H SEPTEMBER 28. 1939 ! LOCAL AFFAIRS Mrs. Frank Edmisten of Bio win Rock, was a visitor in town last Fr clay. Born to Mr ami Mis. John T. Ac ams of Vilas, a son, wlio has bee named John David. Miss Elizabeth Cooke left la* week to teach in the Greensboro db triet- schools. Mi*, and Mrs. Sherman Pippin an son, Sherman Loftis. left Septemtx 23. for Mew York, where they wi see the worlds fair. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Vern ? Greene of Meat Camp. Tuesday mom ing, a son, who has been name Samuel Keith. Mr. A. C. Miller of Miatney, callc at the newspaper office the first c the week and left seven Gloria Munc apples, which weighed nine pound! The fine specimens of apples are ap preciated. Mr and Mrs Walter Cooke an* family and Mr. and Mrs. Clinar Bowles and family were guests o Rev. Dan Graham and Ray Andcr son at Blountville, Tcnn.. over Ui week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hartley of Nort! Wilkesboro. announce the birth of baby. Mrs. Hartley will be remem bencd here as Miss Mabel Hard;, tlaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lullic Hardy. Mrs. Hardy returned las week from a visit with Mrs. Hartley Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Player of Nov York City, visited last week wtil Mrs. Player's brother, Mr. J. V Caudill. They were accompanied lier< by Mr. Player's parents of Mjorgan ton and Mrs. C. M. Caudill of Hays Wilkes county. Mr. Player is cm ployed by the editorial department o the "New York Post Dr. and Mrs. G K. Moose wen called to Glen Alpine Saturday 01 account of the critical illness of Mrs Moose's father, Mr. H. F. Heffner who suffered a stroke of paralysis Mrs. Moose returned to Glen Alpim Wednesday and information is tha Mr. Keifner's condition is still sen ous, little hope of hist recover? be ing entertained. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Slar.bury an< son Jerry, Miss Maude Stanburj Mrs. Clint Miller and children. Ge nova and Juanita, residents of Can ton, Pa., arrived in the county Tucs day and will spend the next ten day with relatives a- . friends in thi. section. They formerly resided L Watauga county, bat have been i Pennsylvania for sevomted a committee to see about a suitable " place, ami one which could be obtained. It was also suggested mid ^ passed on that improvement of all unsightly places about town be ens couraged. The next meeting of this department will be on the second Thursday in November at the home of Mrs. D. L?. Wilcox with Mrs. Caudill assisting. At the close of the meeting the. e hostesses served a delicious salad - plate and coffee. ? Valle Crucis News 0 ?Mi'. and Mrs. Russell Richmond of v. ?4. . - j i?:? iiioiuu~oaiuii, nave rciuiucu noiuc 0 from a visit at the home of Mrs. C. " D. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs B. C. Mhlloway of Winston-Salem, wore week-erid visitors at the home of Mrs. C. D Tayr lor' Mr. J. R. Greer and Mr. Smith of , . Clinton, Okla., are guests at the p home of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Fartho ineMr. and Mrs. John Clark of Miami, Fia , are visiting with Mrs. Paul 3 Brown. Mr. and Mrs Keith Brown and daughter, Joan, of Charlotte, 3pent the week-end with Mrs. Paul Brown. Mr. Joe C. Mast spent Sunday visiting at the home of his brother. Mr \ Claude Mlast, at Patterson, d i;- Mr. Frank Taylor. Miss Gladys e Taylor and Miss Jeannie Eggcrs spent Sunday in Hickory visiting ,j with Mrs. Chas. Mcnzies. i- 'Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Farthing eni tertained Saturday evening in honor >f of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Teste r on i- their silver wedding' anniversary. . ma ? ?? ?. ? ... u I A-uvroc canu were; aajr. ana MTS. J. e L. Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Tfiomas, h Dr. and Mrs. Robert Glenn, Dr. and tt Mrs. Ted Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. Doughton Greene i- and children, Mrs. J. L. Tester, Mr. jl Wheeler Farthing and Mr. and Mrs r- Ralph Church. The guests of honor ie were presented with beautiful gifts (t suitable to the occasion. Delicious rey freshnients were served. 1 >f From 1929 to 1938 United States t- production of turkeys increased more J, than 56 per cent?from 17,000,000 it birds to 26,000,000. WATAUGA DEMOCRAT--EVER-i hrEarlyFiJer. ] Boone the first Sunday in October. I Mr Pickens is we are told, a very fine preacher, and we hope a good crowd will be present to hear him. Dr. J. M. Hogshead of Banner Elk. returned from Ashe last week, where he relieved Dr. Rufus W. Jones of cancer of the face. The fourth quarterly meeting for the Boone circuit will be held at Elk Cross Roads on next Saturday and Sunday The surveyors on the C. & N. W. j Railroad will soon have the proposed line from Coffey's Gap to Lenoir run to Globe. A very good grade has been secured so far and the route has many advantages over the Cook's Gap line. General Joe Wheeler, having rcach| ed the age of 6*1, has been formally j placed on the retired list. Mr. Rutherford P. Hayes, second j i son of the late President, is in Asheville, and has about decided to make his home there. He will take an interest in the local street railway corporation. r OJITTiru 1 ; ^NNOmCEMDlis the (injitai Rcguia. Bible study and Holy Com! munion each Sunday at 2 p. in., at j Advent Christian church. Committed to a program of ChrlsI tian unity. GRACE IX'THERAN Rev. Edwin F. Troutman, Pastor Grace Lutheran church invites you to worship with her each Sunday at 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. ?i. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. OAK GROVE BAPTIST Rev. G. A. Hamby, Pastor Preaching: services the fourth Saturday and Sunday in each month at | the morning hour and the second Sunday night in each month; Sunday school each Sunday at 10 o'clock; P. Y. J\ IJ each Sunday evening. Prayer meeting each Wednesday night. PuHio invited to any or all | services. ADVENT ClUUSTiAN. The Hock Church" Evangelist Baxter of Charleston, VV. Va., will begin a revival meeting in the Advent Christian church about the middle of October. Rev. Baxter is a very fine evangelist and has been having the best of results in his work of anyone in the assembly region. We hope the people of Boone and community will make their plans now to attend this revival effort. The regular services next Sunday: li:45?Sunday school: classes for all ages. 10:45?Sermon: The Cleansing of This Earth.'' G :30?lxiyal Workers' meeting for young people, and prayer meeting for older people. 7:30?Sermon, "King Amiziah." EVANGELISTIC CLUB Last Saturady night we elected officers for the coming year, aa follows: Jim Brown, was re-elected president; Howard Foster, vice-president, Mrs. Clinard Bowles, treasurer; Mrs. Foster, secretary; Mhrgaret Cox, reporter. Come and join our club Maybe we can help you and you help us Kev. J. T. Fox is holding a few nights' revival at the tabernacle. | Come and hear him; it will do you good. Mir. Fox was converted under Rev. J. H. Smith's preaching. He is a power for God. We are planning on heating the tabernacle so you will be comfortable. Service starts promptly at 7:15. COUNTY SINGING You are all welcome to bring and sing a sacred song at Boone next Slllldav at ar?H in IV-.A r.oon till 3 or 4 o'clock, the occasion being the Watauga County Singing convention. Miss Bmogene Greene will have charge of the devotional, Mr. S. C. Eggers will deliver the welcome address and Mr. James C. MjaNeil the respose. Here is hoping that you all will enjoy the entire program. N. L. HARRISON, Chairman. Z. T. Greene, Secretary. U. S. URGES AMERICAN REPUBLICS TO RESIST FOREIGN AGGRESSION Panama, Panama, Sept. 25?The United States, through Undersecretary of State Sumner Welles, today urged the republics of the new world to resist all aggression?direct or indirect?and offered economic help to soften the European war's effects on the American continents. Representatives of the other American republics heard Welles declare at the first plenary session of their neutrality conference that the time had come for all 21 republics in the new world to come out clearly against any belligerent activities '"irt close proximity to the shores of the new world." ' THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C Recent Bride jajip ? &/... JjflRS' 'iN$$3sh..' -- : 'j*$ - ; V. _ : Mrs. Fred Henry Hayes, of Vilas, who before her marriage on September 9. was Miss Biilie Marie Isaacs, Aw..?W.. - ? " -- - ui jus. t*. 1-1. MDUges of Adams. Zionville News Mr ana Mrs. Cliff Boyer arc- here from Washington, D. C., to visit Mrs. Boyers father. Mr. A. J. Greer, and other relatives for a short time. Mr. ar.d Mrs R H. Townsend and family went to Abingdon, Va., Sunday to visit their daughter, Mrs. Glenn Anderson, who is recovering from an appendix operation in a hospital there. Mrs. Victoria Hodge has returned to her home here from Bristol, Va., where she has been for several weeks with a daughter, Mrs. Emma Davis. (Mr. and Mrs. Charles Potter and family left last week for their home in Washington, D. C., after o two weeks' visit here wth relatives. Mrs Dick Braddock and small baby are here from Miami, Fla., for a two weeks' visit with Mrs. Braddock's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Greene. Mrs. Earl Parsons, Misses Irene and Virginia Dec Culler and Mr. Clyde Wilson came down from Lynch, burg, Va., to spend the week-end with Mrs. Ottie Smith. While he?x? Miss Irene Culler and Mr. Wilson were married in a ceremony performed at Mountain City, Tenn. Mr. ar.d Mvs. Bill Williams and son, Jimmy, of Bristol, were guests here Sunday of Mr. an?i M>s? Iccnhour. Miss HIttie Younce hat! as guests over the week-end, Mr. Philip Yoimce, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Yon nee and son, Mr. and Mis. Oltie You nee and daughter and Lloyd Younce, all of Kingsport., Trim. Miss Sue Wiilson from A S. T. C., Boone, was a week-end guest of homcfolks here. Messrs. Dwight Eggers and Hugh Reeoe spent a. short time in Kingsport, Tenn., Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie G^eer are here from Denver, Colo., for a two weeks* visit with relatives at Trade, Term., and points in Western North Carolina. Mrs. Greer will be remembered as Miss Helen Shepherd, who visited here several years ago. (M.V. and Mrs. Mon Critcher were here from Kingsport Monday. AMATEUR PROGRAM The annual amateur program to be given at Cove Creek high school Friday night, September 29, promises to be the best one ever held here. Applications for the following numbers have already been sent in: Three colored quartets, five instrumental numbers, including a trombone solo, trumpet duet; one college quartet, one local quartet, the A Capella choir, three solos, one trio, two duets, two string bands and two vio iin solos, aiso two imitations and two tap-dancing numbers have entered the contest. Admission will be 10 and 20 cents. MRS. LANCASTER DIES Mrs. Bertha Griffin Lancaster, aged 24, died at the Watauga Hospital Sunday evening, and interment was at Castolia in Wake county, Tuesday afternoon. Surviving nre the husband. John J. Lancaster, and three brothers. J. L. Griffin, Castolina; M. T. Griffin. Norfolk, Va., and C R. Griffin, Boone. Mrs. Lancaster was a native of Castolia and had resided in Boone for about four yearn, where her husband was connected with the state highway commission. WEST COAST STORM CLAIMS 43 LIVES Los Angeles. Sept. 25--At least 43 persons apparently perished in a violent wind and rainstorm which struck Southern California yesterday and caused damage that may exceed $1,000,000. The storm wrecked ?nt or twiOi ed more than a score of boats, created flood conditions in many localities, including mountain resort areas, put 35,900 telephones out of commission in Los Angeles and nearby towns, seriously disrupted rail and higirway traffic and cut off power service. The Swiss surpass all in the use of milk, each person averaging 232 quarts a year. Americans are second with 153 quarts. European War Briefs (Continued from page one) Russian frontier are false G London, Sept. 26?Great Britain's A first lord of the admiralty, Winston 9 Churchill, today told the nation that enemy submarines were being check- _3 ed with greater success than in the World War and that the empire's | ^ merchant marine was being armed' for a fight that ''is only just begin- I ning '* He declared that Britain had j J? seized more German cargo than she I had lost to submarines. British j j f losses have been reduced from 65,000 | j* tons in the flist week of war to 46,-' l_5 COO tons in the second week; 21,000' pT in the third and only 9,000 tons in | the past six days, he said. Churchill | coupled his comparison of British ?ains and Josses at sea with a pledge PI to fight sea attackers with guns. "T~ convoys and other means. 11 Berlin, Sept 26?Adolf Hitler re- ri1 turned to Berlin tonight to conccn- i ^;l trate his energies on the war on the ctt western front while his foreign minI iste.r nrenared tn leavn to discuss "political questions" aris- ( ing from the German-Soviet Russian I occupation of Poland. Hitler, self- 5 styled first soldier of Germany, had I been absent from his Berlin chan- "> cellery snice he joined his troops in the east on September 3, the day Britain and France declared war on Germany. Berliners saw hi.-: personal Gag hoisted over liis official resiI dence and thereupon concluded the war on the eastern front virtually was finished. Now it was expected he would devote himself energetically to the problems in the west. Wifey: "Here's an article in this paper on how to avoid war.'' PASTIME THEATRE TH IIOONE, N. C. LQ Saturday Only JAW-SOCKING, SONG ROCK- ' |(NG 5UIR!: I Aiso LEON ERROR OK "MOVING VANITIES" F' imd Al 12th Chapter of I IA>NE RANGER RIDES AGAIN' Scr ' ?1 >? - > Aet inai - i * ^ "d Fnl m J M . ?? MODEL H-87: Super \ ftwM \ Btjui-2-scope Tele- 1 y? \ vision Audio and Phc.n- \ I L I ograph Key 14-Inch I _ Dynapower Speaker I V10 ft ft I" V Feathertouch Tuning \ -Xfl Hi Keys Foreign-Domes- \ WW UlvW tic Reception 8 G-E \ Tube* Visualux Dial 1 Miv \ Flos a Doxen More I Tftt BUT \ Advanced Feature* \ V\l|9 \ Sensationally Priced at \ Qf TUUK Easy Term* 1 llCCl liberal Allowance \ 110 ISfSsa Ifil U1 lj "l < New River Light & _ Power Co. r-? BOONE, N. c. _ PAGE FIVE Today (Thursday) Only iSP* with ohii Howard - Gail Patrick S'flpSuN'fl'S rtin&6b ^hecjLn^ tone 170 Boone. X. C. 9c TODAY -J r