JANUARY 6, 1938 IIchronologyI I OF THE YEAR I 1937 I v i i' i !! ; i { \% Compiled by E. W. PICKARD $ i | j iff j' DOMESTIC Jan. 3?Andrew W. Mellon offered his great art collection to the nation. Jan. 4?Rep Sam Rayburn of Texas made speaker of the house. Supreme court upheld law restricting prlscn-made goods. Oregon's criminal syndicalism law held iuYaiiv! by Siipicim: L'VUli. Jan. 5--Seventy-tilth congress convened and organized Jan. 6?President Roosevelt read his ; message to congress. Congress passed neutrality resolution barring war shipments to Spain. Jan. 7?President Glenn Frank of University of Wisconsin ousted by board of regents. Jan. 8?President Roosevelt's budget message asked for between $6,000,003,000 and $6,000,000,000. Jan. 11?President Roosevelt asked for f790.000.000 for WPA until July 1. Charles Edison appointed assistant secretary of the navy. 1 Strikers at Flint. Mich., in bloody riot with police. Supreme court upheld 50 per cent tax on silver profits. Jan. 12?Congress received from Presl, dent plan for reorganizing administrative branch of government. Jan. 14?True* for negotiations arranged lri General Motors strike. Jan. .15?Senate voted years extension of RFC and subsidiaries. Jan. 19?Congress extended for 2VS years President's control of stabilization fund and dollar valuation. Jan. 20?Franklin D. Roosevelt inaugurated for second term as President. Jan. 21?Sanford Bates resigned as federal bureau of prisons director. Jan. 22?House extended RFC and loaning subsidiaries to June 30. 1039. Postmaster General Farley re-appointed. | Jan. 26?House passed S790.000.000 flood relief bill. Jan. 27?Senate passed house bill ap- J propriating $50,000,000 lor seed and crop I loans. Jan. 28?House voted to put first, second and third postmasters ur.der civil service. Feb. 1?Michigan National Guard mobilized to stop new strike riots in Flint. Feb. 2?Sit-dcwn strikers ordered ousted from General Motots plants by court injunction. Feb 3?President Roosevelt submitted to congress a 5 biilion G-year public works program. House passed bill appropriating $1,000.000 for federal offices and agencies. Senate passed $548,000,000 deficiency bill. Feb. 4?West Coast maritime strike ended. Feb. President Roosevelt submitted to congress a bill for reorganization or tbis federal judiciary, including increasing Su preme court to 15. P?h in? j *-"* ' - v? .??uuua ho^<--u ui'i providing ior i voluntary retirement of Supreme court Justices at seventy on full pay. ___ President i?3ked congress for legislation to protect plains states from future droughts. Feb. 11?Bill creating Disasters Loan corporation passed by congress General Motors strike settled by compromise agreement. Feb. 13?Prof. Charles Seymour elected president e! Yale. Feb. 15?United Mine Workers suspended * from membership President Green ot A. F. c! L. Feb. 16?ExCov. Paul V. McNutt of Indiana made high commissioner to the PhillpS&* 19?J. G. Wynant resigned as chairman of social security board; A. J. Altmeycr named chairman and M. W. Latimer appointed a member. Feb- 25?Reciprocal trade treaties act extended three years by congress. Feb. 26?Senate passed house bill for voluntary retirement of Supreme court Justices at seventy. .Feb. 27?President Roosevelt asked states to enact soil conservation laws. Feb. 20?Eugene Vidal resigned as director of federal air commerce bureau. March 1?Supreme court again upheld the gold clause abrogation act. March 2?Big steel companies began raising wages and reducing hours, and recognized C. I. O. committee as bargaining agent. March 3?Neutrality extension reso.ution adopted by senate. i March 9?Permanent maritime commission named with J. P. Kennedy ar chairman. March 11?House passed new Ouffey coal control bill. March 12?Dr. F. E. Townsend sentenced to month in jail and $100 fine for contempt of the house. March 13?-General Motors and United Automobile Workers reached agreement. March 14?Remington-Rend ordered by labor relations board to re-employ 4,000 workers. C. A. Dykstra, city manager of Cincinnati, accepted presidency of University of Wisconsin. March 15?Chrysler sit-down strikers ordered by court to evaluate plants. March 16- -Railroads and unions agreed on pension plan. March 21?Nationalist riot in Ponce, Puerto Rico, fatal to ten. March 22?Senate passed $512,847,808 naval appropriation bill. March 24?John L. Lewis ordered Chrysler strikers lo evacuate the plants. March 29?Supreme court upheld the Washington minimum wage for women act. the railway labor act and the new FrazlerLcmke farm mortgage moratorium act. . . April 1?Soft coal miners of Appalachian fields quit work pending new wage agreement. >?$ r April 2?New wage scale for coal miners signed; strike ended. April 3?S. S. Kresge gave about $12,000.000 to Kresge foundation. April 5?Senate passed GufTey coal control bill. April 6?Chrysler strike settled. April 7?Senate passed concurrent resolution condemning sitdown strikes and the industrial spy system. April 12?Supreme court upheld Wagner i labor relations act in five decisions. April 14?House opsscd bill repealing j "long and short haul" clause of interstate commerce act. April 15?Anti-lynchlng bill passed by the bouse. April 19?Mrs. Florence Harriman appointed minister to Norway and A. J. Drexel Biddle ambassador to Poland. April 20?President Roosevelt sent mes- i sage to congress revising his budget esti- ] mates or 1938 fiscal year and asking billion and a half for relief. April 23?House passed 27 million dollar agriculture department bill. April 26?President Roosevelt averted strike of freight handlers in New York area by appointing mediation boaTd. April 27?President Roosevelt left for fishing trip in Gulf of Mexico. House voted repeal of law for publica iton ui ir.cunius ?? jw.uuu ana uvcr. The senate confirmed Anthony J. Drcxel Biddle. Jr.. of Philadelphia as ambassador to Poland; Florence JafTray Harriman I of the District of Columbia as minister to Norway, and Robert Granville Caldwell of Texas as minister to Bolivia. April 28?House passed $79,200,000 second deficiency bill. April 29? House passed war department bill carry in? $416,400,000. May 1?strikes started in Holb wood movie studios by technical workersFifteen Sen Francisco hotels tied up by strikes. President Roosevelt signed the neutrality act. May 7?George L. Berry appointed senator from Tennessee. May 12?House extended CCC for two years. C. I. O. called strike in plants of Jones & Laughlln Steel corporation. May 13?Steel strike spread to other plants. Senate passed agriculture dcparlmer bill carrying almost 900 millions. May 14-?President Roosevelt returned ? Washington from fishing trip. May 17?Supreme couit upheld a atricting refund of AAA processing I House passed $115,000,000 Department of . Interior bill. May 13?Justice Willis Van Dcvanter an- * nounced his retirement from Supreme court, effective June 1. * Senate judiciary committee reported un- ? favorably the President's Supreme court enlargement bill. May 20?Senate voted to make CCC s permanent Jones Laughlin Steel employees voted 1 5 to 2 for C. L O . May 24? Supreme court upheld old age 1 pensions and unemployment insurance , Erovisiona of social security act, and Ala- ' aina employment insurance law. President asked congress for legislation . setting up wage and hour standards for 1 .industry, and identical bills were Inlro- f duced In house and senate. r May 26?C. I. O. started strikes against three independent steel companies. S May 30?Seven killed, many hurt in battle between police and steel strikers in , South Chicago. 111. J June 1?House passed billion and a half | ! relief bill. t i President Roosevelt asked congress to get | after big tax dodgers. t June 3?President asked congress to create seven regional authorities like TYA. B June 5?John D. Rockefeller left bulk e of estate, 525.0CO.OOO. to granddaughter. June 9?Strikers end police staged oattle with guns and gas at Youngstown. Ohio. June 10?Resolution calling for investigation of tax evasion problem sent to House. ^ ^ ^ , o u _ ? I . corporation's CamtTria^mlli. *"* June 12?Lewis called strike in 17 coal g mines owned by two steel companies. June 14?Senate committee condemned j court enlargement bill. June 20?Pennsylvania governor closed j I Johnstown steel plant; martial law de- r ! clarcd. June 21?Senate refused to cut relief ?appropriation. House passed pension bill for railroad s employees. 1 June 22?Senate passed 2 billion 63 mil- i, lion dollar relief bill. c June 23?Ellis Parker, Sr.. and son con- b vlcted at Newark, N. J., of kidnaping plot c inrlrvi r InrfWot. In..,, Fifty-five Indicted in 13 million dollar Q gem smuggling plot in New York. June 24?Senate voted to extend nuls- . ance taxes and 3 cent postage for two years. June 25?Steel strike in Johnstown area lost by union. June 2C?J. Butler Wright named ambassador to Cuba. National labor relations board charged Ford with violation of Wagner act. June 29?Senate ratified treaties drawn at Buenos Aires conference. June 30?Franklin D. Roosevelt. Jr., and Ethel du Pont married. July 6?Ohio grand jury indicted 200 , for rioting as steel plants reopened. ; July 7?National labor relations board 1 began hearings on charges Ford company j violated Wagner act. | July 8?Immunity was granted President ! Roosevelt in tax dodging hearings ! July 12?President urged immediate passage of new crop control legislation. Dave H. Morris resigned as ambassador to Belgium; Hugh Gibson, ambassador to Brazil, transferred to Belgium. July 13?House paid tribute to and pensioned Harry Parker, venerable doorman for the ways ar.d means committee. House overrode President's veto of farm loan bill July 14?Nine men. including two C. I. O. chieftains Indicted for halting United States mails In Ohio strike zone. July 17?Controller general refused to pay expenses of foreign junkets. July 19?House voted 24 millions for Ohio basin flood control July 21?Administration abandoned Supreme court bill. Senator Bnrklsy of Kentucky elected majority leader of senate. July 22?Senate voted 70 to 20 to recommit the court bill. J Senate overrode President's veto of low | I farm interest extension. J. L. Hounhleling. Chicairn. annotnt^rl 1 commissioner of tmmigr^tior'July zi?House voted six more White House secretaries. Congress authorized building of sis auxiliary naval vessels to cost $50,000,000. San Francisco hotel worker*' strike settled. July 28?Senate confirmed the nominations of George A. Gordon cf New York to be minister to the Netherlands; Leo J. Keens ! of Michigan as minister to Honduras and i Franklin Mott Gunthcr of Florida as minI istcr to Rumania. I July 29?F. P. Corrigan apoointed minI Ister to Panama and Robert Frazer mln- | I ister to San Salvador. j July 30?Senate passed the wage and I | hour labor bill. { Aug. 6?Senate passed Wagner housing bill in limited form. I Aug. 7?Congress appropriated $5,000,000 toward. Will Rogers memorial. Aug. 11?Senate pa3sed federal court procedural reform bill. Aug. 12?President Roosevelt nominated Senator Hugu L. Black of Alabama for associate justice of Supreme court. Aug. 13?Senate p:?ssed sugar control ! bill Aug. 1C?House passed bill to stop tax leaks. Aug. 17?Seriate confirmed appointment | of Hugo L. Black to Supreme court. House passed third deficiency bill carrying ICO millions. Aug. ?8?House passed half billion dollar housing bill. Aug. IS?Gov. Bibb Graves of Alabama appointed his wife, Dixie Bibb Graves. United States senator to succeed Hugo L. Black. Senate passed Panama canal tolls revision blU. Aug. 20?Senate passed deficiency bill. New York C. I. O. shipyard strike collapsed, workers returning to jobs. Aug. 21?Congress adjourned, alter housing bill and deficiency appropriation bill wore enacted. President vetoed Will Rogers memorial bill. Aug. 23?Col. H. B. Hackett resigned as Essistant^dlrector of P-.W. A.^ fc.?jum.: ui louwttjr uivuicruuuus : * averted by federal mediation. ' Aug. 28?Andrew Motion's will left his millions to a charitable trust. Aug. 31?A. F of L council vcted to rejoin world labor federation. Sept. 4?President Roosevelt in Labor day address asked labor to dror> strike tactics. Sept. 7?Edward McGrady resigned as assistant to secretary of labor. Sept. 9?Dr. O. H. Mennet, Los Angeles, elected commander of G. A. R. Sept. 12?Justice Hugo L. Black of Supreme court publicity accused of being member of the Ku Klux Klan. Sept. 13?Engagement announced of -Tokn Roosevelt, son of President, to Anne Clark of Boston. Sept. 14?James E. Landis resigned as chairman of securities and exchange commission. Sept. 16?La Guardia renominated for mayor or New York by Republicans, and J. T. Mah^ney by Democrats. John T. Biggers of Toledo named to manage census c-f unemployed. Sept. 20?American Legion convention opened in New York. W. O. Dougias became head of SEC. Sept. 22? President Roosevelt started trip to Seattle. Sept. 23?Daniel Dofcevty of Bostcn elected national commander of American Legion. Sept- 29?American Bar association voted unanimously to continue fight for independence of the judiciary. Oct. 1- -Hugo L. Black in radio address admitted he was a member of Ku Klux Klan but said he had abandoned it. Oct. 3?Railway brotherhoods accepted offer of 44 cents u day wage raise; strike averted. Oct. 4?Hugo L. Black took his scat as associate justice of the Supreme court. American Federation of Labor convention opened hi Denver. Oct. b?President Roosevelt in Chicago speech intimated America might be drawn into war. Oct. 11?Supreme court rejected motions to unseat Justice Black. Oct. 12?President Roosevelt called extraordinary session of congress for November 15. Brady gang of outlaws wiped out by G-men in Bangor. Me. Oct. 16?President named delegation headed by Norman H. Davis to attend far eastern confeience In Brussels. Oct 18?John E. Milicr elected senator from Arkansas to filj out term of the late Joseph T. Robinson. Nathan Straus appointed federal housing administrator. Great decline In stock markets began. Oct. 22?Interstate Commerce Commission approved Increase of railway freight rates. Oct. 26?E. R. Stettinius, Jr.. succeeded M. C. Taylor as head of United States Steel. Oct 27?Federal reserve board cut stock mnrein rate tn heln market. Nov. 2?La Guardia re-elected mayor of * New York. Nov. 15?Congress met In extraordinary session; President asked tax revision to ? aid small business. i VATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVE] Nov. 18?Governors of the six New Engand states demanded repeal of taxes that tamper business. _ J. H. Rand. Jr., and P. L. Berghoff kcquitted in first case tried under law igainst transporting strike breakers across itate lines. Nov. 21?Secretary of War Woodring j iskcd stronger army for defense. ? . i Nov. 27?President Roosevelt went on Sshng trip in Florida waters. Nov. 29?President asked congress to auhorize a $16,000,000,000 housing program. Nov. 30?President asked congress to cut 214.000,000 from federal highway grants to itates. Dec. 5??Colonel and Mrs. Lindbergh reumcd to United States. Steamship Leviathan sold to British junk irm. Dec. 7?Federal board of tax appeals exinerated Andrew Mellon of income tax raud. Dec. 10?President ordered immediate revision of taxes on business. House passed :rop control bill. J. W. Hanes and Jerome Frank appointed o SEC. Dec. 13?Supreme court upheld redempion of United States bonds before maturity. Dec. 22?Extraordinary session of con* ;ress adjourned. INTERNATIONAL Jan. 1?German warships seized two ipanish steamers in reprisal. Jan. 2?Great Britain and Italy signed Mediterranean pact. Jan. G?Spanish government protested o League of Nations against German and talian aid given to Fascist rebels. Jan. 17?Soviet Russia refused to declare >an on volunteers going to Spain. Jan. 24?Yugoslavia and Bulgaria igned treaty of friendship and peace. Jan. 30?Hitler on fourth anniversary of lis assumption of power denounced the war [uilt clause of Versailles treaty. March 5?Department of State of United Itates apologized to Germany for insulting cucvcucc io muer oy Mayor La Ciuardia I New York. March 8?International conference oil listribution of sources of raw materials pened in Geneva. March 14?International sea patrol to solate Spanish war began. March 25?Italy and Jugoslavia signed a teace and economic treaty. March 30?Hans Dieckhoff appointed Gernan ambassador to the United States. April 24?Great Britain end France reeased Belgium from Locarno obligations md guaranteed it against aggression. May 2?British ships helped remove civlians from besieged Bilbao, Spain. May 25?Jews in Italy were ordered to ] lecome Fascists or leave the country. May 27?Spain protested to League of lations against Intervention of Italy and Icrmany in Spanish civil war. May 29?Spanish loyalist planes bombed Jerman battleship Deutschland. killing 23 ir.d wounding 83. May 31?German warships shelled Alneria, loyalist Spanish port, killing 20. Germany and Italy withdrew from Inemational neutrality patrol. June 10?Mussolini mobilized big army to tid Spanish rebels. June 24?United States joined Great Brlain and France in warning Germany and taly to keep hands off Spain. June 29?Russia agreed to withdraw roops from disputed islands as Japan nade war threat. July 8?Truce ended battle of Chinese md Japanese west of Pciping July 8?Great Britain was delegated >/ 27 powers to devise a new plan for oval patrol of Spanish coast. July 13?Chinese fought oil Japanese atacks in furious fighting around Pelp- . rig. July 20?Japanese seized port of Tanghu. if Peiping. July 29?London naval treaty of 1030 vent into effect. July 30?Japan set up puppet regime In *orth China. Aug. 8?Japanese army occupied Peipng, China. Aug. 12?Chinese airmen, trying to bomb fapanesc warships at Shanghai, killed learly 1,000 civilians in international setlement Aug. 16?Americans and britlsh were ivacuatcd from Shanghai. Japan closed its embassy at Nanking. Aug. i9?Portugal severed relations with Czechoslovakia. KB * Aug. 22?Chinese and Japanese in great >attle near Peiping. Aug. 25?Japan blockaded Chinese coast or 300 miles. Aug. 20?British ambassador to China vounded by Japanese aviators Hungary announced it would make 'lokeiv' payment on debt to United States. Aug. 20?Great Britain demanded full reIrcss from Japan for shooting of ambassador to China. Aug. 30?American liner President Hoover :ombed by Chinese pianos by mistake; >nc of crew killed, ten wounded. Aug. 31?Little Entente voted to continue tlllance with France. Sept. 5?Great Britain and France invited >owers to conference to stop "piracy" by lubmarines in Mediterranean. Sept. 7?Hitler declared Germany stood vith Italy and Japan in fight on comraun- I sm Russia accused Italy of Mediterranean >iracy. Sept. C?Japanese \ lanes bombed Chinese -efugee train near Shanghai, killing 300. Sept. 11- -England and France agreed to xrtice Mediterranean against pirate submarines Sept 12?China asked League of Nations jo halt Japanese aggression. Sept 1.3?League of Nations seated Spansh loyalist delegates. Sept. 14?Spain agreed to pay $30,000,000 Vmertcan war claims. Sept. 18?British underwriters cancelled ill war risk insurance. Spain demanded League of Nations curb German and Italian aggression in SDanish jfvil war. Italy demanded parity In Mediterranean "anti-piracy" patrol. Sept 22?Japanese air fleets raided Nan- ! dng anu Canton; protests of United States | ind Great Britain disregarded. Sept. 2S?Mussolini bcgau five day visit vlth Hitler. Japanese airplanes bombed six big Chinese cities. I Japan refused League of Nations in vitaion to discuss war in China. Sept. 28?League of Nations condemned rapan for bombing civilians in China. Sept 2S?Japan defended her air raids on , tanking. British government approved building of 1 varplaue fleet for China. Oct 1?Japan warned world not to intcrere with her actions in China. Oct 5?League of Nations recommended I onvocation of nine-power pact signatories o consider Sino-Japanese war. Oct 6?United States government formally lenounced Japan as violator of treaties. League cf Nations invited nine-power I reatv signers to take action to stop Japan n China. Oct. 9?J span denied treaty breaking and ; slamed China. Oct. 16?United States accepted invitaion to conference of nine-power treaty sigi&torics on Sino-Japanese war; Norman H. ! Davis named head of American delegation. | Oct. 26?Japanese routed Chinese defend- ! irs of Shanghai. j Oct 2S?Japan declined to attend nine>ower treaty conference. Oct. 30?Several British soldiers killed by j Tapancse in Shanghai. Nov. 2?Great Britain agreed to receive | consuls of Franco's Spanish regime. Nov 3?Far East peace parley opened in Brussels. Nov. 6?Duke of Windsor abandoned Amercan tour because of criticisms by labor. Nov. 6?Italy joined Germany and Jaoan n anti-communism agreement. Nov. S?Shanghai captured by the Japinese. Nov. 12?Japan rejected peace proposals if Brussels conference. Nov. 15?Fifteen nations In Brussels conerence voted to condemn Japan for lnvadng China. Nov. 16?Government of China evacuated laimuig. Nov. 18?Viscount Cecil of Chelwood warded 1937 Nobel peace prize. Nov. 23?Japan established Chahar and luiyuan provinces of North China as new wffer state. American Ambassador Johnson and staff noved from Nanking to Hankow. Nov. 24?Brussels Far East conference ollapsed. Nov. 26?Japanese seized all communlation facilities in Shanghai area. Nov. 29?Italy recognized Manchukuo govmment. Dec. 7?Japanese armies began aiege of fanklcg. Dec. 11?Japan announced the capture of banking. Italy quit the League of Nations. Dec. 12?U. S. Gunboat Panay and three standard Oil ships sunk by Japanese shells a Yangtse river; British gunboats shelled. RY THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. President Roosevelt demanded apologies, indemnifications and guarantees against i., repetiiica ;[ such outrages. u::c. lo?France and Germany concluded ?, frontier treaty. e< FOREIGN c ? v: Jan. 4?Marshal Chang sentenced to ten q years imprisonment for kidnaping Chinese dictator Chiang Kai-shek and then pardoned. __Jan. 7?-Crown Princess Juliana of the Netherlands married to Prince Bernhard " ; 2u Lippc-Biesterfcld _ i Jan. 15?George Bonnet made French am- ** | bassador to United States. Jan. 17?Convicts at. Guelph, Ontario. ** started riot, fired prison and several hunI dreds escaped. a Jan. 23?Premier Hirota of Japan and i his enhinpt rncir-npit after being attacked o in parliament. " P Karl Radek and 16 others on trial at Mos' cow confessed plot to overthrow the Stalin U | regime. Jan. 26?Germans* abolished free city g rights of Hamburg and Luebeck. Jan. 30?Thirteen Russian conspirators t< condemned to death: four, including Karl Kadek. given prison terms. c Gen. Senjuro Hayashi undertook task of forming Japanese ministry. g Feb. 2?Kayashi cabinet accepted by emperor of Japan. c Feb. 7?Spanish Fascists captured Malaga. Feb. 9?All political prisoners in Mexico ti granted amnesty. b Feb. 14?Chancellor Schuschnigg of Austria declared in favor of restoration of c Hapsburg dynasty. Soanish rebel warshlo shelled Valencia, n temporary loyalist capital. March 6?Spanish liner Mar Cantrabrico 1< w?tli American cargo nf munitions for loyalists shelled and taken by rebel vessel. n March 1G New KfatP Mnnciiknn crvnn sored by Japan, set up in north China. s> April 1?New constitution lor India went into effect; Burma became state within British empire; Aden became crown colony, p April 11?Anti-Fascists won crucial election in Belgium. d April 20?British coal miners voted to strike h Gen. Francisco Franco consolidated Span- o ish insurgent (actions to form a one-party E authoritarian state. April 22?Poland barred all Jews from s politics. May 1?President Dc Valera proposed new constitution for Irish Free State. London transportation tied up by strike of 26,000 busmen. May 12?King George VI and Queen Eliza- ! beth of Great Britain crowned. May 14?British imperial conference i opened In London. j May 15?Caballero's loyalist Spanish cabi- j net resigned. May 17?New Spanish government formed by Dr Juan Ncgrin 0 May 24?Paris world's fair mjened. May 28?Baldwin quit as British prime v minister and was succeeded by Neville Chamberlain. c May 31?Hayashi's Japanese cabinet resigned. June 2?Prince Fuir.imaro Konoe made premier of Japan. June 3?Duke of Windsor and Wallis War- 1 field married at Monts. France. June 16?Presideni of White Russia committed suicide as hundreds were seized. s June 10--Bilbao tell to Spanish rebels. June 20?Premier Blum and cabinet re- o signed as French senate refuses to make him money dictator. t June 21?Camtlle Chautemps named premier of France to succeed Biurn. 1 Premier of Georgian soviet republic removed by Moscow. t ' June 23?President o! Mexico announced I that government would take over national * railway lines. ^ June 28 -France suspended payment of v gold and foreign exchange; bourse closed until further notice. 3 Russian firing squads executed 37 more . wreckers in Soviet Far East. June 29?French chambet gave cabinet j dictatorship over finances. July 1?German police seized Rev. Martin Nicmoellcr. leader of the Protestants. 1 July 2?De Valera's parly failed to get ? [ a majority, hut new constitution won in 1 Irish Free State elections. , July 3?Ccunt Covadonga. former crown prince of Spain, and Marta R oca to i t married in Havana. , July 12?Japan prepared nation to go on war footing. July 13?French Reds and rightists rioted I In Paris on eve of Bastile day. > July 17?Pope Pius angered Nazis by pay- J I ing tribute to Cardinal MundeJein of Chicago. July IS?British parliament passed divorce reform act. July 21?Eamon de Valera re-elected preslI dent of Irish Free State. July 26?Republic of Liberia celebrated I its 90th anniversary. July 28?Farouk I invested as king of Egypt. Aug. 1?American war memorial at Montfaucon, France, dedicated. Aug. 11?Kurd uprising In Syria supI pressed by French troops. I Russia reported execution of 72 railroad wreckers. Aug. 25?Spanish rebels captured San| tander. i Avig. 31?French railroads nationalized by decree. Sent. 8?Paraguay government suppressed revolt. Sept. 17?Dr. Hjalmar Schacht retired as | German finance minister. I Oct. 2?Spanish rebels took Covadonga. Oct. 19?New high taxes decreed In Italy. Oct. 23?Provisional President Paez of Ecuador resigned and was succeeded by Con. Alberto Enriquez. Oct. 25?Van Zeeland resigned as premier of Belgium. Oct. 26?British parliament opened by King George VI. Oct. 28?Spanish loyalists moved capital from Valencia to Barcelona. Nov. 9?Spanish rebels announced blockade of entire loyalist coast Nov. 10?President Vargas made himself : dictator of Brazil. Nov. 16?Grand Duke George of Hesse and ten others killed in Belgian plane cash. Nov. 18?Dictator Vargas abolished federal courts of Brazil. Nov. 22?Duke of Windsor won libel suit against author and publisher of book abo?*l his abdication. Due de Guise issued manifesto starting campaign to regain throne of France. Dec. 3?Dictator Vargas of Brazil outlawed all political parties. Dec. 12?Soviet Russia held first "free" election under new constitution. Dec. 13?Pone Pius created five new car- i I dinals. ] JBB SPORTS ||| _ I Jan. 6?Fred J. Perry In debut as proles- , sional tennis player defeated Champion Ellsworth Vines. Jan. 29?Joe Louis defeated Bob Pastoi in New York. Jan. 30?Schaefer von 28-2 billiards title, , defeating Hoppe. Feb. 19?Freddie Steele, middleweight chamoion, whipped Babe Risko in title -J fight. March 6?Illinois and Minnesota tied for Big Ten basketbaU title. 1 March i3?University of Michigan won i Big Ten indoor track title. 1 March 24?Chicago Golden Glove boxers beat New Yorkers, 9 to 7. Oxford defeated Cambridge in annual regatta. March 25?Horton Smith won North and South open golf tournament at Atlanta. , I April l?Detroit Red WinTS retained naj tional hockey title. . April 4?Byron Nelson won Masters' golf tourney at Augusta. April 15?Max Baer whipped by Tommy Farr, British heavyweight champion. Ar?Hl 1Q Racoholl Cfcacnn nnnnoA April 21?Ralph Grccnlcaf won the world pocket billiard championship. May 7?Amt>ers whipped Canzoneri. retaining lightweight title. May a?War Admiral won Kentucky , Derby. May 18?Sid Richardson of Northwestern 1 won Big Ten golf title. May 22?Michigan won Big Ten track 1 title. . May 28?Golden Gloves boxing tourna- 1 ment In Chicago resulted in tie between , fighters from Europe and from the Chicago area. May 29?Illinois won Big Ten baseball title. Bob Sweeney, American bcrn Londoner, won British national amateur golf title. < May 30?Shute won P. G. A. championship. May 31?Wilbur Shaw won Indiana poll* , 500-mile automobile race. June 12?Ralph Guldahl won United States open golf UUe. June 22?Joe Louis won world champion- i ship; knocked out Braddock in the eighth round. 5 June 30? American golfers beat British i Rvdc-r cup matches Juiy 2?Joun L>. Budge. American, won rimblcdon tennis title. July 7?American league all-stars defeat1 Nationals. 3 to 3. July 9?Henry Cotton. England, won Brit;h open golf championship. July 25?Gene Sarazcn won first prize In iiicago $10,030 open golf tourney. July 27?American tennis team won Dais cup from EnglrnJ. July 31?Ranger defeated Endeavor II In rst America's cup race. Aug. 2?Ranger won second rare. Aug. 4?Ranger won tnird race. Aug. 5?Ranger won fourth race, retainig the America's cup. Aug. 21?American tennis team defeated iritish for Wightman cun. Aug 22?Gar Wood. Jr.. won outboard egatta at Chicago. Aug. 28?Johnny Goodman won national mateur golf title. Aug. 30?Joe Louis defeated Tommy Fair f Great Britain on points, retaining chamlonship. Von Cramm and Ilenkel of Germany won 'nlted States tennis doubles title. Sept. 3?Wehrlc won western amateur olf title. Sept. 11?Don Budge won national singles innis title. Harry Cooper won Canadion open golf hampjonship. Sept 20?Raloh Guldahl won western open olf title. Sept. 22?Old Westbury team won Amerian polo title iroin ureontree. Sept. 23- -Ross and Ambers retained weljrwelght and lightweight titles; Jeflra won antamwelght title. New York Yankees won American league hampionshijp. Sept. 29?Greyhound trotted mile In 1.56, ew world record. Sept. 30?New York Giants won Nationa! ;ague pennant. I'lpf Q Mrs TTcf r*lli? Pntfo ?-nn tt'AMtAn'a ational golf championship. Oct. 10?New York Yankees won world erics from Giants. Nov. 2?Harvard beat Yale at football. Minnesota won Big Ten football cliamionship. Nov. 15?Samuel E. Eoyi elected presient of A. A. U. Nov. 18?CapL George Eyston of Er.gand set new world record lor speed on land f 311.42 miles per nour in automobile at lonneville sail flats. Utah. Dec. 7?National Baseball league adopted lower ball. Dec. 12?Washington Redskins won pro^ssionai football championship of world. NECROLOGY I i Jan. 1?F.. V. R. Thayer, New York finarv ier. Col. D. V/. MacCormack. cornmisslonci f immigration. Jan. t^?Admiral Albert Gleaves, U. S 1.. retired. Jan. C?Charles Hayden, New York bankr and philanthropist. Jan. 9?Clarence Eddy of Chicago, fanous organist. Jan. 10? Julius Stciglitz. noled chemistn Chicago. Jan. 13?Martin Johnson, noted explorer. Jan. 17?R. D. Cary, former United States enator and governor of Wyoming. Jan. 18?Clarence A. Barbour, presldenl f Brown university. Jan. 20?Bishop M. J. Gallagher of De roit. Jan. 21?H. G. Lioyd, Philadelphia auanker. Jan. 29?Sir Psrcival Phillips. British wai :ori esponder.l. Feb. 4?V-'. W. Durbin, register of United itatcs treasury. Feb. 6? Elihu Root, statesman and law rer. in New York. Feb. 7?Bishop A. F. Schinner in Mil vaukee. Ex-Congressman C. R. Crisp ol Gcorg'a Feb._22?Congressman James P. Buchau in 01 Texas. Rollo Ogden, editor of New York Times. Feb. 23?Itear Admiral Henry T. Mayo J. S. N. retired. Feb. 24?Sir Guy Standing. movie actor n Hollywood. March 5?Richie Ling, veteran Amcricai icier, in New York. March 6?Dr. W. T. Hornaiiay, zoologist il Stamford, Coim. Marv L. Requa. California Republics leader. March 13?MaJ. Gen. H. W. Butner. com nandant of Panama canal zone. Ellhu Thompson, noted Inventor. March 36?Hear Admiral Richmond P Tobson. Sir Austen Chamberlain, British states nan. Dr. B. B. Moeur, ex-governor of Arizona March 20?Harry Vardon, famous Britis! jolfer. March 21?Edwin S. Stuart, ex-governoi ?f Pennsylvania. March 22? Frederick MacMonnics. Amcrl ran sculptor. March 25?John Drlnkwater, British poe ind dramatist. March 28?Frank Mandel, Chicago mer rhant. j . B Fra: icr of Tennessee, former sena :or and governor. March 29?William A. Butler of Boston ndustriallst and former United States sen iter. March 31?Mrs. Robert Todd Lincoln iaughter-in-law of President Lincoln. April 4?Talcott Powell, editor and cx aloier. April 9?Albert Bigclow Paine, biogra pher and poet. April 11?Ralph Ince, film director, 1 Bngland. Everett Brown of Chicago, leader In busi less and amateur sports. April 13?Lars Anderson. American diplo mat and soldier. April 20?W. Forbes Morgan, former ire as irer of Democratic national committee. April 21?Gus Kill, veteran theatrics producer and actor. April 23?Senator N. L. Backman of Ten lessee. April 26?Bishop W. F. McDowell. Metho list leader, in Washington!. April 28?John G Pollard, chairman o Veterans* administration board of appeal and former governor of Virginia. April 29?William Gillette, actor. Norman Hapgood. author and editor. May 6?C. K. G. Billings. Chicago capi talist and sportsman. May 9?Harry S. New, former senato [rom Indiana and postmaster general. May 10?Paid Chabas. French painter. May 12?Loins F. Swift of Chicago, retire meat pecker. May 14?Gen. John L. Clem, ' Drummc Boy of Chickamauga." in San Antonio. John Burke of Minnesota, former govcx aor and treasurer of United States. Prof. C. H. Ha skins of Harvard. May IS?Viscount Sncwden. former Britisl chancellor of exchequer and Laborite leader Percy Gassoway, ex-congressman Iron Oklahoma. May 19?J. Henry Rorahack. Connection Republican leader. May 23?John TJ. Rockefeller. Sr.. at Or mond Beach, Fla. Manuel Teller, Mexican diplomat. May 24 ?Edward F. Dunne, ex-mayor o Chicago and ex-governor of Illinois. Rear Admira1. J. V. Chase, retired. May 25?Edward Albright, American mill Ister to Costa Rica. May 27?Frederick E. Ives of Phiiadel phia. Inventor of half-tone process. May 30?George F. Baker. New Yorl banker. June 7?Jean Harlow, screen actress. June 10?Sir Robert Borden, former Ca nadian premier. June 14?Charles U Pack, president Amci lean Tree association. June 15?W. P. Connery. congrcssmai Frnm hTacM^hiiwibi June 18?Gaston Dcumcrgue, former presl Sent of France. June 19--Sir James M. Barrie. author andramatist. June 20?Former Representative Frank Lin W. Fort of New Jersey June 24?Demarest Lloyd, journalist. June 25?Colin Clivc. stage and screei actor. June 29?Frank A. Vanderlip. financier. July 11?George Gershwin, composer a classical jazz music. Jack Curley. sports promoter. July 14?Senator Joseph T. Robinson c Arkansas. July 17?Gabriel Pierne. French com soser. July 19?Guylielmo Marconi, inventor c wireless, in Rome. G. S Parker, industrialist, of Jancsvillc Wis. July 24?A. S. Prall. chairman federa communications commission. July 26?J. J. Dooling of New York, lead er of Tammany. July 28?Henry Clews, American sculptoi Aug. 2?Rear Admiral W. F. Worthing ton. U. S. N., retired. Aug. 7?Lady Maude Tree, English ael ress. Aug. 12?Frederick Strauss, New Yor banker. Rear Admiral N. E. Erwin, U. S. N.. w tired. PAGE THREE Ed'th Wharton. American novelist. Aug. 13?Baron Runciman. British shipping rnagr-atcAug. Ixm?Andrew V.*. Mellon, financier and statesman. Aug. 27?John R. Pope, famous architect, in New York. Frederick Oppcr. veteran cartoonist. Aug. 29?Dr. Charles F. Thwlng, educator and author. Sept. 1?Dr. G. H. Simmons of Chicago, eminent medical editor. Sept. 6?Henry Had ley, American composer. Sept. 13?Dr. Thomas G. Masaryk. first president of Czechoslovakia. Ellis Parker Butler. American writer. Sept. 18?Lott R. Herrick. Illinois Supremo court Justice. William Loeb. secretary to President Theodore Roosevelt, in New York. Sept. 23?Charles A. Knorr. American tenor. Sept. 25?Edward A. Filene, Boston mer' chant and economist. I Sept. 26?E. T. Eiomct. American ambasI sad or to Austria. I Oct. 3?Ed Howe, author and editor, m Atchison. Kan. ; Oct. 7?John Griffiths of Chicago, builder of skyscrapers. Oct. 11?Ogden L. Mills of New York, tor| mcr secretary of the treasury. Oct. 14?Robert Underwood Johnson of New York, editor, educator and former diplomat. Oct.. 18?Col. Grayson Murphy of New York, industrialist _ J. Biuce Isinuv, British snipping magnate. Oct. 19?Lord Ernest Rutherford. British scientist. Dr. J. N. B. Xlewitt of Washington, ethnologist. Oct. 20?Felix Warburg of New York, financier and philanthropist. Oct. 22?George Horace Larimer, ex-editor of Saturday Evening Post, in Philadelphia. Prof. E. R. Jones, drainage engineer and -educator. In Madison, Wis. i Albert B. Insley. American landscape painter. Oct. 21?Sir Joseph xsherwood, British naval architect. Oct. 31?Rev. C. W. Gordon (Ralph Connor). author, in Winnipeg. Judge Francis J. Heney in Santa Monica. Calif. Nov. J?Henry M. Robinson, banker and economist. In Pasadena. Nov. 4?Jack MeAuliffc, former world I champion lightweight, in New York. Nov. 6?Sir Johnston Forbes-Roberaton, English actor. Nov. 7?F. P. Gar/an of New York, exalien property custodian. Nov. 0?Frederick Donaghey of Chicago, Journalist and dramatist, j Nov. 9 ? Ramsay MacDonnld. British ' statesman and former prime minister. Nov. 12?Atlee Pomerene. ex-scnator from ; Ohio. 1 Nov. 13--Mrs. Leslie Carter, veteran actress. Rev. Dr. John McDowell. Presbyterian : leader. In Nhw York Nov. 21?Howard Coflin. industrialist and engineer, at Sea Island. Ga. Nov. 22?K. It. Kingsbury, president Standard Oil of Caluornia. Nov. 23?Sir Jagedas Chandra Bcse, Hindu savant. Nov. 24?A. S. Burleson, former postmaster general, in Austin, Texas. Nov. 27?Theodore Walters, assistant secretary of the interior. I Nov. 30?J. O. X&cKinsey, Chicago, prcst dent Marshal} Field oc Co. The Panclicn Lama, spiritual ruler of t Tibet. Dec. 10?Harry G. Leslie, ex-governcr of Indiana. Dec. 14?W. J. Hoirahan. president of I C. A. O. railway. P.Iiss Kale Buckingham, Chicago, art pa> | tron. ' | DISASTERS I " . Jan. 11?Finnish molorsbip wrecked In Orkney islands; 31 lost. Jan. 16?Hundred killed in burning railway train in China. ? an. 20?Serious floods throughout the Ohio liver valley. Jan. 21?Chinese ferryboat capsized; 227 drowned. . Jan. 23?Floods in Ohio valiey increased; 500 dead; 1,000 homeless; damage |500,? ? 000,000. , Jan. 25?Seventeen drowned when bus fell . into Everglades canal near Miami, Fla. . Feb. 1?Flood, pua&uig down ihe idisaia* a slppi; drove many thousands from the'r homes. Feb. 13?-Nearly 700 killed in theater fire !n Antung, Manchukuo. Feb. 18?Six marines killed by shell explosion on battleship Wyoming. March 18?Explosion of gas in London Consolidated school, east Texas, killed 455 children and teachers. March 25?Thirteen killed !n crash of airi liner near Pittsburgh. May 6?German dirigible Hindenburg exr ploded and burned at Lakehurst. N. J.; 35 persons kd'ed. May 17?Boiler explosion on launch at Hongkong killed 70 Japanese cmigranis, t i June 20?Sixteen killed by avalanche while I climbing Himalayas. July 2?Thirty-two injured in wreck of North Western train at Evanston, 111. July 15?Twenty killed in mine explosion at Sullivan. Inrl. July 16?More than 150 injured In blast of gasoline tanks at Atlantic City. July 29?Twenty-five killed tn train wtccx ' near Paris. Aug. 3?Fourteen lost when Pan American-Grace plane fell into sea off Panama. Aug. 20 ? Destructive earthquake at Manila. Aug. 22?Eleven killed in Wyoming fora est fire. Sept. 2?Terrific typhoon at Hongkong; l" more than 500 killed. Sept. 11?Southern Japan swept by de* structive typhoon. Sept. 20?Wyandotte county lake dam, '* built by WPA near Kansas City, collapsed. _ Oct. 16?Mine explosion at Mulga. Ala., 1 killed 23. Nov. 11?Three hundred Japanese ?ulphur minera killed by landslide. Dec. 10?Thirty-four killed in raihray WlUKim. in ) Dec. 11?Dollar liner President Hoover f stranded on Island off Formosa; all saved, s ..; | AERO | Jan. 12 ? Western Air Express plane d crashed near Burte?nk. Calif; two passen gers killed, r Jan. 29?Twelve United States army planes completed mass flight from San Diego to > Hawaii. Feb. 9?United Air Lines plane fell in San Francisco bay; il killed, h March 17?Amelia Earhurt hopped from _ Oakland, Calif., for Honolulu on world ena circling flight. March 26?T. W. A. liner fell near Pittst burgh; 13 killed. March 30?Pan-American Clipper coms. pleted exploratory flight from San Francisco to Auckland, New Zealand. April 9?Two Japanese completed flight i? from Tokyo to London in 94'fe hours. May 6?German dirigible Hindcnburg explod od and burned at Lakchurst, N. J; 35 killed. May 9^?Dick Merrill and J. S. Lambie i. began flight from New York to London. May 10?Merrill and Lambie landed safely k at Croydon airport May 14?Merrill and Lambie completed return flight from London to New York, i- May 21?Russian aviators landed near North Pole and established air base on ice - floe. June 1?Amelia Earhart started from ri Miami r.n rnnnii thp " nrW j June 15? Amelia Earhart landed in Kal | rachi. India. I June 18?Russian plane started from Mos- K d cow on non-step flight to Oakland. Calif. June 20?Russian plane forced down by weather at Vancouver. Wash.; time from Moscow, 63 hours. July 2?Amelia Earhart forced down near o Howlaud island on 2.570-mile hop from New Guinea on round the world trip. July 3?Warships and planes were ruabed >f to the rescue of Amelia Earhart, but failed to find her. July 11?Three Soviet aviators took off if from Moscow, attempting polar flight to San Francisco, i- July 13?Sixty navy planes searched 21.000 miles of Pacific in vain hunt for Amelia if Earhart. July 14?Soviet flyers set new distance , record in non-stop flight from Moscow to San Jacinto. Calif. 6,262 miles, fl July 18?Search for Amelia Earhart abandoned by navy. I- Aug. 25?New radio beam for blind landing successfully tested. \ Sept. 3?Frank Fuller won Bendbc trophy race Los Angeles to Cleveland. Oct. 24?Miss Jean Batten cut Australia t- England record to E days. 18 hours. *iec. 3?Rudy Kling and Frank Hayes k 1 in Miami air races. 17?Thirty-fourth anniversary ?f >- * brothers* first flight celebrated. s Western Newspaper Union.