AUGUST 6. 1942 Wi i LIQUII * Jgj^_ M When the merchandise market start- ^Kl "K ed on the upward trend and we sa-.v that everything was going SKY? HIGH, we were frightened into buyJ ing earlier and heavier than usual to J protect our friends and customers. ======= J Now, in checking our different lines, Hrr> * J we find that we bought entirely TOO Wt? P w HEAVY. And in order to reduce our . , . , ... , 4 , ., _ , And in order to raise stock to about half its present size, P IP A1MTIP ' we not only are offering it to you at uMjAiN 11L* . "before the rise" nrires WD r?r-e \nf eels- eae vol. le... ^ offering all FALL AND WINTER >vhat u cost merchandise at a 15% further dis- 15% Discount on count. Merchandise. E ip~1 ^ As Long as Big Lot Lasts! J 1 pr. Menrs 39c Socks with the purchase of |hB Each Genuine Palm Beach Tie at S1.00 ^ n I I 4 sets limit?None to merchants ^WW | Ijjj SPORT COATS" III KvCm Men's and Young Men's P&8 Medium Weights ? Fall Colors J Mm To Close Out ? S10.95 Values i ml $7.95 1 J in wtfiamin iVfiit. H ^ B *1 (one pants) vAOtWU 4C I ii Regular $29.95 values ffA-l w HM) (2 pants B }sjP Sizes 37 to 44 llll Straw $3.49 now $1.73 * B r*5 $2.95 ?1.50 J gl Windbreaker Jackets 111 J Bj All Grades $4.95 now $3.25 ^ alii Drastically $3.95 now $2.95 4* llll Reduced $2.95 now $2.25 J UN * aKCa?ai^i I J "New and Correct ^ I ^ 1 1 | J Men's Wear" II il * BOONE \TAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVERY THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. DATIOI A K THE MOST SENSATION A H UES IN THE ENTIRE HI< H OF RETAIL MERCHAND Everything in our large as - of QUALITY MERCHAN1 MARKED DOWN for this FEED CASH! ^ this cash we are putting on a All Summer goods MUST f.< STORE-WIDE SALE! less of cost! Sumr'er merchandise at less than Plenty of help will be on us, but we are offering a serve yQU i All New Fall and Winter verything Below Ceiling! Come Ear,> For Better s< OPENING HOUR FRIDAY 9 A. M. 1 August 7th fc-l ?Come Early! Get Best Choice!? WE RESERVE THE RIGHT 11 STOP THE SALE IJ AT ANY TIME AND TO LIMIT I J) QUANTITY TO EACH li CUSTOMER Reduction f f 15% I On All Fall i Merchandise | Vvv Ml Men's Men's SLACK SUITS SUMMER PANTS b Must Go Regardless H yy of Cost! To Close Out $6.50 values now $4.40 ,. ... , . Q I. I. ? ?4.9d values now $3.2a B 50.9d values now $4.2a $4.95 values now $3.25 $3.95 values now $2.75 H , $3.95 values now $2.75 ^ nQ%, $2 20 W* j SPORT SHIRTS I> $2.95 values now $1.94 IV/IITM'Q If CnQ It $2.00 values now $1.36 iV1L1> 3 $1.50 values now $1.02 . , ,, , .1 A heavy rubber sole; sport nvr t r*nr cport cuirtc nationally advertised brands. w VALUES TO S6.50 HjS ^ $3.00 |m Ladies'SUMMER SHOES ||1| J STILL ANOTHER GROUP Q8 * (Broken Sizes) Elkfl "K VALUES TO $4.00 R| "K $1.94 flfl | * * LADIES'OXFORDS * (White and Two-Tones) ' w ^ A Real Buy in School Shoes -y ^ SPECIAL AT P -|K $1.94 J : I * EXTRA SPECIAL! 4 | One Lot Ladies' Leather Strap gj ^ Sandals B w Reg. $2.29 values at $1.45 ^ j $ * IOP "Ladies' Shoes" I NORTH CAROLINA *