! vol. 52. "imo. Ti JAMEST.G R 0 S f SUCCUMBS A FT EC EXTENDED ILLNESS AVorld War Veteran and Elet tion Board Member Dies s Veterans Home; Riles Altent od by !-arf?e Throng; a Brit Review of His Life James T. Gross, aged 45, Worl War veteran and secretary of lh wauillgu ctuuii,v fiwuuncj inmiM, uit: at the Veterans Hospital in Johnso City, Tenn.. last Friday, where h had been a patient for about two .an a half months. m,r. Gioss had neve enjoyed his usual health since hi active participation in the Worl War. and had been in hospitals number of times Funeral services were conciliate from the Oak Grove church, one mil west of Boone, and near the res donee of the deceased, Sunday aftei noon. Rev. G. A Ham by, the pasto being in chaise of the rites. Re1 W C Greene, chaplain of the Wa1 augu Post American Legion, and Rc^ F. C. Watts, former pastor at Oa Grove, also participated during th course of the services. The chure was completely filled, all availabl standing room token, and some bur | dreas of persons stood in the church yard while the funeral was in prop ress. Tlie floral offering was beat t if ul ( Interment was in the Mines grave yard, members of the Watauga For of the Amciican Bogicm being i charge cmrvivmg" arc uio widow, the foi !aner MJso Fannie Fletcher, and thru small daughters: ISiizabcth, Mary j And IVggy GrXVKB} The aged motho; MJre I tS Grass. also survives, U gather with three brolHers and thrc sisters: Bynum Gross of Catmf Leo and CJeve Giosa of Boone; Air B. A. Hodges anrl Mrs F. M. Maltbi Boone, and Mis. Charles G. Lewis c i ZioiwilU. J Born in Stony Fork iMir. Grx-ss, who was a soil of Ui (Continual on page eight.) Parkway Company Opens Saturda; The Parkway Company, Boone new hardware and electrical appl once store, which is located in tf old posloffiee building, will he fo ? anally opened fer business Saturda I morning at 9 o'clock, according t an announcement carried in the a< vertising columns of the local new; paper today The- quarters have been redecora ed and new fixtures installed and tl f stock of merchandise is being place on the shelves daily. The new stoi proposes to carry a complete line < hardware and electrical fixtures ar appliances, and invites the people < the territory to inspect the wares c the opening day. '..'V.V Child is Injured In Auto Acciden Rebecca Moose, daughter of D and Airs. G. K. Mjoose, was rig] ' seriously bruised and shocked Satu day afternoon, when she was struc by an automobile driven by Mr. Jii Carter at a point near the Bapti: church. The Moose child was retun ing from school with a group of otl er children and was chased into tl path of the car as she i\>mped wit (her playmates. The car was trave 1ng slowly, and the child's injuria (were not serious. The accident was unavoidable, it said, and no blame is attached to M jj Carter. I County Library To Be Closed 3 Day {Miss Jewel Hagaraan, county brarian. states that the county brary will be closed during Monda Tuesday and Wednesday of ne. week ,due to the fact that the qua ters being used in the courthouse w have to be surrendered so that tJ grand jury may have a place for i sessions. The library will open < Thursday as usual. ! 900 Collegians Are Now Enrolle Information coming from the A palachian College Wednesday mor ipg indicate that registrations ha passed the 900 mark, and that sor students are expected to enter lati This figure is considerably high than that of a year ago, and t average for the fall and winter terr will likely be higher than at a past period. /A.TA1 An Independen boonet ^ Racket-Busters Lakeside. Mich.?Thomas K. Dewey, district, attorney of New York, and Kepuhliean ^residential possibility, meets another notaiik j racket-bus tor?Judge George E. Q Johnson, former U. S. district at* torncy of Chicago, who prosecuted AI Capone, notorial s Chicagu '' nickctecr. IV i JUDGE WINSTON I GIVES WAR VIEW! Visitor to Boone Says Cash an Carry Proposal :? Snare and Subterfuge it Judge Robert W. Winston < ii Chapel Hill, who posses a one of tf state's most brilliant ml: us, i3 spenc ir,g some time In Boom and on e visit to the office of thi local now: 0 paper Saturday, refer ed to ti r> "cash anil carry" propr sal hi coi r.cctinn with. the iccvornment'a pol e oy of iie?:t*rlity i.'-s as snaio and ); subterfuge, and a certoin avenue int s, another war. 1 Judge Winston said tin t the cat ,r and carry method would result i America's furnishing food and mun lions of war to England n id Franc ie and tlius make of this country the storehouse and arsenal ''Under th proposal," he said, "Germany ar Russia, which have no ships, will I unable to secure war supplies fro: this nation. The question is, the ' 'What should be done by congress The answer is to sell food and snj s plies to no nation whatever, ml cash and carry plan is a snare and K' subterfuge When our president sai r" ho would do everything short of \vr y to aid England ho was playing wit -? fire and precipitating war.'' Judge Winston says congress slioii s* enact such neutrality legislation : would make America truly and def jinny jicuirai. winy .uirougJi ui 10 course docs he see a hope of Amei kn ''Inasmuch as the writer is th Cub Scout commissioner for th American Boy Scouts of the Philip pines and to the best of our know! dedge no such event as the soap bo derby has been put on in Manil: we would ask yon, in the interns p. of boyhood, that yon kindly semi u n- a copy of the official rules an ve regulations governing this event, ne "We believe that a similar even ;r. will go over big in Manila and w er would greatly appreciate any infoi he illation as to the method of judg ns ing, length of runways, etc., whic ay you may give us in order to mak our first soap box derby a success. LJGA : t Weekly Newspaper?Est< WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH ( GOVf^NORllOEY TO SPEAK AT ANNUAL WATAUGA CO. FAIR Three-Day Program for Wat-' auga Agricultural Fair is Made Public. Band Concerts, Fireworks Athletic Contests. Other Amusements Governor Clyde R Hoey is expect jed to speak at the Watauga Agricul i lira; r air wnicii opwis su me wjvv : Creek high school on September 28. The address of the governor is schedulc-ti for Friday morning. September at in o'clock In announcing the program for the three-days of the fair, Mr. Ernest Milliard gives out tile following stute. mer.t: "The ninth Wntauga Agricultural Fair is only two weeks away and evI ery farmer and home-maker should t have in mind what they plan to exhibit. We sincerely hope you will set aside at least three days in this month as a thanksgiving season ar.d show your gratitude by participating in the fair arid enjoying its varied ^ program of entertainment." ^ Following is the program for the three day event: Thursday, Sept. 28 d 1 Entering of exhibits from noon up to 10 p. m. 2. Baseball game in afternoon. 3. S:00 Free sound movie. This is a new feature of the fair program ' and Ijotii old and young are urged to come mere will he rceis on oeei cattle, poultry, Hogs, sheep and farm a crops. Also there will be tavo comedy reels. Friday. Sept. IM l. S:O0 to 10:00 a. 111 .?-Enter hi# of flower exhibits. (tsonttnued on page eight) ;o ' ;i- Railway Directors Visit Boone Monday e. ir A special train carrying officers is and directors of the Tnnvillc River id Railway Company came to Koooe >o Monday and (he group went To BOowm in# Rock (where they 3pent the night, n, President Ea:I , General Manager ?' Black well and Secretary Fisher -were j- Included in the inspection tour, and le they expressed the hope that busia ness would improve and that the diswt continuance of traffic over the narir vow-gauge might not culminate, h. At this time. Station Agent H. W. Wilcox discloses that plans are held in?; made for the final iconic excuris sion over the road Sunday, October 1 i- Many lowlanders, it is believeti, will is want to take the trip during the an i- iu:iii( wuuu V team. DEM< iblished in the Year E.igl pROLlNA, THURSDAY. SEP GOVERNOR TO Governor Clyde H. Hoey, w WatAmgu County Agricultural 1 scheduled for Friday morning, Poistotfice Closea At 8 In Order To Protect Propert IVblinnstcr W. G. HartW^ informs the Democrat that the postoffice is now being dosed to the (Hiblic at 8 o'clock each evenblt, In an effort to protect the desks and other government property in the public lobby. The official states that 20 names liave been penned on gilt portions of the expensive public desks and that there are other marks and characters in abundance. A record lias been taken of some of the inscriptions, and identification oi some of the miscreants has been effected. Mr. llartzog respectfully asks that patrons of the office desist from defacing the postoffic* property, and in the meantime will likely turn over the information of the misconduct to a postal inspector. A penalty for defacing property of the federal government in tht amount of $5,000 is in force, or ir lieu thereof a five-year prison tern may be imposed, or both at the discretion of the court. CALDWELL Ml !Tl A! ELECTS OFFICER! Clyde Perry of Sugar Grove, New Vice-President of REA Corporation G.I Walter Sullivan of Yadkin Va ley, deputy clerk of the Caldwt county superior court, was re-elect* president of the Caldwell .Mutu Corporation of Caldwell, Ashe. Wh auga and Alleghany counties, at other officers were re-named for ai other year at the annual stockholdei meeting of the co-ooerative which wi held in Lenoir Saturday. Other officers of the corporatic are: Clyde Peny, Sugar Grove, vici president: H. E. Beach. Lenoir, se< retary-treasurer. Watauga members of the ne board of directors are: Clarence Nov ton, Shulls Mills, and Avery Green Mteat Camp. BURGESS OPENS NEW CONSTRUCTION OFFIC Melvin F. Burgess Constructs Company has opened a new home o fice for their construction enterpris in the Appalachian Theatre buildii and Mrs. Carrie Williams has be< added to the staff as bookkeeper. T1 office has been modernly appoint and is now open. Mr. Burgess expects to start wo: within a week on the construction 176 miles of REA electric transmi 1 sion lines in Brunswick and Colui bus counties, and other contracts a in prospect. JCRA iteen Eighty-Eight T~~ ' ~i9;w =7 SjzAK AT FAIR | S he will be fhe principal speaker at the fair. Governor Hoey'n address is September 29, at 10 o'clock TOBACCO GROUP^ S r GOES TO DURHAM ! market in Boone. Governor Hoey, it i is said, will also intercede at the conI ference in behalf oi the Wataugans' proposal r Meantime subscriptions for stock in the warehouse are going- forward, ? with the prospect that all of'the mon- ^ * *?\r r.-. *i-if V* S i J out the necessity of seeking outside ? capital. ? i Just what effort the closing of the P bright leaf markets will have on the 12 _ hurley proposal remains to be seen. 11 The withdrawal of British buyers *L Lfrom the markets of the old belt re- * suited in wholesale closing' of ware- f ^ houses, no agreement as to their re- v V opening having been reached. Soine 1 local opinion tends to the belief that e burley markets would not necessarily is be affected on the grounds that { iburley is little demanded by the British trade. i. Dr. Moose Buys !?[ Drug Store Property . :d; ? al | Dr. G K. A!loose became the owner t t- \ of the interest in the Boone Drug > Kl' Company held by his late business ^ partner, Mr. J. R. MJcNairy of Lenoir, r through a deal recently made with. c rs Mrs. McNairy, and simultaneously a 13 with the transfer of the property, he t announces a program of general im>n provements in tlie pharmacy. v Dr. Mjoose has purchased the new- a c" est refrigerator type fountain, to re- $ place the one being used, and says j w that other very great improvements r will be made in the store. T e, I Road To Top of Tater ] Hill Is Now Open ! E . Mr. S. C. Eggers tells the Demo- ; Ml crat that on Monday afternoon he 11 >{- drove his automobile to the summit es of Tater Hill mountain, the first i lg time a motor car had ever negotiated en the road recently graded to the emi- 1 fie nenee. The trip from Boone required < ed about 35 minutes. ! Mr Kggers states that during the < rk dry weather the trip can be easily . of made, and that the highway which I is- was recently graded will be improved ( n- from time to time. Mr. Jiggers is in 1 re charge of a proposed vast develop- ( merit on Tater Hill. i r ^ YEAR IIPERIORCOUR'T BEGINS MONDAY; ONE WEEK TERM bout Seventy-five Cases on State Docket; Only Two Felonics to He Tried by Court; Little I'rospect of Trying But Few Civil Cases The September term of VVafcaugar ipenor court convenes Monday, with Klge \V. H. Bobbitt ot Charlotte, esiding, and Solicitor I.. S. SpurlS of Lenoir, appearing as state osecutor Th^ tenn is for the trial both criminal and civil actions and U! last for only one week. Clerk of the Court Austin r;. South ates tliat among the 75 cases on the 8TC ui'^vci, IHti v ui t univ two uidring the coramission of felonies, rank Teague of Boone, is being" dd in jail on a charge of rape, grower out of an alleged attack upon the ferson of a young girl of this city, id Howard .Testes is to be tried for rgery, The amount being only $25. !J other cases involve misdemeanors, station of the prohibition laws bcg" the most prevalent, Several cases driving automobiles while intoxi.t.ed are docketed. Mr South states that the criminal eket will likely occupy the attention, the court Several student;, of tin WlUccsboro (rh elementary achco' have*sn rod Uja school ay Boone during tfw ist several days, sayB the Journal- Nil atriot. They arc: Misses Mary harles and Elisabeth Alexander. aughtors or Mr. and Mrs W\ at. loxander; MTuis Margaret Venial. Qfjfy"'' * '***' oughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vasl! Misses Cicely and MiLrtha Jaws Dd Bob. Laws, children of Mr. turd trs Shifter R. Laws, and Nell, BudV and Jolin Hubbard, children of Mr. nd Mrs. Julius C. Hubbard. Mrs lias also entered the A. S. T. C. nd is talcing special courses to raise er certificate as a teacher. The -MRsses Alexander ami Vestal nd Bob Laws will be seniors in the k*one high school Vlany Improvements At Farmers Hardware Painters are now busily engaged in efinishmg l>oth the exterior and the iterior of the Farmers Hardware &r Supply Co., and the management of he popular mercantile establishment tates that a far-reaching modernizaion program will be carried out. '.pecialists, it is said, are making lans for the re-arrangement of the irge hardware stocks along the most lodern and approved lines, and when he impiovement prog-ram is com leted, the local store will bo beautiully and conveniently appointed, and cill represent the latest word in modern hardware merchandizing auipmcnt. County Residents Receive $1,932.50 In Aid Payments Watauga county received a total of il.932.50 of combined county, state tnd federal funds in August For disribution to 292 recipients under the ^orth Carolina public assstance pro xam. Miss Ada XFcRaoken. field ropesentative for the slate board of liarities and public welfare, has been idvised by Niathan H Yelton, direcor of public assistance. To 169 r.cedy aged in the county vent a total of $1,261.00. giving them in average grant for the month of 7.46. while 119 dependent children eceived average grants of $4 80 to nake a total expenditure for that >urpose of $571.50. Yelton's communication to Miss deltackon showed there were four vidows of Confederate veterans in he county drawing old age assistince payments under the legislative ict transferring them if eligible to he public assistance roils. The widows received a total payTient of $100, or an average of $25. State-wide average payments to leedy old people was $9.58, to depenlent children $5.91, and to pensioners 525.31. A total of 55.283, persons iver the state received $463,118.82 in iugust while for the fiscal year through August state totals were: Old age assistance, $635,140.16; aid to dependent children, $249,194.54; Oonfederate widows on the public assistance rolls, $33,221.26. 5.X . ifik.'. . .... fei