PAGE EIGHT Crowe)! laughed again. that soft, insane iasjgh that struck ciiills to RAW'S ffr.inu Pwtur^lt tnrn^l f't Pearson, who had uot moved in the last minute. The "banker's face was grey with fear. "L6t'$ 2^ out, Crov/ell. Pearson said. "You squealing: swine/' Crowd! raid tonelessly, a kind of .secret mjad delight in his voice. "J would have died for you and you turn me sr.** Sifeviy bis gun swiveied to Pearson, but his eyes were on Rosy am! die sheriff. Pearson hacked away a gainst Uie .wall, uttering, small, unearthly cries oC terror. Croweii slid his eyes to the gun and shot twice at Pearc-on. The banker's pcrcam was cut short and he folded up :ike a tired child. Crowd!':; gun was trained egain on Rosy ard the sheriff, who did not dare move. "A good job. wasn't it?" Croweii asked. Mary anoaned a little in. the corner. Suddenly, Croweii laughed a high, frenzied laugh of a maniac, turned the gun to his chest and pulled the trigger The impact of his own shot bumped life against the wall and he sagged to the floor. "Prob'ly the first good tiling he ever done/' L/aredo said softly. Rosy fell in beside Mary as they left the doctor's. Laredo and Quiim were ahcn.l of them. The rest had stayed behind. "Let's walk slow." Mary said "I reckon T feel that way. too," Rosy answered. "If conies a little too fast." The silence was long. "Rosy, do you mind telling me things?" Mary asked presently. "Anything you want to know." Rosy said gently "Did you know that Ted was mixed up in this when you came to the house this morning?" "I was pretty sure." "And you didn't tell me. Why?" I desire to again exp in Watauga county, my i their many kindnesses tc ? eight years service in the resentatives. I solicit your future strictly on my record of s Isfate and the nation. I have fostered ail 1 ? -I' 1 ** ? ' ' suited in ine ouuaing school buildings and pro ditions among our peopli I supported the Soci. contributing to the supp aged and unemployed, a changed and amended, i will be of a great deal have supported all form sponsored by the adminif I voted for the enac bonus bill which was rej and I have always been veterans every possible the passage of this measi President. power for what I consid ' SM The FEUD lar "Wl TK* j**** SIMiLfc | *'I?I couldn't.** Rosy said huskily. i "He was your husband " ''What would you. have aoggg if tilia -ii Ted had been along with Pearson and Crowe!! tonight?" "I wouldn't have been there," Rosy answered -promptly. He amended th: "Yes. T wsniM too But T wouldn't have iiked it " ffWhy ? Was Ted any more deseryng r'. sympathy than the others V" "Less .'* Rosy answered briefly. Mir.' though* this over and asked why '"Pearson *vas a lone wolf." Rosy explained. "Out lor money and he didn't car: how he got it. Cmv.e!! was a gambler He'd risk his neck jf .r a static. Winters * Well, he had ^..vic i.w ftiav- uMctai Esse rt^i tie car- ; ried more with him when he fell.''. He turned to Mary. "Why are you as kin me this?" "I dor.'t know." .Mary answered soberly. 4'It's just? She looked up at him. "Maybe you wouldn't understand me if J told you." I ll try." "Well, it's hard to put in words. I can't remember very many men. j Dave was taken away when we were ! both young". He was a good brother, j but lie didn't have much use for j girls Dad was?well, headstrong. Dave's arrest mode him bitter ar.d . unjust. Dad was harsh, terriby j liarsh, even on people he loved. ; Sometimes he could be unjust too. i Then after I married Ted. it seemed as if the same traits were in him Harshness, even cruelty. Besides 1 Ted and dad, I haven't been around | men much -escept the two hands , ' that were working for us." "And they weren't any different ! Maybe worse," Rosy said. "That's it. And when you and : Dave came home, I saw you were different from the others I'd known, tie when you were kind enough to hide all this from me. it was ham to : believe, It was something new." >ress to my good friends leartfelt appreciation for > me during my twenty; National House of Repgoodwill and support ervice to my district, the egislation which has reof better roads, better moted better living cona al Security Act which is ort of so many of our nd which will be so in all likelihood, that it broader usefulness. I is of the relief program itration. tment of the soldiers* >orted by my committee, anxious to render our service. I voted for zre over the veto of the t, do everything in my ter the best interests of t. ully yours, L. DOUGHTON. /ATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVERi at "5 SHOTJ ike Short ii< They rounded the corner and cut across the street to the hotel. Rosy's I face was jrriro, his jaw set. "Mary ! looked at him shyly; he did not look i at her. As they entered the lobby, j Man,- stopped. 4T:*. .sorry if I've offended you,"' r-h*1 aid humbly. Hosy si tilled a tittle crookedly, i . r'-heart, you didn't," he I | said . i Uy { l .on'l understand," Mary said. | 1 ?*Vrtii '(\iJf.Nl .-J-.J frofs " Rosy fuimblor] with his hat. not tailing his eyes Irosm her. "Then some day. I'm goin* I'm goin' to ask you .sonic thin' and if you answer it the way I hope yen will?" He bogged dswn. then began again, valiantly: "When thas is all over and you knew your own mind. I'm go in' to T hope " I think T know what it is. Rosy,'' Mary a ; 5were?i simply. She placed a hand on his -arm. "I think I know what i'V! answer." Rosy waited for her to go on. She only smiled and squeezed his arm a little. "And I think it will be what you hone it is." She turned and walked across the lobby and up the stairs, her back straight, erect. Dave was the last to leave the doctor's. "I'm going- to sleep the clock! around/' he muttered as he descend- j ed the steps. "Dave." It came from the opened I ?!oor and he stepped. It was Dorsey. She came close to him. "I couldn't let you go -without telling you that I'm sorry I said what I did this afternoon," she said, her voice low and sincere. 1 "That's all right," Dave said. "Xo, it isn't." Dorsey cried. "It was all wrong! I was wrong! T never understood how right you were until I heard and saw all this tonight." "It was pretty bloody." But if a man doesn't tight for what he has and loves, people will take them away from him.'' 'I reckon that's right." "And I was angry when you took to your guns to atop it," Dorsey said humbly "You were half right at that." ! Dave said. "I took to my guns once [ too often?a long time ago 1 lost November 3, 4 and 5 I ?- AA CHAIRS . . 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