' ' - V^-*. .. v * JPAGE EIGHT GEORGE WESLEY BROWN George Wesley Brown was be*. May 20, K>(50, and died December I 1939, aged 79 years, six months ,m nine days. He was married to May; Today (Thursday) Only fig $ HERE'S A GARBO |Y0U'VE NEVER MET! ^Flirtatious! 51Vivacious ! c Gorgeous! In >I r i a'sd Aii??Ntiuso-: Ttrr. H?t* Kotbrpa Adorn Fra*Uin Poi?ct>?*?* = : Wednesday Flying. Fighting Fiends! Smashing Jhrough io regain iheir lost honor in the sky! "LEGION OF LOST FLYERS" with RICHARD ARLEN ANDY DEVINE - ANNE NAGEL 1 "T-ine&b ^hecJ^ve/ \ Phone 170 Boone, N. C ! * : A IHH WATWhitaker October 20. 1834. To thislflMfc . union were born eight children., J ;i liirv- 11 whum have preceded him j o the life beyond. Survivors arc I i - liunti r Brown. Kmm.ett Brown and | vji . .Mrs, Ljiiie South of Trade. Tone., i General Brown of Zionville, at!-;! i Minnie Brown of Knoxville. Term. gif He united with Zionville Baptist j fjfc j church a', the age of 17 years, and | was a faithful member for 62 years ?* i He leaves 27 grandchildren, thee tlj; greatgrandchildren and three itrotii- ? \ trs and lour sisters: Daniel Brown j=,f ] ot Elk Hark; Samuel Brown. Beech w i Creek: A. N. Brown. Zionville: Mrs. SS ; Martha Sanders. Mountain City; Mrs. Lizzie Sluder. Tamarack; Mrs. ?? ' America Thomas. Trade, and M>s. t y | uiilic Trivette of Tamarack. j RANGERS COMING TO BOONE ' ty? The Rangers ouarLer from radio: Ci | station WBT. will be itt Boone Sat- j st? 1 Tday. December 16, in the high : school auditorium at 8 o'clock. Tiie j fK? amission will be 15c for school j Sr j thildrcn and 25c for -adults. The g? ; rogram is being sponsored for the fcj unior class o" Appalachian high I -chool. Proceeds will go to the Sf | junior-senior banquet fund. f\{? ' Tiiis will bo a variety program of ! SJj ' typos of music. Entertainment ! Sy i will be provided for all ages. The j fc{? general punuc is urged to come and j ; enjoy an evening of fun. 1 ?? ! ?i ! CEMETERY WORKING j ?? There will be an all-day working ' S'k ; ' ii the cemetery ground.: at Holy j 2$ | Cross church. Valle Cruris, next j CgJ I Saturday. December 16th All in- j fXy '-.rested will please be on hand and i ?* I ring working ti nis. KEV E. D. BUTT. Pastor. j Pjjj SPECIAL NOTICES j$ |.v \W STRAYED OR STOLEN?Med ?|P um white and lemon male hound g?j? in Meat Camp section. Reward. ! H. S. Foster. Route 2. Boone, N. ?5? 1 jV_ E'-' % 0 FOR SALE?6-room house, store 3? j bu;.la:ng. granary, etc., one mile i ^ south of Bamboo on Parkway. Cash or terms or would tradr vtjf buildings for cattle or other livestock. Walter Hampton, R. F. D Blowing Rock, N. C. 2 14 2p VETERINARY WORK j ? Vaccinate and save your cattle. | v!f hoop and hops from hemorrhagic | septicemia and scours, whieli are *? j causing great loss in Aho county and w i date. Don J. Hcrton. Vi'nr. N. O. EifJ 12-11 2c- gf WARNING- Yoti are hereby giv- ;-:C en notice to keep your dog? off niy , f.rt 1 land at all times. I am going to Sje see that ihc law on dogs is en- j M forced Anyone whose dog is Sgj caught on my place will la- held XP responsible for sheep killed. E. M. Harmon. Vilas, N. C. 12-6-4p FOR SALE?McCormlck Deer M ine T-211 crawler todnr Mi as 6.-4 Caterpillar. 193!) Buick 4i and 61 j sedans, 1929 Ford do luxe station jor wagon. HENKF.L'S. Statesville. feS N. C, 11-30-5 to HORSE FOIl SALE?Good old horse. Would exchange for young ftyj entile. II N.-al Blair, R. F. D. 1. Boone N. C. li-30-tfc j MULE COLT FOR SALE?Best gg i one in the county. 11. Neai Blair. 5X5 R. F. D. 1. Boone. N. C. H-30-tic , FOR RENT-Ii.7 D. \\v..d;.r?l ? room house, with kitchen range JxL If interested see S. A. Norris 5? Boone. 11-9-tfc 8j? ? GENERAL BUILDING?Let us ?5 I help you plan and give you an es Is? timate or. your building needs \\ Sg C. Greene Boor.e 5-1-39 TYPEWRITER RIBBONS, add ing machine rolls, carbon paper mimeograph paper, gummed tape 3? staplers and staples. Watauga Democrat. {WJ tFor W JgigSgy t caaaeas" >^8X1 H 11 / jhe Varisty''J>ackagc : "j? ? i. . /: For \vortty Vecij^enj-s'... other w3 smart; el&uiiiiev-temptio#; ?YL MORRIS:Candies, excitingly gfj? wrapped for Christmas giving *Jj< MORRIS g I ATLANTA H 2? exQuisiTe H ? CAMDieS I W APPALACHIAN 11 SODA SHOP ?? I . fl MJGA DEMOCRAT?EVERY THURSDAYSpecial < SATURD/ Carolir Boone's Old 1 in Brand T* to FREE ~l ICE CREAM CONE To bach Person Coming info Our Store from jf 9:00 a. m. Saturday until 3:00 p. m. Sj FREE ?u CALENDARS S and D ALMANACS ? IT Be sure to ask for yours! FREE 300 Sample Pkgs. 1 r of B. C. POWDERS _= Regular 10-cent size y y y y r COUPON ; } | This Coupon and 9c Gets | \JTJ I Regular 25e Bottle of | 5^" _ 1 Rubbing Alcohol 1 jt -Erfi L i j Be Regular 35e size J s^c NOSE DROPS J dis Regular 35c Nose Drops with err Ephedarin, guaran- ^ teed by us. 1J.L T. J. H. CLARK -BOONE, N. C. Grand 0 ?and? ifOi * ^ >m. i ?.*. WJt&. if' if "? kY, DECE ia Pha leliahle NYAL Jezv Quarters ? the Dixie Stori Prescriptions filled at :OST PRICE YTURDAY ONLY r ir Prescription Department i Complete in Every Detail! .'e guarantee every prescription to c lilled strictly according to the octor's orders. . E. FRANKLIN, registered pharlacist, is one of the oldest drugists m North Carolina, with ORTY-EIGHT YEARS OF DRUG EXPERIENCE DESCRIPTIONS ALWAYS FILLED AT REASONABLE PRICES! :fts for th mre fam1l : sure to look over our large >ck of Christmas Merchan se. There's a practical rem ibrance for all. iv Fivi JT THE AROLIN iARMAC ark Bros., Prop ONE 47 BOONE, N. C VISIT OUR FOUNTAIN! LRY SANDWICH AND SODA SER' The largest Fountain Counter in Watauga County. DECEMBER 14, 1935 , I ipening! | I MRFD 115 I '5 rmacy j 8 Drug Store | I ^ext Door | ~] FREE I J Electric Healing Pad jo Tobacco Farmer sjg whose tobacco brings the ? highest average price on Friday's sales. ?S , 1KEE | I :iOO Samples of 2ji Penetro Salve k| FREE I | 100 Samples of (Vlcnnen's ^ A FOOT POWDER g GIFT I ? SUGGESTIONS: 1 I YARDLEY TOILETRIES j&l DOROTHY PERKINS rfft TOILETRIES ?? ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES rfa ;www DOLLS T LEATHER BAGS Jj? X AIRPLANE LUGGAGE $2 EX EVENING IN PARIS a? $ X TOILET SETS JS it X EARLY AMERICAN Jg I ? TOILET SETS jg X TYPEWRITERS & . ; X COTY PERFUMES 32 J X BRIEF CASES 32 X FOOTBALLS *2 X CEDAR CHESTS X SEWING SETS Ag X SCHAFFER PENS AND !" PENCIL SETS H I. ^