NOVEMBER 3, 1938 LOCAL AFFAIRS | I Sir. W, it Mi'Jtr ct TAi.1. .vxs i limitless visitor to town Friday. M3si;of Luo.y Brown, liana Mae Brown a:t\S Annie Xorris spent Sunrlgv ttriih fin?.'e Iv? rr!.**.?? >t?Wt ll/.bilVC Jii tuun.vtjr. Bern tc Mr. and Mrs. Henry A.! Haigler of Boone, on October 21. a wn. Jack Henry Baigier Mr. and Mrs. John E. Brown of Washington. D. C? arc spending some time at their home here. Attorney Wade E. Brown attended the meeting of the state real estate board in High Point la3t week. Mrs. Frank 34. Payne is spending the week in Saniord with her parents, Dr. ami Mrs. 34. L.- Matthews: Mr and Mrs. Hight Dotson of Durham, announce the birth of a daughter on Monday. The child has been named Alice Irene. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Cook and family left Tuesday for Lenoir, where they will reside during the winter months. Born to Mr. and MYs. Ralph Morotz of Deep Gap, at the Hagamari Clinic, on the 25th, a daughter, who has been named Martha Jane. Mr. William Horton of Farrell. Pa., is spending a few days visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and J4rs. J. B. Horton, at Vilas. Rev. Tipton Greene has brought to The Democrat office two Spaulding No. 4 Irish potatoes, which weigh two and one-half pounds and which were grown on the state farm. The Worth While Club will meet on Friday' night, November 4. with Mrs. J. C. Canlpe with Mrs. Len Cooke as associate hostess. Mir. and Mrs. Verne S. Greene, who have resided in Mountain City for the past year have moved to thelr l-ocently constructed home on Boone it. r\ u 4. The Friday Afternoon Club will meet with Mbs. Jeff Stanbury Friday, November 4th. at 3 p. ni. A business meeting will be held and ali members are asked to be present. Mr. and Mf-a. Brantley Duncan and Jim Rivers of Washington, D. C., arrived in town Saturday and are visiting for a few days, with homefolks. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Davis of j Crab Orchard, W. Va., left on their return Tuesday morning, after spending a short time with relatives in the city, aind county^ Miss Jennie Westheimer has received her commission as a notary public and will be employed in the | bureau of identification under the supervision of E. A. Russell. The identification office is located in Boone. Mrs. Bessie Duncan Brown has returned home after spending a few days with her grandmother, Mrs. Davklj R. Duncan, of Sparta, who has been seriously ill. There . is now some improvement in the condition of the aged lady. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Eggera -were visitors last week with a son, Mr. Maurice Eggers, at Thomasville. While away, Mr. Eggers attended a meeting of the state real estate hoard in High Point, where the Chamber of Commerce was Host to the realtors. Thos. JL. Greene, son of R. F\ Greene, left Saturday for Los Angeles where he has accepted a uoaition in the research department of one of the country's major airplane manufacturing plants. Young Mr. Greene is making Uie trip by automobile and is unaccompanied. MSbs Elizabeth m. Lord , of the Watauga Handicrafts Center, attended the conference of Southern Highlanders Handicrafts Guild at .Mikle ; school, Higgins, N. C., last Thursday and Friday. Sixteen handicrafts centers were represented, and the marketing of products through the guild was discussed. The maintenance of a high standard of craftsmanship in the various centers also came up for discussion. Mrs. Scott Swift Hostess To Mabel Home Club The Mabel Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Scott Swift last Tuesday afternoon. Plans were discussed for the coming year. Miss Bridge gave a very interesting and helpful, demonstration on salads and sandwiches. Those Drescnt were Mesdames R. H. Townsend, Oh as. Wilkinson, Harve Wilson, Spencer Greer, John Roberts, Ottio Smith, E. S. T^llliams, Alice Greer. Scott Swift, Masses Elizabeth Bridge, Mildred (Thomas, Maude and Madge Williams^ Hie club will meet next month with tiMrs. Charles Wilkinson. Sands Home Club Has Tacky Party Members of the Sands Home Demonstration clitb met at the club house where they followed ghosts through all kinds of hollows, over and around corn shocks. After following witches for miles, all decided to return to the house where they were I met by more ghosts. Games were; ived and contests entered into, i 1 Prlrer were awarded to Jjj&R. Cecil i Hartley and ^Iis. J. O. Morris lor be- i ' In^r tackiest. Weincrs were toasted by p.r f?p?n fire. Those enjoying- the pa:ty were: Mjesdames C. G. Hear. . Rebecca Morris, J C. Morris. Herbert :vt?- ?*>.? **? ^ **** ' ? M.i. ua'U .IU5. 1/. Vi . Cooke. Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Hbneycutt. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hartley. Mrs. Dorothy Pierce. Misses Dolplia. Brown. Jinogene Noris, Jacqueline Cook, Barbara Jones. Glenda Anne Brown, Rebecca Jane Hartley. Messrs. Gordon and Tracy Brown, V. J. HoneycuU, Jr.. Donald Jones and Axemlal fWarman. T. E. L. Class Meets With Mrs. Kukman 'Itie.T.' K. L. claai-of the Boone Baptist' churchhel&ttn monthly meetincr o - -* " ?.ft ?,?. uir aumc ox .ours, joe Kirkman I last. week. Each member answered J i This., Fri.,! S The I I and SPM Dollar Days Only I $1. off on any Man's SUIT or O'COAT in entire stock i8 Ladies' Heavy Outing Gowns B2 FOR m $1.00 8 Quaker Lace R| CURTAINS [Jj Special at i $1.00 ~~ ] 5 Ladies' New GALOSHES Special at Tt $1.00 II " WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVER ' troll call with a verse o? Scriptaie ; j having the word 'victory-" Mrs. J. ! IC. CanijK- made a talk ors victory. ' A duet was suijjjj bv Mrs. W. C. i ; Greene and Mrs. IV D Dougherty, j 3 I after which Mrs. Lien Cooke gave a 11 'poem r,? "Kail." telling of the frwn- jl tiful hardiv.erk of the Master, v.hich ;l was very appropiiatc. THiv Knintr ll. -I ? ' .mw lA.'*; UIUUIU ClCv'UWt' i A of officers, the following were elect- j J ed: Teacher. Mrs. J. C. Campe; J president; 1st vice president, (MI'S. , J. J. Coffey; 2nd vice president. Mrs.: W. C. farcer: ,1m vice pre si rent. Mrs. I " Whitehead; secretary arid treasurer, I C Ifrs. R. S. Swift; reporter, Mrs. Len j I Cooke. Group captains: Ifics. D. D. , e Dougherty. Mrs. Alice Brown, Mrs. j ( Jessie McGuiro. Mrs. W. D. Farth-! i ing. Mrs. I. <3. Greene. t The c!ass was asked if it woxild like ? to serve supper to the Lions Club at t the high school cafe on the follow- 0 tag Tuesday night. A committee was c ai62S$BSSS85i@IIBBii Sat., Nov. 3-4 Biggest Co-ope r^D UR'S Have Qverdi Special Group | | Ladies, $1.98 MILLINERY $1- 1 lean-up Odds and Ends Belter Grade LADIES' SHOES PAIR CHILDREN'S COATS Sl-00 15c Tom Boy Romper Cloth 8 YARDS r Sl.ftO I I 1 Special Sale GIFTS and Bridge PRIZES 8100 Special Dollar Day Group 39- in. Pastel and Dark Color SILKS and RAYONS 31 yards CJ 2 for ?DJL BLANKETS . . A Dollar Day Special Full Bed Size. . 2 Sl.00 E:f| 1 e opmu "E Kins Street anssBasaiBssseaiB Y THURSDAY? BOONE. N. ' T'pointed to nokc arrangements f i'.e supper. Refreshments ware served by Mj i;:-kraar:. assisted by her uaughlc ub> Mrs. ItcCoire n ulie ladles vras won ov "Mrs. T. B. i- Moore, jr.. while the prize lor the imcri went to Mr, Mack Greer. Tables were arranged and r. coarse of Halloween sandwiches, fruit salad, ice cream, cake and grape juice was >y ---? # ?? in Lillian Mae Beauty P- DOLLAR DAY?Thuxs.. Fr fl- ci>i