JESUS AND TRUE WORSHIP International Sunday School Laaion for July 11. 1946 Golden Text: "God is a Spirit; and they that Worship him must worship him in spirit anj truth." ? John 4:24. Lesson Text: Deut. 8:11-14. 18-19; Isaiah 40:30, 31; Mark 12:28-34. It is not just a "happen-so" that the Ten Commandments open with laws concerning man's relationship to God, for, after all, one's conception of God is the most important conception one! may hnve, because it influences every relation with one's fellow man. After reminding the children of Israel of his goodness in leading them out of the bondage of Egypt, the first commandment which God gives them forbids polytheism, the worship of false! gods: "Thou shalt have no other I gods before me." The Israelites were abut to go into the land of Canaan, where the inhabitants' had many gods, and, therefore, it was necessary that they be im-| pressed with the fact that they| had but one god, Jehovah, who had been the means of delivering Uiem from the hands of the| Egyptians. Inasmuch as God had done this much for them, surely he was en titled to and deserved their love, and worship. Had it not been for. Him, and his grace and mercy, and power, the Israelites would! have had no freedom, wouldi know no God, enjoy no hope forj the future and would have had: no nation of their own. Then! surely the command, "Thou shalt' have no other gods before me,' | was not an unreasonable demand. j Dr. G. Campbell Morgan de clares, "If God is what he claims) to be, then he must be the su preme object of worship. If it be Irue that he is Jehovah, then the1 Commandment is a reasonable' 3ne, and it must be a very un-j reasonable thing to have any: rther God beside him. In the! /cry necessity of the case, if the words spoken by God be true,1 ;hen God is sufficient and God is) jod. There cannot be two who fulfill that description of limit less life. That becomes an im aertinence and a sham to a man vho has had a vision of the truet Jod. Every man needs a God. There is no man who has not, somewhere in his heart, in his ife, in the essentials of his being, a shrine in which is a diety i rwhom he worships." But. "Ye cannot serve God and mammon." I said Christ. i It might be worthwhile, in this I connection, to point out that the < reverent, sincere worship of God ' tends to lift a human being high- < ?r while the opposite is true in ' the case of the idol-worshiper. > Someone has explained this by the thought that the god of. the heathen is lower than the wor- ' shiper himself, consequently, drags him farther and farther down. The Christian's God is in finitely higher than man and, asj man < worships Him, he is lifted ] up until he inevitably grows in his image. Even while these words were being written by Moses on M?. Sinai, the Hebrew people, irked ; by his long absence from them 1 and feeling the need of worship, erected a golden calf at the foot! of the mountain. It is easy for us to condemn the short memory of these He brew people, who so quickly for got the goodness of God to them [ and so easily turned back to idol worshiping as practiced by the Egyptians among whonythey had living for many years. However, before we condemn them too ( heartily, let us search our own' hearts. Jesus gave very definite teach-! ings about real worship when he talked with the Samaritan wo man at the well near Sychar. In conversation with her, Jesus de clared that the argument between the Jews and the Samaritans about the place for the worship of God was not the important thing, for the time would come when neither would they worship in Mount Gerizim nor at Jerusa lem. The important thing to be remembered, he declared, was the manner in which God was 1 worshipped. God desires men and women to worship .him in spirit and in reality. For, "God 1 is a Spirit; and they that worship him must worship in spirit and in truth." To worship God in spirit means THE LITTLE GRILL Four Miles West of Boone NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS SEVEN DAYS A WEEK/ ? Located Next to H. & W. Service Station Vilas, N. C. (? a \tacrvon \ 6 S0 a?4 Md ? ? ? i *aT iv?? Go?^ Hi* ?a FIRST vuks BIST US F OUR BUDGET PLAli mm Swoiiord's SI TIRE STORE ?f* H Boon*. N. C. Phone 225-J Banner Elk Church To Observe Lees McRae College Day Banner Elk ? The Banner Elk Presbyterian Church is making jlans for the observance of Lees McRae College Day at its morn ing service on July 21. The pas tor of the church. Reverend rhompson B. Southall. will pre ;ent a program of information and inspiration about the story of the college and her present needs. One feature of the program will ae an offering devoted to the college's endowent. At present, the college is attempting to se cure $200,000 in endowment, with the initial effort in Con :ord and Holston presbyteries, which are the official supporting constituency of the college. Rosey Farm Picture Has Its Dark Side A two-toned picture of the general farm outlook has been painted for the remainder of 1946 by the Farm Management Department of the Extension Ser vice at State College. The bright side of the picture shows higher prices for farm pro ducts, while the dark portion of the picture indicates a rising cost of living, and a continued scar- 1 city of feed and labor. Many signs point to a real break through in the price level, which has all ready advanced greatly. Farm labor will continue to be inadequate to meet all needs now, and will also be high. Equipment and transportation facilities will improve some, but farm machinery will be high in cost. Most repairs parts will soon be available. The price situation for most crops appears very good. The average yield of tobacco is smaller, but acreage is up nine percent. The price should hold up to 1945 levels. Cotton acreage is at a low average and the price is rising. Peanuts should bring at least 1945 prices. The support price will be near 7.7 cents a pound. In the livestock field everything is higher. Poultry has gone up and eggs will hold high prices during the fall and winter. All dairy products continue to lisei in price. Dairy cows are declining! in numbers, and are selling at anj all time high. The number of beeli cattle and hogs will be smaller! by next spring, indicating in creasingly higher prices. While livestock prices are going1 up, the feed is becoming harder! to find. Commercialy mixed' feed will be reduced 20 percent1 by government order. The far-: mer must depend on pasture,! home grown feed and farm by products to help ease the feed| shortage and the high cost of mixed feeds. Dickerson Takes Up i Duties at Lees-McRae Banner Elk ? Fred I. Dickerson, I who is on terminal leave with the 'Navy as lieutenant commander, jhas arrived in Banner Elk with ! his family, preparatory to be tcoming head coach at Lees-McRae college in September. Coach Deckerson has been con nected with the physical training j program of the United States Navy since 1942. Prior to that ;time he had coached for three j years at Lees-McRae, three years ?il Mars Hill college, and one (year at Davis and Elkins college Jin West Virginia. Lees-McRae wi] re-enter the I field of intercollegiate sportsi I this year in football, basketball, I track, tennis, and possibly others. Coach Dickerson replaces John jMackorell who is leaving thel coaching field to enter business.! that we are to worship him by' communing our spirits with his: spirit. Of this, J. Ritchie Smith! said: "He is a person. He is one.' jHe is not corporeal or material,1 Jand therefore is not apprehended! by the senses, nor subject to the| limitations of space and time. Thus the question where he! should be worshipped is answer-' ed. Though for* a time he ap pointed a particular place that was an accommodation to hu man weakness, and under the new dispensation worship may everywhere be rendered to Him who is everywhere present. If God is a Spirit, rites and forms and sacrifices will not suffice. He must be worshipped in that part of man's nature which reflects the divine." .Try BISM for A i Indigestion. Insist on genuine BISMAREX and refuse other so-called Anti acid Powders, recommended to be "just as good." BISMA REX is sold in Watauga county at Boone Drug Co. Th* REXALL Sior* I SIGNS DRAFT BILL President Truman signs draft extension bill, extending the draft for nine months and permitting induction of childless mar ried men in the 19-44 age bracket. Witnessing the signing of the bill are, left to right. Brig. Gen. C. S. Dargusch, Maj. Gen. I>ewis B. Hershey, selective service director, and Col. Lewis Renfrow. President Truman, seated. Sugar Grove News Mr. S. F. Horton, who resigned' as superintendent of Watauga county schools July 1, has accept-) ed work with the state board of education in making school bus route surveys in different coun ties over the state. Mr. Horton will return to Cove Creek high school as principal this fall. Rev. H. K. Middleton, pastor of Cove Creek Baptist Church, has just completed a course of study in Duke University. Mr. Middle ton has accepted the pastorate of Mount Calvary Baptist Church at Banner Elk. The Cove Creek Church released Mr. Middleton for one Sunday each month. Several Cove Creek teachers are attending summer school in Boone. These teachers are to be commended for their interest in improving themselves as teachers. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Horton and children. David and Betty, spent last week in Kinston and Wake Forest visiting Mrs. Blanche! Horton Davis and Mr. W. M. Fuller# Mr. Dale Adams has made ex-| tensive improvements on his home. This is the old Lee Os borne property and is one of the most attractive of the Cove Creek, homes. Mr. George W. Coggin, director] of industrial education, has ap propriated funds for an indust rial arts course in the Cove Creek high school. Classes will be held on Tuesday and Thursday after noons from 3:30 to 4:30 and on Saturday morning form 9:00 to 12:00. Anyone interested in weav ing, basketry and other phases of industrial arts work may contatt Mrs. Dare P. Strother for full in-| formation as to the course of study. The parsonage at Henson Chapel Church is nearing com pletion. This will be a very at tractive home and Rev. Starling and the Henson Chapel member ship deserve congratulations on having carried to completion such a worth-while project. Boone Flower and Gift Shop Cut Flowers. Corsages zfuL/ Funeral Designs, Also a Complete Line of Distinctive Gifts NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION North Carolina. Watauga County. The undersigned, having quali fied as administratrix of the es tate of Alice V. Watson, deceased, late of Watauga county, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of June, 1947, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersimfed. This 20t* jray of June, 1946. Ams. P. L. HAMBY, 7-4-6c ' Administratrix. HILLSIDE DAIRY Grade A Milk Pasteurized Grade A Milk Whipping Cream Telephone 44 BOONE, N. C. R. A. Rufty, Mgr. INSURANCE IF IT'S FIRE INSURANCE, we can save you money. We write on the dividend plan. We have companies . . . STRONG ENOUGH TO PROTECT YOU LARGE ENOUGH TO SERVE YOU SMALL ENOUGH TO KNOW YOU See or write the Watauga Mutual Fire Insurance Agency Northwestern Bank Bid. Boone. North Carolina DR. H. E. HALLER OF LENOIR, N. C. now located in rooms over the j Western Auio Associate Store j BOONE, N. C. i Complete Eye Examinations, Fitting, Adjusting and Repairing Glasses ^ ? Will make Examinations On One f ^/ednesday and Have Glasses ) On the Next Wednesday Hours 8:00 to 5:00 Weflnesday of Each Week O After 5:00 by Appointment Only o m,i ( '.iiiTir ? PEHKINSVILLE HOME CLUB ! MEETS WITH MRS. HENDRIX The Perkinsville Home De monstration Club met with Mrs. Raymond Hendrix and Mrs. Troy Greene on July 9. The meeting opened with a song and Scripture was read by| |Mrs. Woodrow Greene. After the business was discussed. the Imeeting was turned over to MisS jJoyce Sutherland, who made an interesting talk on insects. J During the social hour the , hostesses served a delicious party plate. Leaea Jake Recipe Checks Rheumatic Pain Quickly If you suffer fro* rheumatic, arthri* til or neuritsa pam. Uy this simple borne recipe that thousands ?re uring. Get a p*cV?fe of Ru-Ei Col pound, a 2 weeks* supply :oday. Mil ?t with a quart of water, add the juice of 4 lemon*. It'a eaay, pleasant and no trouble at all. You need only J tabteapoonfula two timet a day. Often within 48 hours ? . sometimes n%hc ? splendid results are .^Btained. If the paine do not mprfly leave and if you do not Ae^fettcr, Ru-Ex will coat you no<hinf?<o try as it ia ?old by your druggist under an abso lute money-back guarantee. Ru-Ex Compound i* foe aalc and ic com mended by CAROLINA PHARMACY Phon? 47 Boon*, N. C. I Next meeting of the club will be held with Mrs. Jack Edmisten on Aug. 13. Thu United States has shipped about , 205.000.000 bushels of wheat abroad for (amine relief in \he last six months. QUALITY USED FURNITURE We are featuring a comprehensive line of first class used fur niture, which includes Cook Stoves, Sewing Machines, Lawn Mowers, Living Room, Bed Room and Dining Room Furniture, Odd Chairs, Tables, Kitchen Cabinets and many other items. Our furniture is in good condition, and we can save you mon ey on your house furnishings. VALLE CRUCIS COMPANY Valla Crucii. N. C. NOTICE! Beginning with next issue of the Watauga Democrat, a series of helpful items on Fire Insurance will appear in this aa . . . on furniture, dwellings and business enterprises. Watauga Insurance Agency E. A. GAULTNEY & J. PAUL WINKLER, Fira Insurance Northwestern Bank Bldg. , Boone, N. C. REAL ESTATE SALES AND RENTALS . . . COTTAGES, VACANT . LOTS AND FARMS J. H. Winkler Phone 3086 Blowing Rock, N. C. - HONEY FOR SALE Pure Florida Honey in any amount you . . want. VILAS SERVICE STATION Vilas, N. C. Vulcanizing and Recapping We maintain a modern and complete Vulcanizing and Recap- ^ ping Department, and are rendering the best of service. COMPLETE ESSO LUBRICATION SERVICE . MADDUX ESSO SERVICE Phone 9103 M. R. Maddux, Prop. Dine at . . . ANGEL S CAFE Menu Changed Daily STEAKS ? COUNTRY HAM ? CHICKEN Sandwiches ? Short Orders Our Specialty OPEN DAY & NITE * ** "" PHONE 76-W PROTECT YOUR FAMILY by becoming a member of REINS-STURDIVANT BURIAL ASSOCIATION TELEPHONE 24 . . . BOONE. N. C. A 29-cent fee is charged upon joining, after which the follow ing dues are in effect : ' ? Quarterly Yearly Benefit One to Ten Years .10 .40 I 60.00 I Of wo to Twenty-nine Years .20 .80 100.00 Thirty to Fifty Years .40 1.80 100.00 fifty to Sixty-five Years .80 2.40 10088 _ LV. -rT - . ' -?

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