NiWSOFOliR mmm IN UNIFORM McDONALD WELLBORN, irom Cair.p Lewis. Wash., has been visit ing his grandmother. Mrs. Bessie Hai} Kerhoulas. PVT. ARTHUB W. COFFEY, son ut Mr. and Mrs. Leon Coffey, has ar rived safely i'lmewbere in England. FFC. DONALD HUGHS was a rerfJK* visitor of Miss Vera Nerns of Bt.u-.K-. Pfr. Hughs ?.c,s on his "wM- back to Freeman AAF. Sey - mour. Indiana, after Having sp**nt a Jew days leave with his parents in Theatre OWL SHOW SATURDAY Enjoy Yourself Kay Kyser St>. le! ?o r-'cting Be;ij EjiSitt ? Su!ly feos feS fcs&late ? Jsiij Ssainf and Tnrtj lows . ? Ploy oy Not Farcin or.s Wars*:: WjUo Di.'tcttd by ?:dd-tznd fcy I'M WHSiAS . IRVING STARR To the People of this Community The best vrav to observe the do ff at 61' Hitler is to buy an cxicrt W ur Bond. In thousands upon thou sands of American homos today there is urjdc and sadness. From these homes have come fighting men who died to taring us (his far r,n the road to decisive victory over all our enemies. It wili lake more suva!, move tears, more toi?, more and greater individual War Bond buying before we see, Japan h\ the ruins tnese barbarians of vhe Pacific ieii for us. How much more blood and tears depends on every i^dividua I American war v. orko.r and Bend buyer, - The Sixth Wnr Lean symbol-a comb "milling down oh the Rising San ? can only come to reality with your individual help. Buy at least an oxtrr. S100 War Bond above your normal payroll feavinfes. That's the Icasi y>j.i can do to back up your fighting men. THE KDITOR. I Columbia. S. C* He has spent some] time with the air forces overseas, 1 and 's expected to be sent on anoth or mission after reporting to his original unit PFC. JAMES W, VINES, son of Mr. and Mrs. W K Vines, of'Sugar Grove, has been awarded the Com bat infantrynum Badge as a result of his participation in the HcJlan dias. Dutch New Guinea, operation on May !SM4. John Farthing Discharged John Farthing, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Zeb V. Farthing, of Boone, chief electrician's tnale. navy, was scheduled to receive ;? discharge last Friday it Camp Endicott,, R 1 , aiid is spending a tew da y> in Forts mouth. Va . before returning to Boone. At the time of his enlist ment Mr. Farthing was city mail carrier, arid \yilj take back his old his pleasure upon his return, been in the navy for aV years, and previously a four-year enlistment Corps. Mrs. Walter Lee Brewer has re- ' I ceivea word that her husband Wal ter Lee Brewer. S.C-2c. has arrived safi }y somewhere in the Marianas, He served eight mor.ths m the South. Pacific before receiving a 21-day ' in Juiy. He returned Jo San Diego fov reassignment. Mere than 40 countries have adopted the idea of selling stamps at Christmas time to raise money b? fight tuberculosis. In Ibe Mai ? anas That peculia: noise from the ai .rcctson <>f Washington may be the lanu duck chorus essaying to sing a swan sohe,. in the Picture of the Year ! Trailed,; hunted . . . his Fate in the hands of the girf at the* inn !_ IJlGNE HASSO ? HUME CRONYN ?JESSICA TANDY ? AGNES MOOREHEAD '.HERBERT RUDLEY ? FELIX BRESSART Pioy t?Y Helen QtVtch ' ? 3at and needed mere bread: then y;m had to have more jam lo finish oil the bread ami so on and so on. HaiaiMnff vour Herd with your feed supply ? an. >thcr problem, \N*i\ich may tal.i- a little more figuring than hrcad .tarn. H?tit - .? the 194?i dairy program ^ hajflnciiig, ?ar?i ttii 3 good time to look ahead us fife >iilc.ii? vvhicn will tie com ing ur> bel'vcen now and Spring:. ! .suggest ,you look over your supply t>! , your t ounajie und kind of hay anJ ftiiiin and figure out whether you are going to turncoat with a mrtr&inof safety. Maybe you have enough feed so that you can add a good heifer. 1 d to refer you ngnSn to book lets which cover dairy rations. Ask your county agent or write for the following: Circular 157, Rx ler.sion 'service, Alabama Poljteflffi nic Institute, Aulu:rn, Ala.. and Publication KM). Extension Service, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Term.* They contain information which will go a long way to answer ing the question of whether your, herd- feed situation is okay. 1 he November-December issue of the draftsman, lias a folder printed ou heavy paper which should be of interest to every dairyman. It has space in which to keep cash records, milk vol ume, costs and miscellaneous purchases and costs. You'll have a handy and invaluable record of your operations if you use this chart. I'll be glad to send a copy if you will drop a line to Uncle Bob, 500 Pes htigo Court , Chicago *J9, 111., and ask for one. Personally I can get along v.-ith . ut any breezes chasing up and down iav bacltlxine at thi" time of year, but air circulating around empty dairy utensils after they have been cieaned and sterilized i> an impor tant par! of your sanitation program. With tills in mind, the exten sion service in Alabama designed an airing rack for dairy utensils, which is very simple to build, takes up a minimum of loom and pcrmirs air to circulate freely around inverted utensils. The rack i? made of 1 x 2' lumber for sides, 2x2' posts for legs, and uses wire cloth which can be cleaned easily and which permits the circu lation. Should be ideal for a small dairy farm and 1 suggest you write C> rV_l_.J V? v? ? i the l:\teiisii.n Service. Alabama j PoSytecbM? Institute. Auburn. Ala., and :i-k ior a copy i-l tiio plan for the dairy uteasU airing rack.* 1 here's nothing mo?e aggravating to mc i 1 ? . . 1 j to have a piece ot nia chinery break down just at !he JinSa When I need it mcu. In tiiese days when iarni machinery if suircu. it. mar-.' important than ever lo use tliat "ounce oi prevention" to fore stall a "pound of cure." w$& .V \\ Machinery has bten put away for the winter, and I suggest you give it a thorough going over to locate any possible weak Npots, to tighten and adjust alt parts so as to Insure smooth operation next year. Of course it should be kept under cover when not in use, oiled and greased to prevent rust. Detailed explanations of how to make repairs of mowers and. plows a:ie given in publication.- issued hv the extension service at the Univer sity of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. Publicalions 3-10 and Stitiarelbe- ones \ ou no doubt know that in general it is best to set slable manure spread on your fields as soon as possible, but there are certain things which you should consider in handling of manure in winter. USDA Farmers' Bulletin No. 1470 says that spreading manure on snow is not advisable, because of washing, particularly if your land is rolling. It may be better to store it. Also, if the ground is soft, hauling may make ruts in the field and cause trouble next sprint or summer. It is best to store manure on high ground so that any teachings will run onto the field. A storage place near to the field where it is go'mg to be used later, will save time and labor when it is sutead. The milking bam should be cleaned daily, of course, and sprinkling bam lime or superphosphate on the floor after milking and after the floor is cleaned, not only helps the sanita tion program but also adds to the fertility of the manure. *NOTEt Thar# usually It a 5c diorge for poinpMttt moiled to non-residents of o stole, but possibly your own state has o free pamphlet onthe some subject. Ask your county agent. SSoS PUBLISHED NOW AMD THEN BY THE KRAFT CHEESE COMPANY We welcome the co-operation o{ any other orcahization toward a so Wukm of this problem. We wish to cppjjnond the mayor lor his attitude toward the hog pens. We feel if we a<( to have a city for whic;h we wish, we should do all wo fan to keep it clean. It is very commendable the way the business people are co-operating with the mayor regarding removing the snow ; from the sidewalks in front of their j business. The streets were cleaned 1 immediately sifter the first snow. , This co-operative spirit will pay ' good dividends. Didn't smell the rat, though. . . . | Do Auber, the celebrated animal ; painter, studied his patrons no less carefully than his subjects. One day he was observed by a friend in the act of vigorously rubbing a i/iece of raw meat over a rabbit in the fore ground of a painting he had just finishoo. Asked to explain this pe- j culiar touch, De Auber replied: "Mrs. Blank is coming io see this I picture today. When she sees her pet poodle smell that rabbit ana gets excited about it, she will buy it on the spot." She did buy it, too. GERMAN SNACKS FOUND London- -Elaborate Snacks were hidden in French tunnels by the Germans for consumption as they launched robot bombs at England Allied soldiers found 3,000.000 Ibs. of canned beer, pork .sausages, ham and 7,000 cases of canned milk, 75,000 pounds of potatoes thou sands oi eases ol' canned fruits and vegetables,' 20,000 cases of wine and 4 .000 large cans of sauerkraut. A woman we know who. as a hob by learned to read the sign language of deaf and dumb persons, chanced to bo in a Dallas hotel lobby one day. where .-he noticed, "wo men carrying <>n u "fingered" convesa tion. She said she couldn't resist eavesdropping, and shit watched tlx.' men rather closely. That is, she did, until one of them "said" to the other: "Did you oyer see such a snoopy dame as '.hat one over there watching us?'' Buy War Bonds. Phone 170 Boone. N. C. TODAY AND THURSDAY DON'T MISS IT!!! Gary Cooper -in? ? with ? Teresa Wright FR1DA V 08c ? Bargain Day ? 20c FOB THE WHOLE FAMILY: A Reissue v( Plus: News Events and Serial "Captain America" Saturday 11:00 a. m. Until 8:0tt p. m. Rod Cameron Fuzzy Knight ? in ? '"PTIT, _ Phis: Comedy and Serial SATURDAY 7:00 Till 10:30 p. m. ACTION! /li THE LARAMIE TRAIL" Plus: Comedy and Serial SATURDAY? OWL SHOW 10:30 p. m. SktJ tftSP/ m SBsfflRl ? ' i , Miriljn fcSax?f6if f\ L, A ?, fiffiaa '? 9\') Hat ftwMsn 1 Lena lere? KAY KYS# A His Orcii. MONDAY ONLY M-G-M presrxtf : THE PICTURE of ' ?%/ theVEAR!^ Plus Cartoou TUESDAY THOSE CRAZY KIDS! DortaJcJ O'Connor THE MERRY MQNAHANS Phis: Selected Shorts WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY WATCH JiiNS HAVER iZQOM fC STARDOM i!N THIS TOP O'MUSICAl! IRISH MfflAWL mum? ANTHONY QUI NN &EYERIT WKIINEf IMAXIE KOSEN8VOOM Plus: Sport Reel and News Events TBis Is Your Extra 6th War Loan Quota *A?SAyiH65 60ND SERIES C7S392.S1: ,