VOL LI, NO. 18 | Conducts Revival 3nHHraK^. -:?y^ te, will be carried following the :tion of the cavassing board nest eek. Following are the unofficial figures lowing the total vote each candiite received, with the majorities: State Senator Wm. B. Austin ..... .Xj&Bl 1 Grant Bauguesa .1 3,411 Majority '. 84? Repre&wit?tUf? Rcby T. Greer 4,146 \ Clyde R. Greene 3,504 Majority 642 Clerk Superior Court A. E. South 4,263 Jim Burkett 3,385 Majority 878 H Sheriff A. J. Bdmisten _ 4,360 Tom Miller 3,447 jj Majority 311 Coroner 2f Richard E. ICedley 4.226 Surveyor C. F. Thompson 4,215 I. A. Burn garner 3,441 Majority 850 |! County (tmmli?iODWi Eiler McNeil 4,274 Jason Moretz 3 3,424 Majority 850 Coy I. Billings 4,251 Stacy Ford 3,349_ Majority 902 Ira Kcimisten 4,258 Bert Farthing 3,343 Majority 815 Vataugaa Dies In Auto Crash Robert Reese, aged 25, native of /atauga, but for the greater part of is adult life a resident of Clncinati, Ohio, '.vas fatally Injured in. that ity last Saturday, when the autolobile in which he was riding coliidd with a street car. The body was returned to the forler home at Zionville, where funeral ervices were conducted at 2 o'clock "uesday. interment toeing in that eighborhood. Further details are unavailable. Vlrs. Mary Moretz Dies On Meat Camp Press-time reports tell of the death "uesday afternoon of Mrs. Mary loretz, S6, esteemed Meat Camp restent, and incomplete Information Inicates that funeral services wfH be on ducted from the Mount Pleasant hureh at 1? o'clock Thursday. Three sons and six daughters aurive: Miss Lona Moretz, Boone; Mrs. x W. Greene, Mrs. N. C. Norrls, Mrs. L. Norris, Boone; Mrs. S. W. Jreer. Brownwood; Mrs C. H. Houck, -axou. Gertnanv is barterine- mrtn tpiu-ii? ^ ? ?? or tobacco from the Dominican re