PAGE FOUR The Watauga Democra The RIVERS PRINTING COiU Established in 18SS and Published To 45 years by the late Robert C. River PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDA" SUBSCRIPTION RATES: On? Year 51-5 Six Months -7 Four Months ? .5 (Payable In Advance) R C. RIVERS. Jr., - Publishe Cards of Thanks. Resolutions of Rc pect, Obituaries, etc.. are charge for at the regular advertising rates Entered at the Postoffioe at Boom N C., as Second Class Mail Mattes HTh? basis of our government bein the opinion of the people, the ver first object should be to keep tha right, and were it left to me to decid whether we should have a goverr ment without newspapers or new; papers without a government, I shout not hesitate a moment to choose th laltor Rut 1 nhnnlH m' crat" not only has the appearance Lt of a "big city daily," but it exceeds le anything 1 have ever seen for a cit\ l- the size of Boone. Congratulations 5. to you and Jim (since I read that j Id he helped you with the edition), i and I know that these lines will bo i only a starter for the hundreds of i - letters you will get praising your ef- j 1(1 forts. ? With this new tobacco warehouse, your livestock market, and other ? improvements, your father. Uncle Dick and other "old timers" would not believe their eyes were they to - return to this earth again. All those things almost seem impossible to Boone?-formerly considered a "backwoods" town without a rail j road (wide gauge!) i Really, 1 have seen many "special editions?" from the New York Times to those of a small semiweekly in Texas which I used to > publish, but yours takes the cake! : It is my hope that the expcctn- j n lions of the merchants, the stork- j :t holders, and the citizenship will be l ir far more than realized on your n opening day. Wish 1 could be there I t- I to help "paint the town red." s. Please tell Bill Loviil that I'll just 1 have to buy him a quarter cigar it when 1 see him for putting thai one I over. With kindest regards, HARVEY B. CAP.LTON. ic Chicago* III, Nov. 30, 1930. ir n ; LAUDS NEWSPAPER " I Editor Democrat: " | Congratulations to the Watauga I u i Democrat and stall Cor the splendid piece of work they did in puttine >' e ver he special tobacco edition. l' \"ery few people realise the ipfopno* sibility of an editor?expense, world i-y, news, etc. it has been said that ' i the New York Times requires $50,-1 sl i 000 per day for operating expenses. '[J So you may see it takes money as ' well as intellect. " Schools are a great asset to our ;l county, hut a newspaper can go a much further in the upbuilding of >- a county than most people realize >e What our newspaper advocates usu ally goes over. It stands by will) V a helping hand and mourns or re joices as it shares the lives of the i people. We depend on the- newspa) pers?they blaze our way. We find o out about our neighbors through ir them. Churches, society, merchant.-., lc men, women, in all walks of life depend on them. Why? They arc ' our great institutions, our teachers, d They come to us, ricli and poor a alike, we don't need to go to them. If you have something to sell or c are hunting bargains consult your )- iocal newspaper, e A Watauga farmer, i- L. A. HENSON.. \. ?? I ! CHUIiCH I ;! ANN01ACIMEST5 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH High School Library . Rev. John Rhea. Pastor ' Sunday school at 9:45, Starr Stacy. superintendent. Morning worship service at 10:50. j Sermon by tho pastor. BRUSHY FOPK BAPTIST ; The regular mooting time at , Brushy Fork Baptist church has [ been changed to the second Satur. day of eacli month at 2 o'clock, and , j the second Sunday at 11 o'clock. , Rev. G. A. Hamby, the pastor, asks , the congregation to take note of this , J change. . i ADVENT CHRISTIAN "The Rock Church" j Services each Sunday as follows: I J 10:00 a. m.?Sunday school. 11:00 a. m.?Worship service and] . sermon. j 6:00 p. rri.?Senior Loyal Workers' j 'j meeting; Junior Loyal Workers' j , meeting and prayer meeting foi j J older people. ' 7:00 p. m.?Preaching service. FIRST BAPTIST i Rev. J. C. CaniDe, Pastor We can stay out of the war. But whether we will or not. I do not '. know. Things do not look favorable t now. High pressure is being s brought on our government to drag o us into it. Propaganda is rampant a and the war mongers are alert. One of the best ways to stay the tide anpush back the enemies is to attend upon the worship and service of God and humility. We invite you d to join us next Sunday in true spiril itual worship in God's house on c God's day. g n BOONE METHODIST t) Sunday morning preaching serv3. ice 10:50. Sermon by the pastor. ? Sunday night at 7 o'clock, Rev. J. S. Hiatt. district superintendent for it the Elkin district, will preach and u hold the first quarterly conference d for the year 1939-40. Everybody is y cordially invited. All stewards and is officials of the church school are p urged to be present, is Friday night, December 9 at 7 is o'clock, a teachers' council will be s held at the parsonage under the di ATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVERY Dl 0,c- > Sb3T ^1?** I < \ "&*ir , ^ ^ J*"** ^|I40S 157 Poi* P?7?^ (TpRSiS, PL^ 79 f ~,pPY BREWS7Z?R" *??** ^ ^ ^ * 2 <*?***&> Grenville Klciscr, well-known author and writer, gives some good advice about talking. An immense amount of time and energy is constantly wasted, he say;-, by useless talking Some of these essentials that he I nil .1 ivj11 tunvtniatiunalist arc as follows: The first condition of Rood talking is clear, well-ordered thinking. If your thoughts are in confusion your speech is liable to bo non-effective. Talking should not be a verbal nor vocal contest, but a mutual exchange of ideas. Monologues are tiresome. Don't give advice. Advice costs nothing and is usually worth what it costs. Don't exaggerate. It is easy to let your desires anil feelings overcolor your views. Give the impression of under statement rather than overstatement and what you say will have more effect. Keep your voice low. A low voice is not only on excellent thing in a woman, as Shakespeare savs. but it is good for anybody. Many people are trying to talk to, hocause they constantly bawl so lood. They drawn out their opponent with sound. Don't tell unduly long stories. Don't make a reputation for being a "funnv" man. This will pot you ir. the class of lightweights. Stories are like seasoning or salt. They should he very judicially intermingled and it is easy to get too inany of them. Do not interrupt another. Wait quietly for your turn to sneak. Don't relate lengthv personal experiences. A thing may he interesting to you because it is about vourself. but it is usuall" boresome to other people. Don't be imnatient. When you observe that your listener does not wish to be convinced ; change the subject. Don't argue. Argument never | convinced anybody. Suggest. Sedulously avoid controversial de- 1 bate about religion or politics. Peo- j pie have made up their minds about these ouestions beforehand and do | not welcome your attempt to change their opinions. Be careful about ridicule. Peonle ; 11 Vw\ o rn urtt ? "? I1UI JLIIOIUVV CUAHU Ctl I v - I tiling else are very quick to resent this. Speak clearly. Do not mumble. Conversation is more than idle exercise or ornamental superfluity. Its purpose is to keep the other party amused and interested. It is the wire' upon which runs the current of your electric personality. Everybody should know how to keep up these wires and to gently stimulate another's interest. If you don't know how to talk, rection of Mr. R. L. Clay, superintendent of the church school. All workers of tire church school are urged to be present. THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C. ?CEMBER HOME WC ^4 $? < |NQ30 i?J7EM5ER 1CYD x. . ~ mpv ti-t "*Vp r"'J_ rA' $A t J4 12^ 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 0^, -,410^ 11 12 13 J415 1G 23' 17 1A 10 20 22 22 11 x '4 %{25^& 27 28 25 50 j, ? i )NVERSATION ^rom the Writings of R. FRANK CRANE learn. Devole a certain part your time to intelligent and diligci practice in the art ot small talk, pays. DEWEY ENTERS GOP RACE FOR PKESIDENC Washington, Dec. 1.?Announc ment by Thomas E. Dewey of h candidacy for the 1940 Republic; presidential nomination clanfit the political picture tonight, but e ports withheld opinions, pending li "keynote" speech next week Minneapolis. Dewey's formal entry into tl race brought to four the number a tively seeking the Republican nor ination. The others are Scnato Arthur H. Vandenberg of Mithiga Robert A. Taft of Ohio, and H. Bridges of New Hampshire. Because moths fly at night ar are usually not seen, few people re iize thai there are nine times ; many moth species as butterflies. Choose your Diamonds where your confidence counts most! Lay - away plan makes it easy. 10 DIAMONDS 847o5? 5 brilliant diamonds in each! Natural ov wbiie gold mountings. (Enlarged to show detail) 11 DIAMONDS $35.85 A ring lfaal will always bo treasured. . Solid gold, newest design. (Enlarged to show detail). B, W. StALUNGS Credit Jeweler >RK ?] $&??''tfr ^V^oO^V Ac^ ^k? \\A" co0^ .** " V^fc, *<n V; ^/^rr v/i "?s-~/U<-?- s ;a \*\A^'<^r;msi NORTHWESTERN AREA TO HAVE NEW TRUCK SERVICE The Southeastern Motor Lines, of Bristol, Va., has bought an intrastate franchise from the Boone Transfci Company, and will operate as a freight carrier in the northwestern s-dion of North Carolina. Announcement of the sale was nt >" >He hv Stanley Winhorne, State jt Utilities Commissioner, Tuesday. The company will operate in the vicinity of Boone, Weft Jefferson. Jefferson, North Wilkcsboro and into Wir.y ston-Salem. Practical criminology is being of ferod as a regular course at Wash's ington College by the biology de111 partment. 3d - A- iiotvoiu uiuvct&uy scieimsu' lis have discovered a new carthquaki at wave that may be used in locating enemy artillery. re c_ A new method of storing heat n_ from the sun has been devised by r3 a Massachusetts Institute of Techn nologv scientist. S. ? The only island resort in Europe which is uninhabited is the Scotj lish Island of Staffa. Thousand; , visit it annually but no one live; as ,1,ore" = YOUR JEWELER R. L. SHULL now working across the street in front of Smithey's. Watches, clocks glasses, rings and most anything re paired. Diamond Setting a sp* ally. Wanting I WILD CHERRY BARK, I thin, natural? 2-ic Per Pound ! Get our price on Balm of Gilcad Buds before selling. Bring us your Galax anil and Furs. C. A. WILCOX Boone. N. C. PASTIME Boone, N. C. Tuesday and Wednesday SPECIAL SELECTED PROGRAM! Celebrating Opening of MOUNTAIN BURLEY TOBACCO MARKET! Johnny Mack Brown Western Feature with Bob Baker - Fuzzy Knight also 2-REEL. COMEDY & CARTOON Welcome, Tobacco Growers! DECEMBER 7, 1939 f r7in&6i> ~7 h?GJsue> Phone 170 Boone, N. C. I Today (Thursday) Only "BAD LANDS" with ROBERT BARRAT - ANDY CLYDE - GUINN "BIG BOY" WILLIAMS, NOAH BEERY. Jr. SPECIAL BARGAIN) This Coupon and 23c will admit 2 Persons to the Appalachian Theatre Thursday, December 7, to sen "BAD LANDS" j ' ! Friday?Bargain Day THE ALL-AMERICAN I.AFF SHOW! More fun fhan tearing down the goal posts! MalineelOc ? Nite 15c SATURDAY Cittlennn. Rc.lnni'Cnslunr ? tull?U..S?itlH?? Kflait MO RADIO Ran,. Plus Oltr Gang Comedy - Cartjwand. 5lh chapter "Oregon Tj OWL SHOW SATURDAY 10:30 ^v- _ 11 Timely as Today's Headlines! !i Mmistwust. Monday and Tuesday rnTTpHMTsn \\S FULFILLED! : Greatest since "Snow White." < 1 ' Cfe o Everything you've heard 'k about it is true! The ?????