DECEMBER 7, 1939 Deep Gap News The Gat Creek Game preserve has recently been organized to pro-; tect wild life in the regions of east; Watauga and south Ashe counties. | The object of the preserve orgahiza- i lion is to restore all kinds of wild ; game here. The preserve has the' hearty support oi all the citizens and land owners. Seine Mutants pheasants have al- j ready been stocked on these prem- i iscs. All hunters are cautioned not j to hunt on the property of any j member of this preserve who are j not accompanied by the land-owner. If you do, you will be piosecutcd to \ the fullest extent of the law. All members* lands have now been I posted, and special wardens and patrols will see that the law is enforced. Mutants pheasants have no I open season here under the state j game laws, and if killed by anyone they are subject to a fine of $50 and costs. Howard Steelman has sold hi; I residence and property known as the Millie C. Watson place to Hump Blackburn of Boone. Mr. Black- ' burn will move to the Steelman i home as soon as Mr. Steelman com- I plc-tes his new home which is now | tinder construction. Mrs. vertie Carltcn. who was re- ; cently taken to a hospital seriously ! ill, is now at her home very much | improved. Several visiters headed by Mr. j $ r m 5? WATAUGA tHt>VJ6TRIC5 US p jf rur V/iu laiinao ^ ? Buy Handicrafts ^ ?? from Boone and the highlands ^ % WATAUGA M %h HANDICRAFTS h ? Boone. N. C. |j Si !S'i?i?"i29? $5 a cooK'e |g ANYWHERE J Ta Good Cars [J PHON ? I Be Wed THE DATE FO] SAME TIME SE R. J. RE1 LIGGET THE AM THE AU I THE JET rememb Week MOU by PA Bingham of the Cove Creek high school, were pleasant visitors at the Deep Gap nursery recently. Mr. J. W. Day was a business visitor to Charlotte last week. He hr traveled for the H. J. Reynolds ToBacco Co., for several years, having worked himself up from the ranks to district manager with headquarters in Reading, Pa. V. L. Moretz. Frank Welch and Howard Steelman made a business trip to Salisbury last week. Ray Welch, who has been in the CCC camp in the state of Oregon, lias returned (o his home here. Mr. V.T. A. Watson, proprietor of the Deeo Gap nursery, recently did a landscaping job for Mr. C'oker Triplett of Boone. The Deep Gap nursery has recently purchased some up-to-date office equipment, including a typc| writer and automatic mimeographing duplicator looking forward to a business boom next spring. The lunch room has not yet opened at Deep Gap consolidated school. However, it is expected to open in the near future. Parents of 111, children are doing everything in their power to get tile lunch room started again. Dishes, plates, forks and spoons are coining in daily to 'he school from all homes. On every side we hear the parents savin a "I wish the- lunch room would hurry and open." PARKWAY FEDERATION HOLDS MEETING HERE The Parkway Federation, composed of the Young Tar Heel Farm! mors chapters of Avery, Watauga, and Alleghany counties, met in . Boone 'November 20th. and elected | the following officers for the com| ing year: Ralph Garland, Newland, i president; Bill Trcadway, Cranbcrj ry, vice-president; Billy Wiseman, i Crossnore. secretary; Frank Norris, I Boone, treasurer; Dent Pugh, Piney | Creek, reporter; John Pugh. SparI la. watch dog. and Orby Southard, Boone, advisor. In addition to the election of officers plans were discussed for the following contests between chapters for the coming "year: Farm shop contest, seed judging, public speaking, basketball, field day and livestock judging. The eontcsls will be held at the various schools in the federation. | N TO'.VN 25c Courteous Drivers H E 153 B tone's B nesdai m R THE OPENING OF A T FOR ALL THE REST WITH A REPRE fNOLDS TOBACCO CC T & MYF.RS TOR A rrr _ ? - . - --W m >-? IERICAN TOBACCO O STIN TOBACCO COMF fKlNS TOBACCO COM Elll Mountaii But Saturda NTAI1N UL HAF WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVE ! SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON By REV. ROBT. H. HARPER ! REACTIONS TO THE GOOD NEWS Lesson lor December 10: Mallhew 11:18-30 Jesus spoke of the ways men reacted to the good news- Carping critics, like complaining children in their play, were never satisfied, i John was a man of the wilderness, 1 and they said he had a demor. J Jesus dwelt among them, and they I said He was a glutton and a friend of publicans and sinners. Capernaum and other cities which had unparalleled opportunities would sufler \irorse in the judgment than Sodom and Gomorrh Of then' would be required the awful accountability of knowledge. But Jesus thanked the Father that things lost by the privileged are often received, as it were, by babies. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned. The wisest 01 men in me j things of earth are often devoid of I understanding in spiritual truth. I Their vaunted knowledge may pre] elude their belief in the eternal verities. ruexanuer cut the Gordian knot, ! and Jesus cut. through ali carping j criticisms and addressed the hearts I ol His hearers in the now old, fa miliar and gracious invitation: "'Come unto me." His yoke. He said, is easy to bear. However irksome a yoke, it is made to pull with, to do work. The wise man will not complain about the toil by which he reaches the object ot his desire. The yoke of Jesus, though heavy, is easy to hear, because the man who bears it dwells with a good conscience and rests with thoughts of work well done and of blessings shared? at the close of day. Vilas News Mrs. Jennie Jenkins of Bristol. Tcnn., spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. J. C. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Mast and daughter Nancy, took dinner Sunclay with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Glenn. For years Mr. Mast has been employed by the government. Mrs. John Horton entertained on Sunday in honor of John Horton, Jr. The invited guests were: Masters James Horton, Hendron and Pat Mast, Taylor and David Horton and Chad and Benny O'Shea. Shcltun Dugger and Russell Adkins of the University of North Carolina, snent (he Thanksgiving holidays with their parents. air. tlal Hugger, who is much improved in health, visited relatives here last week. Fuller, son of Prof, and Mrs. S. I F. Horton, has been right sick for I several days. urley Tc SALES WIl f y, Dccc LL BURLEY MARKET: ... EXCEPT LEXINGT( FULLS JSENTING THE DIFFER IMPANY \ > COMPANY I OMPANY ?ANY \ PANY I n Burley Wai y, with ALL' f BURI tDY, the ... J.Y >. RY THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C. Eight-foot salamanders inhabit The Uniteff S the earth's swamps millions of years struction two I Wiu- . K n-. ca,-h. itie ; mey? "potai mw txciinivi cupper" styiins racuum-power shift ,oi,t \ol 1v4c * thr feiaaa uji^i PLFFICUt' NEW SEALED CEAK SUPER-SHEW VAl> HYDRAULIC BRAKES HEA OUGHTS IN-HEAD ENGINI &ie It "Tai| It Btu| It! a'v lbi(v?d t? ^taHn?NO? INQVB4 OYiUAIQt Harrison Che^ n OOOI1 >bacco Wan HHMBCHHnHDiMnHnHBBHHBHH LL START mber 131 5 HAS BEEN CHANGED TO TH1 3N, KY., WHICH ALWAYS OPE1N ET OF BUY ENT DOMESTIC COMPANIES These companies will have their Market along with other compani son, just as they have on other i Bur lev Belt. 'ehouse Has a Sale 1 FHE BUYERS ON E i Man Behin PAGE THRE& taLes has under con- Approximately 10,192.403 of the >at.t)eships of -SaX-thi world's total of 11,492,653 Baptists W'.-'St ? record. are in North America. TlwSpraaf Dc Jfjio'l ^VJaa, Everybody knows, sot or tmi iot" it t<tkcs fine fea"cf -' "cJ> ner,1 ck? tures to make fine cars! ... rjiP\loi on 'cwett- pf.'.oa con' i,ii, piM.i wi Arid Chevrolet for '40 is the only car in the low-price ?? '< field that has all the fine /ITIV^IS car features pictured at the a, i i " j left: . . . Small wonder, ? NtW RJUVI.ICN the"' th \iR a,S? ?Ut" i bcdiu sy fisher selling all other new cars f~" - for ''W. Eye it, try it, gj ; jf '^ ~?5? buy it, and you'll be thor' I ' *vs j~~ oughly convinced that 1 '""J "Chevrolet's FIRST Again!" 8S-H.P. VALVE-1N-HEAD SIX BH JBl AND UP, 'of (lint, Michtqow. Iniwpoifofwn fl R beted or mJ ml??, dvrfr and /ocoi Iomi (if atyj, Wk opliowi tqvipiienf c*d xamociti ??lw. II MB WkW Prizoi nifcftd fo chongt ei.'lmtf ?o(?n?. I *? ^p* gvardt?oa Moctor 3 5 Serif. ) vrolet Company e, N. C. ehouse 1 th, 1939 =1 13th. WE OPEN AT THE IS ONE DAY AHEAD ERS I buyers on the Boone ies during the entire seamarkets throughout the Every Day in tbe I VERY SALE! I MOUSE d the Sale! I

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