PAGE TEN TODAY and j vmw i ?AN* gOOcaR!&&E^U<^^s^? DISTRIBUTION . . middlemen Kere Ah. erica we have 1*. U nfeUi?x& ol production which o?AKt us to turn out more, better and' cheaper useful gpods than can be produced anywhere esse in the v.orlcl. At the stone trim. th. productive i^t*?trles of America pay higher wages than the worker? 01* any other nation get. not only in dollars but in lilt purchasing power of their wage?. IVe havent got so far in perfecting our nationai system of the distribution of the products of our soil and factories There is still too much lost motion in getting goods from producer to consumer. Too many .mki-dteroen take tolls, all along the route, so mat Lite oonsu32*er's dollar docs not buy as much us it could buy if ways were found to eliminate unnecessary and reduce the cos is of distribution. makes the distribution problem particularly difficult Li America Ls the grea t size of the country and die lc:, all sizes, solid leather oi >n outer soles, pair Tax Paid iat will grind 21 0 pounds AfTT HYJL1 1 iT BARGAIN GIVERS WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EYE Isaaaii] $o05T CURBSTONE ORATORS OONTNEtOA SOAP BOX NEARLY SO MUCH AS THET HEED THE SOAP. Sentenced 30 Days, Remains 30 Years New Orleans?Gaunt Mike Unga 5s rounding out his 31st year of a 30day house of, detention sentence. Nearly 31 years ago. he ambled into court as a Russian immigrant, speaking no English. He was declared a vagrant ard sentenced to 30 days. 1 When the 30 days were up Ungn 1 refused to leave. Prison attendants. who often had seen the giant carry j x 200-pour.d sack under ?ach arm, j ivcre not eager to eject him. Finally they gave him the job of j taking care of the horses which j nulled the city's patrol wagons before the "horseless carriage" era.' i A.t odd times he cleaned up a market. J He slept in the stable and ate at! i the house of detention. W h -* n trucks supplanted horses in bringing i prisoners tc headquarters, Unga was i fclmost out of a job. He continued i I i tH ?1 or Hi., .<1 iHIa ii-iTVin,i? ,?i ^ hile they last, 10 P? $1.00 a?1 ftri SOD, Jpl.UU 25 pa $1.00 $1.00 !0? ie-piece inner $1.00 sali 11 ca: t per hour, on pOR] ...... $1.00 22 N, RY THURSDAY?BOONE. N. < ess. Once, they .said he vras sawing : board. He sawed lengthwise through a 20-peruiy trail without faltering in his stroke. A few years ago. he could pick up one end of an automobile. Who he is. whence he came, way he insists on staying at the hcuse of detenton are questions police long ... ;.o gave up. CARD OF TH.WKS We wish to express our gratitude : r the sympathy and kin fancy> 25 pounds for GAS, N. C. Regular, .00 and 1 quart oil, all fo; CORN, Sugar Corn, HQ 13 cans for WASHING POWDER AA 45 pkgS oil!) AND 768 MC FR .00 BROOMS, Clean Swei 5 Brooms for AO KEROSENE OIL, 10 gallons for L Ul\i BOO] TELEGRAMS MAY NOW BE CHARGED TO PHONES . An arrangement has been made ! whereby telegrams may be charged | to local telephones, it has been announced by H. IV. Wilcox, agent, who ; states there has been a great dei maad for this convenience. The Bell ! Telephone Co. has agreed to allow | the acceptance of telegrams here and | charge Lhem to the telephones ir. Boon.-. Blowing Rock, Vnas. Sugat j Grove. Valle Cnjeis. The new arj rahgement is now i*i effect. ?adv. For Fall Merchandise of all kinds at the lowest prices to be i found, visit the Boone Bargain House- next door to the Boone Drug Store. Clothing and shoes for every member of the family. Shop with us and save. I ~ $ Day Spei IVl A.Z.U A 100 Watt, 75 Watt, 6( Carton only No Down Pay with your Dei NEW RIVER UGH THE REINS-STUR1 ASSOCIAT TELEPHONE 24 . PROTECTION FO Joining Fee 25c Each Mem As Fol Quai One to Ten Years? 1 Ten to Twenty-nine Years .2 Thirty to Fifty Years 4 Fifty to Sixty-five Years .6 NOVEMBER 3. 1938 I Try BISMAREX B for Acid Indigestion. Insist 011 Genuine Bismarex and refuse other so-caiied Antacid Powders recommenmended to be "just as good." Bismarex is V Watauga county only at fi BOONE DRUG CO. The REX ALL Store NEW RIVER DAIRY GRADE A PURE RAW MILK Our Milk is handled strictly under otnta Qiinitn rxr rnroiloMouo Tf ? pure and wholesome. Phono 130-J Boone eial $ Day I LAMPS ) Watt Size, each 15c 90c Payment cember light bill. T & POWER CO. I 01VANT BURIAL ION, INC. . . BOONE, N. C. n tutc r' a aaii v 'FY 1 nL r A1VUL. 1 ibcr . . . Dues Thereafter lows: rter Y daily aj BaKflt U .40 $ 50.00 0 .8,1 100.00 0 1.60 100.00 0 2.40 100.00 Ir I :ial s :w $1.00 $1.00 5 gallons, JJJQQ si7oo , Octagon, ?4 AA V aw )RE TO PICK OM ) $1.00 $1.00 L NE. N. C.