PAGE TOUR The Watauga Democrat lif RIVERS PRINTING COMPANY Established in 188S ana Published lor *5 years by the late Robert C. Rivers PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BUBSCRIPTON RATES: One Year _ _.$1.5C Six Mouths .76 Four Months 60 (Payable in Advance) B. C. RIVERS, Jr.. - Publisher Ciards of Thanks, Resolutions of Respect, Obituaries, etc., are charged for at the regular advertising rates. Entered at the Postofflce at Boone, N. C? as Second Class Mail Matter. THURSDAY. OCT. 27. 1938 Borrowed Comment ITS A RACE IN NEW YORK STATE Until Governor Herbert H. Lehman consented to nin again for chief executive of New York state it looked vei v much as if Thomas E. Dew ey, youthful and successful prosecutor of racketeers. would romp away witk election to that office on the Republican ticket over any candidate the Democrats would be able to find. But so popular is Governor Lehman and so strong1 is his record as an administrator that Mr. Dewey will have an uphill fight in which anything' many happen. If aEt Dewey should win and conduct a successful administration he would be even more strongly in the spotlight for a possible presidential nomination in 1940 than he is now It is no question of a third term with Governor Dehronn he is already serving' that, having been elected in 1932, '34 and '36. The nomination now is for the state's first four-year term. Thus whichever candidate is eV?cted will be in the middle of a term when the 1940 conventions come around . Governor Lehman sharply criticises Mr. Dewey for being willing to leave unfinished the job of district attorney to which he was recently elected in New York City. However the youthful prosecutor's friends will argue that by the time he has retired the James J. Hines case, which in any event should be concluded before the end of the year, he will have done a good term's work. The governor also has pledged that if he is elected he will serve out the foury^ar term. This might require some e^q>laining or convenient forgetting if the Democratic warty nationally should show an inclination toward nominating mm lor Pratoent While there has been no particular boom for Governor Lehman in this ilirection, the executive of the largest state is always in the presidential picture. The greeting from President Rosevelt to the convention shows the New I>eal is glad to have Mr. Lehman on its ticket, notwithstanding his independence in opposing the supreme court plan. The gubernatorial race in New York 3tate may be a small preview of the presidential campaign in 1940 and is at least something of an elimination contest. ?Christian Science Monitor. Fireside Philosophy By C. M. Dickson ft is hard to reconcile the fact (but it is true) that some of the "dumbest" people in all the world the longest tongues. It is probably a blessing that everybody is not afraid of bullets or there would be nobody left to '"cleanse" the temple. If a person possesses the spirit of courtesy and gratiRraNnH',tude and in addition HS^Hhas self respect, ifcjwmany smaller things g i 11 automatically .JgsuB come his way. Jflj However odious r JH ;comparisons may gUB'bc, one never knows blow large or small H he is until he comniH pares himself with some one else. Dickson Real sportamanshh> reaches far be yohd the confines of the ball field or the boxing arena. Unless a boy can be persuaded to take enough time from his French and English to practice, so far as the athletic stunts of today are concerned, the jig is up with him. The girl who is too "domesticated" to j accept all invitations to long-distance night rides, movies and bridge patties, is likely to miss the thrill of getting in contact with Reno. jt looks like that if the whole country becomes electrified that about all people will have to do is to learn to "press the button." Man is the only animal in all /Christendom that lias ever given God one bit of trouble. The sin of omission is charged against a man who does leas than his best. Right saya, "Control yourself"; wrong says, "Do 33 you please." Pitiful is the man who Is so much interested in you that he loses his M w/ i? self. An honest nuir will open his books to everybody- t It is just as essential for a mail t . to have some pride about his as it is : fcr him to [>ossess a spirit of hu- ; mihty. ! t Soo t-- people act so strangely in I i life tha.1 as their remains lies in | waiting for disposition, their neigh- : ! bors feel inclined to say, "There lies I a 'cai-cass.' < I A moral pauper is a man whose j opportunities are not lived up to. j THEDOCTOR 1 ells the Storv By W. E. Aughlnbaugh, >1. D. ! i 1 foreign bodies I doubt if there has ever lived a ] doctor, who at some time or other in ^ his professional career, was not call- i i cd upon to remove a foreign body ! I from the interior of a human be- j |! big j It is most common to have chil- . j tiren of all ages resort to the prac- ! ] j tice of inserting peas, beans, tacks, j * j nails, pieces of stone and dirt into ^ | their nostrils and ears or else swal- < j lowing them. i Among girls, hundreds, when they i : wore their hair long, bit off the ends | j and swallowed them, in time to have ^ ! these bits of hair form into a ball- J , ' shaped mass in the stomach, which !? j often required a surgical operation ; i to remove. |< General Robert G. Pyrenforth ' : i carried a bullet he received in a ' j Civil War engagement in his body ! J for more than thirty years. He was j: | wounded in the chest, and I removed j ; the bullet from the calf of his leg. i An elderly murderer, recently exe j cuted in Sing Sing, for years had \ j been swallowing pins sr.xl needles. | J X-ray pictures show, i a great many : ! of these drcssmakei's accessories j ! scattered about various portions of j" j his araiomnv and the strange thing i | was that none of them had in the . . lenecJ him during iht ! 25 years ho had been following this j | practice Such cSSjM .ire relatively j ccmmo:; ir. medical history and set- i j dom do thev prove fatal. About six months ago. however, a j I inaii walked into one of the large .ny-w Voi k hospitals and statin! thatI < j while he was sleeping in a bed, at j the head of which hung a pin cusii- j1 ior.. hi was ar used by a sharp pain i in the interior portion of the left side ' of his chest, mil told the interne he ] believed a needle had stuck in his I body. The paii: increased materially i j in intensity and was aggravated by 'deep breathinv. His heart sounds j j were olnscured by a coarse, grating I murmur. ; A diagnosis needle in the heart was n.ade and the X-ray pictuivs I taken confirmed this An operation ] exposing the heart was performed and a needle two inches long was removed from that organ, the eye por- , lion of the needle being Visible to the operating surgeon. This needle had passed through the tip of the upper lobe of the left lung and into the heart. The man sui rived the operation and seemed to be cn the road to recovery, when he suddenly died. An autopsy showed that the needle had punctured the left ventricle of the : heart. For Fall Merchandise of all kinds at the lowest prices to be j ! found, visit the Boone Bargain ] House, next door to the Boone : Drug Store. Clothing and shoes i for every member of the family. ; Shop with us and save. i ntfr c A i re??r*i I I V JAL.C,JlYlE,n WANTED at once. Apply only in person to Mr. Boggs at the Mullins Grocery. SHOES i For every member of the family 1 we have one of the largest stocks I of nhoett in town and priced to fit every pocketbook. j BARE'S B FAIR STORE BOONE DRUG CO. The KesaU Store IT AUG A DEMOCRAT?EVERY BOONE METHODIST CIIVRCH js Church -school begins at 8 15 with ! e :he worship service followed by the j u egui ar clasc sessions. Attendance I h cached a new high for the fall ' Jtrriod Sunday. October 17. Every- a >ne is urged to bring a nc-.v member ? Sunday and help continue our growth. * Preaching service at 10:50 Sunday I nori-ing aiid 7:15 Sunday night, i t'our.g Peoples' Eptvorih League Sun- nlay evening at 6:30. last's ioin in c jiving all Methodist wung people a j J personal invitation to attend- ? In the District C'ouri of the United State* for the Middle District of North CtrOlfiEL. Wilkesboro Division. United States, of America vs. Certain lands in. the City of Boone. County of Watauga. State oi North Carolina. Mrs. Emma Oouncili. et al. l-aw -No. WJSrAV?Notice of Action by Publication of Summons. T : The heirs, creditors. devisees. ex\-cutors. administrators, personal representatives and or Alienees of the following deceased per. sons* G. W. CVuncill and widow of G. IV. Council!. J no. H. Council! and wki- ! w of Jno. H. Council. Sa'lie Council) Reeves. and the following named nonresident parties: IjoiLs-o Moisc and E. IV. Moise. her husband. J. F. luenotr And wife. J. ^ Lenoir and wife Mollie Lenoir, Virginia Lenoir Graham md W. C. Graham. Jr.. and the wife >f W. R. Winkler, and ai) persons tvhorasoever who have, or claim to >wn any estates or interests in the 'ee or otherwise in and to the premises described in the petition filed in this cause and described in tills noLice. and any and ail heirs and devisees ef the several parties above j rained, whose names and addresses' ire unknown: and ail singular their i leirs. husbands, wives, devisees, exe- j rutors. administrators, representatives i SPECIAL NOT ICES ; STRAPY WORK -GOOD PAY j RELIABLE MAX WASTED to call j on farmers in Watauga county. No , experience or capita! required, i Make up to S12 a day Write Mr , J. Harrison Dar.ieis. Box No 2332. . Charlotte. N. C'. lp j FlASfO BARGAIN -Fine artistic j Baby Grand piano. Bought new. ! Cabinet slightly marred in ship- j ig Will sel at bargains Write ! Garwood Piano Co.. North Wilkes- ] bono. N C, 2p | USED r L'RNITURE One Settee, recovered with green tapestry $19.00 One Davenport Suit, 2 rockers and davenport $15.00 One Dressing Table $8.00 One Dining Table $4 00 Or.e large size Enamel Range, warming closet and copper reservoir $17.50 One large Heater, hot blast .... $8.00 One Sewing Machine $12.00 : One Edison Phonograph and about I 50 records $15 00 HIGH LAND FURNITURE CO. Depot Street Boone. N. C. j PI TPMlRWVn APADmiFAm' t? J . ? IU. lOi rent. Steam-heated, newly decorated. Phone 90 or see Mr. Cook at Spalnhour building. 9-8-tfc FOR SALE)?Typewriter and adding machine in good condition. Answer by letter only. "X" care Democrat. . 7-14tfc WANTED: 4x4, Oak, Birch, Beech Maple and Poplar Lumber. Call or write for prices. Whiting Lumber Co., Butler, Tenn. 8-lltf Quails Furniture Store las just received a hig lot of Used Furniture. Some of this is almost lew and some Period Furniture. All lice and clean, and in good con lition. We will sell at lower prices :.han ever before. We have some big bargains for you. Come and see. GENERAL. BUILDING?Let us help you plan and give you an estimate on your building needs. W. C. Greene, Boone. 5-1-38 WANTED?Poplar, White Pine, Boawood, Oak, Beech, Birch and Maple logs. Will buy large or small quantities. Send postal for grading rules and prices. Whiting Lumber Co., Butler, Tenn. 7-21-tf OR. C. G. BAUGHMAN, eye, ear. nose and throat specialist of Elizabeth ton, Tenn., will be at the Hagaman Clinic in Boone the first Mondays In each month for the practice of his profession. 4-7-tf SYES EXAMINED?Glasses fitted Complete modern examination room over Bank. Wednesday and Thursday each week. Other days by appointment. Glasses complete 7.50 to 510.50. Dr. Wellman. Mountain City, Term. 8-15 CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many dear 'riends for their love and sympathy n our bereavement. MRS. HOMER K. COMPTON. FLORENCE ALLEN HARRISON GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN In loving remembrance of our iear husband and father. Horace Clinton Coffey, who died February 19, 1933. 'ust a line of sweet remembrance, Just a memory sad and true, rust a token of love's devotion. But one that still aches fpr you. ? Bereaved Wife and Children. ? THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C. ilicnees. successors atKl assign* of ai-h uwl every one of them. and all in known wnicts, lienors or claimants, laving or claiming to liave, any right. i:!o. estate, equity, interest or lien; j!,l all occupants lessees, users. liold rs. and owners of and claimants to inv right or easements or presc-ipior. in. over, across or through said ar.ds. or any part thereof; YOU VII.L PLEASE TAKE NOT1CK: [that an actioii as above has been tonpnenced in the District court of lie United States for the Middle D:arict of North Carolina at Greensboro, "forth Carolina; that summons Has etition in said proceeding:, under and >y virtue of tiie provisions o( "An Vet to Provide for the Construction >f Certain Public Buildings and Oth r Purposes" apjn-oved Mav 25, 192G. 3mp 3SO f 44 Stat. 630). and acts miendatory thereof; Tliat the lands jroposed to t?e condemned and appropriated by the plaintiff. United tiates of America. are described sub;tantially as follows: A tract of land ying and being in the town of Boone, bounty of Watauga, State of North Carolina, and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point being the iitersection of the northeasterly side f King' Street with the southeasterly tide of Cinney Street; running thence uong tlie southestv. rlv side of street north 32 degrees 5 feet fist a distance of 219.60 feet to a joint. being the intersection of the outr.eeasterly side of Lir.ney Street vith the southwesterly side of Queen Street; thence along the southwestery side of Queen Stieet south 60 derrees 41 feet east a distance of 120.8 "eet. to a point being the northerly torncr of lands now or formerly of iV. R. Winkler; thence along the iorlhwesterly side of lands of said iVinkler south south 27 degrees 42 cot west a distance of 184.71 feet to point; thence north 60 degrees 48 feet, west a distance of 15 feet to a x?ir.t: thence south 27 degrees 33 feet vest a distance of 59.08 feet to a shift in the northeasterly side of King Street; thence along the northeastcry side of King Street north 59 detrees west a distance of 124.51 feet < the point or place of the beginning. :s shown by plat "Imid proposed to je acquired through condemnation jroocedings as a 1'ost Office Site at Boone. North Carolina." You and lach of you are hereby notified to be rnd appear at the office of the Clerk >f the United State3 District Court or the Middle District of North Car ;]uia hi the United States Courthouse Suihiing at Greensboro, Guilford bounty, Nortli Carolina, not later han ten (10) days from and after Our Pri Ol Lard 4 |b',; COFFEE, "Pure," lb SALMON, Alaska, 2 O K SOAP, 9 cakes i OAT MEAL, 5-lb b Pork & Beans, 5 No. CRACKERS, 1-Ib. b nnnM n A imf A. r LHrkHO, r POST TQAST1ES FLOUR, Queen of 98 lbs Rubbing Alcobol, bo Ol Ladies' fur-trimmed and priced from Children's and Misses' Dres sorted styles and colors Infants' all-wool flannel C Legging Suits, blue and re Ladies' Silk Dresses. Spec Ladies' Hats and Berets Sweaters for all ages and colors. Prices cheaper thai Girls' Printed Silk Dresses Men's regular $1.00 Suede : f ? wim dipper ironx Boys' Blue Corduroy Pant Men's all-wool Melton Jacl Men's and Boys' Suede and ets, priced SMIII i m-wm. the completion of the servie of this summons by publication for four (4) successive -weeks, and answer or demur lo the petition or complain herein filed by the above named petitioner in tile office of tlte sail clerk and you arc furthernotified that if you fail to appear and answer or demur to the said petition or complaint within the time specified, -the petitioner will apply I Cut Pri< 1 Geti< Merch Beg NOVEMBER 1 AND for FortyWe have more and be nual sale than we ha years and invite the pe share in the many bai In addition to our big c.handise we MATTRESSES ANI I GREATLY REE Get ready for Winter and other articles in cost prices and save t Visit Us Regular!; T. L. Mast < LOVIL1 ffmMlFMTIMIIUIIIIIIBHH HIWlM BIIHH ices Arc H QROCERII St I MCE s baking -can, 18c **"' 2 " : ? MIX SOU For , . . 21c MILK of ? ox ... 25c Tcan725c RUSSIAN ox . . . 8c CASTOR Lellog's, or IVRPEN' CIGARE1 the West, PRINCE J $2.40 EPSOM S ttle. 12Y2C I Goober P? M DRY GOOI sport Coats, Blankets, sing . $4.95 to $8.95 part wool. S ;s Coats in as- Girl's w?o1 S 75c to $7.48 Toboggan Cap All-wool Plaic oat, Cap and Solid color Wi d $3.95 yard ial $1.94, $2.98 Ladies all-wo< 48c, 97c Ladies' Mann sizes, assorted 39-inch nice q a ever. Men s good q $1.09 Bread Pans- h 1 it. ot- _i Pie Pans, eac cloth Shirts, , ,, ? . 3-lb. Cotton J t Children's Rai S " Rain Coats foi rets $3.48 Men's Bona A Melton Jack- inches $1.69 to $2.95 Ladies, 2-pieci IFY'S 1 OCTOBER 27, 1938 to the court for the relief demanded in said petition. WTTNESSE2TTT, the Honorable Johnson J. Hayes, Judge of the United States District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina, this the 29th day of September 193S. Henry ReynoMs, Clerk U. S. District Court; By P. H. Bcescn, D. Rgj C. A True Ctopy: Teste; Henry Reynolds, Clerk; By Myrtle D. Cobb. Dep! uty Clerk. 10--6-4-0 O _? _ x saiei I eral I anoise i ins WILL CONTINUE Five Days :tter values in our anve offered for many ?ople of this section to gains. r line of general merare offering ) FURNITURE AT >UCED PRICES . . . buy your clothing the dry goods line at he difference. y During the Sale & Brother L, N. C. HHaMMHBURIIM Lower ES lb?-for 18c POWDER, Snow iall cans 15c P BEANS, lb. 3c MAGNESIA 25c MINERAL OIL 39c OIL 5c FINE 5c "TES, all brands. 12c ALBERT, can . . 10c ALTS, lb 10c ta Butter, 2 lbs. . 22c )S ;le and double cotton and pecial value 48c to $2.95 now Suits $3.95 is 15c to 39c 3s, 58 in. wide, yd $1.48 oolens, 54 to 58 inches wide, 69c to 97c >1 Skirts 48c to $1.94 ish Suits $1.94 uality Silk Crepe, yd 39c uality Work Sox 5c eavy quality .... 10c and 15c :h 5c uvi?uicu OlfC n Capes 97c all the family $1.94 to $3.48 Jlen oil-tan high tops, 18 $6.50 j Corduroy Suits $2.95 irpAnr ilUKt