' c A ? \ Rev. Robert Brown, of Keota. Iowa, is visiting with relatives in Boone. )C?. J. A. Peeler of Hickory, spent the w?ek-?nd at the home of her brother, Dr. J Rankin. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Greer, of Morganton, were week-end visitors with relatives in the community. Hiss Christine Eggers of Aber deen, Md., 'is spending two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Eggers. Miss Nellie Moretz teft Tuesday for a three weeks vacation in De troit and at Braeside Camp in Paris, Ontario, Canada. Mrs. Howard Browfl, of Fresno, Ohio, left last Friday fcfter spending a few days. witK her mother and friends. ... T", J ?/ * ' The literature and education de partment of the Worthwhile Club will meet Thursday evening at 8 o'clock with Mrs. W. M. Burwell. - Mrs. O. B. Jones has returned from Weaverville, where she was called to attend the funeral of her father, Mr. John B. Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hollifield have sold their home on the Blowing Rock road, and win make their home in Greenville, S. C. Mr. B. W. Stallings was in States ville last Thursday where he attend ed a meeting of the directors of the North Carolina Wildlife Federation. Miss Elizabeth Hayes has return ed to Cleveland, Ohio, after spend ing a few days with her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob S. Hayes. Miss Emmo Hodges has returned to Meadville, Pa., after spending five weeks with "her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Finley Hodges, of Boone R P. D. 2. The home and garden department of the Woman's Worthwhile Club will meet Friday night, July 6, at the home of Mrs. Joe Crawford in Cherry Park. Misses Mary Lou King, Jennie Stout, Katie Lube, Etta Mae Mast and Mazie Jean Jones, of Chapel Hill, spent the week-end with Mrs. J. W. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey D. Storie, of WickJ iff e, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Storie, of Portsmouth, Va., are spending a few, d?y* .vith' rela tives at Blowing Rack. Born to . Mr. and Mrs. J. Wayne Gragg, of Wilmington, N. C., on June 9, at the , Ja^MK Walker Memorial hospital ol that, city!, a daughter, who. has b*en named Gloria Jean. - Mr. and Iffri^&alplv Culler and thrt* children, and Mrs. Arville B. Culler, of Lynchburg, Ya.. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cyller at Silverstone. Mk va*>d Mrs. J. W. Hollifield, with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Vfefaflt, of Greenville, S. C., spent Sunday with Mrs. Hollifield's brother, Mr. W. M. Greene and, family, of Boone. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sims and family, of the State of Washington, are spending some time in the -coun ty with relatives. Mr. Sims is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Hamp Sims of Shu^fc Mills. Major Thomas E. Farthii army, with his family mxU Mrs John F. I'li'Acrs aid Wallace, N. C, have M their father, Mr. W. J. Fa! Valla Crucis, and other n the county. Before eote service Major Farthing p The Don Horton farm, containing some 342 acres of choice land, in cluding 9 considerable amount of fine timber, will be sold at auction Friday, July 6, at 1 p. m.T it has been announced, and considerable inter est is being shown in the auction. The farm, which has been occupied by members of the Hortoif family for perhaps more than a century and a half, has been divided into tracts of from 10 to SO acres and will be offered for the high dollar. Z. A. Robertson and Co., and Walter 8c Gurley Auction Co., are the selling agents. SANDS CLUB MEETS WITH MRS. BARNES The Sands Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Judd Barnes on June 21, at 2 o'clock,. The vice-president presided over the business meeting, after which the program was turned over to Mrs. Mary Hamby, home agent. Mrs. Hamby gave some very use ful and helpful suggestions, also spoke of the district meeting which phe attended in West Jefferson. ' The hostess served a delicious salad course to 16 club members and guests. The next meeting will be a picnic held somewhere in the community, the time and place to be announced later. ? * A! the Churches GRACE LUTHERAN ' Edwin F. Troutman Pastor Sunday School 10 a. m. Worship 11 a. m. Sermon topic, "Into the Deep With Jesus." ' Anthem: "Come Close to the Saviour." DR. W. J. McKEE*TO SPEAK AT | PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Everyone is most cordially invited to attend the James I. Vance Me morial Presbyterian Church Sunday morning, July 8, at 11 hear Dr. W. J. McKee. is professor of education at the Uni versity of North Carolina, Visiting professor for a summer term at Ap palachian State Teachers College, and former missionary to India. We look forward to hearing Dr. McKee,, and invite our friends to worship Heaton New* v Mrs. Lee Davis and daughter" Francine, have returned from Parts mouth, VdL, where they will make their bom* for a short time. Mr. R. O. McGuire has returned to Richwood, W. Va.. where he is employed. Mrs. Ann Smith is ill at her home here but is improving. Claude Base of the navy, is spend- . ing a furlough with his mother, Mrs. Mina Bar* here. He has participat ed in navy battles against the Japs. Mrs. Eula Mae Bradford, of] Elisabethton, spent the week-end, here with Mrs. Jewell Moody. Boone Lions Club Installs Officers (CONTINUED rmOM PAOI ON*) Chester, and Prof, and Mis. W M. | Grubbs. Following the banquet, the Lions, Lionesses and their guests enjoyed dancing in the high school auditor-, um. The Dixie Rhythm Boys, negro orchestra from Lenoir, furnished the music. WANT ADS LAWN MOWERS SHARlfENEfv Work guaranteed. Owens Iprfchine Shoo, Boone, N. C. 7-5-2p FOR SALE ? 41 H acre farm, miles from Boone; 7-room h outbuildings. Must be sold at < Inquire at Democrat Office. Ip J?RINCE DOMINO PALADIN, Jr., 3221360, Registered Hereford Bull, formerly owned by Hamilton, Dougherty, Councill and Farthing, who sired the grand and reserve champions at the 1043 Western Caro lina Fat Stock Show, Asheville, is now ready for service at my farm near Boone. Fee $10 for purebred cows, $5 for grade animals. Fee payable at time of servicev'H. Grady Farthing. lp FOR SALE ? 14-months old pure ed bull. Boone, N. C. bred bull._ H. Grady F|r?j?feTg, walking distance of \ Jr three bed atoms. R. E. Agfc^?6x 748, >nn. IT lc WANTED? To rent by July 15th, ? house within walking distance ofj town. Two or three Year round. R. Kingsport, Tenn. FOR SALE ? Two cows, Guernsey | and Jersey, milking three and four gallons per day. Don Honeycutt, Boone, N. C., Route 1/Bl6wing Rock Road. t/ lp NOTICE? For sale. Fine saddle horse, 4 years old, color bay; weight 1,100 lbs. Reason for selling too old to ride. John H. ClawaWiJoone Route 8. 7-ft-3p FOR SALE ? One used hammer mill, in good shape. Will sell at right price at Tanning's store, Ruth erwood. 4 miles east of Boor^XlP WANTED ? Good family for pay and b ?on, Martin N. just receht ment of Mert's Men's Drew quality. Icoporoy.f FOR SALE? One. SFSSSS: 'HiW." Ill' GIANT CHIKCHlLLAi Pedlgiyd. Doe. and tor, service. Call, or se FOR SALE? S&wmilL 14 power unit, gang belting, 2 saws, coir... . , , _ ?*"?? n*? ?* aoft.ooovfwt,^ L W. Hampton, De?? Gat* N, 0. , . . mmm WANTED? A man or man and wife to work in daiiry . and . milk plant Good living conditions and straight weekly pay. " ? 488, Blountville, Tern HOGS WANTED? Alive, ed. Citf Meat Market, ?? FOR SALE? 2 nice rock See W. H. Grmgg, Boone. COVE CREEK FARM FOI ? Several parties have' buy the 78-acre farm in front Cove Creek high school, known a* the Mrs. Spainhour property,? We? will receive bids en this land for '2 weeks with the priwtHMM. of accept ing or rejecting any offer. If you are interested in some of. the best real estate available in tnia section, now is your opportunity. Curiosi- t ty seekers need not nxfttly, As this is " not a cheap proposition. See Or write Mrs. Maud M. Spainhour or i James B. Mast, Sherwood. Mi C. win 6-28-2p WANTED ? Hardwood togs, beech, birch, maple, oak, nickoty, Nfcxt ? to hosiery mill, Boohe, N. C. ' Bee Luther Hardy. .6-21 -tie . WANTED ? 4-4 log run Hickory, green or dry. Phenix Chair Co., West Jefferson, N- C./ 8-2I-4c*' DR. L. E. WELLMAN, optometrist, , invites you to come to. Mountain , , City, Tenn., for your next glasses, ftfou will receive a thorough sciepufi$ examination and the fin pit of lens**.-' L The latest styles in frames or rim less mountings at very modern* cost. Office days, Wednesd ny and Thursday each week.- . . )nj., DR. C. G. BAUGHMAlt, eye, ear, nose and throat specialist of Flhtf^ bethon. Tenn., will be at the Haga- t man Clinic in Botae the first Mon day In each month for the praottoft^ of his prof^ssisn. i ,t~i, . -j[; DACUS RADIO SHOP EXPERT RADIO REPAIRING?'^ ALL MAKES 90 YEARS EXPERJXNGEi^iii Next to Theatre Pbaii ' " Boone, N. C. LiJi J ffTJ 11* ? A - , laaf It, -.Ij ?om HIGHEST CASH PRICES i- ZSPSt mlM^: ehUdren's and infants' Shoes, v/xioros * and Slippers. These are leather and non-rationedj < ?;./?* ,i y notice ka.ve ov.ert,100 of women's and girls'Oxords. WtvT k Pump* that are sacrificing, Thow V* leather shoes and much below coat, at $1.M per fiT; *' " DRESSES A"lr fa,w jm ap