PACK EIGHT Income Tax Must Be Filed by Many Before December 15 Commissioner of Internal Revenue Robert Hannagan today urged ali taxpayers to determine if they art required to file either original or amended "Declaration of Estimated Income and Victory Tax" on or before December laExplaining that only a limited percentage of taxpayers need make any filing at this time. Mr. Hannegan suggested that everyone ascertain for himself whether he is affected. By far the largest percentage of taxpayers have no further filings to make until the annual income and Victory tax return is due r.ot later than March 15. 1944. However, si n: taxpayers who filed 'declarations in September have an installment to pay December 15. for which they will be sent bills by their local collectors of internal revenue. In general, the filing of a declaration or. or before December 15. will bt required of the following: i Farmers who have sufficient income to require tiling and have: postponed filing under the special provisions of law which permit farm- ' ers to wait as late as December 55. 2. Persons who did file in September but underestimated their tax by more than 20 per cent and who should, therefore, file "amended declarations" tc avoid penalties. 3. Persons who did not file in September because their estimated income at that time was insufficient to require filing, but now come within any one of the following classes: a Anyone who expects to have during the calendar year 1943 more than S100 gross income from a source outside of wages which are j subject to withholding and who also ] ex u, cts^sufficient gross income to require filing an income tax return I 'SS'.'O for a single person, SI,200 fori a married couple, or S624 for an individual married person). Any single person expecting wages at men than $2,700 during 'he year. i Any married person or any Roy Rogers and the Sons of th. paldchian Theatre Saturday all day Theatre opens 11:00 o'clock Saturda ous all day. II Saturday Oper CONTINUOUS SK APPALACHI , married couple expecting individu- j ally or together more than S3.500; from wages during the year, d. Any person who was required j ' to file an income tax return for j j 1942 and who expects his wages it; < j 1943 to be less than in 1942. There may be some taxpayers I j who filed declarations in September and paid one-half of the remaining S | tax estimated to be due. but who ; now believe that the amount for t ' which the collector will bill them ; j in December is more than they r j should pay. These taxpayers may t ' also file amended declarations cor- v ! reeling their previous estimates and recompute the amount of their in- , stallments to be paid in December. a In such cases the amended declara- t tion should be accompanied by the ? bill received from the collector, to- . j gether with the remittance for any t 1 revised amount due on December 15. t AAA Committee To o Be Named Locally e ii (Continued from page oue.) y Smith's service station. fn,n; 4 p. m. to 5 p. m ./ w Wednesday. December 1 o Beaver Dam township, at Don a Hagaman's store, from 9 a. m. to t> 10:39 a m.; at Clyde Perry's store, a from 11 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. o Laurel Creek township, at Windy ; Gap school, from 1:30 p. m. to 3 p. ti ; m.; at Victor Ward's store, from h ; 3:30 p. m. to 5 p. m. ei Thursday. December 2 n West Boone township No. 1, at u: | L. A. Henson's service station, front i 3 a. m. to 10:30 a. m d Cove Creek township, at Sher- p j wood's store, from 11 a m. to 12:30 w | p. m.: at Bert Mast's store, from 1 si | p. in. to 2:30 p. nt. ti North Fork township, at A. N. n Thomas's store. from 3 p. in. to i s; p. m. A Friday. December 3 Lower Watauga township, at How- n arcl Mast's store, from 9 a. ill. to 10 a. in. H Shawneehaw township, at Clyde Tester's store, from 11 a. m. to 12 in t? Upper Watauga township, at C. P. to Moore's store, from 1 p. m. to 2 p. m. til w g' w G:(/ v 7 I e Pioneers are showing at the Ap- tr in Roy's newest picture, "Idaho." m y morning and shows are coniinu- a* in ? ~~ i w .? BOB NOLAN _j .SONS?PIONESnS VIRGINIA GREY B Added Fun ii 3 STOOGE COMEDY si Si "Secrei Code" Chap. No. 7 V T< i at 11:00 a. m. s a [OWING ALL DAY c AN THEATRE " B ??????????? V ? WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVER'i TODAY and 5 TOMORROW T; 20: By DON ROBINSON 8:h SECRETS news tI'm getting very sick of listening :mI o know-it-alls" who try to attract ,n ittenticn to themselves by giving SF*" ne. or anyone else who will listen. ^ he inside dope on what's wrong nes '.'ith our war program. sul-' The other day. for example, a _ nan I know centered considerable ittention upon himself by making *" he bald statement that our troops ire dying like flies in Italy. "The rouble is." he explained in a con- an ' iding manner, "that we aren't hard- Jif" ning our men enough?a lot of IC hem are being sent into action after j?'1' nly six weeks' training. How can cr' ou expect them to fight jgainst ? nemy troops wtiich have been do- ma ig nothing but training for four ears or moren " _ eryt The answer to his final nnestion . lru, euld be, "You can t. But it otitis [:rn bvious that this would also be the cou nswer of our war department and rat it undoubtedly would not send c ny man into action who had had nly six weeks' training. to v As for his statement that our ju, oops are being massacred in Italy, oatj. c certainly had no secret know!- j( ige of our casualty rate which has f a|^ ot been made available to all of j^e s no His reply to those who contra- t;|^ icted his statements, by quoting ,.jcj ublished casualty figures, was that v arc not being told half of the ,().u wry of this war. But, even if wjj| lis is true, the fact would still re- cj,nl nun that we are being toid the une naif that he is being told. n.. ny additional information he can Oil Id is basi 1 entirely on unfounded mmr or pure invention. UMOHS development T1 We can take it for granted that Sale topic who can't be counted upon the i keep secret war information to a so temselvcs are not lieing entrusted ham ith war news which is not being ven to tile public generaiiy. toba Any time you hear war stories leaf hich are credited to "a high au- ston loritv in Washington." or to "re- ther able ourees," or to "an army offi- "" ;r" or even to one of your own turr rquaintances who has spent a day cek-end in Washington or visited son. 1 army camp?if they are stories Sale hich have a demoralizing effect resp r tend to make you distrust our is s ar leaders and our war news?van W re quite safe in assuming they stan re the invention of Nazi propa- iiou: metise; or the product of a fertile "I pagination unit In many rases those "inside" pcui ories grow out of talks with sol- to ers ami sailors. They develop it r lis iv ay: toba A soldier says: "They're moving the i around fast these days. A bunch seas : new recruits who came to my now imp only six weeks ago left yes- "I irday."' two A woman, who got this report, bacc lis her neighbor: "Isn't it terrible alloi they are shipping boys off to son, ghi who hardly have had any botl aining at all. Why. a soldier told lie': e that they're sending them yeai iroad after only six weeks" traing?to Italy I imagine." The neighbor then tells a friend: feel so sorry for our poor boys Italy. Imagine being put up in e front lines after only six weeks -u training. It's plain murder." cour It's easy to carry that story one new igree further and arrive at the u|atl lying like flies" chapter which I . ard. age 100 EWSPAPERS facts aj)d There is no doubt that we are it being given a lot. of war news. "" re President will admit that. So [ac ill the heads of the army, the Q.,r ivy and the director of censorship. .( ( rey find it necessary to withhold efJU( uch information, which if re- pru, ased. would be of benefit to the jj vemy. tart But the point I would like to jron rive home is this: news which we <vna ;ar which does not come from an arnl ficial source is just about 10 per _ :nt misinformation. Our country has the best news porters there are. They are on ' le job all over the world. They ,-erlook no details in their reports ^ . war news. c.very siory wmcn lev write, whether it is good or ad" news, is published if it is v passed by censor." If it is not friu< assed by the censor, then no letirs concerning that subject are lars assed either. w'" The rumor factories in this coun- . ^ y are operating full tilt today. 1 heir production is evident wher- <- J: irer people meet?on trains, in sub- ram 'ays, in churches or in barrooms. ('hl ut it would be better for all of us un,i nd help keep the score straight, , instead of listening to war gos- lem ip, we would adopt for the dura- nl?' on the slogan made famous by *r!e 7ill Rogers. "All I know is what 1 frie pad in the papers." pre TO COLLECT OLD CLOTHES Fat On Saturday, Nov. 27, the Girl ?fu couts, under the direction of Miss lary Madison, will collect old lothes for the needy. . Those havig old clothes to give, are asked to otify Mrs. Nora Warm an at the Led Cross office, and the Girl Scouts i rill call for them. ' i THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C. JIX-INCH SERMON jS REV ROBERT H. HARPER ; vthfulness at aijl times .esson for November 28: Exodus 16, 23:1-7: Matthew 5:33-37; John 2-45. loiden Text Ephesians 4:25 a .ast week's lesson is really con- f red in today's lessen, for honesty a all tilings includes honesty in ech and truthfulness at all times. " 'he command against false wit- ^ s refers to perjury in court. By ' h witness an innocent man can cl robbed of liberty or life. lire- " nsible injury can also be done by s< mg up and repeating a "false ret" of a man. Suffering caused gossipers and slanderers, men women of "itching ears'" and . cl tongues, cannot be measured. 1 only rule !< follow, not to be s' ty to the ruin of a reputation l>e- ?" the court of public opinion, is "keep thee far from the false s. tor." "t l the Master's time men were kjftni"rl fit pall 11rmn nlmnct pv- I hing to witness their avowed Mulnfess. so Jesus bade them af- _ with a simple yea or nav. This ? lei hardly be construed as against ng the required oath in eouit. Triinary contacts a truthful man 5 not need to call upon heaven witness. If a mac. would deceive, would no! balk at taking an l. ?sus teaches us of tiie origin of ciiood. It is born with the devil, instigator of all sin. and. if for other reason, men should hesito lie and deceive because they < d to and ally themselves with "father of all lies." And greater i the injury they do unto others he the harm done their own -actors. j II Bingham Sells Weed for High Price le following from the Winstonm Journal will !.? of interest to friends of Bill Bingham, who is n of Dr. and Mrs. R. K. Biughof this city: V. S. (Bill) Bingham. Pinnacle cco grower, says he's never sold anywhere except on the Wini-Salem market?and. he odd's, e's a good reason rhe Stokes County grower reis hero to market his tobacco, after day and season after soanot merely because Winston m is conveniently located with eel to his farm, but because he atisfied with prices, is first load this season, for ince, sold here in Piedmont Warese for an average of about $+1. lingham yesterday nfetmoon was I lading .111 additional 2.0001 nds and remarked that he hoped | iverage oven more on this.' j I'm well pleased with the way icce is selling here, and 1 think price is going to hold up well all on." he said. 'It looks good I linghanl. who is married, with j children, grew 14.4 acres of to-1 :o this year?his full government Lmertt. He had a favorahle seaand has a pretty fair crop, in i quality and quantity, he thinks. ; been growing tobacco seven! j zis in Forceful Attack in Russia Lindon. Nov. 24?The German iterattaek in Russia, rising to intensity, wrested several pop ;d places from the Russians aftland-to-hand fighting and savgun duels in which more thar. German tanks were destroyed 2,000 Nazi soldiers were killed, cow announced today. ~.e Russians failed to locate the es they evacuated, but said the mans were flinging large forces anks and infantry into their iterattaeks in the Cliernyakhovsilov area cf northern Ukraine, ere, where the Russians reached hest west, and have retreated r Zhitomir, the Germans were shing at the flanks of the Soviet y's Kiev ailent. OBITUARY A.YNE?From May 16, 1918, to 24. 1943. mark the Have of Sic- I Dorothy Payne upon this earth, was the daughter of Mr. and . Claude Payne of Stony Fork, ,'hom survive seven brothers and sisters: Sgt. Lawrence Payne, tiesburg, Miss.; Mrs. Ruth Hol, Boone, remaining children, 1 the parents. orolhy professed faith in Christ 1932, joining Stony Fork. Baptist irch. continuing until death. We ember Dorothy as being a type of ist, being subject to her parents il the age of 21, then serving the lie in Newton, N. C., and the two isining years of her life in Baltie. where her willing service and ndly smiles won for her many nds to mourn her going home, vcver, let us take courage to is on, praising our Heavenly her for sending us such a beau1 flower, never shedding her jrance, even permitting her to re until He took her spirit to be It God who gave it and her mani He had prepared. Effie Greene. 8UYWARBONDS . ' it ate College Hints To Farm Homemakeri By RUTH CURRENT (N. C. State College) * Fa Is must not be wasted as they re essentia! to health, furnish enrgv. make diets more satisfying nd give food belter taste. Save all the drippings from meat nd use them for baking, drying and masoning. These include dripings from bacon, bam and other lined pork roast pork. roast beef, asst. lamb. broiled meats and saurge/ Thci drippings used for making [ avies need not be strained. Howver. before storing drippings, strain irough a cioth. They may all be apt in the same container, except jusage drippings which should be ived separately for seasoning. Cool lem at room temperature before ortng and cover closely before oring in the refrigerator. Don't throw av.-ay meat trimtings. Trim the excess fat from acoeked beef, tamb and fresh and ApPALACHlAb Shows at 2:15. 4:00. 7:15. 9:00 Phone 170 Boone. N. C. THURSDAY THANKSGIVING DAY One of N. C.'s First Showings. See it from beginning. FEATURE STARTS 2:30, 4:30. 7:30. 9:30 Alley Cats?Cartoon Swiss Tim# Blues ? Musical FRIDAY-BARG AIN DAY 9c and i5c All Day 1|Jk1 -JAGGER j^|| 3?j "CAJRJJDINE SATURDAY Added "BACK FROM THE FRONT" 3 Stooges SECRET CODE No. 7 ? *? Open On Saturday Morning at 11:00 a. a.?Continuous Shows Till 6 p. m. WOaBWf^iTIWLWWirWIMi'llMWiMMi M??i...I. NOVEMBER 25. 1943 cured pork for rendering. Keep in the refrigerator untii 1 ready to render. Then chop fine or i grind and render the fat from different kinds of meat together or separately. Render them slowly over a simmer burner or in a double boil er. and strain the rendered fat through a cloth. Cool at room temperature. Cover closely and store . in a refrigerator. Use the fat for ' baking, drying or seasoning Grind or crush "cracklings" (the crisp, brown pieces left after fat is repderedl and use in quick breads, ; especially corn breads or in meat loaves and patties. WANTED Hickory logs, and Dogwood sticks. For specifications and prices write MOUNTAIN HICKORY DOGWOOD COMPANY Mountain City. Tcnn. J ll-18-4c | SATURDAY NIGHT. 7 P. M. Entirely New Western Feature For You. Charles Starrett in 'Overland to Deadwood" Stooge Comedy ? Serial OWL SHOW SAT. NIGHT 10:30 P. M. Here's an X ihal you won't believe until you see it. Mobsters vs. Law and Order "X MARKS THE SPOT" "" <8 MONDAY-TUESDAY 4 Great Bands Plenty of Stars | "STAGE DOOR ! CANTEEN" OL-.?: - ? uuuw eiwwnere ax aa?oncea | price*?Bui lo our Boone friends we offer el regular prices MATINEE .09 and 25c NIGHT -09c and 30c Note: | Change of running time on this picture, due to length THEATRE OPENS 1:45 | PICTURE 4:20 p. ?. Night: DOORS OPEN 6:45 P. M. PICTURE AT 7:00-9-20 P. M. WEDNESDAY | Lionel Barrymore in ** "Dr. Gillespie's f Criminal Case" ! Ode to Victory ? Miniature Latest News THURSDAY Blondie Dagwood Mc Dithers Alexander and All the Bunch in "Fooilight Glamour" THE BUMSTEADS ARE | STAGE-STRUCK NOW! Here's one of the best of tbe "Blondie" Picture#! If you like fun, don't miss this one. . ? Coming Soon "LCM AND ABNER" in "So This Is Washington" ** BOB HOPE - BETTY HtJTTON 'Xet'? Face It" >< "Heaven Can Wait," in Color "Dixie." in color?Bing Croaby i "Johnny Come Lately" "Sky's the Limit" "True to Life" "Fallen Spanow" "Laaiie Colli* Home" ' j "Claudia" and Many Other* 1

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