j' MARCH 7, 1933 The Week in Washington A RESUME OF GOVERNMENMKNTAL HAPPENINGS IN T1IE NATIONAL. CAPITAL, Washington, April 5.?The Japanese cherry blossoms bloomed early this year around the Tidal Basin, J coming into full flower just as congress voted to appropriate more than I a billion dollars to build the largest! navy in the world, with a couple cf ] battleships of 45,000 tons, thousands , of tons larger than the top limit agreed on by England, Japan and the United Slates a few years ago. Japan broke its treaty agreement first, by laying the keel of two giant warships. England followed suit and now the United States falls into line. Congress also added 535,000,000 to the army appropriations. Conservative Coalition In 1940? More and more talk ia heard in uie anterooms of both houses of congress of Cot dell Hull as a possible coalition candidate for the presidency in 1940. The belief grows among experienced political observers that the 1940 contest must be along a new line-up, not Republicans against Democrats but between conservatives and the new deal, with the anil-new deal candidate as likeiy to be an old-line Damocrat as to be a Republican. Those who are opposed Itc the whole philosophy of the new deal include a great and growing number of Democratic leaders, especially in the south. Mr. Hull is from Tennessee. The eyes of many of those who believe that a real coallIiion ol' the anti-new deal elements is politically feasible are turning from the still badly disrganized Republican party toward the southern Democracy for leadership, and more and more resting 011 Mr Hull. That the administration is well aware of the growing disaffection to-1 ward it of what was once the "Solid : South" Is evidenced by numerous | signs of the times. The President's 1 open espousal of Pier:da Senator Claude Pepper's candidacy for renomination at the May 3rd prinmrie.3 is one of those signs. Mr. Pepper is an out-and-out new dealer. He faces opposition from two powerful opponents, neither of them committed to the new deal. One is Congressman Mark Wilcox, the other is former Governor Dave Scholtz. The defeat I of Senator Pepper by cither of those would ho a slap In the face for the administration which Mr. Roosevelt wants to avoid at all hazards. Bid for Southern Vote The political strategy behind the President's Gainsvillc, Ga., speech Is interpreted here as an effort to build op pro-new deal sentiment among the rank and file of Gcrgla and other southern voters. Mr. Roosevelt came out flatly with the declaration that the workers of the south are aci.'ig exploited by southern employers and that what he called the "feudal" system under which negroes live and work should be abolished and southern wages increased materially. Along with such efforts to hold the south in line politically in the 1938 elections, and with the 1943 Presidential election in view is the announcement by the AAA that half of the $500,090,000 which is to be dis tributed to farmers in the next three j months from the federal treasury, un- ] der the soil control act and the new [ crop control law, will go to the south. The total amount to be distributed to farmers under the new law may I be half aa much again as the five hundred million now available. The bills which have been introduced for new processing taxes are calculated to raise $212,000,000. The purpose of these new processing taxes, to provide additional subsidies for farmers, is not stated in the bills as introduced. That Is supposed to make the tax constitutional, by keeping It a legislative secret that it ia levied upon the whole people for the benefit of a single class. That was the ground upon which the supreme court declared the old AAA act unconstitutional. No Balanced Budget Your Credit Is Good at High Land Furniture Company "Everything for the Home" Depot St. Boone, N. C. BOONE DRUG CO. The BexaJU Store It is generally recognized here I that there is no chance of balancing | the budget for the next fiscal year, r.o matter how much the new tax bill . may yield. Nor is it likely that the | government will ever take in as I much a3 it spends so long as expenditures for relief, farm aid and other purposes outside of the actual operating expenses of the government continue to run at high figures. Increased expenditures for the army and navy and the need of building up an auxiliary merchant marine by subsidies also tend to shove farthre into the future the prospect of making ends meet unless some new sources of tax revenue can be found. Therefore, there is much serious talk both in administration circles and on Capitol H1U of "broadening the tax base." The method most seriously considered is the LaFollette plan of taxing all net incomes above ] $800 and reducing the tax exemption for married men to $1,500, with reduced exemptions for minor dependents. Also sentiment for a national I sales tax seems to be growing, j The row in the TV A and the dismissal by the President of Chairman I Arthur Morgan may develop into a serious political issue before a congressional committee gets through with the inevitable public investigation. Not only the right of the President to dismiss Mr. Morgan is hotly disputed, and must eventually be decided by the supreme court, but uie uemana ior Liu* airing or the whole policy ur.der which the TVA was conceived and the "inside" story of Its operation!; is too insistent to be disregarded. Bridges Takes Limelight Senator Bridges, the Republican former governor of Niew Hampshire, was the first to leap into the trenches with a demand for an investigation; and so focused attention upon him>^pNYSS Refreshing tail ' > ?cleansing m V ? wash and breatf I In deodorant Handy-Hot lj| * iiLsCiKiC ^ TOASTER Toasts Two Slices UIVWI1UINX ??U!S? | A 5!2597??fe EVERYDAY NEEDS 25c Nyieptol Tooth Paste. Lb. Needee Hospital Cottrot 35c Nysepto! Tooth Brush.. Pt. Ultra Hand Lotion 500 Ncedee Cleansing Tits 50c Holdtiie Den. Plate Poi 35c Dental Plate Brush 75c Nygto for dry hair 60c HiisutoneHaif Tonic... 16 or. Ultra Almond Cream.. 6 or. Glycerin & Rose Wate Lg. Magnesia Too?h Paste.. 50c Par Shaving Lotion. 25c Needee Com Pads. Lg. Nydonta Tooth Paste.. 25c Nysis Face Powder Nysis Powder Puffs 2%-inch 6 or. Ultra Vegetal?lotion $1.00 Sorel Face Powder ., 6 or. Ultra Rose HairOil... ijfly Putrurr TaaaL Dr*?.4? 50c Brilliant Lilac Hair Oil. 50c Nysis Cucumber Lotion. 12*s Nyal Aspirin Tcb. (dox Bcllevue Toothbrushes] 4 ox. Pure Otive Oil Dox. NyNapsSan. Pads Lge. Men's Cot. HandkercHi Lge. Par Shaving Cream.... LUCKY SCtUB POT CUANH Save tbne~effort . WATATJGA DEMOCRAT?F\ Augy Slides Hoi a> L08 ANGELES. Col. . . . Augj 'hits the dirt" p.s ho slips home U'.bltlon game with the Pittsburg the cat'-h and the ball ran be s t* the won 13 Bethel High School and Community New (Deferred from last issue) The grade children gave an intt esting program in the auditorium la Friday evening. A junior-senior reception was he in the school auditorium Saturd: evening, April 2. Afiss Ftubye Fart ing directed the affair. County Superintendent W. H. Wi ker visited the school Friday mor self as an aggressive Republican wi leadership possibilities. NYAL MAGN TOOTH PAS UTAi m :r iul 11 [|L Cleant end w Aseptic ?%*C out" /it \V 2 for I ^^TBonJe ofKXrV d^NYAL ^ SA V ASPIRIN I, * TABLETS headache, neurulgia^^ ^ Jue to exposure jkt QfYAL E !or SCX^saubut uvi jpr O!!. CAPSULES Concentrated vitamins v?.(J/ necessary to health , I #i ??* i'm' SV'",1Aa 11 I casy-to-i for 1" I f 2 to, 2 r, V 5 < \ . .2 for 60c :::l^?Sc sAve^"? Jes.2 tor 50C QgtJ 1 "ISas. RUBBER 2 to, 75c GOODS NYADHOT WAT .. .2 tor 50C ?fwo-quart ri 2 f?- 50e seam,ess -* o KX, NYAD FOUNTAI * for 3Ut ?2-qucrt,rapid M ...2 for 50C Howtubing X 2 - OSt NYAD SYRINGE '"? *? MENT-Tubing jj .. .2 for 5UC and fittings. . Jt .. .2 tor 25c nyad combine 2_ __ Fountain syiinge, w tor09c bottle n .. .2 for 50C complete.... A 1, $100 NYAD VAGINA! " "Z - Antiseptic spray syi ^ foraUK ?? 2,orSoc NYADHAia - -2 'or 50c Sturdy per.el 2 for 50c bristles ? so :.) ?*rlOc SP|^HL ...2 19c 2 for45? /sS n/, " 2 for35e JfL V001 ?% . p i*. == iTi Inin moi iefs.2 for I $C (rnon-brea 2 tor 50c \jgvf forlongt T~ During th ^forlSC-? TORY THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. ne But Pirates ^Win r Cnlan. Chicago Cubs star outfielder. ; with an effective elide during an exli Pirates. Todd. Pirate catcher, missed sen up his arm. Despite Augy'e gpecto 4. : ing and made an interesting talk at j chapel. T& Several of the 4-H Club members j from tliis section attended lire gen| oral mectirg held in Boone last Fri:r j day night. They report a very inter.st; esting meeting. j Student critics are appointed to ofi'.d | fer constructive criticism of Friday ay [ mornings at chapel relative to proper li- j care of the building, promptness, and j other tilings necessary to make the il-j school worthwhile. These criticisms n- have a very wholesome effect in ev_')ery grade in the school. For the first time, the grades are -h j going to give a program at commencement this year. One feature ES1A NYAL COD LIVER I ?TE EXTRACT TABLETS hifens Ceolaln heaHh-buiMing F( tubo vitamltte 25c Bofll* of 85 2 for iOQj 5. DIRA TOILETRIES AT "2 for Dc CLEANSING COLD CREAM . 2 (or ! 50c ROUGE OR LIPSTKX . . . 2 for S 50c SADIRA FACE POWDER . 2 tor 2 ^ 50c FINISHING CREAM . . 2 for 2 50c EAU DE COLOGNE . 2 for S ._]* 50c FAOAL FRESHENER . 2 for 2 ffli50e8tiAD,,ST1NGPOWDER ' jp^STATIONERY tOc^k CADILLAC VELLUM-S Uy.| fine velhjrn in cclicpham NTAL age JfLffll AY J?I EDGEMONT Lft IULULAA Sh vnlopes, medium olated? special value .. ake laxative ARDSLEY LI lO V^NYAl\ jtf NOEiMti. 3j. gfCOD LIVER OIL jitr", (ItU.S.P. Vitamin III strength ^^NYAL \L2for95^NASAl DROPS jjl ^^~g==j0tiy Make breathing Jj?S - easier in colds, ER BOTTLE Hlf _ I for $125 M^f^OTRATES N SYRINGE CARBONA [for 1^? ifa .Effervescent I ATTACH- (Ei alkalinizer ! for 75c atcr * I i /]] H for^00^^ BoL DOUCHE- $_25 B-* *' ringe, large bulb .... ^ *?r ? : BRUSH BATH TOWELS> 'rating 20 x 40-inch size lid set pastel colon 47c ^Iach 23< UMAHTHB I . ^ CUAS /PT 111 lit?'f T'. - 1 "3 ICI i*Aiin ?"*?}' IB AlARA del, nickel case? K T T j] a kafelocrystal,built R keeper 2 vear and accuracy. E'H . I rJTburi. lis sale.89cthis sale ROLINA PHARI Your Cut-Rate Drug Stor BCONE, N. C. Cove Creek Chapter Future Farmers Holds Father-Son Csnquefc The annual Father and-Son banquet, rponjorcd by the Cove Creek chapter. Future Farmers of America, was held Thursday, March 81, at 8 p. m, in the lunch room of Cove Creclt high school. Approximately 150 fathers, sons and visitors attended the banquet. Some of the fathers arrived early and played a game of volley bail with the sons just before the banquet. The following menu was prepared and served by the department of home economics: Tocnato juice cocktail. baked chicken, rice with dressing, green beans, candled potatoes, combination salad, ice cream, cup cake, coffee and cocoa. Following the banquet the following program was given in a very creditable manner with the chapter, president, Louis Farthing, as toastmaster: F. F. Song, all; welcome, Clarence Berry; invocation, Rev. Philip Fletcher, music, string band; 1938-37 project program, Harold Henson; piano-saxophone duet, Farthing and Fletcher; 1937-38 project plans. Bill Bingham; music, string band; song, F. F. A. quartette; 1936 agricultural fair, Tommie AVard; piano-banjo duet. Farthing and Fletcher; shop worK, vjarmei ttnooK.; athletics, Robert Banner: Farm Memories, F. F. A. chorus; recognition of visitors, toastmaster; song, 'Good Night, Daddies," all. of the program, is "Tom Thumb's Wedding.*' Heretofore the school building has been inadequate to successfully give a grade entertainment. The exact date will be given later. 1YAL ANTACID "2forVT POWDER ^^,0* ?r gat, <oum?ii, due S5c Nya| Yel to acid rtomtKh 50c BucKu an Dc six* 2 for SOC I 100 Iron and I J ?v- _?' r _________________ luuninKiei i? 75c Nyalypfi ft ( Pi- Ultra Ext. 'ft^l^l ImI 25c Nyal Lm 25c Nyal Cai iO? 50,-NvaIThr iJJf 50c Roctone i ? L Jfc'M SOc Anclges ,OC <?<^=5^Zr=5 $1.00 Hot Sp 71 51.00 Halibi SPECIALS Pt. Nyal Rub :4 sheets and envelopes cf Live? c pack- 4} 25c Zinc Oin 2 ^ 37c 50cSani,oryl JEN ?24 sheets ond en- 50c Haarlem Sil8-<12fo,50c 50c Lax. Syr. NEN?60 ful! sheols and f1-^^ es. highest quality linen, SucMercuro, orrespondence sire 50c Kleer-a-E 2 for 85C 51.00 Hypo, ^ Sl-25 A.B.D ..M . B u _ 25c Pine & Tc FEDERAL RAZOR socNyatw BLADES 50c Nyal Co! i?^^6)EDolTeC^: Hl^rl (package oi 10) pt. Nyal Min ^f\YOURCHOICE 2 or. Boric A )i 2 for 15c 3 or. Pure Ca till 1ox.TincL.lo ris /A r??,vk. I 1 or. Senna U IKS cri_ \S i Lb. Pure Epsc Vlk H NYAL ASPiBI AURIEL ASTOR gj{ | CE POWDEaJ^g^ la? Or 5QCJP^50c PO( J^NYAL HONEY ?. * &H0REH0UNDwjk COUGH SYRUR^88^^ . ^^rNYALGESiQ f?r muscular k iantiid <i7ty pain * CLOCK *>lt 2 for jf? irBt UO^NYAI !9 89c Each ^Hp OF MA( *fr> for 5 MART m 'M PAGE THREE Very Small Humming-Bird The humming-bird of the Amazon grows i:n larger than an inch and m st. Sing A Song of Noisiness, A Chassis Fuii Of Squeak*, tf They Are ignored Your Purse Develops Leaks, W Bui Proper Lubrication Now ? A Simple Remedy? ?^ Will Stop The Creaks, Prevent The Leaks, And That's Economy. x\x ' ' / ^ ..a? V *98^3. Ui Us Clean The W1MTCR O j* CM Your Cor (Ssso) I Vilas Service Station Vilas. N. C. ^ ?2jpgg ft M. HOME REMEDIES tenia {4 ex.) 2 for 60C Itow Pills 2 for 25c d JuniperPi!ls... .2 for 50t Yeast Tablets 2 fer *V0 ascnmTablets 2 fer 35c in Cough Strop.. .2 for 7 5 C VV'tch Ha/el 2 for 50C tacoid Tablets.... 2 for 25c bolic Salve 2 for 25C oat Gargle 2 for 50C Liniment 2 for75C 'lie Ointment 2 fer 5QC ic Balm?tube. . . .2 for 50C rings Medicine. . 2 for it Caps.?Foit 2 for $1?? bir.g Alcohol 2 far SOC Oil?Mint Flav.. .2 for 95c itment?tube 2 for 25C Douche Powd 2 for SOC Oil Capsules 2 for 5GC jp Figs & Senna.. .2 for SOC ir Laxative 2 for $1?Q -u. e_i o . nr. -Hiuiiic JV?I. ....... A I or | ted Inhalant 2 for 50C )hosphites Tonic.. .2 for . Vitamin Caps.... 2 for*l? J ir Cough Synjp 2 for 25^ lite Liniment.. .. 2forSOc I Id Capsules 2 for SOC ?for hoarseness... 2 for 25c 1 n Rcmcvcr 2 for 25C cralOil 2 for 75C cid Powder 2 for 1 5C storOil 2 for 25C dine 2 for 25C rated Oil....... .2 for 25C eaves 2 for 15c 1 im Salt. ? 2 for 20c I .. 2for25c >Y'S COMB? , __ inch size J- forl5C :KET COMB? - __ thdip 2forl5c PURSE COMB? ^ ,, bobby style ... .Jt forI3C BARBER COMB?, __ Coarse and line. 2 for I jC I), CADILLAC r/L Dl AVIAKA lift I IIMU iHESIA^ y2for60c

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