JULY 28. 1938 LOCAL AFFAIRST Mrs. Joe Crawfort! is spending two weeks in New York City. Mr am! Mrs Ariiss Must nf Oieveianti. Ohio, are spending a few- days j with hornefolks at Sugar Grove. Mrs. Roy Rirfty of Statesville, is , sj>craling" the week at the home of her j mother. Mrs. D. D. ]>ougherty. Miss Ann Jones of Shelby, spent i ' the week-em! in Boone, the guest o! r Miss Frances Miller. * Mrs John Hblloway and son re- ? turned Friday from Beckley, W Va.. n after three weeks visit with her d brothers v Mrs. Malta Watts and Miss Aisilee 0 Paw:" of Benoir, were week-end vis- c itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs W. M Winkler. 0 Mr. and Mrs. John McNeill of Sa- * vannah, Ga.. are visiting Mrs. Mc- i * Neili's parents. Mr. and Mrs. James j j' Brown, at Valle Cruets. Mrs. James Mast and children of I 3 Amantha, are visiting for a few days ji with Mrs. Mast's parents in Wil-' t mington. ! I ! i' Mrs. .Susie Glenn Isaacs and fam j]y of Lynchburg, Va. are visiting at! ^ the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Hor- j Ion. at Vilas, this week ' t. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Lewis of Bris- j n tol, were visitors last week at the? home of Mr. Lewis' sister, Mrs. Rob River?. w i Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Ken son and ?on Kent, of Cleveland, Ohio, are js spending some lime visiting with I u relatives in the county t b Mrs. Helen Gutterm&n and daughter, Miss Helen Marie, of Louisville, ^ Ky. are visiting in the home of Mr. n ? A. Russell at Laxon. a Ml*, and Mrs Fred Hodges and * daughter of Bristol, are spending a T two weeks vacation at the home of * former Sheriff John W. Hodges. J Mr. Smith Hagaman, superinten- c dent of the Baptist Hospital in Win* ston-Salem. has spent the past sev- j era! days with home folks in the j r cunununuy,. ; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. T. Zimmerman j o? Washington. D. C.. will ieave today j * his return to his home in Paris. ? Texas, after having spent a few days v visiting with his uncle. Mr. P.. R. 1 Hodges, in this city. \ r J?rs. Joseph Moody of Vilas, un- . derwent an operation for appendicitis at the Watauga Hospital Friday and is showing a satisfactory recov- t ery f 3 Mr. I-uther Oliver of Mabel recent- , ly brought into The Democrat office ; a flora; curiosity?a deep red dahiia ( and a pink one grown on the same ^ stem. < Mr. Robert W. Pulliam, who for 1 It... .-IB. 11 AB.nfllB hie vie. 1 uic jniol qc vviai mui:Lua lino "OV.CT! uj I iting in Santa Maria, Cal., with a sis- I ! ter, Mrs. E. P. Marshall, has returned ' to his home here. Miss Eoree O'Daniel and Miss Pau- ] line McGhee will be hostess to the Tuesday Club on August 2nd. All members i-are asked to meet at the ' Pastime Theatre at 7:30. ( Mr and Mrs. Glenn Davis and lit- 1 tie son, Billie. and Mr. and Mrs. Joe ' Davis and family of Akron, Ohio, arrived in town Monday and will spend the next two weeks with relatives in the town and county. Rev. J. C. Canipe of the Boone Baptist church, left Monday for Mt. Zkm church in Wilkes county, where he will assist Rev. E. C. Hodges of Oak Grove in the -conduct of a series of revival services. Mrs. H. P. Dougherty happened to a right serious accident last Thursday when she fell at her home in Boone and fractured some rihs. She is unable to be out of bed, but the hope is expressed that she will be well again soon. BELK 1 ! i Boone \v Items From The Democrat of Inly IS, 1899 pa; 'Jr. John X,. Cotfcrell, a prominent wa 'fiung physician of CoHeUaville, was th< r. town SatunJay. ' Register of Deeds May began mak- a ng out the tax books yesterday tel uorning. He Is being assisted by L.. Bk I. Michael and Charley Hodges. a'o There will be song services in the we Saytist church on next Sunday im-1 dit aediately after Sunday school, conucted by ,J) W. Bryan, our talented of ccalist r.it Mr. Alex Wilson 'of Beaver Dam, da >f whose serious illness we spoke in or iur last issue, died at home on Sat- B1 irday at 10 p. m. Another of Wat- fe; uga's good upright, pious old citi- ty ens has passed away in the death of Ir. Wilson ar.d he will be sadly inj flissed by his family, relatives and be he community in which he lived. Mi Or. last Monday a petition was pre- Vi ented to the board of county com- ed nissionprs nparincr tho numnr "C ec hird of the voters in Blue Ridge sn ownship asking for an election on pa ocal option in said township. The tu Section was granted and will be br leld sometime in August. It is hoped wl hat the good people there will be fii uccessful in keeping the poison out fo f their borders. T1 July 20, 1899. di The weather has been unusually ;arm of late, the thermometers reg- th stering as high as 91 in the shade, w: Little Carrie, daughter of Mr. anvl w' .Irs. E. S. Coffey, has been quite M inwell for several days, but at this T1 ime it is hoped that she is some th etter. he On Tuesday night some unknown to rarty feloniously, wilfully and by the ar nalicc aforethought, did steal, take to nd carry away the wife of one Joe ea k>dhc at /Blowing Rock and in the ve >ossession of said eloping wife were \ de 100 cash money, the same being the I fu oodle of the said Joe and we learn j pi hat he is deeply grieved and much . w: ast down over his double loss. JUly 26, 1899 he "Mr. Will Hodges and Miss Victoria *hipps were married last Sunday, e Squire W. P. Hodges officiating. it. Rev. Mr. Boone of Taylorsville bi massed throusrh on Tuesdav on his m . ay to Virginia. where he goes to as- ; f0 JSf si Keece springs, spent the past week-end here C with Mrs. Arledge's part nts, Mr. and lirs. T. Len Cooke. Mrs. Arledge cas accompanied home hy her small lieee ano nephew. Mildred and Billy rnnnell, Jr. or Mr. and Mrs. R. L Clay entertained ra ill the members of the Stanbury fr amily at dinner Monday. Dr. and a .Ins, \V. A. Star.bury and their daugher of Asheville, arrived Monday a< homing with Mrs J. A. Boone of K Drlamio, Fla., who is spending a fow ?i veeks with Mrs. Clay. Mrs. W. L. to 5cott of Lexington, is also here for a ? ew days With Jeff Stanbury of "t Boone, the entire family was together ti 'or a day and enjoyed fellowship imorig the scenes of their childhood. >1 Worth While Cluh To o< Entertain Husbands ai R The Worth While Club's annual j picnic for the husbands of its mem- s bers will be held Friday evening' at 5:30 at the fish hatchery. All mem- j' bei-a of the club are asked to dress t "tacky." tl Miss Dare Lewis c Married to Alvin Carlton Miss Dare Lewis of Mabel was ' married in Lenoir on July 2. to Mr. Alvin Carlton of Patterson, the ceremony having- been performed by n Magistrate Seizor. 1 Mrs. Carlton is the daughter of s Mr. anu Mrs. Charles G. Lewis and 11 was reared in Watauga county wbere r she has a -wide circle of friends. Mr. r Carlton is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee f Carlton of Patterson, and has a re- f sponsible position with a veneer ? company of Lenoir. J Mr. and Mrs. Carlton are making their home in Patterson. t o oiy ? lemembei 3ELK -1 ATAUGA DEMOC R AT?EVERV ?onie drovers from Ashe county ssed through last Friday on their ' y home with 349 head of sheep ing 'y bought in Mitchell. * George Green of Stony Fork, with do: squad of hands, is repairing the are ephone lines between Boone and thi; Swing Rock. He has had consider- of le experience with the work and ent : hope the fine will be in good con- nie ion when completed. < The board of county commisioners bid Watauga county are, , called to the :et in the courthouse in"Boone Mon- be y. July 31. 1899. for the'r.urnose of Ixx dering a local option election for ice owing Rock township.?W. C. Cof- J /, chairman of the hoard of coup- ne: commissioners. i The people of the county are tak- Ho I more interest of late than ever ] fore in the interest of their cattle. Pe r. George Winkler recently went to sti rginia and purchased four register- i thoroughbred calves that cost him 0 each and a cow that cost him the pla ug sum of $100. Mr. Ed Slihipley | i&sed through last week on his re- ( rn from Virginia with a stock utc weighing 1,800 pounds, tor lich he paid $100. He also had a cu ic thoroughored Shropshire lamb th? r which he paid a handsome sum. ne lis is certainly a move in the right e<: rection. foi We are requested to aannounce that Su e school here in the old academy th; ill open soon after the institute liich is to be held in Boone by Dr. br; elver about the middle of August. nu le old building will be used until (jr e new one i3 completed, which will rej no longer than the middle of Oc- th< ber. Those who intend going, and thi e from a distance, would do well th? make their arrangements at an ga rly day. Board can be procured on 19; :ry reasonable terms and boys who isire to board thc-mselves can be th; rnished with rooms at a nominal Wc icc. The exact date of the opening ta! ill be announced later. 4er Bx-Judge McCorkle died at his ime m Newton last week. A hog has recently been bought in 11 gland for the VandcrbUl estate. ^ is not known what the hog cost, it it is known that Vandcbilt's anager wired the buyer to pay 5550 v him. TRIP TO JOHNSON CITY W Banner Elk, July 27.?Enthusiastic tampers pronounced the camera trip Ol i "Tweetsie," the little train opeitcd over the narrow gauge roadbed om Boone to Johnson City; Sunday success from every "angle." Tc More than 150 girls made the trip, dii icompnnied by Dr. and Mrs. A. P. ephart, directors of Yonahiossee, ? id Mrs. Annie Glenn McCoy, direc- ga ?r of Beech Haven camp at Banner itc ik. Most of the girls carried _ imeras, and frequent slops for pic- ' ires were made. To record the trip piclorially for le press. Bill Sharpe, head of the ublicity division of the Department f Conservation and Development. Qd Charles Parker, city editor of the Laleigh News and Observer, made ie trip. An nnAvr.AftOfl hitrhlitrht nf thp lurney was furnished when one of he cars was partially derailed, on I he side of Grandfather Mountain be.veen Foscoe and Linville. While the rew set the car wheels back on the ails, campers took pictures, posed or the cameramen, picked blackberies and" sang. Often termed "Eastern America's lost scenic railway,** the trip from ioone to Johnson City takes Tweetie's passengers through miles of magnificent scenery which cannot be eached by automobile. Much of the ailroad is at an elevation of 4,000 eet and winds through picturesque forges, around Grandfather Mountain ind through five tunnels en route to lohnson City. The trip requires about four hours j lach way. Excursions on the narrow _ luly Sal M \/ a ^ 1/^1 x uu /in WHITI THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C LOCAL CHURCH SERVICES ADVENT CHRISTIANDr. F. E. Warman, Piistor lamp meeting time! Camp mcetat Grandfather Mountain "will beSatnrday night. August 6th, and se Sunday night, August 14th. Wo expecting a larger attendance s year than ever before The type meeting will be somewhat differ. and, hence, a great improvent, w.e are sure. In Friday and Saturday r.ights 'ore the opening of the. meeting, ' Piedmont A. C. conference will held oa the camp ground- Everyly is invited to attend these servc Services at the Boone A. C. church School has grown so larg< it wc hardly have room for thos< to come. All the young people' anches have almost doubled u mber. Both Ai-ab and Jewish chil en meet together and there is ; Ll spirit of Christian love amongs im" Is not that a fine word Iron is great womanv The T?a.qtor ha< e privilege to preach in. this lfttl iptist church in the summer o 34. If they were all Christians there al at trouble between Jew and Aral mid cease. In fact only Chris ken in full can solve the prob ns of this old world. CALENDAR OF LUTHERAN SERVICES 1. Pleasant: Services 1st Sunday nf each monti at 11 a. ir. Sunday School at 1 a. m., Jacob Burkette, superin H^gggggggg L Zion, Meat Camp: Services every 3rd Sunday at 1 ft. m. Sunday School to be or ganizcd. d Mt. Pleasant: Services every 4th Sunday at 1 a. m. Sunday School 9:45 a m Dale Norrl3, superintendent, i all these services we most cor illy invite the public. J. ALiON'SO YOUNT. Pastor ,uge are popular with summer vis ire to this region. i v You Won't Be You yo;i take steps to prote liness while MISS JESSIE Repi BONNIE BE is in our shop for ci be all CALL 91 FOl McGUIRE'S I Main Strict le-No so ays Safi ? CO? HARMON REUNION TO |LE^ BE HELD AUGUST 7TH! I Pi Trie annua! Harmon family reunion ^ lr will be held Sunday, August "th. at i the liome of Mr and Mrs. A . B. liar- | ^ moa on Cove Creek, The interesting' program arranged will start at 10. o'clock. All friends and relatives of the family are invited and urged to m attend. Dinner win lie served on the ^ grounds and each family is asked to El bring a basket. Ir SPECIAL NOTCEf GENERAL BUIIJDTNG?Let us help you plan and give you an estimate ' on your building needs W. ewriter and adding e: 1 machine in good condition. Ans- a wer bv letter only. "X" care Demo- O crat. 7-14tfc s , - , - = = a I WANTED?Poplar. White Pine, Bsus wood, Oak, Beech. Birch and Maple i logs. Will buy large or small jsuatoa ^io?ing rules and prices. Whiting Lumber Co.. Butler, Tenn. S0 7-2i-tt 59; FOR SALE- 267-acre farm in Caltlwell county. 10-room dwelling, ade- 21* quate out-buildings. Farm is in 2"^ high state of cultivation. A real f 5 bargain, easily financed if neces- ? ' sary on long terms. For details see ? or write Attorney Max C. Wilson, HI ' Lenoir, N C. 7-30-2p 06 e .. e USED FURNITURE = s 3-pieee Davenport Suite $15.00 J/J l 3-piece Canebaclt Living Room I Suite $25.00 Bj a 3-piece Overstuffed Living Room I t Suite $30.00 B l Walnut Dinette Table and two M t Chairs $10.00 B ? HIGH LAND FURNITURE CO. f Depot Street Boone, N. C. B ] DR. C. O. BAIJGHMAN. eye, ear, I Ij nose and throat, specialist of Eliza- !B ( bethton, Tonn., will be at the llagaman Olnic in Boone the first Mondays in each month for the practice of his profession. 4-7-If FREE!?If excess acid causes you pains or Stomach Ulcers, Indigestion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloath ing, Nausea. Gas Pains, get. free 0 sample Udga, at Boone Drug Co. - 5-5-12p ^ LS?iai^gl^iiISI^HV--Glas3eB fitted. ? j d good used cars, inest selection in the Carolina?, xtrfmely tow prices. HENKEL'S, k;.. Statesville, X. C. 6-30-6c t SALE in Johnson City. Tcnn ? eautlful ten-room brick veneer jme. Modem. an