. ' TXftT&Js- . Ity PAGE FOUR The Watauga Democra Tile KIVEKS 1'RINTJ.NG CO-Mi'AN' Established in 18SS and Published lo #fi years by the late Robert C. River PU7?tJSUFD KVK'IT THTKSrA' 3U)?S'JRUVT1 O.N HATES Year il.a ?Ln. ..M'. H?' : " Four Months .... - St (fayabk m Advance) a, C. RIVERS. Jr.. - FuOlsdiet -T_ , .7' Res . cr S? gg^flSpCCt, O' .' >< ".eS. e*C- ,. .r.,-; -arfor at ih? t*'5 ar advertising rates 'riniercd at the 3\>slcit:ue at Boone N. C., as Second iklao iX-illcr TV.*,- -.- ' - ?a -vcr.l being the t>p?2i - tilt* people. the yer} Ipffiyv fiTsi oU'-ul-~! be to ftee.p tha: Tight. Uini Vrt'lc it iilfL to -T20 t6(,eU?C'^S wfreth*:vwv have a govern men* without newspapers or news twr.f 7. ; C- 1 J, , > C.J .iJUCI' i,, 1 itiUUi.. not a r.icrr-.-.-nt _:> choose tn< *At:c-r Bat I :r:car? that eve**: man -l: -iri receiv those papers, ar.. be cv-^vible of readjust them.' :r c?- jviiervse.. Y7".~ -~T--~l*..'fl~.. IT-1 THURSDAY. XOV. 2, 1032 ROBERT S. SWIFT l\"t oi ' Ri.iter* S Swift. I Mayor 1; r<: ark for !".ar.y yn.r; proTv.iitenil-, idi.-nti 'fed v. ttii the Kjtvn's civic and rejig LOUS life, causes xhc ni ,#t oi' if whhr.v ' near her, to hark bad aver xfc< year and chronicle Ji thought, or n.-urds the useful dcv.i O ;* h r-.M'r'y (xistcOCO Drr- "f W?ti.tigoV-SpIfrviitl pi nicer stock, Mr Swift had Sfarot n-.os of life sojourn in native- envsrout Ther- was never a kindlier unci] oor. never a rear, whose charitabl impulses wore more < videni in . . eryday life, never a friend wit; greater wtliingncss ? 'orgive th, trespasses ef those who id eit abou hiirt. 1. . archly acerimuuiti.-i-. materur! rkn.es could be nearly s? vaiuab as Tmo.riorftjs we sh.il hcH r ? our minds of tins cx mam m ' '.". i". While it >4 not within the scope <> kr.cv.-lect;fo| ; > predict man' spiritual destination. somehow feeline persists in the editor's nunc that Bob Sivt'.t, genii:.-, generous r,n< good, is iraffiing dowr. the sur.se trail tn a ;ust nr.-l ' - ' reword MR. BRINKMANS PKOlMIECi The General Conference of the M E. Church, having ordained a con splidation of the three branches o Methodism at its Kansas City scs sicms. is having a bit of trouble detaching the .Southern ciesignatior front congregations in (ieep aouU States, particularly those throng] aSwhich marched ;s teliov na-w Sherman hack in the sixties. But there'll be no nauie-chanenn in this little city, whore still dtvei a scanty few oi those unrecon strutted Rebels' (o .vhie'n the iait Woodrow Wilson directed frec.ncr. remarks in pithy vein. 11 ev Rim Town.send pastor of the local Hack calls attention to the fact that a tablet set in the masord-y walls cl' tlu local edifice back d'.nne the pastorale of Hie Reverend G. C. Brir.kman bears this inscription: "Bc-one Methodist Church" no "M E?" nc "South" nothing to remind o? tht hitter prejudices and differences oi civil war. The Boone church's prophetic ex pastor seemed to have had a feeling that the war was surely over and that Wesley's scrappy legion; from Dixie and the iand of Yar.ket Doodle would eventually decide tt jArcdcui ct umteu ironi in Cnrisuanity's ago-old battle against sin. A recalcitrant board of stewards arguec That the graven stone should beai xhe Southern indention, but Brotliei Brinkman, a bit hard-headed when duty imposed a burden, stuck to his guns and won the point with some words kinda like these: "We'll call it the Boone Methodist Churcn . . 'cause all branches will soon be united, anyway!" So, it would seem, the local contingent of Methodism lay down arms about twenty years prior to the Kan:: . sas City surrender! i o LIQUOR STILL AN ISSUE Rev. M. A Adams, presently connected with the United Dry Forces as a field representative, doesn't particularly care for those political brethren who, once elected to public office, can't or won't make up theii minds on the liquor question. The well-known Baptist minister, foi several years pastor of a Boone church, enjoys a reputation fos preaching what he thinks, and thinking those things that a long and righteously-lived life have planted in his mind and heart. But the Reverend Mr. Adams, who never beats 'round the mulberry Jk . V i.~Ci . j - r f public morals, i can't ouito traders! >nd l'h.' intricate workings of a political system rvhtch r'psr'-.T n persona liv-nry cuiuliuaie s for tiv. Governorship of tins c - any ; otiier Slit- to- at:r--'- his l:;tn to the ' Icmperancv rfiovvrvcnf. cot himself j'elected to that high office . . t ai in..; oi,p,r:-ini:y & a...-w -;.J i cause. dovoioa e blan<| mdi&erence ': tu thc %,': v issue fa used as ballet, hint j '-' l"lSi itau* * ..men a portauo Not la ol-na executive ... a fellow v. ;th i flewihjj hair, five It coat and ntetlcw .voice . ... jo wh. .t- the rr.iiiistcri who : never pulle a punch. made ivfcitivc. it doesn't itrain a voter's mom ..y ?.. i..-,o;c a tr <v o vi.' the din of a certain political cam ' i peign: .. campaign '.hat made Slaw history for -jnre-wavine ai.d wild ' vrorr::: -.; a . v; v;:: vhi- 'o h-alurtj ill-.- iHipi. >> .. Clyde C C!--v '.-hard, then a candidate, regalir.g audiences 3! oast and west with honey-sweet and - -vji-rance-tineturea addresses pn a . Go . -- nor':-, nvSral duties to the cort' J stitueiicy. And. i .naiiy. it doesn'i slrain a [voiei's .;. - .:;r.to- ieck around him " day. .ai'.er almost three years of a Sim-- aiiraiiustratinn., v - -.e.-T . C _ av _tL ci'- W -il'i ill) I'.iii ( l <1 .M)l i:| '_^U* v.. viiioi. UirijKRh the manintii.v iu'.ns o: highly- financed alcoholic : -.nVios and wilful abuse of existing r.ptro!" lavv s. has provided its people with nothing short of a topoi disc. Bdtthal certain Governor. :''n ..rhartiiing and full of . swings down the 'ifioal trail. dreaming dreams of . .v car-quests . . . maybe a Son * o'ty ' >> .-.tdw.v occur-: -In hy t%- --ps-idy .- . nifiStontSy-wi t Key no Ids V. "playing dumb in seven <tiftYre.ni ..--r.ru ages on the liquor and beer .-uestian." as the Reverend Mr. Ad' atns is wont to say. This newspaper offered prediction 71 back in 1S37. just following passage 1 . f the fancy 'C'jfitiv.l laws" and cs' fablishment of an equally-interesting j control board, that stormy weather was in for those v/lio, failed to play . ! square with the f rees o' tvm;>rarw-e. N.-yt year liquor. win.- and j .1 sundry .qtirite Wfj:. p,. gouging around j : in the nominating pntuanos. ami: - candidates cf the pcrsbr-oily-dty i 1 .uid i ubiii iy-ovora! stripe will do j i; well to convert promise into per-; ; fortnejicv for Mr. Adams and his! t cohorts, all men 61 undisputed in fiut-v- afe goin? to be in there ask-! . iny questions. mtestioxw that wilt bp j rikitida hard to answer! Zionville News 1 Ml- ami Mrs. Clint Eggers. Mrs. -.Bill Keiiy anu Mrs. Clarissa Greer j . left Saturday far their homes in ; litaiir. and Washington after visitI ing relatives here for several weeks Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Steel have! II moved from Silvcrstone here to | ; !their home whivh they have just completed. A eery successful revival meeting: '<. closed recently at Zionville church , i and many were added to the church. ' . .md during this week Rev. J. C.; Pipes: of Raleigh, is conducting a j stewardship revival here to which ' the public is invited. Misses Mozella and Pauline Eg | . igcrs and Messrs. Ernest and D wight Zggers went to Wirsloti-Saleth Suit day to visit their mother, who. is in! -1 the hospital there. They report that ! Mrs. Eggors veill soon be able to return home. Iter friends will be giad 1 to know. Mr. and Mrs. Cnas. Wilkinson and ' children, George and Jaekyo Lou. i ; were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred, ' I Blair at Vilas SundayMr. and Mrs. Fret! Castle and son ] i Lynn, were guests of relatives here | ! over the week-end. - i Mr. Wesley Brown, who has been ; , seriously ili for several months, re- ! . mains quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Hodge and I '' daughter, Darlone. of Millwood, j Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Eg-: Scrs of Post Falls. Idaho, arrived! . j acre Friday for a two week's visit1 with relatives. Mr. Eggers. who is ; a brother of Mrs. Sarah Gregan, | made his last visit here in 1914.! - while Mrs Eggers, who is a daugh- j ter of the late Rev. Frank Jones. J has not been here lor thirty-four ; years. Mrs. Howard Greer and children spent the week-end with her par i ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Church at i I Mabel. Mrs. Tilloy of Bristol, was a 3110ft, of Mrs. W. S. Penn for a short time i Sunday. HOUSE SENDS NEUTRALITY LEGISLATION TO CONFEREES ! Washington, Oct. 31.?Advocates of repealing the arms embargo won the first skirmish over neutrality legislation in the house today when . that chamber agreed to send the measure to conference committee to adjust differences between the sen1 ate and house versions. The vote, which effectively pre- j . vented the embargo bloc from offering amendments from the floor was taken amid angry cries of "city slicker tactics." Administration men . replied that the procedure was nor. maL There was no roll call on the question, but administration leaders juB/ bilantiv hailed a previous roll call, ijon which they mustered an unex- j | pectedly high majority of 60 votes, i ' as indicating a safe margin for re' peal of the embargo when the final ' test comes. VATAUGA democrat?every I CHt'UCIi I I ANNOfXCDKVtS CHURCH OF CHRIST The Sunday Schorl meets every I Sunday al 2 p. m. ir? th?= Advent} I Christum Cin,rlh' Everybody is I ' wclcdimO <VUi GROVE BAPtfST 5^v. G. A. Ifcuiioy, "pastor Preaching services Side? fouiih Sat- , u.rtfay a >1 Sur. -ay in. each irtonttt at I tiie meaning fa ?ur the second I ;av right * < \oh ' -apt: Sunday ..choc: eaeu -C;iV..>y ut 1?? o'clock; , B. v P v ieh Sunday 'evcnUjg Prayer ^reettnsr ?oh Wednesday rut-si.: Ir.v'. ' to any or ad .' serv. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev J. C. Canipo. Paslor. The paster wig preach at both ' ' services' next Sunday. All officers and teachers and workers of the. chuirh. Sunday ; chock Baptist : it, g Ui an Womans Mis' sior.ary Sevfefy will be installed Sunday morning. Let all please be pies..:II. We v - e .. ihis week into our association Krv J. C. Pipes ami a group of pa.stors' Vvho will be hold*p.g revivals ih many of the churches. Our local pastors will j*re t.-T tilt*'' and help place them in differs:ill c irciics. REV. YOUNTS' SERVICES By tmcnt, I held services j ire! Springs congregation it I! a. "i. last Sunday. wilK a rcaaudience present CeJ o cti i. >"> ei. Held a Second service J : ;s t'a. dry cause of .North Cm- in. with the congregation at :u.ied Baptist church at 7:30 i v.; -hat- o--large aai very attentive. ace. Cr-Utctton $1.62. total j i-t Bo. GERMANS SHELL FRENCH VILLAGE FOR FIRST TIME Paris, Oct. 31?Tne French reportin marked activ i'.y" on the west ! ?rn front today with o series of land j skirmishes between French and |j German forces and brisk artillery j duels in which tiie Germans were raid to have used long-range heavy . artillery for the first time of the war j The Vuih r jinntand am reported j one hi motored Nazi plane was downed in French territory and t wo fell out of control in German' lines j on the Saar front. SPECIAL NOTICES 5 LOST?Beagle bound dog. Wliite j and black. Reward for return. James H. Brown. Adams, N. C. JOB WANTED doing general housework, cooking, etc. Write Nell Thomas, Zionvjllo, lp ? WOULD YOU TRADE Fivestock ur ear for laud? If so, see or ; write N. L. Harrison, R. F. D., Blowing Reck. N. C. lp I SAVE SJ2.50?For sale, sliohtlv ! used Remington Model 11, modified bore, automatic 20-guage shotgun. in A-! condition. $37.50. May be seen at Staliings Jewelry Store, Boone. N. C. 11 -2-2p 4t WOULD SELL 35 pieces secondhand furniture, bric-a-brac, etc. Call Saturday, November 5. Ragged Garden, Blowing Reck. le ' FOR RENT?2-room furnished, .-leave-no.a ted apartment. See Roy Hagarnan, Boone. _lp j LEARN HAIR" STYLING AND BEAUTY CULTURE. Low rates. Cheap place to live. Our graduates are in demand. Wc assist in securing employment. Write for catalog and rates. Hinshaw School of Beauty Culture, North Wilkerboro, N. C. 10-26-6c FOR SALE CHEAP?Attractive good 5 room house, 4 acres land Sou. R. R. 2 mi. west of Hickory, (Longview). Near high school and church. Write or see B. F. Herman, Box 154, Valdese, N. C. 4p GENERAL BUILDING ?I-et us help you plan and give you an estimate on your building needs. W. C. Greene Boone. 5-1-39 | FOR SALE?Typewriter and add- ; ing machine in good condition Answer by letter only, "'x," cartDemocrat. 5-13-25p 0 TYPEWRITER RIBBONS, add ing machine roils, carbon paper, mimeograph paper, gummed tape, staplers and staples. Watauga Democrat. 0 DR. C.O. BA UGHMAN, eye, ear, nose and throat specialist of Elizabethton, Temi., will be at the Haga man Clinic in Boone the first Mondays in each month for the practice of his profession. 4-7-tl YOUR WINTER GARMENTS held over from last year should be freshly eleancd and placed in condition for cold weather just ahead. Our scientific cleaning methods will make your clothing like new, and the cost is trifling. BOONE STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 56 Boone, N. C. THURSDAY?BOONK. S. C. GROf | j : 11 y j flip } MOLOTOF OUTLINES SOVIET RUSSIA'S FOREIGN POLICY ! Moscow. Oct. 31.?Soviet Premier ' ;irui Foreign Commissar tolotuv !i?- 1 nml-.t warned Finland of "scrums' 1 consequences if she continues to resist Russia's pr< porals and acchseo j i President Roosevelt of meddling in i the delicate Soviet-Finnish negotin tions. , Molotov. in an ai! inclusive re- f G-ET/ ||p&fCED AT St MODF.l H-500: Dynamic Speak 5 G-E Tubes Drumtype Di Standard and Police Hand Ait," Antenna AC-DC Operation A live Brown Plastic Cabinet and Colored finishes Also Avail MODEL .lust Plug-in, 1 in Bearn-a-scope Eliminates Gt and Aerial "1 cicvision Audio Phonograph Key Seven Fcj touch Tuning Keys Visual? x 3-Ban-J Foreign-Domestic Rcec Six G-E Tubes AC-DC Oper; | RfT.nun *>l * vrn A simple connection converts Present straight AC radio ii honograph Combination starting Electric Motor Plays 12-inch records Volume Conl Modern Streamlined Plastic E OTHER G-? RADIOS P Tickets given w chaser ma paign. $ New River I >ING THROUGH THE 1 " "iflfF" ~Br ::::?"if v, of Soviet ;< r< i ;n policy be , re on f -.traoidinary session of the . pr.:, Set ie! in the Kremlin, asrtcd thai Hitssia will give "praeti- t .1) i:ii-oj>i ration" to Germany hut is i Terminer' :,i t'.unrd her neutrality. , II. branded llfitair. and rrar.ee as J tiir.ii -el ... said thai Russia is stand-1 1 tit! with German:, in striving tor 1 trace ane wanted that the Ktiropoan :l vtv is only in its first phase and v s; 1 heconwl a conflict of "even | ireater dangers for '.he people of , Sttropo nnd llic whole world." !* Iewwo koi nm "nsational new l ^jpllg 'U 0U,V MOniL HS20: Po/ ?r,7 1 QC: "> * Pu^!< in bcam a , 1 1 Utv/3 Ground and Acria >'l'V tOWth Tuninc Kr,^ f* Drum-type Dial A BSEiS&BBBiMMM * ^l'f,l!'vc Drown I t-ur y jr:.i Colored HMGMMRIi *1 ound pbifn' 44.95 ? !t10D?' ? '?- /"* it ion. B l?<atn-a-scope l.lirom. ? B Atrial Television A VSM?-SI&*Bti| a? o^iaph Key *9 Featl ? " Keys Visualut Dial Domestic Kctcption J NIT HM-3 nfTTTTIfli ' &T* f amp* M 935 RICED FROM $0O TO $00 9 Lll ith each 25-cent purchase y participate in Pot of Go 25.00 given away next Sal Jglit & Powei BOONE, N. C. 1 movkmbkh 2. m,})) |||| GAS ^ rpBMI '^V? } sl?-. USED FURNITURE || l picct Mahopany Davenport suili $20 00 Favorite Range $25.00 Solid Oak Desk $20.00 > laia;. Drfc;ser $10 00 4 Cherry Cupboard $10.00 ; ' Studio Couch $25110 jra| i Used Ueatrolas $10.00 & $12.50 IIGH LAND FURNITURE CO }ep>H Street Boono, N C. BIOS ; I OW LEVELS ? | tabic* Just Flu*, scope Llim<r.2(e* ^ . I Four Feather- OtliV Five O F Tul.es - ^ -T? i.:.^c?Sb'r. 1995 l-iniihes Alt 9 PluR-.n, Built-in Anlv ?crs Ground and vfuty udio and Phon- CQ QC lertouch Tuning i/f :?/U J-Baml ForciRn 7 G-E Tubes. r.JT)ff& jn/JCf : 4RSP?C/?>? / 3 1 i-14 *11 -1M -itI Ifl"? 1ERAL ALLOWANCES r ____^?.? i, so that pur Id Camturday r Company ^i I

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