Local Affairs Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Chester spent She week-end in Stotesville with relatives. Mrs. Roy B. Greene, of Garjand, N. C.. is She guest of Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Greene. Miss Virginia Peim ot Bristol, Va., was n week-end guest in the honiei of Mrs. Lillian Hopkins. Miss Thelmn Farthing spent the week-end with Miss Alice Cubert ? eon, of Glen Alpine. N. C. Mr. F. Mi Stubbs, who is employ- i ed in South Carolina, spent the; wcrief discussion of what this heri of free reading means to us, given by Mrs. Grubbj. Refresh iritents were served by the hostesses. \f*;. oriresville, H. C. ? In an impres ring ceremony. Miss Virginia Eloise Watson, of Mooresville and Boone, was wed to Sgt. George R. Martin, A.A.F., of Kearnes Field, Utah, and Batavia, N. Y? on Oct. 14, in Salt Lake City, Utah. The vows were spoken in the Immanuel Bap tist Church with Rev. Austin W. Lyons officiating. prior to the ceremony Henry W. Thorton, church organist, rendered a iHiisical program on the organ. Society Notes StfzAx Watson Marries Gteorg? R. Martin Married in Alabama Recently A/C Cedric Hunter and Mrs. Hunter, who w?r? recently mar ried in Montgomery, Alabama. Mrs. Hucter is visiting in Boons wiih her parents, while Cadet Hunter is taking a period of training in Lakeland, Fla. She will join him when he is relocated. Mis. S. Roger Matthews, the fanner Miss Jacqueline Hardin of Washington. D. C., and Eooao. whose marriage to Sgt. Msithews of iite finance deparl menl of tko If Air Corps of tha U. S. Army, now in Alaska, ha* been ol keen interest to their many friondc throughout the Carolines. Mrs. Matthews is a daughter of Mrs. H. K. Hardin and the lata Dr. Hardin of Boone and Banner Elk. She has resum ed her work with the Signal Corps in Washington, while Sgt. Matthews has returned to his post in Alaska. * ' |p|||K s -'.rf - t*j' ? -? ~ The bride had as her only attendant her sister, Mrs. T. R. Grayson, of North Wilkesboro. Sgt. Albert P. Hess of Sturgis, Ky., served as best man. The bride wns attired -in a striking suit of fuschia wool with powder blue accessories. She wore a shoulder corsage of white carna tions. Mrs. Grayson wore a suit ot slate blue with a corsage of pink carnations. A reception was given for the bridal party immediately after the ceremony. The table, covered with a cloth of imported lace, was center ed with a three-tier wedding cake topped by a miniature bride and 1 groom. Mrs. Ray Shoemake, of North Wilkesboro, served the cake, and Mx-s. Clara Mitchell Grayson of Salt Lake City, presided over the punch bowl, assisted by Mrs. Mary Stagings of Pocstella. Idaho. Mrs. Martin, attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Watson, of Boone, was educated in the Boone schools and Appalachian College. For the past three years she has been employed as secretary to the Mooresville Furniture Company. She has a wide circle of friends in Mooresville and Boone. Sgt. Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. F Martin, of Batavia, N. Y., at tended Clarkson College of Tech nology at Potsdam N. Y., and Penn College in Cleveland. Ohio. Before entering the service he was employ ed by the Haywood- Wakefield Com pany in Gardner, Mass., as assistant sales manager. Sgt and Mrs. Martin will reside temporarily in Salt Lake City, where Sgt. Martin is attached to the air force training unit at Kearnes Feld. Mrs. G. W. Eggers Honored With Birthday Dinner Mrs. G . W. Eggers, of Sugar Grove, was honored with a birthday dinner Sunday, Oct. 29, by her daughter. Mrs. Harry Farthing, of Butler. Term. Also her husband and son, Harry and Shaw Farthing hav ing birthdays in the same month. Mrs. Eggers celebrated her 67th birthday, which was Oct. 28. Thanks were returned, and a number of grandchildren sang "Happy Birth day to You," following which a de licious dinner was served picnic style, in the dining room of her home The dining table was center ed with a beautiful birthday cake, Recent Bride decorated with 159 candles. Her hus- ! band and children were present, as ! follows: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Farth- ; ing, Butler. Term; Mrs. Coy Cooke, j Eiibattk. Ky.: Mr and Mrs. Floss Eg- , Sers. Sugar Grove; F.osk Eggers, ! Baltimore. Md.; Mr. and Mrs. Arlie 1 Eggers, Sugar Grove; nine grand- ! children, 15 great-grandchildren,! also a number of relatives and i friends, there being 50 present in j all. Mrs. Eggers is a well-known and j prominent woman of the Beaver ? Dam section, and hay been in ill j health for some time. Even though I ; she had to remain in bed most of the ! | day, she seemed to enjoy herself to 1 the fullest. j We all wish for her many more j i happy birthdays. ? Reported. ... Worthwhile Ciub Holds \ Guest Might Meeting The Worthwhile Woman's Club j met Monday evening, Oct. 30, at the club room. Mrs. A, E. South, presi i dent, opened the meeting with ail I singing the Star-Spungled Banner. The club collect was read. It was guest night and Mrs. South recognized all present and issued to each an invitation to become a mem ber of the club. Mrs. B. W Sellings. War Loan drive chairman, was asked to give a report on plans for the fith War Loan drive which begins Nov. 11. Plans worked out by the War Loan committee were: (1) that each mem ber set aside a surn from the month ly budget to buy one $25 bond; (2) that for every new-born baby the ! parents purchase a bond, (3) that wives of oil service men buy a bond lor them. The program for the evening fol- j lowed with Mrs. Wiley Hartzog , giving an interesting and enlighten- j ing discussion on "Flower Arrange- , mc-nts." Attractive illustrations of I some of the members were display- ] 6d. Mi's. South, representative to the 1 district meeting, reported on her i trip. Two projects, to be decided | upon by each club, were to be un- | dertaken for the year. Several committee reports were made. The yearbook committee consisting of Mrs. D. L. Wilcox, Mrs. R. C. Winebarger and Mrs. Edwin Troutman, were commended for their work. The club voted to sponsor a Girl Scout organization to continue through the summer. Delicious refreshments were serv ed by the hosteses: Mesdames D. L. Wilcox, E. F. Troutman, E. S. Quails! and J. O. Cook, after which a mo- ] I tion was carried to adjourn. I Among the guests present were: | {Mrs. J. K. Parker, Jr., Mrs. Scog-j I gins. Mrs. A. R. Smith, Mrs. J. D. I | Farthing and Mrs. Louise H Dc-Lina. j Zionville News Mrs. Elwin Harrison, who is em ployed by the Northwestern Bank, in Sparta, spent the week-end here with re- *ives. Pfc. Ernest Eggers is here from Georgia for a short visit with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Eggers.. A sister, Miss Pauiine Eggers, who has employment in North Wilke3 boro also spent the week-end here. Mrs. Victoria Hodge is a guest of her sister, Mrs. Jane Church, at Ma bel for a few days. . A very successful revival meeting closed , at Zionville church on Sun day with nine additions to the church. Rev. W. D. Ashley, the pas tor, was assisted by Rev. R, C. Cook of Globe in the services. Miss Edna Thomas of Beech Creek and John Thomas Bingham of Sug ar Grove spent the week-end here with Mrs. Lillie Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Duncan were also Sun day guests here in the Thomas home "Uncle" Solomon Grogan return ed Sunday from the Jones Hospital in Johnson City, Tenn., where he underwent an operation on his eye for the removal of a cataract Curtis May of Johnson City ac companied Mrs. Grogan home and visited relatives here Monday. The home of Miss Alma Warren was completely destroyed by fire last week, and only a few articles be ? tanging to Miss Warrcr- as well as Mr. and Mrs. Carol Icenhour. who ? lived in (ho house, were saved. Mrs. Frank Warren has returned : from Montezuma where she spent a : week visiting her sons, Richard. Car 1 ol and Oscar Townsend Misses Imogene Castle and J a.*!" Yerkes and Warren Castle of Xings- . , port, Tenn.. were guests here of rel- ! ' atives Sunday. Mis. Russell Xmli (Gladys Icen hour) and small son have returned from Baltimore. Md , where 'hey visited Pvt. Knill's mother. Pvt. K'nill is in Italy. Misses Fredia Campbell and Ear- ? sal Farthing and Eddie Norris of Beaver Dam spent tho week-endhere with their grandparents, Mr. and ? Mrs. Chas. A. Greer. Pvt. Howard MiUer from Camp i Blanding. Fla. is spending ;i fur- i iough here with his wife, the former Virginia Critcher, and his parents, 1 Mr. and Mrs. W C. Miller. Eugene Wilson of A. S. T. C-, Boone, spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. X. Wil son, and was accompanied home by a college classmate. Mrs. W. S. Penn of Bristol, Va., is a guest here of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L Greer for a few days. Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Miller that their son, j Pvt. Max Miller, who is in Italy, has 1 been wounded. Pvt. E'arl Wilson is spending o furlough here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs;, .lames Wilson. Mr. and Mrs Blaine Byers and daughter Betty Jo of Lenoir and Mr. and Mr. Wade Bye; of Boone, R. , F. D. were recent visitors here of Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Byers. COVE CREEK SCHOOL NEWSj Mrs. Wilson's Sociology Class i made a lour of the county buildings i Wednesday afternoon. They visited j the county home, the jail and the II courthouse. The county home is run by Mr. and Mrs. Grady Hayes. They certainly do a good job, for the building has thirty- nine rooms to be kept dean in addition to the cooking of meals and caring for the people there. There are now twelve people- in the home, some of Uicm being '.ather old. The men's quarters are located upstairs, while '.he women's hall is downstairs near the entrance. Color ed people have their own rooms in another section of the building. The home was spotlessly clean, in evi dence of Mrs. Hayes' efforts. No* t we visited the jail. To most. | of us it W8s a new expercince that; impressed upon us more strongly the 1 ! need, for being good citizens. After I seeing those cols (which incidental-] lly did not even remotely resemble | swan's down) we concluded that we | much preferred our own comfortable i beds at home. Mr. Wiley Day gra'j- j iously escorted us ever the entire: j building, commenting on the man- j j ner in which the door* locked, and : 'showing how prisoners were led to1 l court, and displaying some reiics of ! former raids. We were especially in | terestod in the story of how one j prisoner escaped by the means of a j hack saw blade which had been I smuggled to him in u jar of peaches. j GREEN PAINT? Ready mixed, soldj ! only in 55-gnllon drums. Special j 50c gallon. H. DeBow, Statesvilla, I N. C. 9-7-lOc ; DR. C. G. BAUGHMAN, eye, ear, nose and throat specialist of Eliza bethton, Tenn., will be at the Hagaman Clinic in Boone the first j Monday in each month for the . I practice of his profession. 12-l-t? j OLD GOLD WANTED? We buy old ! gold watch cases, rings, dental : gold, etc. Highest prices paid i Walker's Jewelry Store. 12-1-tf j 600,000.000 People HAVE SEEN IT! Probably thai many will see it Again! KING of KINGS DeMille's All-time Masterpiece The Life of Christ on Screen APPALACHIAN THEATRE Thursday, Nov. 16 Only one prisoner was residing at the jail at tilt' timt- of our visit ;ind h- looked none too happy irs his new abode. Our group then enjoyed a muvie, followed by a treat at the drug store It was a very enjoyable and worth while trip, and one which we shall Song remember. The Junior Red Cross drive is get ting off to a good start in our school Following is a report of the contri butions from the various home rooms: Mrs. Wilson's group is 100 per cent in membership, having col lected $1.60: Mrs. Stokes $1.61. Mrs. Morgan .79, Miss Wakefield $1.80. Mrs. Mast $1.25, Miss Stiles .38. Mr. Osborne $1.00, Mrs. Stroiher S2.20. Mrs. Spamhour reports that at this time she has 42 music students and that all are doing nicely in their work. Rev- Dan Graham addressed the student body In the assembly period Monday morning. American civilians can ??xp'ret rriorv of ".he better gr-idt-s t?f hcf>J this fail and winter thai' was pre viously anticipated, says the War Food Administration. WifMiUions HowPo A FEW MOTS QiddUy Bsfiaro Distress of HEAD CtttOS! ] Tt'SSOttWtftOgCt prompt, effective \\ relief from din tress of fcctui colds with Va-tro-noi! Works right wbere trouble Is to reduce congestion ? soothe irritation ? make breathing easier. Also helpu prevent many colds from developing if used in time. Try it ! Pollow directions In folder . yicksvatn-iigl WANT ADS WANTED TO BUY? One good flat top office desk. W. C. Greene. Boone N . C. Ic : FOR SALE? 4 bumc-r gas stove, in good condition, while porc.elin. trimmed with red. Mrs. Craig ; Hollar. Ip FOR SALE ? One purebred Guern sey bull calf and purebred Guern sey heifer calves, six months old. Reason for sale, shortage of bam ir;oin. M. S. Miller, Route 2, Boone. 1 p WANTED ? A tenant, everything furnished free ? houserent, garden, row pasture and wood. Good terms. See J. D. Wagner, Shouns, Term. Ip KOR SALE ? Bicycle. Standard sue. j New tires end inner-tubes. In No. 1 condition. Dale Gross, Phone] 2011, Boo no, N. C. lpj FOR SALE ? Milk cow, block Jer- | sev, 7 years old, fresh. Also 3 i year-oid bay horse, works good, j weighs 1.000 pound?. Reason fori sale, army induction. Y. F. Greene, j Route 1, Boone, N. C. U-9-2p. j WANTED ? Five million galax. Get us all you can and we will pay you 70c per thousand. We also wilt pick up galax. We are still wanting while pine cones at 4c : per pound. Wilcox Drug Co. ' Boone. N. C 10-26? ic , WANTED ? To help sick people get better High-low blood pressure; nervous indigestion, neuritis, si nus, rheumatism, liver and kid ney trouble, especially. Dr. Slen wall, location, Mrs. Hall's metal- . roofed bungalow, opposite Muster Field, oh North Wilkesboro road. Ip FOR SALE ? .Nice 5-roorn house, 5 minutes walk from college. Hard wood floors. Sheet rock, finish in side. Modern conveniences. How ard Culler, Boone, N. C. Ip BOONE WOODWORKING SHOP now open in Miller building next to pipe factory. All kinds of woodwork done at a reasonable price. Will appreciate your busi ness. ll-9-4p GIVE MAGAZINES for Chris tma*-^ Special Christmas rates and dis count to service men. Subscrip tions taken to all leading maga zines. Mrs. C. F. McCollum, Fac ulty Apartments. Boone, N. C. U9-2p LOST ? October 21st, brown collie dog, light markings on feet and breast, about 8 months old. Re word for information or return of dog. A. R. Smith, Telephone 109-J ll-9-2p FOR SALE ? A team of fine work mares. Work anywhere, gentle. Will take beef calves for part of cost. See D. J. Whitener, Fhone 62, lc LOST? White gold, Nobe Boy.'s wrist watch, somewhere in Boone November 1. Brown leather band. Stanley South. Tel. S3. lc WANTED ? Woman for general house work. All modern conveni ences Good wages. Mrs Edgar Hart, Blow 'lit Rock. N. C Tele phone 23(5. ip FOR RENT ? 3 room apartment, fur nished or unfurnished. Near the Black Bear Sen-ice Station. Mrs. Bessie W. Hall. Ip I HELP WAITED? Man for small dairy farm near Bristol. Tenn. Must be a good hand milker. Straight salary. Good living con ditions. Registered Guernsey herd. Answer Box 468. Bkmntville. Tenn. 10-26- 4p WE HAVE flashlights and flashlight batteries, pocket knives, men's and boys' overalls, wash pans, dip pers and buckcts. Westerh Auto Associate Store. lc SPECIALS ? One piece zinc jf.v cjjps 25c doz. Filler paper and tab lets :i for 10c. Western Auto As sociate Store lc KOFI SALE ? 2 Jersey cows, .me 3 year-old to bring calf Nov. 6; one 4-yoar-oid stripper, 4 Hereford calves; one 7-vear-o!il marc, weighs about 1600, will work any where. Joe Mast, Valle Crucis, N. C. ll-2-2c BABY CHICKS ? Ro-jks, Reds, Crosses or Heavies Mixed ? $12.5Q per hundred. The quality experi enced chick raisers demand. Pay ment with order free delivery. Worthwhile Hatcheries, 101 W. Norton Avenue, Baltimoie, 1 Md. 8-24- 6c DR. L,. E. WELLMAN. optometrist, invites you to come to Mountain City, Tenn., for your next glasses i You will receive a thorough scien tific examination and the finest of lenses. The latest styles in : frames or rimless mountings at a very moderate cost. Office days, | Wednesday' Thursday each week I FOR SALH ? Six-room modern new house, water and lights, 18Va acres j land, located on Highway 119 in heart of Vilas. Young orchard, 3 i good springs, wood for home con sumption. 15 acres suitable for cultivation. House recently reno vated. Part of W. L. Henson place. Address X care Democrat 9-28tf FOR RENT ? 4-room apartment on first floor furnished or unfurnish ed. Private entrance. Also 3-room apartment on second floor. Free garage. Mrs. J. G. Conke, Boone, N. C.. on Wiikesboro road east of Black Bear Filling Station. U-2-tfc Army Boots We have a full stock of Men's and Boys' Army Boots. Men's and Boys' Army Shoes. Men's and Boys', Wom en's, Misses' and Children's Shoes and Oxfords; Men's Odd Coats and Pants, Men's and Boys' Overcoats. Army Raincoats and Field Jackets. Men's and Boys' Leather and Wool Lumber Jackets; O.D. Wool Shirts and Pants, Boys' Odd Coats. Men's Reconditioned John B. Stetson Hats, Women's, Misses' ana Children's Wool Tweed Coats, plain and reversible; Men's, Women's, Boys' and Children's Galoshes. ECONOMY STORE JUNE RUSSELL, Manager Depot Street Phone 36 Boons, N. C. One Rack Women's and Misses' '' Silk, Rayon, Wash Dresses and Blouses 35c One Rack Women's Oxfords, Slippers 35c ECONOMY STORE Depot Street Boone, N. C.