PAGE TEN Follow These h Addressing C r TN ADDRESSING Christmas cards, many questions are bound to arise with regard to correct form. The following tips on addressing Christmas cards will, therefore, be welcomed by all who have cards to send. Christmas greeting cards fall into two genera! classes, formal and informal. If you use printed or engraved cards for formal use. the title Miss. Mr., or "Mr. and Mrs. should preferably appear above the greeting. For instance: "Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russell wish you a Merry Christmas," rather than "A Merry Christmas from Mr. and Mrs. Fiank Russell." Whose name should come first, the husband's or the wife's? Generally. the husband's name comes first. Ori informal cards, signed in ink. it is quite proper to sign. "Rill ana Shirley," Or Bill and Shirley Adams, depending, of course, upon how well you know the acquaintance. A married woman, whether her husband is alive or not, should be addressed with "Mrs." prefixed to her husband's full name. Every card so:.t out Should bear a Mr., Mrs., or Miss prefix. Failure to use Superstitions A SIGNIFICANT meaninps sui superstitions believed in vai 4L In Holstein, Mistletoe is not only supposed to be a cure for all green wounds, but will insure success in the chase and give strength to the wrestler. C. Early Norsemen believed for centuries that the Mistletoe would give protection against both bodily ailments and evil spirits. ~5 \ _y /Hi gj/q ?Men's Sets Elcctrir Shavers Pinaud - Military Sots I <$jji Coty ?Bill folds Menuen's -Pines Williams Cyars ?Kodaks Cigarettes if ?Pen sets T ' os Aa -?- A ^ : NO CHRISTMAS Jt I ' WOULD BE i| COMPLETE L > ^f?A without ? V K^SO-'r^^-' ^ WHITMAN'S 35 _ CHOCOLATES J! Jjt ^SAMPLE* J These famous confections are here, fresh from the *8 makers in gorgeous holiday boxes without extra cost tijj to you. Make your selection now . . . we will reserve Ji* your choice?or send anywhere. jJnj ' All gift items attractively wrapped in holiday packages jfv* ^ TMn A TWTX7 ife Ur UUiVirAIN I | lLL Store Boone, N. C. ic year will soon be here and $5j ity are bulging with smart f}% early shoppers. irg the holidays, make it a point luainted with us and the part d county. We will be glad to ffg nerchants in extending you a ^?5 it the best small city in all ; Funeral Home 1 h Carolina JS j M