PAGE EIGHT Other Reports of Red Cross Members Following is ii List of lied Cross members m the community riiid county, which have not previously reported: B'xint1: E. Fold King. E. Ford King, Jr., Coker Triplet:, J T. Mast. C. \V\ Rowe. F. W. McC'raeken. Fred Krider, Martin L. Herman, C. S. Brown. J. H. Taylor. Hort Bledsoe, W, ,L. Bolick, J. H. Council). Ralph Colvard. E. M. Hodges, Jack Comctt, Dock Dishman. J. II. Eggers. Dan Bryant. A. M. Hodges, M. C. Cornell, Louise Atkinson. Ella Austin.. Mrs. Emma Moore, Gray?k>n Eggers, Mis. Graydon Eggers. Rachel Mastin. Allie Austin, Marion Lisor, Isabel Hayes. Louise Moore Glada Walker, Myrtle Brandon Clyde Goodman. Mrs. Cullen Johnfon. Maude Cat heart, Herbert Wey TJini'-.v.l Hoilap Wil<r?n HnHwc Rnrl Norris. Tcm Shook, D. S. Faw, Ray Brown, Catnpfire Girls, Dyniciar Society Appalachian Forum. J. D Rankin. Natalie Purdoih. J. A Wiihams, Heme Economics Club. Y. \V C. A.. Vernician Society. Senior Class. Presbvt rtan Church Club Lo .ill Club. Y. M. C. A Mrs. Viola Odell. Plavcrafters. Girls' Physical Education Club. Alpha Sigma Gamma. Boys' A Club. Ministerial Alliance, Mrs. L. B. Hardin. Forensic Club. Thaiian Society. James B. Winkler. Gordon Winkler, Mr.? Gradv iMoretz, Mrs. Bessie Brown, Smith Esse Station. A. R. Smith. Roy Hagaman, Townlcy Bridge, W. Stable radios I PRICED AT SENSATIONAL i NFW I out; KueiV MODEL 11-500- Dynamic Speaker. 5 G-E Tubes. Drum-type Dial. Standard ami Police Hand. Attached Antenna. AC-DO Operation. nM.v Attractive Drown Plastic wr,LT Cabinet, frory and Colored ?lmisbet Alio Available. $1)J.95 MODEL K-JIO: Four Fcathcrtouch Tuning Ke>*. Dynamic Speaker, l ive G-E I'uhcs. Standard and Police Hands. Drum-type Dial. Attached Antenna. AC-DC Operation, opaiy Attractive Drown Plastic Cabinet, Itory and Colored <217 I l in,-It, Alio AfjiUilc. *".aO RECORD PLAYER UNIT A simple connection converts your Present straight AC radio into a bonograph Combination. Self-startinx Electric Motor. Plays nu.v 10 or 12-indi records. Volume Control. Modern $9.95 Streamlined Plastic Design OTHER G-E RADIOS PRICED FROM $00 TO $00 EASY TERMS LIBERA! ALLOWANCE New River Light & Power Co. t I? 5? /*.^W ^ * . JUr %s / ir ^ u ! B. Norrls. M. C. Hollar, I T Bar-: ; nett. E. F. Troutman. -Mrs. John j Main. Mrs. Mao Miller. Barnet' Nichols Motor Co., Juiian C. Y'oder. Dr. W. M. Matheson, Kenneth Ivcrson. A. Antonakos. C. Weir, Ida I belle Ledbeltci. Lavina Tyler. Met::, I vies, Ftta Mae Hargrove?. Lucy | i Brock. Orby Southard. Mrs. Ge-or- i , gia Compton. Dorothy Ellis. Harry ] Hoflin. Leo Kcvnolds. Mrs. Ruth I Redmond. Paul Coffey, Hodges Tire j Co., Bare's Fair Store. R. \V. McGuiro. Mrs. F. A. Linnev, Mrs. E Irby Long, Mary C. Rowe. Ina Haves. Rosulie Miller, Grace Littleton. Mrs. Vaught Mast. Mrs. A. F. Harnbv Will Walker. W. D Farthing, Manley Clark. Craig Holler, J A. Mullins. S. C. Eggers. John Howell. Miss Eida Todd. Mrs. B. J. Councill. Mrs. J. H. Councjtll Contributors: A Capella Choir, George MeBride, Mack Baker. Max Ho vis. Mrs. Jessie McGuire, Mis. H. W. Smith. Vnlle Cruets: Barbara Bart. Mrs. i Mont Glovier. Virginia Bouldin. 1 Adelaide E. Smith. Julia Guerrv. Anna P. Robertson. Ernie Triplet t, Mrs. Laura Church, Mrs. Lucile Mast. W. W. Mast. Miss Wiima Baird, Miss Gladys Taylor. Mrs. Howard Edmistcn. Mrs. C. D. Tav1 lor. T. C Baird. Mrs. W. H. Wagner. , Contributors: Marion Keen. Susan Williams, Frances Stevenson. Evelyn j Sherwood, Mary T. Barclay, GerI rude Day, Martha Lanius. Dorothy j Brown, Emily T. Hopkins. Suzanne t Bryan, Mrs. E. C. Wall, Marior. Ridgewav. Sarah Plemmons, Florence E. Briscoe. Blowing Rock: Mrs. H. C. Hayes. E. S. Quails, Paul Banner, G. M. Sudderth. G. C. Bobbins. Evelyn B. Walsh, Mrs. W. L. Hoishouser. W. ; G. Young. Lena C. Reeves. Mrs. i Gene Story. Mrs. E. D. Warfield. Dr. Mary C. Warfield. Marion Treffeisen. Mi's. Glenn Brown. Mrs. Freu | D. Lewis. Mrs. Pauline W. Shoe! make. Miss Earl Payne, Mrs. Mabel H. Hollar, Mrs. Kent K. Brown. ; Mrs. M. R. Maddcx, C. S. Prevette. Northwest Carolina Utilities. Inc., Hardin's Studio. Hob Nob Inn. Beaver Darn: Mrs. Dale C. Norris, Dale C. Norris. Don Hagaman. Mrs. ; Dallas Wilson. Mrs. Jethro Wilson. ! Dean Reese, Mrs. Lee Swift, Mrs. j Clyde Reese. Miss Stella Hagaraan, j, Mrs. Perry Farthing, Roy Wilson, W. R. Vines, D. C. Cotfcy. Mrs. j Clyde Perry. Miss Clco Walker, j Miss Pattie Kehson, Miss Ona Fat-i thing. Mrs. W. Y. Farthing, Miss I: Mattic Lou Harmon, John W. Ward, I ! Hr.iHv F1I oi' .Tim Shorwnnd. Contributors: Mrs. Culver Dale, j Mrs. Dudley Greene, Mr*. M. W. Kiiicaid. i Cove Creek: Mrs Eunice Moody, , S. F. Horton, Mrs: S. F. Honor., 1 Ann.i Mae Sherwood. Mrs. Stanley j Harris, Mrs. Enoch Swift. Mrs. Don j | Reason. Mrs. Philip Fletcher, D. C. 1 Mi st, \V. F. Sherwood, James B. Mast. Mrs. N. L. Mast. Clyde Mast. : Wheeler Farthing, B. S. Adams. j Throngs Gather for Tobacco Celebration (Continued from page on el Haijiy Brothers firm, lessees ot the' warehouse. 11. G. Hedrick, of the state do-1 partment of agriculture, expressed I his pleasure at being present while' J. M. Broughton, who in private1 ; conversation did not deny gubernu- j : torial ambitions felicitated the citizens of the northwest upon their new enterprise. Thad Eure. secretary of state | I journeyed up from Raleigh to bring , I greetings to the mountain burlc-y i : growers from the flue cured belt! | while former Lieutenant Governor ; R. A. Doughlon received an ovation i when recognized by the chair. The ; board of directors of the warehouse, and many other leading citizens throughout the area were recog nized. John Gilmer, Greyhound bus official, spoke briefly and State Senator W. B. Austin introduced Congressman Robert L. Doughton. Mr. Doughton said the burley ware house was one of the greatest de i velopments for the northwest in the history of its march of progress and called by name a score of citizens who had worked for the new enterprise. He reviewed the history of tobacco from the time it was found in the New World through the oeriod when i twas used as a medical drug and on to the present time when the value of the manufactured product : has passed the biliion-dollar mark. North Carolina, he said, produces ; 52 per cent of all the nation's tooac- j j co. The federal treasury collected j i $580,000,000 tax on tobacco last year. !j he said. The festival closed Saturday night i iih a gala tobacco hall promoted j - -ar holiday charity. ^ ^ ^ \ IS f?i g|gg^w jT /ATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVER Spear-Gun Fisliing MIAMI. Fla. . . . Spearing fish under water with a newly developed rubber spear gun is the newest piscatorial sport here. You have to hold your breath, dive, look around for a fish, aim and fire all in less than a minute. The new guns and masks were invented by a Miami University student, Chenault Elmore. Miss Nankivell is just coming up from spearing a snook under water. Todd School and Community News School to Present Play The students of Elkland high school will present "Lighthouse Nan." a three-act comedy, in the school auditorium. Saturday night, December 9. at 7:30. It's this sort of play: Lovesick Sarah Chumley-Choke (Mary Jo giedsoei has her eye on lively Ned Blake (C. L. Duncan), but he's in love with pretty, ragged Lighthouse Nan (Anna Mac Ccokc). and so is Sir Arthur Choke, an Englishman with more blue-blood than sense (Lawrence Graham), whenever he can got away from his jealous fi ance. Hortense Enlow (Lucille Miller). Ichabod Buzzer (Howard Jones), the lazy lighthouse keeper, has his hands full with his scoldin* wife, MolJ (Thclma Jones), his cantankerous mule. January (Junior Graham), and his low "spirits." A group of fishermen sing before supper. (They are Leslie Norris, Bor/l McGuire and the Moretz Band singers.) John Enlow (Bill Bledsoe) ncroti tveirsuaj. Jit* tint anurci to: Aih( Injun Jitn (J. islikrol) ;i Vicious cx-cohvict, robs Moll Buzzer of a heart-shaped locket and a bundle of papers. Why? Come Saturday night and find out. One mghj each week the gymtinsium is turned into a roller-skating l ink. Everyone who skates enjoys the novel and amusing exercise, and those who haven't yet learned to skate enjoy watching. Work is progressing rapidly on the construction of the school lunchroom. Mr. Gentry Lomley. who is in charge of til.- work, savs ho experts to tints!! the maiding by Christmas. The following students have been selected for the editorial staff Of the Elk land newspaper, "The Blue Ox," because of their excellent work on the early editions of the paper, which began as a class assignment in tenth grade English, and later grew into a journal l'or the entire school: Editor-in-chief, Junior Graham; news editor, Anna Mae Cooke; ropy editors, Carrie Lookabill and Kathleen Ragan; sports editor, Howard Jones; humor editors. Bill Rledsoe and Ashley Howell; poetry r ditor. Lovely Miller: art editor, J. D. Miller; business manager, Lucille Miller. Tiie November honor rolls for Elkland high are: Scholastic?L. D. Graham. Coolidge Holman, Carrie Lookabill. James Lookabill, Coy Mikeal, J. D. Miller, Lucille Miller, Annie Norris, Merril Norris, Kathleen Ragan, Thelma Winebarger. Citizenship?Summer Greene, Thelma Winebarger, Kathleen Ragan. The small son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Houck, who was severely scalded when he turned a pan of not water over on himself, is in a serious condition. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Norris have been visiting in Lenoir for a week or so. but have now returned to their home in Todd. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. McGuire made a business trip to North Wilkesboro last Friday. Mr. D. C. Howell, who is suffer ??5 jav?hi a ucai i ctiidLN, UOIIipilcaV-ed by high blood pressure, is still confined to his bed. He was visited over the Thanksgiving holidays by his daughter. Mrs. Emery Moretl o! Warren, W. Va., and his son, Mr. elk's Bi SURE TO SEE OUR 10, OF TOYS *OY DEPARTMENT USE OUR LAY-AWi HE BEL Y THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C. Wiley Howell oi Moorosville. Mr ?? Wiley Howell was accompanied by j 1 is wife and Mr. .: P. Robi.ison. Mr. Hagaman McGuire. who has W? -en working for an electrical comt . in Pennsylvania, has returned I re until weather conditions war .an. continuing the project e:i j WM v. hieh he is employed. Bkrj Mr. Richard Greer, who has ac- i EjCi I vepted a position in Warren, W. Va? I j visited his parents. Mr. and Mm Jeff Greer, over the week-end. Misse Lillian and Vivian Black- ] burn, students at Lees-McRae Col- i I lege, spent the Thanksgiving holt; days with their parents. Mr. and ] ) Mrs. Ed. Blackburn. H" A Mrs. IX. R. McGuire. who has a AS been ill for about two weeks, is | W.J M ! much better. F' afi Mr. and Mrs. Wade Miller oi Hickory, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pearson. / ( i North Wilkesbaro. and Mr. and j Mrs. James J. Miller of Todd, spent : Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. Willet Miller. Mr. Don Blackburn of West Jefferson. spent a pleasant holiday ; 1 bunting with Mr. Glenn and Huga- ??? man McGuire. Natives of Wisconsin ;.re called . "Badgers" because of the early lead j miners of that state, who lived in ' underground burrows, like badgers, j Vv NOTICE * ^ On December 11, 1939. I will of for for sale at O. W. Greene's garage j / in Stony Fork township, one 1929 , | Ford roadster to satisfy a repair and i I storage account against the said | * j car. This November 21, 1939. 11-23-3p. O. W. GREENE. Christmas A Enjoy a Very Merry Shopping Season ..... SHOP AT Farme w * _ n ; liarawi There's more to Christmas tin day itself! For many people four weeks of thrilling exp] they shop for novel and exc For many others, however, three or four days of frantic and scurrying as they try tc their shopping into the very To enjoy a very merry shop] start shopping now, while complete . . . crowds are sm; sales clerks are free to serve Farmers Hardware and Supp; huge selection of grand gifts t ?gifts for men, for women, fc for youngsters . . . gifis for young and old. You'll find it merely to browse through oui ting an idea of what you w: Drop in today and start en shopping season. GIFTS FROM YOUR tiARDWAl FARMEJ and SUP] THE STORE "W M ? g Toylan() 19 and 25c LINE j ALL KIP f Wagons I BASEMENT 1 S1,gds VY PLAN I Cars / ' .K-WHITE DECEMBER 7, 1939 jtr. and full satisfaction, you can't beat our ' Jjljl line of MEEKER leather goods. BiLIWil fold and Key Case Sets in a variety of ^ Jill styles, Dressing Cases for men and 1/jfi| women . nearly everything in leather m Ijljjjm articles ... are ready for your selection. 7 '/ ! MEEKER-MADE gifts are appropri- . KjSBB 'M ate for every occasion. They're reason- * BE^Py. ^Mj ably priced,too Come in and Icol: around. 52|# B. W. STALLINGS v Credit Jeweler dollars sent AWAy FOR printing Never Coc.e Bsc!< L/{tyy Let Us Do Your Printing rs I are" S||| * in the holi- \K v there are [oration as iting gifts. A there are i\/ jv/ili /P^Va ' hurrying / W///fcSfp i crowd all / H/7/yt^\ last days. / W//Ms /'j pmg season / stocks are / /"^/vi.i ll\?V all ... and 'II VlVr* you. The " W> ly Co has a o show you >r teensters, everyone, 's great fun r store, getmt to give, joying the RE STORE ARE ALWAYS PRACTICAL GIFTS >C UADnWADl? I kkj A lrvivL* T t nivu PLY COMPANY TTH THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT ? ~H I Now Open I j JDS OF TOYS?Scooters ... 97c up | 25c, 48c up m j $1.94 and $2.95 | > $2.95 up |j : company i (

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