PARKWAY WORK TO BE RESUMED Roanoke, Va., Aug. 27 ? Hope that construction work on the Blue Ridge parkway, scenic highway connecting Shenandoah national forest in Virginia with the Great Smoky National park in North Car olina, might be renewed by next spring, was expressed by Sam P. Weems, superintendent of the park way, who maintains offices in Roa noke. "There have been no definite plans made by our national director, Newton B. Drury, of the office of the National Park service in Chica go," Mr. Weems explained. "But we are optimistically hoping that we can begin work on the unfinished sections of the parkway by spring of next year." The superintendent stated that with the advent of war, work on construction over the entire park way was halted. At that that, he said, two contracts were still being carried out, both in North Carolina. "These - contracts are still in force," he said, "and when we start work again, these will of course be completed before any other work is begun. The parkway, when finished, he pointed out, will consist of 437 miles of hard surfaced roadway, landscaped and "equipped" with fill ing stations and rest stops. About 330 miles of the parkway have been graded, but only 162 miles have received th(T final bitu minous or hard surface. Visits Parents Ransom E. Welch, who has just finished his basic training al C;mp Whtcltr, Ga.. recently spent a ten day furlough al tha home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Welch of Stony Fork. He has been sent to Fort Ord. Calif., for further training in an infantry division. A Tribute to Watauga War Workers By BEACH KELLER (USES Interviewer) "War workers wanted" the word passed on to Watauga people after December 7, 1941. They re sponded to this call in full force, leaving a quiet, peaceful life here at home for the noisy shipyards or busy factory. Farms were left in care of those who could not go. Homes were left half finished. Never in history has there been such a mi gration of workers leaving this county. You found these people of Wat auga not only on the east coast de fense jobs, but west coast. Pearl Harbor. Alaska and Panama, in fact any place where workers were need ed, you found these people of Wat auga county. A great many of these workers went to Oak Ridge, Tenn., to help make the atomic bomb a success. You are to be congratulated in the war work you have done and the part you have played in bring ing about a complete victory. ? The flag of the Pan-American union is a pennant adopted in 1907 and embodies all other colors of the 21 republics of the Western hemis phere. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAHJ For all kinds, largely one and two-inch White Pine, Old Field and Hemlock. Green or dry. Loaded on our trucks on good road at your mill or delivered our yard. Will give cutting contracts and advance up to 80% to reliable operators as lumber is put vj?n sticks at your yard. EDMONDS BROS. LUMBER CO. BRISTOL, TENNESSEE DUST THAT KILLS For Bean Beetles 15 - A - 50 kill overnight [/ For Cabbage CTJ QQ Containing a strong rcpcllant prevent ~ XI ~ JO ing moths from laying eggs. \ For Potatoes, Tomatoes and Cucumbers fnnnar Pal Ar A combination of Blight uuppcl Udl - ill. and inwtt Control. Southern Agricultural Insecticides Phone 202 Plant No. 3 BOONE, N. C. P. O. Box 85 Distributed By HOLLARS BROTHERS Boone, N. C. C. M. CR1TCHER Boone, hi. C. CLYDE PERRY Sugar Grtve, N. C. VALLE CRUCIS CO. * Valle Crtfcis, N. C. SOLDIER VOTE ISSUE REVIEWED Washington, Aug. 25? One of the issues of the 1944 election campaign ? the soldier vote ? bobbed up again today on Capitol Hill. Chairman Sabbath (D-Ill.) of the house rules committee, voiced a plea for speedy action in insure all service personnel a vote in 1946. This could be achieved, he told a reporter, by unqualified use of a ballot s?nt out and administered by the Federal government. Sabbath declared the 1944 absen tee vote law "failed to work" be cause it specified that Federal bal lots could be used only when it was impossible to use state forms. He asserted that because of such amendment s written into the bill by Rep. Rankin (D-Miss.) and others "approximately 75 percent of the soldiers were denied a vote," Sab ath said. , "There is no question but what the Federal government has the right to step in and insure every citizen of his constitutional right to a ballot. "All this hue and cry about inter fering with states rights is pure bunk." Sabbath said he was uncertain whether the Federal ballot should provide only for congressmen, or include state officers, but that tfcis problem should be worked out with the state officials. Time For Christmas Mailing Overseas Near September is near and with it will bring the time to start mailing Christmas packages to men and women overseas. John Edgar Brown, Jr.. local post master, advises that Christmas pack ages to members of the armed forces overseas must be mailed between Sept. 15 and~Oct. 15. DR. MEADOWS GETS 3 YEARS Meadows was sentenced in superior Greenville, Aug. 25 ? Dr. Leon R. court here today to serve three years in the state penitentiary aft er he was convicted of embezzle ment and false pretense in connec tion with his handling of special and student funds while president of Eastern Carolina Teachers Col lege. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of J. M. May, deceased, late of the county of Watauga, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the de ceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned at her home in Watauga county, post office being Trade, Tenn., RFD 2, on or before August 4, 1946, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 4th day of August, 1945. ^ttRS. J. M. MAY, 8-9-6p " Administratrix. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as administrator of the estate of George E. Hayes, late of Watauga county, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceas ed, to present them to me for pay ment within twelve months after the date hereof ,or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All those indebted to said estate are asked to make .immediate payment. This August^5, 1945. i/ LLOYD HAYES, 8-23-6p ' Administrator. Notice of Sale oi Land For Taxes Bv order of the Board of County Commissioners and by virtue of the power of sale vested in me by law, I will on Monday, the 3rd day of Sep tember 1945, at 1 o'clock p. m., at the courthouse door in Boone, N. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash 4o satisfy taxes for the amounts in dicated for the year 1944, the lands of the following delinquent taxpay ers of the county of Watauga. This August 4, 1945. EARL D. COOK, Tax Collector, Watauga County. BALD MOUNTAIN Margaret Clawson Heirs, 27 acres? f 4-31 Don Howell. 43 acres 7.78 W W. St G. N. Howell. 5 acres 3.29 Fred & Vester Miller. 12 acres 1.45 Joe C. Phillips Heirs, 78 acres 18.78 E. W. Roberts, 88 acres 18.75 Polly J. Toll vei , 35 atres 12 J8 Glenn Tufnun, 1 acre 3.M R. B. Wall, 33 acres . 3 98 Esau Winebarger, 85 acres 20 59 BEAVER DAM Marvin Cable, 33 acres 2.00 Earl Combs, 11 acres 6.98 Mr*. Clyde Curry, 115 acres 10.88 Ross Eggers, 30 acres 6.73 J. S. Graham. 43 acres 15.00 Robert P. Guy, 32 acres 5 00 Steven Guy, 7 acres 1.78 Mrs. Leah L. Hale. 73 acres 4.80 Boyd Harmon. 80 acres 1088 Henry Harmon, 21 acres 4JB Harley E. Harmon, 30 acres ... 9.44 Otis Harmon, 15 acres 5 24 Isaac Heirs, 30 acres 2 J8 Mrs. A. Masters. 133 acres 8.75 B. H. May, 40 seres 438 Roy Norrfs. 18 acres 7.44 P. W. Palmer. 23 acre* 431 Mis. T. J. Palmer, 12 acres 2.28 Mrs. Myrtle Parks. 21 acres 8.13 Mrs. Nina Parka. 27 acres 8.38 Frank Profflt, 30 acres 1338 Mrs. Noah Proffit, 8 acres SO J. H. Robinson Estate. 27 acres 12.70 Mrs. Nellie Rominger. 127 acres 14.11 Buna Sc6tt, S3 acres 738 Ira Scott. 102 acres 1235 Geo. Smltherman, 28 acres 50.79 Harvey Smltherman, 12 acres 3.40 Russell L. league, 95 acres 42 48 Bert Tester, 50 acres 12 50 Don Trivett, 175 acres 19.79 John Ward, Sr., 2 acres 1.88 Chaa. Winebarger Heirs. 38 acres.. 21.18 Roy Y ounce. 38 acre* ISM Emma Cooper, 11 acres 138 Flora Mock, 17 acres 3-33 Addle Ray Heirs. 33 acres 3-51 A. t. Thompson Heirs. 27 acres 2 88 . - BLOWUfO moc* 8. Abernethy Estate. 1 lot a n Mr. and Mrs. darl Ad aAj. i lota!"" IS Mrs. William L. Allison. 1 lot Z 3241 Mt*. Alex Auton. 11 acres iji ThomasG. Auton. 3 acre* "" 648 J A. Banner, t tot 1744 ?acJ ?SP i \0?* ? ? a w. B?ver,y wm, i iot ::;::;:: ?S 1 w. 1 tot 1 JS ^*n^B^S^^nU,Un"; * jf JrteU E. Carlton l? acri* JjS Mr*. Nellie Carlton, 31 acres" 55! Carr Brothers. | jot *?8 u BoSSrt*H * lota i-?5 J}? g?"l? Char lee Cheatham, 2 loto a*ra *ir\frr?tonla Clark, 3 tota __ .___ SjS ? H Clay , i lot * ?e Howard Coffey. 1 lot ,a5 Roby Coffey. 5 acre* 12i? Thonwu H. Coffey, Sr.. V'iot 74B Charlae' E. cS^' 1 'lot *3 iliJ Bw* E&2? O ArS2to?*i1,fet 4 *"*" &WroT^?ni Vrt*. == j'JS Thomas Gemmell, 1 lot J? ?! Louis N. Grant, 3 totTl.: sS"?} * C. Greene. 1 lot l'iS "i* ?' *?reene, 113 acre* ~ 63 50 Charles B. Greene. 1 lot . is* J. Commodore Greene. 1 tot ~ U4 Ost^fn Greene, 11 seres 7 *1 Co'^nn* 1- Harper, 1 lot _. a w H. W. Harris. 1 lot ?1. S? Charles M Hartley, 3 lota" Vaughn Hartley. I lot 1070 Clayton Haye*. 3 lota 3?M 6. E Hendrlck. 1 lot iffl Mia* Christine Henkel, 3 tot* 37~ ? s, H>n?"Ytot--:::::::: g-2 Mrs. Sarah Hodges. 3 lots, 1 ien S M ^rs- Richard Hollars, 1 iot " a mi Hose Kelly Holmes, 1 lot ?2q F M.Hoosfleld. 1 lot ..." 2"S Mrs. Maxine C. Hunt. 1 lot Si* Dr. W. B. Hunt. 1 lot - 51? Ji? 3 acres 13 49 Mrs. E. D. Landls. 1 lot ? gin J. H Llnebcrger. i 104? w E. Love. 2 lots ? 7 13 1 Elfie Love. 1 lot JiS Kddy S. Menltt. 1 tot"": fZS Dr. o L. Miller. 1 lot " JS Mrs. T. C. Miller. 1 lot liiS BenJamln H . Moody. 3 lota .?:~ loS T. A. Mott, 1 lot ........ 14 99 Cloudland Hotel Company, 1 lotl 94 E. W. Mussel white. 2 lots S Grace Cordis Myrray, 2 lots 1 88 John McTeer. 2 loti _____ r? w'S j1?* Rvv^No7n?n- 1 lot 3 ? J. L. Norris, 1 lot St? Richard OxenUne. 2 lots . qm Joe A. Panella, 1 lot i?"?i P B Parks, 1 lot," lljl Carson H. Patterson, 9 lots 2187 Fred J. Penlev. g seres 5M Mr*. Marcle Plnkney, 1 lot ?3 Matt Ransom. 2 lots _. S5 Pat Ransom. 6 lots nana Mr*Afi~Si ^.eene' 70 "re* 53.08 R M^y^To?' 1 l0'' 108 ?"? ? M R. H Rogers. 2 lots : Roy Rupard, 1 lot T"" %"S L F Sharp, 1 lot ~ JT"" i Wade Stewart. 11 acres 3'S Eugene Story. 1 lot ?. I W. S. Stroupe. 1 lot ..... }'? Mrs. Novell Teague, 1 lot 7 50 ? "L ^la 1 lot _..Z. 2J0 Fred Teague. 39 acres -!^?n Ra'ph Teague. 1 lo5 ."" * 'gg P. M. Thornburg, 1 lot , S |V?S6?4.*? :::::::::::::: IS ^ans B*' Wood,'?? kTV"? 8 IS . , _ . ^ BLOT RIDGE Fr?*1 Bradshaw, 6 acres 7 ?>? MatUe Brovm,W5 'acrea U"?" ? g gzz u i?9 ?^1?^ -c-" :::::: 1% C. C.C?I?. H^ac7r?? :::::::-" g John L. Downs, 4 acre* i'm W ?s,'"rt Ford. 57 acres ? 105a Arlle Green, 50 acre* 875 ?le?? Greene. 5 acre* f 12 OrvlUe Greene. 40 acres g oo O. Greer. 36 acres * 14 24 Robert Greer, 50 acres " }q ? Andrew Hall Heirs, 37 acres 3 M Hamlett Heirs, 23 airii" 219 Har"Pt?n. 13 acres 5 18 Mrs. Monroe Hampton, 37 acres 10 04 N "ty S Harper. 150 acrA 17 73 H n "a"150"' 16 acres ;; 4^ ^ud?r"ielt. 32 acres 12 63 Oeorge Mackey. 1 acre t m Emery Miller. '? acres gfS L. J. Moody, 150 acres 30 00 Dr. Fred Matley, 203 acres " 1539 Mrs. Avery Nelson, 27 acres 4 <2 Elizabeth Nelson Estate, 28 acres 2 28 Lawrence Nelson. 1 acre ... "" ?'? Rn'Sv oUt1 Ne'sorl' 2S acres """I 2 46 Roby Penley Heirs, 60 acres 5 96 mH' ^ e Ra^' 50 acres 5 4g Mrs Annie Potter. 69 acres 18 7? Robhins 4 Lowe, 150 acre! 'f a M C Robblns, 10 acres .... 5 To DrsA ,^yne- 29 acres:::::: ?:? 7? ? " ip th, 120 acres q is Carson Tate. 1 acre J5? Solomon Tate. 1 acre IK ca7i 61 acre;:::: ?io -r L. Trlplett. 5 acres 4 n? Tommie Trlplett, 117 acres ,3 , Frank W. trlplett. M Teres"" ^ 75 George Turnmlre, 25 acres . 9 18 Mrs. Mamie Turnmlre, 25 acres 3 is Mrs Mirah Weaver. 29 acres f!" ? gil Mrs. Joe Wheeler. 5 acres ~ 1 ? Mrs Julia Wheeler, 7 acr" ""r" ? Conrad Yates, 77 acres g? BOOBS C. B. Angel. 1 lot 20.01 Mrs. J. W Avery. 1 lot 6.54 Carrie H. Bingham. 1 lot 23 31 Mrs. Ruth Blair Denkins, 1 acre 15.00 D L. Blunt, 1 lot 6 56 Mrs. J W. Brawley. 1 lot 8 75 Brendell's Garage, 1 lot 22.19 Mrs. W. I. Brooks. 1 lot 9.85 Horace Burns, 2 lots 22.35 Vance M. Calloway. 1 lot 20 35 Ralph Coffey, 3 lots 6 88 Adolphus L,. Cook. 1 lot 25.63 ? Mrs. Adolphus L. Cook, 1 lot 3.75 Walter L. Cook, 3 lots 25.45 E. B Crltcher, 1 lot 1 50 Mrs. J, N. Davidson. 1 lot 1.35 Tom Davis, 1 lot 5331 Lura A. Deal, 1 lot 6.56 Mrs. Edna Dlllinger. 2 lots 4.93 Clarence DUon. 2 lots 2 50 Horace Dowllng, 1 lot 12.50 Mrs. R B. Fngen. 3 lots ... 2.50 Mrs. Jessie Farmer, 1 lot 1.25 J. Paul Fox. 1 tot 8.60 Mrs. Sarah Gaither, 1 lot 67.94 Oliver H. Gorrlson, 1 tot 1 88 Mrs Vera S. Gragg. 1 tot 2125 Arthur A. Greene, 2 lots 25 00 Mrs. Betsle Hall, 1 tot 438 Craig Hollars, 1 lot 10.94 Mis* Gene Hott, 1 lot 4 38 H Walter Horton, 1 tot ? 12S LJlUe Hoy to. 1 tot M A. L. Hunt. 1 tot 144 Hunt-Gwyn Motor Co., 1 lot - .7? J. L Huh. 4 toU 1J8 Mr*. Mary Alice Kepler. 1 tot 37.50 Roy Keplar, 1 lot ... 3830 C. W Klrkpatrick, 3 tot* 338 Carl Kenderdall. 1 tot 2 M Julia Lawrence. 1 lot 3J0 Wm. R. Lovtll & Mr*. J. W. Braw ley. 1 tot ? 18 75 Gilbert T. Mast. 1 lot 17 04 Willie May Mauney, 4 lots 1-25 James E. Miller, 1 lot 6.44 P. W. Moretz. 12 lot* 10.75 Mrs. J. B Morrison, 1 lot .83 Myers St Winaor Brothers. 1 lot-... 3.75 WW. McGulre. 5 lots 73.73 George McGynsy, 1 lot ... .... S3 Margaret Poole, 2 lot* ...... ... 1 88 J. L. Sc E. L. Potter, 3 lot* .94 Ed S Quails. 2 lot* 17.7? J. Lee Quails. 2 lots 18904 Edinond Ruah, 1 lot 10.48 Dallas R. Shoe make, 4 lots 38.33 F. O. Smith. 1 tot ... 1 .00 W. R- Spalnhour, 1 tot 1.38 C. S. Stevens. 3 tot* 143 R. W. Story. 3 lot* 340 MM Margaret Taber, 1 tot 844 Cornelia Tate. 1 lot .94 Claud* Todd, 1 lot ... 18.10 Mr*. A. P. Vanderson, a lots 1.50 C. R William*, a lota Ti Carl Winrb.r|tr, a lota 1-88 J. S. Winkler Estate. a lota tS.TS Bob Yatoa. 4 lota I 23 Lee Anderson, a lota ?Jt David Cbibom, J lot IJt Charlie Erwln, 1 lot 9J8 Haskel Flowers, 1 lot 6.78 R. A. Crimea. 1 lot 1JS Newton Hagler, 1 lot 1M R. H. Hagler, 1 lot Ut Atwood Horton, 1 lot J6 Hunter Horton, 1 lot 15.90 Kenneth MMhls. 1 lot 1160 Lee Overman, 1 acre 141 Mrs. Ella Shearer, 1 lot 1M Huston Shearer, 1 lot a.13 Hub Sweet, a Iota 17.86 Cecil Webb. 1 acre .41 Miss Nalla Williams, 1 lot 1.14 brushy roia Walter H. Adama, 1 acre 16.10 R Llnney Barnes, 18 acraa ll* McCoy Bingham, 80 acraa ? 33-30 Beulah Brown Heirs. 14 acres 8.T8 Mrs. J seals H. Brown. 38 acres 1130 Mrs. Mae Brown, 3 acres 4.88 Roby t. Brown, 1 acre Mrs. Ella R. Oolvard. 89 acrea 12.90 R. W. Co Ward. 1 acre 10 00 Walter L. Cook, 3 acres 10.00 Jack Hardy, 3 acrea 11.44 Roy I. Haynea, 11 acrea 15 00 Ernest M. Hodges. 8 acrea 38.84 Ralph Hodges. 20 acrea TJ8 W. M. Hodge*. 10 acrea 18.88 Mrs. Ford Hollars, 3 acrea 1.88 Roscoe W. Hollars. 9 acrea 778 Robert L. Honeycutt, 30 acrea 11 05 Morgan Armstrong, 8 acrea 3.35 Wm. R. Lovlll 8c 7. W. Brawley, 53 acres ... 8841 Mrs. Lizzie Maltba. 60 acres 11.50 Andy P. Mast, 3 acres 11.10 Henry Mast, 1 acre H-84 Dare Moody. 19 acrea 8.13 Grady Moody. 18 acres 8.85 A E. Odom. 1 acre - 4.50 Mrs Boyd Walker, 16 acres 29.50 Gus Horton Heirs, 5 acres 1 -88 Harve Whlttlngton, 1 acre US Roy Whlttlngton. 10 acres 7 98 COTE CREEK Mrs. Roy Adams. 16 acres 10.00 Elizabeth Anderson, 14 acres 10.51 Mrs. Margaret Benfleld, 6 acres 4.06 Louis Bryan Estate, 17 acres ... 3 20 Clip Campbell, 30 acres 10.89 J. A. Campbell Estate. 4 acres 6.13 Pearl Campbell. 3 acres 1.25 Will H. Campbell. 30 acres 5.20 N. M. Church. 42 acres 38.94 James Cole, 10 acres 13.46 Claude Davis. 44 acres 47 .36 Dock Dlshman, lacre 896 J. N. Eggers, 4 acres 8.08 Dana Farthing, 3 lots 34.16 C. N. Greene. 20 acres 20.23 Dewey S. Greene, 48 acres 5.90 Estell Greene. 15 acres 15.48 Russell E Greene. 13 acres 8.46 W. H. Harbin Estate. 42 acres 13.19 O. J. Harmon. 5 lota 17.48 Lonnle Henson. 11 acres 319 J. H Hobby. 1 lot lJS Dallas Hodges. 12 acres 6.35 Duke Hollars. 50 acres 43.04 Boone Isaacs. 20 acres 14.06 Bud Isaacs. 24 acres 17-35 Enoch Isaacs. 11 acres 9.00 Lawson Isaacs. 4 acres 9.03 Tom Johnson. 32 acres 11.01 W. H. Jones. 8 acres 20.00 Nornie Kir by. 2 acres 4.39 Will Lawrence Estate. 1 acre .63 Jeff T. Matheson. 1 acre .96 Glenn Norris. 15 acres 12.10 Silas Norris, 4 acres 1.06 Clay Perry, 11 acres 15-80 S. J. Price (Van) 205 acres 96.28 Howard Reese. 2 acres 4.10 Romey C. Reese. 4 acres 5.00 Spencer Reese Estate, 19 acres .. 12.03 Mrs. Dela Robinson. 25 acres 5.46 Arthur G. Stanberry, 1 acre 1.75 David I. Stanberry, 119 acres 94.01 R. Stout St Will Bollmson. 100 acres 20.51 Chas. F. Trivette. 13 acres 6.15 Gordon Warren. 8 acres 8.00 Mrs Eliza Williams Estate, 11 acres 6.35 Roby W. Wilson. 17 acres 13.56 Chas. Younce, 34 acres 11 79 ELK Williama H. Benson, 75 acres 8.75 James Broyhill, 160 acres 9 38 Mattle L. Cook, 40 acres 448 J, C. Cowles Heirs, 100 acres 9 85 Nadie Crisp. 40 acres 1.80 E. T. Graham. 50 acres 4.10 Chllo Greene. 23 acres -94 Jerome Greene, 302 acres 60.50 R. N. Greene Heirs, 17 acres 1 63 Sherman Greer, 11 acres 8.60 Virgil Greer. 1 acre 4.73 W. M. Greer. 50 acres 10.00 Hattle Hendrix. 10 acres 4 35 Mrs. Carl Hodges, 1 acre 3.73 Mrs. Eva Hodges, 19 acres 1.88 Wlllard Hodges. 1 acres 4.35 M. A. Mackie. 30 acres 125 Allen J. Miller. 84 acres 17-34 Emery Miller, 4 acres 8.99 Jessie Miller, 1 acre -31 Olen Miller, 2 acres 4.54 W. H. Ac H. P. Parker Heirs, 37 acres 1.88 C. D. Payne. 87 acres 7.78 i Hillery Rhymer, 64 acres 8 .15 Franklin Bobbins. 39 acres 8 35 Annie Todd. 200 acres 21.06 A. P. Trlplett Heirs, 2 acres M Charlie Trlplett, Sr., 20 acres 3.78 Clyde Trlplett, 107 acres 10.23 Darby Trlplett Heirs. 80 acres 13.13 I Mrs. Elizabeth C Trlplett, 132 acres 9.34 1 Eugene Trlplett. 52 acres ... 7.03 ? Herman Trlplett, 3 .acres 3.91 Mrs. Pearl Trlplett, 17 acres 10 66 Walter Trlplett. 35 acres 6.47 Bessie Walker. 3 acres .50 I Mrs. Avery Watson. 10 acres : 2.00 i Jasper Watson. 14 acres .94 I Marvin Watson. 20 acres 2.56 Arthur J. Wheeler. 47 acres 9.85] Grover Wheeler, 20 acres 2.69 Joe Wheeler. 100 acres 10.98 i Ror.da Wheeler 4.85 LAUREL CREEK i Thad Harmon. 35 acres 14.11 Mrs. Bettic Mae Hagaman, 76 acres 19.43 ! Gordon Hagaman, 22 acres 12.23 ! Hardy Hagaman. 1 acre 1.63 'Gilbert Hagaman, 5 acres 1.04 1 Abner B. Harmon. 45 acres 4.06 Coy Harmon. 24 acres 6.55 James B. Hicks, 1 acre 1 58 Dewey James, 17 acres 7.40 1 Marion Mlllsaps Estate, 3 acres 63 I Carson H. Presnell. 18 acres 5.14 Ida Presnell, 12 acres ... 1.88 James M. Presnell. 32 acres 14 23 Lloyd H. Presnell. 35 acres 15.34 Laura South Estate. 12 acres 2.35 Don Trivett. 54 acres 18.03 Salmon Trivett, 52 acres _? 7 65 Mrs. Boyd Walker, 57 acres 32.81 Flora Ward. 5 acres 125 Mrs. Gertie Ward. 14 acres 2.66 Mrs. Nlta Ward. 4 acres 2.83 Charlie Warren, 9 acres 1 1 1 35 Marvin Warren, 4 acrea 6.00 MEAT CAMP Brodle M. Beach, 28 acrea 12.41 Clyde D. Brown, 21 acre* 4.31 Frank Brown, 89 acre* 1536 Arlie Brown, 1 acres 5.54 Wade Canter. 12 acree ... 7.06 Frank T. Greene, 13 acres 7.18 R. C. Greene Estate. 10 acre* 2.68 Edward Hodge*. 1 acre 10.91 Flnley P. Hodges. 1 acre 50 Mrs Julia Hodges. 33 acres 10.03 Thomas Hopkins. 30 acres 5 78 Oney R. Johnson. 19 acres 7.91 Cuge Lovlll. 40 acre* 5 00 Win ton Maine. 39 acres 12.00 Alice Miller, 71 acres 27.20 E. N. Miller Heirs, 11 acres 1.56 Margaret Millar, 3 acres 2.80 Melissa Miller Heirs, 93 acres 8.17 Vestal Miller, 10 acre* 898 W Claud Miller, 73 acres 18.69 Dwlght Moretz, 28 acres 6.10 Ivan Moretz. 59 acrea 18.80 Walter H. Moretz. 19 acre* 6.16 Willie Moretz. 38 acrea 6.86 A A. Pennington Estate 28 acre* 2 66 Ronald Ragan. 81 acrea 11.48 Sallle Ragan. 58 acrert 8.91 Edd Trivett, 1 acre 13.48 R. B. Wilson Heirs, 80 acres 5 46 Flnley A. Winebarger. 13 acres 7.50 frank Winebarger, 1 acre 4.18 Henry B. Wood ring, 80 acre* 583 James C. Wood ring Estate, 10 acre* 148 Smith Woodrlng. 25 acre* ...... 1.7$ W. L. Woodrlng Estate. 100 acres.. 12 89 NEW RIVER Frank Austin, 25 acree 1034 Harrison Baker, J acre 21.00 Joe Barnes. 30 acres 348 Csrrle H. Bingham, 1 acre 1 18 Blue Ridge Oil Co.. 1 lot 1.88 J. R. Brendelt. 1 acre 24.04 Howard H. Brown. 144 acres 88.49 Bill Clay. 1 acre O. ? 13 C. J. Cowles. 53 acraa 8.20 W J. Crutchfleld, 1 acre M C. *. Dotaon. 11 acre* loo? Shuford C. Kdmisten. a lots Ml B. U. Fgger*. 2 lots Si Olatlon C. Greene, 8 acres 8.79 Mm Dora L. Greene. 1 acre 6.44 Roe A. Greene. 11 Mrs Ruseell C. GtMnt. tl acres 7 Luther S. Hardy, 48 acres 11. Urs. I.uther 8. Hardy, 10 acre* 1. Alotuc Hodge., 77 acres It. Mn General Hcxlgrs. 33 acres 12 H. Walter Horton, 100 acrree J. C. Houck, 1 acre Mrs. Louise J one*. 1 lot Cormilia Keith, l acre 1JB Charlie Hardy, 17 acre. Mi Rom L. Maltha, 11 acres Mrs. Mauds Marshall. 4 acres l-? B<>b Milter. 13 acres 4*8 W. 8. Miller, 1 lot M W. 8. * N. L. Milter. 1 lot M Ed Moody, 18 acres 7 M Ralph Moore. 33 acres ? UjW J. Alonxo Moretx. 3 airij|l lot 1M? R. J. McGUla, 30 acres Leunea McGhee, 17 acres Toy Nelaon, 1 acre Fred Oxen tine, 101 ?ti .. H. F. Parker Estateu 1 lot John Par Iter, S lots Km eat M_ Payne, 1 lot Hi Linney Payne. 3 lota latolBi Preanell. 1 acre Mrs. Florence Phillips. 3 . ? Mrs. Willie K. Roberta, 3 lots B. J. Robertson. 7 acres j Jeeaie Robblni, 11 acres Alton Racers, 1 acre Richard S. Rogerson. 30 acras Robert Shearer Heirs (mineral) Orren SbarrilL 4 lots Tom M. Story. 1 lot ft. V. Sullivan. 1 acre R. T. Tate. 8 acres Tracy Turner, 4 acres Mrs. George Watson. 1 acre 8?* ^mtSndLu>L ,!*? Tom J. Wat?on. 80 acres . 15.*) Robert L. Weit, 6 acres Fred White. 1 lot J. H. Williams. 1 lot Finley A. Winebarger, 2 acres Mrs. Leila Winkler. 29 acres W. F. Winkler. .7 acres J. Alonzo Young. 1 lot B. G. Teams, B acres t 1 NORTH FORK Baker 6c Company, 60 acres 7.88 James Brown, 14 acres 2.70 Phoma Brown, 100 acres 16.31 Will Eldridge, 100 acres .623 Sam Ellison, 20 acres 8.51 Russell Hambv, 54 acres 4.43 Mosc Main. <& acres 18.83 Don Miller, 1 acre ... 8.58 Enoch Potter. 5 acres ? ... ... 8,10 Sam Potter, 11 acres 17.09 Mrs. W. E. Snydor. 41 acres 5.93 Ernest South, 17 acres 7.89 Bon Thomas Estate. 8 acres 4.25 Don Thomas, 59 acres 24.39 John Thomas Els t ate, 40 acres 8.75 SHAWNZEHAW Tom Balrd, 300 acres 37.50 Arvlll Eggers, 19 acres 7.98 Sidney Harmon. 39 acres 4.36 Charlie Matney, 8 acres 3 JO Brandon Miller, 20 acres 3.48 Bud Rupert Heirs. 25 acres 438 Remey Rupert. 65 acres 11.98 Lula Beard Spangler, 9 acres 1.74 OTOIVY FORK I. Jeptha Bingham. 7 acres 3.08 Bina Carlton, 2 acres 5.50 Guy Carlton, 1 acre ..... 11.66 Pat Carlton, 3 acres 4j84 Robert M. Carlton. 30 acres 3.10 H. H. Carroll. 2 acres 21 Jeter Church, 60 acres 828 Mrs. Mirtha S. Church. 49 acres ,4.08 Zeb Church Estate, 19 acres 1.86 B. B. Dougherty, 51 acres 8.58 Nolan H. Greene. 11 acres 6.10 G. C. Greene. 42 acres 329 Mrs. George A. Greene, 92 acres.. 1128 James W. Greene, 1 acre 656 Mannle L. Greene. 45 acres 2725 Paul F. Greene. 2 acres 1725 Roy Lee Greene. 3 acres 328 Reed Greene. 50 acres 7.68 Wilson Greene. 36 acres 8 28 Worth W. Greene. 15 acres 728 Carl Greer, 11 acres ... 1228 Cordelia Greer, 14 acres 320 Fred T. Greer, 37 acres ...... 28.43 J. M. Greer, Jr.. 2 acres 428 John R. Greer, 12 acres 556 Gull Oil Corp.. 6 acres .... 3.75 Clyde Hamby, 30 acres 10.49 Prince E. Hamby. 25 acres ? 5.50 Thomas M. Hopkins. 32 acres 2.75 H. W. Horton, 23 acres 2.73 Max E. Houck Heirs, 1 acre 21 Carrie Kowolosky. 29 acres 128 ? Balma Miller. 14 acres 920 1 Clint M Miller, 36acres 1523 ' Clementh B. Miller, 1 acre 10.00 Jacob L. Miller, 85 acres 725 Jones D. Miller, 20 acres 924 Thomas Miller Heirs, 33 acres 220 Pansy N orris, 56 acres 14.88 E. D. Payne, 28 acres 2228 Will F. Phillips. 54 acres 13 44 Willie Phillips. 11 acres 729 Mrs. Alice Kay. 30 acres 6.75 Coy Rogers. 1 acre 425 J. J. Smith Estate. 17 acres 128 Mrs. W. E. Smith. 68 acres 5.44 Vonley Trlplett Estate, 47 acres.. 8.94 Russell Trivett. 4 acres 3.80 Haggle Watson, 45 acres 6.73 Vandell Watson, 14 acres 10.10 WlUard C. Watson. 63 acres 9.29 Glenn Welch, 50 acres 1924 Edward Wellborn, 5 acres 10.16 J. J. Winebarger. 49 acres 1324 Avery Winkler. 8 acres 2.30 WATAUGA Mrs. Addie Isaacs Adams. 18 acres.. 6.84 Charlie B. Aldridge. 36 acres 6.03 Davidson Aldridge. 25 acren 3.29 Everett Aldridge. 30 acres 8.60 S. C Aldridge Estate. 12 acres 2 19 Stuart Aldridge. 5 acres 8.23 William Andrews. 5 acres 3.31 James L. Badgett. 1 acre 5.25 J. R. Baldwin. 15 acres 2.19 H. H. Berry. 103 acres 51.20 J. Ruff in Berry, 130 acres 21.56 Ethel &c Elsie Boogher, 73 acres 17.19 John Brewer. 10 acres 2.46 Charley Brown, 47 acres ... 10.19 Ralph Brown, 15 acres 8.23 A. C. Galloway. 6 acres 7.98 Roscoe Caudill. 25 acres 7.56 Bert Church, 13 acres 8.10 Fred Church. 13 acres 8 44 Roger Clark. 4 acres 1.25 | Don Coffey. 63 acres 17 48 Mrs. G. A. Coffey, 28 acres 3 85 ; Dr. Leonard 11. Coffey. I lot 1.25 i Sylvester Coffey. 40 acres 12.04 Watt Coffey. 6 acres 6.48 Mb W. P. Coffey. 10 acres 9 46 j Don Cook. 4 acres 225 i Fallah Cook. 23 acres 5.31 I G. B. Cook, 41 acres 8.20 : Stuart Cornell, 34 acres 16.54 Vance Cornell. 3 acres 1.88 William G. Cornell, 20 acres 4.54 Martha Cornett. 1 acre .38 Marshall Cornett, 9 acres 14.19 I Ray Cornett, 1 acre 5.23 * Oscar G. Danner. 54 acres 20 44 ! Mrs. James J. Davis. 2 acres 1 25 j Dugan Brothers. 2 acres 9 38 I Willie G. Earp. 29 acres 1110 j Clarence Fox, 5 acres 3.29 James M. Fox, 12 acres 325 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fox. 1 lot 5 48 Charlotte Gragg, 20 acres 2.50 I Ranee Greene, 75 acres 9.69 Frank Greer. 33 acres 16.38 John R. Hagaman Estate. 38 acres.. 2 75 J L. Harris, Ethel and Elsie Boogher, 78 acres 14 69 ki. CJ, 3 acr** ? 188 ! Ellard Hollars. 9 acres 520 i F. H. Hollars, 22 acres 6 84 Wilson Hollars. 9 acres 4 9? Herman Jestes, 47 acres 3238 R. K. Jestes. 33 acres 16.42 Bud Lineback, 56 acres 7.71 E. E. Lineback. 113 acres 13.12 Geo. H. Maurice, 15 acres 4.69 I James Miller, 1 acre 6.10 L. L. Moody. 9 acres 27 84 Mrs. J. B Morrison, 1 lot .62 Frances 8c Talmage McGuire, 24 i acres 7 G. H. McLean, 5 acres 128 Mrs- W M Pace. 2 acres .II Hi:::: 3 13 ??08 J* 33 acres 820 C- T. luvers. 5 acres - 3 75 Paul Sherinn, 2 acres 1 m G. W. Shook Heirs, 137 acres "" 1828 J. C. Shook. 28 acres 4 U O. A. Smith. 10 acres I 5.4a Hester C. Rrrith. 15 acres ...... 3*01 y ?? seres -HI! 18 78 R. D. Story. 1 acre 3 m Mrs. John A. Tate, 25 acres IIJI 42 43 Bynum Teague. 8 acres eaa Albert Townsend. 7 acrfi IZZI ?2 Mrs. Luther Townsend. 6 acres " 3 is Dick D. Townsend. 2 sc rJr??~Z 8 48 F. C. Townsend. 11 acres ... 49a Harrison Townsend. 31 acres 7 18 Howard H Townsend. 18 acres 6 10 Jason Townsend. 14 acres 2 Lon TownnpnH ia ? ? ? ** ? 0 acres 2.71 Ted Townsend. 8 acres J Thomas Townsend. 23 acres 1 1020 Troy C. Townsend. 3 acres J ? Mrs. Laura Wheeler, 33 acres Tg} Karl K. White, lacre 21 Wr&Kf7 1'aCTiiH ?*? Leonard Tartar, 4 acres