PAGE FOUR c.,'.1 .. - ?c: . . ?Watauga History ?Continued froir. page one) clerks arc their term of service he starts at 1S50. it is interesting; to ik>te that from that date until ' about I860" the Rev. Joseph Harrison serv efl and was succeeded in that office j try the Rev; JD. C. Harmon. It is j probable that the standard of literacy off that time was limited and that the allergy's scholarship qualified them for the office. Incidentally, this Is the only record of clergy in public office in the history of Watauga county. Under the heading of Baptist Church History In Watauga County. Arthur tells us The Rev. Joseph liarrisoi! was repeatedly elected register of deeds of Watauga county, but daring the Civij War he remainen loyal to tile Union, refusing to take the oath of allegiance to the ; Confederacy, with the result that j Rjev. D. C. Harmon served during thai time.? Of the Rev. Mr. Hannan or Harmon nothing is recorded which gives us a clue to his denomination or the proper spelling of his name. Nor was the Rev. Mr Harrison alone in his loyal allegiance to the Union cause. While Boone was solidly Confederate in its sympathies, many of the outlying families of the county remembered their Yaancestry and refused to take part ir. the War Between the States. In this j connection. Shepherd AT Bugger, famous as the author of "Balsam Groves of Grandfather Mountain'* j and War Trails of the Blue Ridge " f states that whiie his father was em- j ployed at the Confederate forge at : Cranberry during the war his father's sympathies were definitely i Unionist. Mr. Bugger tells stirring tales of feeding "outlyers." "bushwhackers'' and "recruitersas he designates Union participants in the 1 guerrilla warfare which left a legend 1 of wild disunion in homes and fami- 1 Jies throughout This mountain coun- ] tr>'- i. Only one major action of the Civil War affected Watauga count.\ ? | ^ Stoneman's raid. This raiding party j, consisting of a cavalry division and J a battery of artiilery from the 1Union forces at Knoxville, under the j comjicann of M a.ior General Gtorgt j Sioneman, reached Beope ii: the j forenoon of March 28..1&65. Con focieqate sy.npatftizers fired nr. the head | J of. the Union column and in the re- 1 suiting skirmish three residents ot j ^ Boone were killed and five wounded, i Arthur remarks that. Following the j tiring: dtonema.iV\s men charged and those who had fired upon them took off toward Howard's Knob and with the exception of one all of the wounded Were shot ;n the tear.** Local tradition credits Stoneman's command with much unnecessary brutality. Following the raid upon Boone . Stoneman's command divided and continued on to harry the foothills of the mountains of western North Carolina. This was the highlight of ] the Civil War so far as Watauga county was concerned. Through the years Watauga coun- ! tyJs public officials have been men of i an unusually high type. Able Officials After careful research the most | complete record of the officeholders, both elective and appointive, has been i, compiled and concludes this historical narrative. It is significant that the officials of Watauga county have never been smirched with scandal nor involved in any of the political scan- , dais and feuds of their period. This listing of county officials starts at the period of 1878, a few years after the burning of the courthouse and ^ includes the present county officials: Representatives Wm. B. Council*. 1878; Thomas ^ Bingham, J 880-1882-1886-1896; Ed- j ward F. Lovil] 1884-1892; Jesse -A.], Crisp. 1888; Jordan B. Phillips. 1890; , Lindsay H. Michael, 1894; Wm. B. Councill. Jr., 1898; W. H. Calloway, 1900; L. H. Michael, 1902; Dr. Phipps, ] 1904; W. D. Farthing. 1906; Smith i! Hagaman, 1908-1910; John W. j Hodges, 1912; A. W. Smith, 1914; <. Blaine Coffey, 1916-1920-1922; H. T. H. Coffey, 1926; R. a Rivers, McD. Little, 1918; I. G. Greer, 1924; , 1928; R. T. Gireer, 1930-1932; Dean Swih, 1924; W. F. Miller, 1936. Clerk Superior Court J., H. Hardin. 1878; Joe B. Todd, 1883*1890; M. B. Blackburn, 1894; John H. Bingham, 1898; Thos. Bingham, 1902-1906 W. D. Farthing, 1910-1914; O. L. Coffey, 1918; A. W. Smith, 1920-1922; A. E. South, 19261930*1936. Register of Deeds W. W. Presnell, 1878-1880-18821884j E. J. Blackburn, 1886; M B. Blackburn, 1888-1890; Calvin J. Cot troll, 1862; John W. Hodges, 1894-1896; J. M May, 1898-19001902^1904-1906; W. R. Gragg, 19081910i-1912-1914-1916-1918; E. M. Harmon} 1920-1922; Pearl Hartley, 1924192$; Helen Underdown, 1928-19301932-1924-1936. vv FIRST MAYOR _ Tin* late \V. la. Bryan, Esq., who and |>i'int**r mr reliant and hotel md Sheriff A. J McBride. 1878-1SS0: D F Saird. 1884-1890-J 892; J Hayos .S86-18S8 W. H Calloway, 1SS4 1896-1898. W. B Bainl. 1900-1902: John W Hck5?*s. 1904-1906: P C. va bagar., 19CS-S910: a I. Wilson. t1.912; W. P Moody, 1914-1911*. .1. K co "i~ounf.. 1M8-1B20; C. ST. Critch'er. in; 1!>22; "u. M Earthm;;. 1B24-192G-192&- 1:11 LP20: T C Baird. 1932: A V. How- j: bll. 1934 A J Barhtglen i!MiG. A. P. Hi., (..rone- |r, J. \V Thornse, JC7S ' 580; W D ha ;o>r;n lgSi, J. ( '., i&3G: Jan, [fie J. Shell. 188S: A. L. Wellborn. 1300: ' vo: ronu-s E Faia.h:njj. ISO?; Geo. K. : vvh Biiilfhiim, 1894; 1> o Greene. 189(5; SIj Too? W Hayes, ISPS: H. 1. Weaver, ort 1900-1808: W. S Henley, 1906: J. (J, Do Vannoy, J910; A. O Stone, 1012; of Rob.v James. 1314: W H. Eller. 1016; mi Henry storie. 101S: II. D. Morotz. on IP20-1922-.1924; J. b Kagaman <hP 1026-102S-1030-1032: Jack b o v e. Iai 1031: Richard E. Kelley, 1936 "i Sitr* cvorA. C. Farthing, 1878; Nathan HerIon, 1SS0: L.. W. Farthing, 1884; b U Trivetb iS8&-1806i-lS08-3910-lBr 1916-1918; L. H Michael, 1S6S; C. M. j ?P Hodges, 1SP0; b. D Lowe. 1S92; Mil- th lard Trivetl, 1894: Willet S. Miller. *r'r 1896; Jones C. Groer ISPS; w T nM Vandyke. 1900-1902-1912-1914: I. A A Bumgarner. 1920-1922-1924; \V. R ,r Vines. 1926 to 193G to rensurers Uv John Ragan. 1884; I* A. Greene. 1SU6 lo lttS888SSRTA01NTrXUmJX 1886-1888-1894-1896-1898-1900; W. E. j Greene. 1S90-1S92; E. M. Greer. 1D02; op tV. T. >1*1 yes, 1906; \V. X. Thomas, on 190S-1910; C. M. Critcher, 1912; Jno. ?a Ward. 1914; W. J Earthing, 19161918: A Hie G. VViison. 1920-1922 ; E. *,x G. Greer. 192C-192S. u'f County Commissioners ;n, Abram Roten, 1896-1898; L*. H. Michael. 1896: E. M. Greer. 1896; \y W. C. Coffey. 1898-1906; W. L. Hill- se; shouser, 1898-1900: John W. Hodges, ij, 1900-1902: L. M. Trivett. 1900; G. Sj W. Robhins, 1902; L. A. Greene. ! to 1902-1906-1908-1914-1916-1918- 1922; I st] E. R. Eggers. 1906-1908: Thos. L. ; Day. 1908-1910; J. M. May, 1910; W. i inj F. Winkler. 1910-1912; Z. T. Watson. ; th 1912: A W. Smith, 1912: Leroy Bol- ? linger, 1914-1916; J. L. Glenn, 19141916; J. C. Brooks'nire, 1918; J. C. Miller, 1918-1920; G. W. Robbing, 1920; L. H. Hollar, 1920; Sherman Welbom. 1922; J. B. Miller, 1922; W. N. Howell, 1924; S. C. Eggers, 1924; 0. L. Coffey. 1924; T. C. Baird, 19261928-1930; R. T. Greer, 1926-1928; J. Y. Walker, 1926-1928-1930; Eller McNeil, 1930-1932-1936; W. P. Miller. 1932-1934; C. T. Billings. 1932-19341936; Ira Edmisten, 1936. The early potato acreage in North r-o?vii;?.o 4 V,:- ? ** " uoiuiiua uii? accusuii was estimated at 34,000 acres compared with an estimated acreage of 43,000 acre9 harvested in 1937 and a ten-year average of 33,100 acres, reports the N. C. department of agriculture. Although North Carolina's cultivated hay acreage ranks third among the crops produced in the state annually, the state ranks 30th among the states in the production of hay, N. C. department of agriculture sta- il ticians report. ATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVER OF BOONE , ih; I fit ' ou; was the fir>i mayor of Boone ( its <?f thr <-s?mm:itiit.y. ; rnc Boone's History ~ ers ! Continued from pr.rrc one) j ^ 1 i'-ns ~rur tan .o::i:n unity Eith- | in thtir "fnciai - lt r.c ty or as prito c.i they <.ev; :od :n:ioh time ; urcnr.p" rqati improv-.inohts closer > Bl. -hi .era.ion with agencies .-ook- ^ - toward expansion of the com- j ;.?:ty<: o pcrtu:uties e-itnej in trade j T cultural -uivatiiatre > ? ; L;r FY "v.. t-hr i jog in ding. Dr B. B. i ugn-.Tty fa:?d*Y D I> I>c*ugjifcrt.v Lg i? : the iowrt ofin Is i:. creating civic conditions farahk to the growth of the school ; S0J lich has no\v beethfcc Appalacn?an j ftu ite Teachers College. D. B. JDough- i y. second editor of the Watauga Q mocrat. and fatner of the founders Appalachian College, served as lyor of Boone in 1901, taking office May r LaU r, 1 <3. Greer, a noted Q uca tor ano professor at Appaiach- | g* 1 College and now superintendent i |i the Baptist orphanage, the Mills i g inu\ served as one of the town j JJ mmiss:cners ir. 1919. It is interesting to note that W. I.. pi th< first mayor, by charter ? pointment, had the confidence of c lew. : > such a remarkable de- |J e< that he served intermittently as jg lyor lor 25 years. Col. J. B. Todd, *v."n ai.tnvnov 91 - III er.d of Mayor Bryan, as well as j J ? of the first commissioners for the i 5) .v: hy charter appointment, served 11 o terms in the state legislature pj ring this same period, and did ich to foster the growth of Boone ! to that body. It is through the co- I eraticn of W" G. Todd, son of Col- gt el Todd, that the records of this g riier period are available. Except II r such memories almost the only to tant records of the town's corporate i ( e are contained in the now yellow* files of the Watauga Democrat. IJ The founder and first editor of the to atauga Democrat, J. F. Spainhour. rved as a commissioner in 1890 and II 91. Now living at Morganton, Mr. J >ainhour was a distinguished at- ? rriey of his period and served as |] ite's attorney for this district. pj In 1S90. W. C. Coffey, then a lead- ^ ? merchant of Boone, was elected to to e office of mavor "MV Si ^ fc wen Wilson, manager of Smith- |] efa store here. ? PKnlg ~ *1 ,<y ~?l f THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C. j rhour. the other commissioners j at yea: were \V. L. Bryan, the ; si and R. C Rivers, for 44 . h.her cf tlie Watauga! M3 R y< rs S rve I in ISdl, j L>7. 1899 anc" 1911 as well. In cor:- i cti n wit1- Mr Rivers' service it is' cresting to note that the Dr. J. G. j vers appointed by charter as o::e j i ;rst town commissioners. was ^ father cf the late publisher. addition to Mr. Spainhour and Rivers, I W. Thomas served as [? 4 the citv commissioners in 189$', ?i hew city cabi took office with J. D. Council! Lh'1 mayor's Chair. Mr Couxicill s a worker in metal and a buildar< had been a leading citizen of or.t for years, serving several mi as x>oetmaster. The town cumssioners for this year were Dr. L.. Reeves, a well known physician: B. Blackburn, merchant and hotel >prietor, and E. S. Coffey, an atTicy. "Co record exists of the town offi7s ejected in 1895 to serve until , *7. but for that latter year J. C. :teller, an attorney, was elected1 ivor. The town commissioners were S. Coffey. M B Blackburn and j C. Rivers ?V. L, Bryan, first mayor of Boone ; ain took office on May 4, 1899. I the city oommissidners for that ir were R C. Rivers. J. M. Moretz :1 T F. Coffey. In 1901. the year which D. B. Dougherty took office mayor, the town commissioners cted were E S. Coffey, J C. ! ?tcher and M. B. Blackburn \gain there Ls a hiatus in the reci. this time for the years from )3 to 19C7. Every effort has been ide tr. bridge these gaps in the vn's his ton," unsuccessfully. J. C. ?tchcr took office as mayor on iv 10. 1907, and the commission5 elected to serve with him were j B. Blackburn, L.. B. McNeill; a ; rmer and merchant, and M. F. I itcher, a holelman of the period. j Again in 190P, on May 0. W. Ivan look over the duties 01 mayor j Boone. His commissioners for j > term of two years were Adolphus j Cook. P. Critcher and L. L.. | itehcr. Mayor Bryan yielded office in < ] l :o W R. Grag^r. whose com- ! ssioncrs were D. J. Cottreil, U- C. i and John \V. Hedges, who :ved for a time as sheriff of Watga county. Por the year 1913 there is no rec1 extant of the city fathers, but on ly 6, 1915, J. M. Morctz took over lOEsoaoraocac I i S m k/ i l l Depa Located in I A direct service and factories of EFI Every man emp No drones to pa; executives to pe operate day and to the markets goods. A co-< | with you. Your visit is alw Signed: Smit P. S.?^Our trad last week f Honey-Cui aOOOOODOE F . POSTMASTER c Jrofllfw Wiley G. Hartrog, postmaster at Boone, who has recently been appointed ft>r a second term. the duties of mayor. F A. Linney. attorney; ML B. Blackburn and D. J ; Cottrell were commissioners lor this j tern: % A gair. in 1P17 The record is missing*, j i v. sioorc. a primer. was etectea j mayor in 1919 arid took office on | May 9 His commissioners were F A. Linr.ey. il B. Blackburn and I. : G. Greta. In 1621, on May 5 T. B. Moore was again inaugurated as mayor of Boone A. E. South, now c'.erk of the court: J. F. Moore and D J. Cpttrell served luring the following: two years on the city commission. E. N. Hafcr., now justice of the peace, took over the duties of mayor on May 30. 1923 Dr. McG. An- j ders, now resident in Gastonia. J. F. ! DID VOL KNOW THAT . . BARE'S F ^ Boone's Newest ] 4 is attracting the attention c auga. Ashe. V/ilkcs and Av< and bargain prices? ? Congratulations to Th IIC39ESOSXOBIOC ithe rtment S lie Principal Towns of Ni North. Carolina. : to the consumer from th the North, South, East ai FICIENCY IN OPERATIl loyed is a shirt-sleeve mai y or feed. No losses by ba ly. No lost motion. Our i night, carrying the produ ! and bringing back the operative organization tl rays appreciated. they's Si BY THE CLERKS le is expanding. We recei\ rom the big city of Londo -ed Country Hams. aocaoBoaoHio JULY 7. 1938 doorc anil T. B. Moore served as city ommiasioaers during Mayor Haiin's dminlst ration. Mayor Hahn ims succeeded ui ofice by D. J. Cottrell. who took >!ice or. May 7, 19l">. Dr. J. M. Hlodgus. V. V. Howeil. now stale probation oficer, and L. L. Bingham, city raail arrier. were members cif the city ommission during this term. On May 5, 1927. W. R. Grngg was igain inducted as mayor. A. Y. Howili, T. B. Moore and Clyde R. Greene, if the Farmers Hardware Company, vert elected as city commissioners R. S. Sv.i/t succeeded to the mayjraJity on May 9. 1929. That year Oean J. D. Rankin, of Appalachian ToLlege, Dr. H. B. Perry and L L Bingham were elected to serve for two years as city commissioners. J. M. Moretz. who had served as mayor in 181.1. was returned to that office in 1931, taking office on May 7. His commissioners for the next two years were R. L. Clay, now deputy collector of internal revenue for this district; W. Frank Miller, who served as assemblyman at the the time of his death, and Dr. H. B. Perry J. Frank Moore was elected mayor in 1933, taking office on May 4. The city commissioners for this term were Dr. H. B. Perry. R. L. Clay ar.d C. B. Duncan, a hanker, now with the denartmen tof justice in Washington. Ir, 1935 the present mayor. Wat! H. Gragg, was elected to the may crality and ir 1937 he was re-elected lor the second time. During Mayor Gragg's first administration his commissioners were G. K. Moose, pharmacist: D. E. Wilcox, laandryirtar. and L?. T. Tatuin. proprietor of a meat market. In 1937, Mr. Moose and Mr. Tatum were re-elected and A. E. Hodges, automobile accessories dealer, succeeded Mr. Wilcox on the board of commissioners. lIR store department Store i tf careful shoppers of Watay Counties by its quality e Watauga Democrat! ! soraoaosoBG Tsl O tores ! D rthwestera 2 D o e leading mills Q id West to you. ? ON 2 i and a worker. Q id accounts. No fleet of trucks IX cts of the farms & manufactured U lat is working jj o D O M II tore 8 o D ? o ed a mail order Q n, England, for O u o OOBOSOBol

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