is well known," he IXW- ; ??. H. ..f.vrrj. "? I an-1 are such rough. greedy iuei the'world, aren't there?" the nor: young; woman went on emlx ii-J- ly "I this is no divorce ca ! know. Mv husband an.! T *or- | happy. Rut he's in danger, hat J one wants to kill him. H-. the know it at least I don't tt the; She sank t>aek with an i\ at Gt ber "T just Ci iiw.1t it. Must I?" sill btf U"ill Dun knew th ivffljia.n wit air, though she ncccmiillshe.i ivit Inn in liiat would make ft'i- i.'.haiiivd to push her for i !>blc! tails. Silo was tliat steady ht." personality who coukt speak etc- nil easily enough, if she i the 3ut Garlv; come lotlie n iior, J 4vj .icEjga: iXa.'i both, we!" MeDce.ak;. Dei!"'. ..-reUe lark Gu'.weli here asks no iju?ati her iocs what he's tokl " ess- "You c'wli t;io to shallow ; ::iey iis thai it?" "YeSi VV,you'.' Ant! vca him . Learn vil.y is aXtet aiv- of course, keep the rascal .0 harm ? Am! mnyV.e ti was ovo> to the police?" or Pardon me." Otto Orah tf'eh ppsest quickly, "you don't w Her ! m aiire. i mear. not rij >uth, This ss darned unusual, see' lose plained to Dun, unci twisted : ir.g cigar from one corner of nf rSJsEtS the vSre'i. GuSk stirred up," lis saii!u ir.- 1 voice -.lust do what she ,v ra forgot it, se e ?" ne Din ruse ss Mrs. MeDon She stepped close so that h ha ! '.he of her and u're she sought to hold him as ain- those brown: pools of her e; hand erep mouse-like up to the arm. "No! No! I mean, \v | thing occurs, you are to nail-1 me at the number on this c I -;x_. Se^s Oil's 4g5S' ? ? I |Cheer 193/ 1 >ach 1 93 7 with confident that ew hoDes and properity for County Ban MMTE, N. C. ured Up To 55,000.00 WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVT ?f? ! you understand ? Follow Arthur h "T* : that's what you must do. Let m< %| f know who ilrn! . ^ I *Wei!1 she said abruptly, her eye: I falling, "that seems to cover it. Yot r ! won't \* Wot out o" your sight, Mr k-? | Colweil ?" [_ JL "Xot a minute." He found th< I card blank except for the nuOTb'" pesmed on it He tiK'ked it into | vest pocket. "Suppose I call yot | once cr twice doily, according to dc j vcioprdents ? And where do yo'i , ' think I might find Mr. McDonald t< t eleven j Mnrt.... ' iJVw. UTI-1 -.vaverly Club on Reed street. If pert ami | ah;)Ut time now And you'll phon ? st'If! me full details? Good-bye. Mt f thein. j r;;-aber." She offbiyd her small law the pa- jotto. "1 hope you have a love!; a. hunt- j y-j-.tiiig trip I hope you sheet '.el - , of?callOv'U, is it ? Auu I'lii dvpcuu 1 hnow ] c.:-. your defective. In. ggr" i you charged me a disgraceful sum s NOW I M;. Gratl,.. y oiwell s | -'Oosts money to employ the bos | operatives in town," he returned thi humidor stock excuse. "Good day.'' Sntilbtg ignoring! - Grab'.-: ushered her out. As hi 1 a per- j ,,; .j,r itoor jigj face changed am i t off 1 ,.0 ,vai; pcj back to his chair glower ' ' th ^ "You got rei ve! What do yoi s P"!1*: ;Hiniv that humidor is, a grab bag?' ~ were Mighty good Cigar, Otto. What' private nc;. ,_-a.,.0 anyhow?" Game'.' She ain't cot a game edge of j Afraid her husband*!! got killed, ain' ling her ;hn. .,;,,nty'.' What you gotta do i is and j. ,,p ,,j.n from getting killed and fin. *'11's<;t t who the guy is " He shot Coi a jpo!;. -What makes you tin'ir's j .die's got a fiamjh? You're hired t He'3 j !. nil Mae and that's enough, ence. as . . right. So vou're off to hun wactices |jfor l.v() wack8? Yv.i. right now. 1 better hik> inhaled i y<)U handle Mrs. McDonald carefu without j sc{,? j.jj kave yOU report to Vac 0,1 Ar" j while I'm gone but what good i Jh- >'?ur t-nat dumb cluck? A swell partne podded | j j man to have!" the dctcctiv s- there | a;ronCy chief complained, c nt the j -swell looker, ain't she"" he as! stur.iuhjr | cd m sud,ien appreciation, and nudf irrassed- j p(, CoUvell. "Well, I gotta bent i se. you j {-wing, Pennsylvania. Sec that i are very | th(, Nt,ws about me? It said 'sport: Some-1 nian ;lnd aviation -uh, bug' We! doesn't j, arl a pilot ain't 1 ? Yeah, tliat link so. , right you read it. Well, so lor iRDialif.g Dar. see you in two weeks. I ir.'t talk , b[.|rt; yOU tack a ring-tail baboon ( rged. | something." s acting, j . Al, , s;,y." be called after Co it vv'th.w0;] ?i>m jobkin' this humidor, see a man ] 1Xm.t yOU Sn!lch none' of my fift; note do-j ocrtt smokers while I'm gone!" type of I heaving the office. Dan presss straight j . elevator button and stood wai cared to. fiwel! plan Gruber's got," 1 ?scue aa.j?iuttsreS >?. ViimSVil.' He pursed b .1 Mis. , pS lor whistle uiuf Old hoc com yourself | - Mrs. McDonald':; a sly one. 1 ops. jus. I ,:eed ro watch inv P's and O's Tb I thing has sot to ho handled wi four hu>- (gives 15;;'. " Mo hummed brief! . There's .1 .'..i ivsalUJ J)rote*. L | Fifteen minutes inter bo enter, him ami, j .lu, wavov'v bat. a part ot the n from do- ur!0lls Waveriy CI?, a night o itv: hlw oltement place in at. adjoining ha The bar was a long, ornate roe or inter- t?om. Ja tbo no-.lcr:; manner of ailv ant that, uiatji a ..1 iralgh'- tines Tar.l m.-.t off. .scattered a boot wore for the mo *' he ex- pji -t occupied by sporty look'.;'..; nit the black a, jIlnci5 Tito meal, he noticed pas his wioc . ,,. ^ j was a ,lobar and a qua r teuncu. i ..... vio was or. but the ? V"5*'V t nugnc not be time to consume ant^ and j whole jfifceh. Co'.woU went to tl : >-ud of U;o bar and ordered beer aid rose ; McDonald was not here yet. D; e caught j jjnew the fellow by sight, a siht felt that ; .,,a? of forty with pinee-nez glass .ah; wrti. white, bony hands. He hi res. Her watched McDonald extract m o i his fore- t)iar, one msca! from the toils of tl hen any- jaw> waving his bony hands a; telephone throwing his timbrous, persuasi ard. Do voice abound the courtroom. M Donai.l was the kind always skatii _____ on thin ice, barely evading disba ment proceedings and contempt cit I tions. Ho might be mixed up in an i thing and was 1 The foaming beer was set bt-fc ]i him. Dar. sipped some ot it, th. turned to a liattery of telephoi booths. He entered the first, closi the folding door, and made sure ! ?? could 3ec the expanse of the ba ' j] room before he dropped a nickel the slot. "Central 0576." I He gota quick connection. "Ileii \ give me Irita." He waited a moment. "lrit? Dar.. Well, we're started, ch? II risky business but Graber doesi seem to suspect. That Mrs. ilcDo aid took him ten yards in one dow But he was surprised to hear Lef I d.3 C . - ims mens 01 a Dig gran: Anyno Otto's o?f to Pennsylvania huntir and I don't mean rabbits. Hi greedy! Every time he thinks that joy dust he begins to dream owns a bank. Oh! Here comes M Donald?I'm signing off. We'll ma "em walk the plank before we' through. Call you again. Be cai ful, Iriia." He lingered in the 'phone boo until Arthur McDonald located hi: self a table. Dar. returned to 1 beer, saw the lawyer order lunch, himself ordered it with a hint to t waiter to make haste. The meal over, McDonald tripp kto the cashier, in that quick, worn; ish way of his, paid his check, a chatted with a friend at a neai table. He surveyed the whole b room as he donned his hat and lip coat, then departed. Colwell let h get a head start. As he paid own check he saw through the i ? . ' glass window two men come ak :RY THURSDAY-BOONE, N. C. ??--. . ..... ^ L ' , abl l.Ji.o!! ^ ^ j ' f : i 1 : I Sv ' : ? ? . in' : I if. : 0.1 ii'' - a ??a: I- i 1 ; o'.ii ./ . ti IfS'ir 1 / jT' ,h" - s > V lro si " < *.. " ;i" u 1' - vviVi - 5 . 'V- v < tio - s>: ?k p s^7??5 MEXLO I'ARK, X. J. . . Above ad j is the architectural design of ihi iir. "Eternal Light" tower which is n ^a, s be built here a? a memorial to the co late Thomas Alva Edison, inventor. Edison Pioneers and the Ed' J son Foundation, Inc., sponsor the t j memorial. sUi s! ----- Va f. re | the walk, and accost McDonald. Dan I j stalled inside with a friendly remark ^c, to the cashier McDonald., he noticed. did not appear to relish the comt panionship of those fellows. cn The short man wore a loud striped ' , suit a:: ! derby. lie ?<*>ketl like a 1Jl( j ! pug:. The other, taller, was a clean ,vj I featured man of Uiirty-f ive, but he jQ* "^ihad an expression of cruelty on his j face. He was dressed in an ordinary 1 I dark suit that emphasized the burly c j shoulders and thick amis of him. tjf When he turned his back Col well fn ^ thought he saw U?e coat skirt reveal ^ Uie butt of a gun underneath. p,( n iContinued Next Week) cu i COUNTY AGENT COLLINS ?v *s (Continued From Page Three) pc ig The seed merchants report a larger d sale of clover and grass seed than >r has been sold for a nuihik-r of years. L?spodc/.a '1- Circulars were sent out to all the i ivi 101 u ruonstrations farmers and the I M Y- 55 watershed farmers asking them to i at sow Kspeiieza on their old pastures Bi ti and oil their thinner crop land. As p: t- a lesult the agents placed 3.000 ^ti ie pounds of certified Korean ieapedeza di is and I'.oOo pounds or Common lespe- or > de.*.a with tin domonslratior farm- L,' H -rs cf the county. is Sixty-seven demonstration farmers hi til soive ' 0.P4S pounds of leapedeza this hi v. year and a large number of other w :'ai liters sowed seme ie.ipedo.ia. - ie ?d ! . artk a'.'.y all oar uem unlration i" o- :':ii filers Slave indicated that they wl!! K x- si n leapeiieza next year. 11- Mr. Stanley Harris, Aniantha, had m TO a fine dcn.onsrtratioa on growing les- tf er pe.ic; i in an old brccmi-sage field. P rs Mr. Harris limed the broom-sage a si field, applied 100 pounds of triple' ' "a superphosphate per acre, nud sowed j s- a mixture of Korea,i a!. . Common r- lespedesn. Til.' lisped mei made a re fir." .growth >n the hr?i??w-?eise a Mr. \V. .). Farthing. Valie Crneis ir. had a dumber of fine den anstiaUons Icspeder.a growing on hia farm. A ir. large number of farmers have been 11 ill sold on sowing lespedeza by seeing es the results being obtained on Air. ?: id Farthing s farm. ' e Pastures ie One hundred and fifty-seven farmid ers sowed triple superphospliate on sf re their pastures this year. Fifty-two V- iuiutcio tut; UU&Ilt'S iiliU oritt.1 S J igT off 867 acres of pasture land. Six r- hundred and fifty-nine acres of old a- pastures were reseedcd. "One huny dred and eighty-eight acres of old pastures were limed, re Two acres of old pastures were set :n in locusts to prevent further erosion |_ ae and heal eroded spots, id The farmers of the county are be- ? re ing made pasture conscious as evir denced by the very large number of in farmers who this year trimmed the bushes and briars off their pasture io, land. In most instances, the triple sui? perphosphate sown on old pastures 's has shown up well. Where the triple l't superphosphate was sown there has u- been a decided thickening of the sold n. and a much better gTowth of white ty and other clovers. ? ', Soybeans :g. Very few soybeans are being i'3 grown in the county, but the agents ] = of are making: an effort to get potato he growers to sow soybeans when they tc- lay by their potato crops and grow ke a crop of soybeans instead of a crop re of weeds on their potato land during "e- the summer and fall. Agricultural Conservation th Program m- The agents spent 185.5 days workins ing on the agricultural conservation so program. In carrying out this prolie gram 40 meetings were held with an attendance of 944 people, and ten led circular letters with 5.039 copies I in- were sent to farmers, nd The importance of liming was em by phasized to such an extent that the ar- program became known by the farmrht ers as the liming program, im A great oca' of lime was applied, his but due to the fact that by the mulDig die of September when the farmers mg' were marketing their crops ar.d were c to buy more iirne. the supply! ? ?: so limited that u number of j J were rot able to secure it. Had > M the fa: probably j V ulu have mother 1000 j ^ is (?? U'itC. I I v\ ^ w o ]!>i of practices car- J & ?y the farmer? of tVatauea } . lpliaucc with ths agritur&l conservation. program: tvon hundred and fifteen farmers lied work sheets; 279 farmers ap- ^ i 1 3,223 tons of inic-; 351 sowed < 6.1 acre? f clover mixture; 114 mem sowed 474.*i acres in red clo . s<> farmers sowed 501.1 acres pas-lure ir:i::rarc; 79 farmers sow- j 5-11.7 acres in laspcdeza; 00 farm- j j turned under 1S3.4 acres of crops, j irty farmers sowed 109.1 acres of|:. msor clover, ami 30 sow 1 374 i of 10'.; superphosphate on pas- I >: and meadow land, ro: carrying out these practices. rs of the county will receive :n the agricultural conservation >gram S11.33S.40, with an addinal approximate payment of $4,) for reducing crops. T obacco rwentv-nine days of the county cnt.v time wns rtpert m getting ai compliance, clearing up old toL'co contracts, and assisting tobaefanners with their problems. Fntit Trees Spraying demonstrations w ere ~ irted or. the Cone estate and the ~~ lie Crucis orchard. The late spring ^ezc killed practically ali the fruit these orchards, and the spraying monolratioiij were discontinued. Forestry Two farmers set locusts on poor. >de : hillsides to check erosion and event further washing. One of use farmers built a two-strand barb rc fence around the area where msis were set to keep cattle off e eroded area. Stacy Ford and D. F. Greene irted timber thinning demonstra* ? ins. Ralph Morets placed an order ~ r 1.000 black locusts and 1,000 ~ ick walnut seedlings J. F. Smith Biced an order for 1,000 black losts and 1,000 while pine seedlings. Farmers or the county are show-1 g some interest in reforesting their crest eroded land. I Concluded Next Week) OlSITt'ARV Margaret Louise Norris. two onths and 13 days old daughter of r. and Mrs. Granville Norris, died her home December 17. 1036. or. ?cne Route 1. Her death was from leumonia which lasted only a few vys. Funeral services were com = idled from Laurel Springs Baptist ivirelT onFriday afternoon by Kyv. ivi Greene, of Deep Gap. Her days were short here on earth it was lots of pleasure to her father ltd mother, and two sisters. She as so dear in their home. Jesus . w thai lie had * better home, for i?r than father and mother had. ather ahd mother loved her but sus loved lier more. Father and other are on their way to meet icir near uax'nig mai nas jnir on. Sht will be watching ancl aitiiig tor Uu-nx and her two little stern. rkhiSlSliS C.H. ?52v iL. ASHE MFG. CO. 281 Central Blvd. WEST .1EF1T1USOX, N. C. Macjiuie Lathe as..! Planer Work, | ' )e per hour; Gasoline Engine Re iir--ive have a hoist for loading; av.s Gummed, 10c per! foot; Planer ,\ Hives Machine Ground. 3 5c per foot; ^ [0-vo!t Generators. 300-ivatt, $10: 10-watt, $15; 1000-watt, S24; Woodiw Engine Governors, $3. IF YOU CAN'T FIND IT anvwhere else in town, try THE SQUARE DEAL GARAGE Operated by Biirrel Phillips 11-26-4p NEW RIVER DAIRY GRADE A PURE RAW MILK Quart, 12',ic Phone 122-W Boone ill? Tare Your Thnber bte Cask! Bo your own hoas. Start a wood aawifis b;isinr?B ... make hi* money. Witte fee ?*i afford the meet de^oodaUe, ccorxxmcad method of cutting: down tree? and sawm* them op. Powered bjr direct Reared WITTE engine. Abed ate control caa 1* started alowly?stopped inntnuliy. En3y to operate. Cats level with jnreod. Tree and lojr eew intorcbapgaab??. A dependable unit. fREE Cattle*. WITTK CTGFXK WOBLSS 2707 Oakland Aw, Kansas City, Mo. 29SX So. 2nd St. HarrLsburj;, Pa. j \ DECEiMBER 31, 1936 \ fi fi COLDS ) 0 V FEVER JquJd, Tablets day?Head Ive, Nose Drops aiehe, 30 iaiautes. fry ''Kub-.My-Ttsra -World's Best lairiinew* Vour Credit Is Good at High Land Furniture Company "Everything for the Home" LVpot St. Boone, N. C. BOONE I)HUG COMPANY The KEXAI.I, Store FOUND AT LAST Q-623-?Relief for muscular aches and pains when due to rheumatic disorders, lumbago, etc. Prescription Q-023 has helped thousands of people when many other remedies have failed. Try a bottle today. Price $1.00. We suggest you try Q-Tabs while using Q-623. Ask jour druggist. BOONE DRUG COMPANY Boone North Carolina SI.50 PACKAGE, now $1.00 $1.00 PACKAGE, now liOc BOONE DRUG CO. The HEXALL Store POLICE! The terrifying experience of being by an unusual noise and her. the realization that art hitvudoi s in the house. Vou reach for the telephone and hat one word "Police" brings in a few minutes. The telephone is there to protect ou 2t hours every day. Watauga Telephone Co. Sugar Grove, N. ^amYari SftiACiyg I |w? |rm?in?? CAN l'Oli IMAGINE Iho surprise of a news service man in Washington who when be met a boyhood friend he had not seen for years advLsed him to try BISMA-REX if he ever had stomach trouble and found that the friend worked for the producers of msnn-KKA and had read hundreds of similar praises! EXPLANATION . . . Blama-Rex Is an antacid treatment that's different from the many other ineffective treatments you have tried. It acts four ways to give you a new kind of relief from acid indigestion, heartburn and other acid stomach agonies. Bisma-Rex neutralizes acid, relieves stomach of gas, soothes the Irritated stomach membranor and aids digestion of foods htat are most likely to ferment. Bisma-Rex Is sold only at ucAoii pi u$ Sioi ?r?. i Get a jar today at Boone Dru?" Store. Remember, BISMA-REX.