NOVEMBERJ$, 1938 WATAU !L^MWHwagMWMmjMev^Twra5iaaroxgtn?BMiqBnwiWH?K?MaMa?awgsa?wattCT?gtagm?wiiM * ?? RAYON AND TAFFET SPECIAL One big table Rayon and Taf- JM feta short lengths. Special for fi i | Dollar Days, each -i-^1 ^ Thursday, Friday Ready-to-W ear One big Rack Ladies' Dresses . . . Dollar Day f; Coats for Dollar Days JBj From 89*95 "p ' i?%flpp - j/W.. IoeiK-w "WeSell It II on ail Ladies Dresses / JJ \ \ From $2.95 Up Shoe Department ] 1 table Ladies Dress Shoes, brown and 4 black ties, pumps and straps. Values up to v $5.95, including Sweetheart and Natural Bridge. Special? j I $2.95 c I I table Men's $4.00 and $5.00 crepe sole ? Shoes. Special? $2.95 \ KJ II table Ladies* $2.00 Dress Shoes. Special for Dollar Days? ] II $1*00 si Men's Boots $2.95 up ^ We carry Wolverine, Bona Allen, Peters, ? Diamond Brand and several other nation- ] ally advertised boots. g II It GA DEMOCRAT?EVERY THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. |)iw> ,, JIL11ll IMIl IH III J. ^ ^ ^ i iiuHiMias^^ BfMwrMiwww trSBb&g 9>trand Saturday, Noven Men(HInfhinri ' 10% OFF on all Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats for Dollar Days One big table Men's Shirts, $1.48, $1.65 Men's Holeproof Sox, with supporter; regular 55c. Special for \* fiff!' $k 11~%W 3'"'"sb00 Men's Holeproof Sox, IfSf regular 35c. Special v*' Mdjm mm _ 4 $1.00 m I Hanes 35c Shirts and Shorts. Special, 25c 4 for $1.00 | [n Our Bargaii A STORE WITHIN x6 Rug, regular $3.95 | table Double P; alue. Special $2.95 Blankets. Dollar special big table short lenerth ? *_? 1 urtain Material value up Men-S Jack Rabb, r 19c. Specal for dollar a]|s Dollar Day >ays, yard 5c Qnly .L Sheeting, 20 yards for _ , wKr ?i nn table Ladies $1.00 . r> yarc{ 5C bhoes, special, pan table Chintz Cretonne, ? table Ladies C aecial, yard 10c SamPles; $2.48 an values, special for ather George Sheeting, Days er yard 6Y2* ? Ladies' and Childre table Double Cotton quality Galoshes, lankets, special . . $1.00 for Dollar Days . . rhite Com s a?a??ta?waa?a?m?mmm n i n dStofcx nher 3-4-5 Hosiery and \ //m \ Piece Goods [^^11 Ladies' $1.19 Hose, all new S 3ii fall shades. Special, pail- M> Mjg \A $1.00 vfff\1 One tabic Ladies' 79e Hose. ( ? % ? 2 f?'S"jl.25 dj One table plain and printed 1 ? | & 4 Crepes and Wash Silks K * fy\ 3 f?r $1.00 . y ^ One fable Ladies' Dress Lengths, $1.98 and $1.48 val- ^ |S One table short length Silks. II One table Turkish Towels. jj r. * I ljl ITSELF art-wool I Men's and Boys' Work Day! Shoes 97c, $1.48, $1.98 up . $2.00 IIH EXTRA SPECIAL it Over- 1 big table Laces sp|ioo 5 yards for lc JJJj Men's Hanes WinterHightop weight first quality Union r . . 15c Suits. Special 2 for $1.50 SI )xfords, Ladies* Cotton Stockings, d $2.98 pair 5c Dollar - Children's Anklets pr. 5c ;n s first 3 5c Pencils 5c special ? ? . . . 79c 2 5c Tablets for 5c pany Boone, N. C.