PAGE EIGHT SKETCHES FROM THE CAPITAL \Continued from page oaeV worldly goods are determined that a jr*an of their picking sha!. win theapproval of Lbe electorate . . but hull ions of little folks the country over are quietly thinking their own thoughts, just grinning and wondering1 if the ixiur.eby lads believe them fools enough t > accept v.-tb ooea arms a mossy-backed op:;servaL?ve candidate museum-moce a! political, antiquity Yes. from a distance it would: ap- 1 pear highly probable that either Mi. 1 Roosevelt, or a candidate pledged to [ the carrying out ox New Deal prin- ' ciplcs will be out there waving the Democratic flag, come vex1 sum- * men! TH.IS SUM3.1ER Wild, witness the opening of three completed laps of the lamed Skyline Drive in North * Carolina . sixty miles through un- * paralleled mountain beauty in Ihv __ 1 * ijjj'N- I Hardin's Studio Blowing lJock. N. C. IBrendell' is now open in the new on Depol We invite ail -itr customers 1 tion where we can sferve you i lines, of automobile repair. j|j Telephone 114 j SLIPS? at a New 1 % ? Ij if : m V - vH Others . Spainhou "Boone's Shop] :ounties of Alleghany. Ashe and { Watauga And every time a Tar j Hee? cranks hu? jaloppv for a tour i.'on?r the highway which ultimately Aiii itiik the Shenandoah and Great Smoky fountain National Parks vitb a sxnooth ribbon of asphalt, twculdn't be a bad idea to remem>er a certain lanky congressman roixi the North State Dougrhton s he naan.e . . . who. folks in these iarts wilt toil you. hau considerable o eO with its construction There's a well-founded be lie: aoout j VhshinE&on that, had it not been for ; he untiring* efforts of tlie ninth d:s- I riot representative. Skyline Drive j bight have been 'completely scrapped j >y government engineers, ami if eon- j itrueied at all would probably have; raversed a large section of Tonnes- j :ee before entering North Carolina a . c\v miles from the Smoky Park's enrancc. And. lots of u.s stili think it wouid 1 lave been a splendid and well deserv1 tribute to the Alleghany lawmaker if a certain house resolution had lave won senate approval, and the amea Do ugh ton name been attached o this the greatest of all eastern ceni.ce highways. 'Twould have been j |ust another case of naming the j aby for its pa! _ _____ ^ Th-^ Arctic tern holds the record t or long flights Each season U flies j rom tile far north to the shores of ? he Antarctic continent, a distance of j .000 miles. > Garage , and modern building t Street ; i o visit us in our new loeanuch more efficientlv in all V I u Boone, N. C. ! !! ^HH91 ? 2896S5RBS4BBH8fiBlfl62?82ilOHi "'-1 I I II ? U= r h i ? I E li I Low Price! !r The more you buy . . the more you ! T iave! $1.00 ^ fi ,, t< lips you d expect to pay c, nore for! Exceptionally /ell tailored of quality c< rcpes and satins, they give t] ou long wear. Four gore r bias types; bra or V- ti C ops. Buy plenty . . . save e ilenty! ^ o Tailored, Camisole and o Lace Trimmed Styles 11 c Pure Dye Satins o Tailored, Lacy ? All Styles c All Sizes c \\ o . . . $1.98 to $2.98 o tl r's. Inc. I 7 . b [ling Center" ^ 1; > WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVE UNUSUAL^ -by "Movie Spotlight" [ r mymmmv GOOD LUCK CHARM IS A A! OSSIFIED TAMNTVLA rQOM MEXICO, CALLED 'OSSIE '. ipBlil !>/&*/&{ A IMg} IDA LUP/NOSFAMOUSrAJV&i, ME A CTVP, S7A WLEV LOP/MO. EEOA.V TRAIS WE PEP FOR TEE STAGE AT TEE ACS OF 7. //V A MW/ATi. EE THEATRE EU/LT /AS . J - il.Of'X ,-i/r 7-ijctn I lohoo/v mome. " j-. henh yaqmetta nxpataomep/ *,$si :\sf.v iol e m col omb.a i /' . 'THE LADV AND THE MCB < ?, | rt.-. V "F ivcsk?d as ctotrtfs / If/' i CCfi4/V?# .lA'P ^VtaJcK /we / \T 1 tvb lambs in nsw york. j h > An GCAL MAN FACES ASSAULT CHARGE 'rank Teaguc Charged With Criminally Assaulting 14Ycar-Old Oir! Prank Teague of Boone, is in the Tatauga county jail, being bcM 'lthout the privilege of bail on a ! iiarge of criminally assaulting ? 4-year-oM girl of this community, le alleged CEHtte having been com- j littyfl early Sunday morning in tiled icinity o? flowing Bock. !J& AOs'rreste'd Sunday on a warrant issued i y the parents of the girl 'soaking the negations. A preliminary hearing was to have ; eon he' i refo?v Justice of the Peace : X Hahn M?omi iy afternoon, but i n motion of defense counsel, the | earing was jxislponcd until June i Lh It is said that Toague in company ) ilh the young girl and several oth- ( NOTUK hapter 32 b, Public Laws or North j Carolina, 1035 Session?An Act for j Licensing Threshing in North Car- 1 olina and Securing Iteports on he Amounts Threshed, he General Assembly of North I Carolina do enact: Section 1. That it shall be the, uty of any person, firm or corpora- j on who shall engage in power > on who shall engage in power: ireshmg in any county in North i arolina to first secure a license om the county in which the opera>r resides: Provided, that the souring of a license in one county shall e. sufficient to allow the person, firm r corporation to operate in any aunty of the state. Section 2. It shall be the duty of rie register of deeds of each of the everal counties of the state to issue license to engage in threshing in fat county to any person, firm or orporation applying for same. Evry license issued under the provLs>ns of this act shall expire on the rst day of April succeeding the date f the issue of such license. In lieu f the necessary' expenses involved, tie register of deeds may make a harge not to exceed fifty cents for ach license issued; Provided that p era tors who thresh their own crops shall be exempt from any liense cost. Section 3 It shall be the duty of very person, firm or corporation, 'ho shall engage in threshing for thers or themselves, in any county i the state, to keep a complete and ccurate record of the acreage harested and amounts threshed for ich farm, and to promptly make, pon blanks to be furnished by the gister of deeds of the county, rearts showing the acreages and the mounts threshed by said person, r:n or corporation, in said county jring the preceding season. A viution of the provisions of this section lall be deemed a misdemeanor and lall be punished by a fine of not exieding $25.00: Provided, the register I deeds shall give 30 days' notice > the licensee before indictment is lade, and if licensee makes said reort within said time no indictment tall be made. I, Helen Underdown. register of eeds for Watauga county, take this leans of publicly notifying all perms, firms or corporations in the aunty -who expect to do threshing lis year (1939) to please come to my ffice and secure a license. I have n hand license cards, blank forms >r threshers' operators' reports, ooks, etc. These license cards are opposed to be issued by June 1st, or aon thereafter. The fee is 50c. HELEN UNDERDOWN, tc Register of Deeds. A-.v; -ra-.-ar \ - -* RY THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C :T$ REVEALED ' ??? '' ^ ~ '' i _ teWARMNHYMER ^ OM/SQ. C* 7VF CUW?Sr \ ,f) COl-.Vr?KA\'C? /.V ^ n iiOLL YWOOQ. fS A YALE Gil A PLATE'S <<*Zv?s>- - A UD HOMO# .?W ; # i: LEE BOWMAN'S f \9\ ore at dane has 77/e / jf i pqod/o/ous capac/rr m\ \ for eat/no & pounds 7: ji of ham&usz?7jt/2. eis left Ij- one about 12 o'clock Saturday night tor Blowing Hock, remaining hi that vicinity until about three anil on their return to this city, the allegations are. ihe assault wnts perpeti it ixT BOOKMOBILE WPA PROJECT The bookmobile, or traveling library. which has been in the county, is strictly a WTA project and is not connected with the State tjibrary com mission. This statement is made i?. correct an erroneous report which had previously been circulated. SPEOAL Si USED ICE BOXES f-ir'salc cnenp JSTew Iliver Light & Rower Co. 2, 0 USED ELECTRIC refrigerator; for sale- or rent Cheap. Xow River Light A Rower Co. 2c # FOR SALE One yoke of oxen six years ol<l W. If. Hayes, Route 1, Boone, N. C. 6-1-2p S FOR SALE House ami lot, cheap Close in Jeff Stanbury, Boone NT. C. 6-1-2p FOR SALE - Registered HervfoiP bull calves Six months of age; best ureeamg anci typo. Ktver Plain Farms, Ferguson, Wilkes County, N C I # TYPEWRITER RIBBONS, adding; machine rolls, carbon paper, mimeograph paper, gummed tape, staplers and staples. Watauga Democrat. + LOST?Bill fold containing drivers permit and sum of money. Finder n-.ay keep money, but please return billfold and Florida drivers permit to Democrat or P. O. Box 576, Boone. Ip MAIN SPRINGS Insist on genuine main springs. We install theni while you wait. B. W. Stallings Jeweler Boone, N\ C. # ARTHRITIS SUFFERERS ? get from Carolina Pharmacy free interesting booklet on new Colloidal Sulphur method to relieve aches? pains of Arthritis due to Sulphur deficiency. Easy to take, inexpensive SUL.P1IO-SOL sold on money back guarantee if 30 day trial does not bring noticeable relief. 5-11-8c # HUGO, my registered Porctaeror stallion, is now standing for public service at A. C. Moody's barn, Blowing Roclc, N. C. He will be there for the next several weeks. Regular terms. T. G. Casey, owner, Cycle, N. C. 5-4-5p f DR. C.G. BAUGHMAN, eye, ear, nose and throat specialist of Elizabethton, Tenn., will be at the Clinic in Boone the. flr?t Mno days in each month for the practice of his profession. 4-7-tf GENERAL BUILDING?Let us help you plan and give you an estimate on your building needs. W. C. Greene, Boone. 5-1-39 0 FOR SALE!?Typewriter and adding machine in good condition. Answer by letter only. ''X," care Democrat. 5-18-25p _ NOTICE To Whom This May Concern: j This is to certify that I have sold my business in Boone, known as the Boone Steam Laundry, to Mr. W. H. Gragg and am no longer connected with that enterprise. All bills due the said firm up to May 22, 1939. arc to be paid to me, and I am not responsible further for any debts of the said Boone Steam Laundry. This May 24. 1939. 5-25-4C D. L. WILCOX. | DR. CHARLES MAYO DIES OF PNEUMONIA Chicago May 2*> L>r Darius H. j ! Mayo. famous surgcor who teamed j ! with his brother m developing the in | iernationaUy known medical clinic in j Rochester. Minn., died of pneumonia | _ mhhbhhi Spe< JUNE 1st THRO Prepare your car fc Wash and Luhricatio Cash .... only . ... Wash job free with c gallons gasoline We invite you to irisp< capping e< SPECIAL DISC( NEW ' | We guarantee to | Hodge IComj We Tire Wa Free Road Service | WWWWWWftWWAWW.1 5 j Outstandin [ BARC % For the next few day . < standing values throi f partment store, and in > our new goods. Belc ? of our ability to save | LADIES "! Ladies' Dresses, all kinds an IJ Ladies' Shoes in wide variel d Ladies' Hats, new for sprin I; Ladies' Silk Hose, full-fashi jI Children's Dresses | LADIES' CREPE-! ; Blues and grays, in all tht J- most exceptional values ' I; Were priced at $2.49. nov | $1 I: MEN'S DEI I; Men's Fine Dress Shirts, mi ;! Men's Hanes Shirts and Sh I; Men's Hats at a sacrifice ... JI Men's Zipper Overalls, Alle !j Boys' Overalls, good and sei j I Men's Star Brand Dress St and styles, pair 5" U J .1 _ 1_ 1 _ r>? r. ^ wmc. utrjjenuciuie onoes ioi | REMNAF* j! Thousands of Remnant R | goods, silks, etc., in ever j | color. You will want to ? 25c ?' BARES Fi | McGUIRE BUILDING g JUNE 1, 1939 today at Mercy hospital. The 73year-old doctor, who liad saved the lives of patients from all sections of the nation, succuni'oed at 4:55. Dr. oviniam J. Mayo, 77. who worked with Dr. Charles in building the ivnowncti "Mayo brothers'* institution. was at his home in Rochester, recovering from a recent operation. rial! I >r summer driving! $1.00 ash purchase of 10 f ?l and oi) change. :ct our new tire re- 1 ^uipment. I DUNT ON ALL riRES i save you money -? is Tire \ pany tauga County | Phone 108 ? ? i, V\tWWAW?WrtMWVWWW. I g? I ?AINS s we are offering out- ; Vi lghout our large de- ! \ r aB M ivite your inspection ot jl >w are a few examples I; you some real money. !; \ i' WEAR j: \ d patterns 48c to $1.94 I; ty 97c to $2.98 ;I g 97c j; oned 39c to 69c ?J 25c to 97c ;j SOLED OXFORDS ji <, : wanted sizes. One of the we have ever offered. 5 \ v only J .49 j | 'ARTMENT :j iny different patterns 49c vp j! orts, pair 49c J j 1 y 48c to $1.94 j; \ n brand, 8-oz. sanforized 97c 5 <> viceable 48c to 69c I; , . loes. all leathers, all colors j? \ S2.98 : men $1.49 to $2.49 |! \ IT ROLLS : oils just received. Cotton ! y imaginable pattern and !| buy a lot of these at j! "1 50c ij \ \IR STORE II BOONE, N. C. I; ^ I

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