LOCAL AFFAIRS ufe'tat H: zS""1" S.& SSWCk JjK&l had Vwet k enHClaUde E Norris Mrs j E mu?, ?uests Mr. and; vSte, Va hUaker ot Martms Yor'k thi?W Chester is in New| Company^ th? "^-Whtte chiWrennofMB?l.Ronda M,ller and -^-Jsrawnr s ?? o5" ,Te,h&o?M? ArU"" Sta^yVn Th a!ld Mrs' Stai"'r N ' hES^ Thursday at Watauga Srsu fiywho w" nmJi W?!-o wCvLoo,k?bin and 'amily. avisitu-Yth ,e,f Monday from couUfy 'th reIatlv" in the for^n^T G'agg left Sundayl wfll t?"uPol,s J1- C.. where she Sio^ th<? Cannon hl?h Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Greene' of Durham, spent the week-end RMf' Mr- and Mrs! M^kSSA ^Neal Goodnight and week p^h" S* ?* ^aslonia were ssn SSffitf, 'he hOTO A"Sl?' 2V!. Walau<?a Hospital where! h* had a tonsilectomy Tuesday I cur Sn Crf^T J11" a"d ?? A?' w,".kS;T Bo""" ?>?? the s^'d"^ McrIii,A fP Wlld" " ofMOx^rH ^ ,?ubin Wa'kins| S5SS?j!Mr M" ^n| a" '? and Mrs. Clarence Lamkim fotte Uihtt;rs' Barbara and Cha " lotte spent part of Jast week1 RMgen8Tenn KnOXV,llc and ?aki PopW " R Maltba hf kim is th, / sect,on; Mrs. Haw Maftba f?rmer Mlss China Ridl'f i:,ernmie Hagaman of Oak Kidge, Tenn.. is spending a week Mr r iiaC.a?t,0n with her parents ! S J?'C " Mr! N C of Ht'"" sate ^ * ?aa Miss Margaret Eggers left the first of the week for Baily, Nash county, where she will teach dur ing the current school year. She was accompained to Baily by her mother, Mrs. S. C. Eggers. Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Hortoij of j Farrell, Pa , who have b ?n Visit ing in the county left Thursday, accompained by Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Horton of Vilas, who will visit relatives in Washington, New York and Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Manship of Asheville, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Burwell. Their little daughter, who has has bqen spending some time with her grandparents, returned home them. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mast of Valle Crucis. have returned from a two week trip to the western states, visiting a son, Walter A. Mast, Alameda, Calif., and also relatives in the States of Wash ington, Illinois and Iowa. While away they visited the Yellowstone Park and other scenic points in the western *rea. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Warren, Joseph Warren of Silverstone. and Mr. Tom Warren of Beaver Dam are leaving for Taylorsville, N. C., Tuesday, accompanied by their uncle Mr, H. L. Warren, who has been visiting his rela tives in Watauga this summer. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Winebarger and Mrs. Ed ward ChaiHX'll were, Mr. David Brandt and daughter Karen of Pontiac, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Barnwell and children of Oxford, Ala. and Mr.Estes Wine barger of Washington, D. C. Mrs. Ruth Rodhe Stenwall, summer resident of Boone, has returned to her in Jacksonville. Fla., fbr the winter. A brother. Dr. C. M. Stenwall and Mrs. Sten wall, who also spend their sum mers here, left last week for a month in Canada, before proceed ing to their home in St. Peters burg, Fla. Dr. and Mrs. Walter L. Wil helm and their children Linda, Walter and Jon of Memphis, Tenn., have returned to their home after visiting Mrs. Wil helm's mother Mrs. D. J. Cot trell on College street. Dr. and Mrs. George T. Wilhelm, of Knox ville. Tenn,. were also guests of Mrs. fi?Xtrell. jilr. S. E. Gragg of Shulls Mills recent]y underwent and opera tion far cotaract on the eyes at Jones Hospital Johnston City, Tenn Mr Jeter Hieks and family have established their residence in Boone. Mr. Hicks, son of Kev. P. A. Hicks, former Boone Tiinist er, comes here from Charlottee, where he was employed at vhe bus terminal, and will do similar work in this locality! i Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith from Miffingurg. Pa., are spend ing a few weeks visiting relatives and friends in Boone- Blowing Rock, Hudson- and Hickory. Mak ing their main stopping place with Mrs. Smith's sister, Mrs. Charles Critcher and family, while in this vicinity. Messrs. W. B. York and Fred Miller returned Saturday from Chanute Field, 111., where ;hey attended the national meeting of the Order of the Arrow, Bay Scouts of America. The local youths were delegates to the con vention from the Winston-Salem Scout district, which includes troops in Watauga county. Miss Hardin Married lo Mr. John R. Ebol Miss Lois Alienc Hardin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B. Hardin of Laxon. was married to Mr. John Rudolph Ebel. ol Maplewood. N. J., in a ceremony performed at the Orcutt Avenue Baptist Church, Newport News, Va.. on August 3. Rev. Herman T. Stevens officiated. Following a wedding trip to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ebel ,wiil make their home in Winston-Sa ilem. Coffey- Shore Wedding Solemnized on August 23 Miss Margie Coffey was mar ried to C. M. Shore in a cere-, mony performed by Rev. Robert Shore at his home on August 23. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Coffey, while the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Shore. They are making their home for the time being at the home of his father. MASONIC MEETING There will be a regular com munication of Watauga Lodge No. 363. A. F. & A. M.. Friday evening at 7:30. There will be work in the Fellowcraft's de gree. Yates- Broy hill Miss Verdie Yates became the bride of J. D. Broyhill Saturday evening at the office of Edw. N. Hahn. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barthlow Yates of Boone, while the groom is .the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Broyhill of E.ownwood, N. C. The ceremony was performed by magistrate Hahn. Sands Club Enjoys iPicnic on August 24. | The members and families of the Sands Home Demonstration club enjoyed an outing on the Parkway on Saturday. August 24. Among the points of interest visited were the Bluffs. Wildcat Rock, and the Cascades. A lovely picnic dinner was served in the park to the follow ing persons: Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hodges. Mr. and Mrs. James A Hodges. Mr. and Mrs. D. W Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Bart Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Williams and family, Mrs. Cecil Hartley and Jane, Mrs. Stanford Storie and fami.y. Miss Pantha Green, and Charles Hod ges. A lovely trip was enjoyed by everyone present. , The next meeting of the club| will be with Miss Pantha Green] on Friday. September 25. Family Reunion At Home Of Mr. and Mrs. Farthing The entire family of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Farthing, gathered at the home Sunday September 1, for family reunion, and general get-together The following were present on the happy occasion: Mrs. John A. Morgan, hus band and four children. They came here from Spruce Pine, but leave today for Norfolk, where Rev. Mr. Morgan takes the pastorate of one of the churches. Charles L. Farthing, wife and two children, Reidsville, N C. Charles is principal of one of the largest schools in Rockingham county. R. L. Farthing, and one child, Tryon, N. C. His wife and daughter were unable to come, they being the only ones absent. Ralph is in the grocery business in Tryon. Mrs. Roy M. Sasser, husband and two children, Goldsboro. Mr. Sasser is a Goldsboro attorney. James B. Farthing and wife, Boone, James is employed in the local bank. I Mrs. Herbert Graybeal, hus-| band and two children. Mr. Gray beal is principal of the consolidat ed school at Clifton, N. C. Dorthy Farthing, teacher in the High Point schools. NEW LIBRARY BOOKS New books in the Watauga county library: One day on Be etle Rock, by Carringhar; Gene ral Wainwright's story, by Consi dine; Democracy under pressure, by Chase; Second Carrot From The End, by Beck; Death of a Swagman, by Upfield; Miss War ren's Son, Jordan ; Vicious Pat tern, by Heberden; Woman At Bay, by Coxe; The Fifth Man, by Coles. Avehage per capita income of $1,150 in 1945 set all-time mark Dacus RADIO Shop EXPERT RADIO REPAIRING; ALL MAKES 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE Next to Theatre Phone 119 AUGUST BRIDE MARRIED MRS. BRUCE D. SAPP Miss Young is Bride of Bruce Daniel Sapp The First Methodist Church was the scene of a beautiful wedding Saturday afternoon. August 24, at 5:30 o clock, when Miss Tharon Young of Boone became ihe bride of Daniel Sapp, of Rich Square. Before the ceremony, Mrs. Joseph Williams, organist, olayed ?"Because", by d'Hardelot, "I Love You Truly,'* bv Bond. "Always" by Berlin. Dr. Winters, of Blow ing Rock, N. C. sang "Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes." The wedding march, "Lohengrin" by Wagner was used for the oroces sional and "Oh Perfect Love" was played during the cermony. Rev. J. C. Canipe of vhe bride's church, officiated, assist ed by Dr. E. K McLarty. pastor of the church. The vows were spoken before an arch covered with fern and greenery. The back ground was of white and green and on either, side of the arch were candelabra holding cathed ral tapers. fMnked by large bas kets of white gladioli. John Broodnac of Columbia, S. C. was best man. Ushers were Mac Davis of Nashville, Tenn Nathaniel Macon, New Bern, Lloyd Isaacs and R. D. Hodges, Jr., of Boone. The bride, given in marriage by her step father, R. W McGuire. wore a wedding gown oT white tiiffetta which was designed with a high braded neckline. The bodice and long sleeves, which ended in calla lily points over the hands, were of net and the hoop skirt extended into a long train. The handsome veil Was of net that fitted to the coronet nf orange blossons and cascading in to a long full viel. -The bride car ried a prayer book with an orchid and lube-roses. Mrs. Nathaniel Macon, of New Bern was matron of honor. She wore green net dress, picture hat of the same material and car ried a large b&quet of mixed flowers. Misses Grace Council) and Patsy McGuire, sister of the bride, were bridesmaids. They wore identical dresses of peach jnet with the picture hats and car ried boquets of mixed flowers. Immediately following the wed-1 ding, a reception was given by Mi and Mrs. McGuire at vheir| home. The guests were greeted by the wedding party and the table was presided over by the honor ary bridesmaids that included, Mrs. Bell McLeod, Mrs. Roger Matthews, Mrs. Cecil Hackney, Misses Ruby McGuire, Agnes Preston and Clyde Kilby. Mrs. Sapp is the popular daughter of Mrs. R W McGuire and the late Mr. Young She at tended the local high school, ,ind Appalachian State Teachers Col lege. She graduated from the University of N. C.. where she was one of the outstanding students on the campus. For the past year she has worked with the Social Welfare Department in New port News, Va. The bridegroom, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Channing Sapp of New Bern, N C., attended Appa lachian State Teachers College before entering the Army Air Force in 1943. He served in the European theatre for sometime' and has just received his dis charge. The young couple will^ MRS DON A RAYFIELD Miit Margaret Elizabeth Millar Is Bride of Don A. Rayfield. Miss Margaret Elizebeth Mil ler of Boone, became the bride ol Mr. Don A. Rayfield, Saturday evening. August 24th at 8:00 in the James I. Vance Memorial Presbyterian church. The double ring ceremony was oerformed by the pastor. Rev. J. K. Parker. Jr. The bride was given in mar riage by her father. The vows were spoken by candle light with the church decorated with hydrangea. Before the ceremony Miss Patsy Smith, of Mooresville. a student at A. S. T. C . played "Barcaralle." Misses Mary Lee Stout and Erma Norris sang "I Love You Truly", then the bridal song from "Lohengren" by Richard Wagner. The bride wore a suit of light blue gabardine with black acces sories. Her shoulder corsage was of white rose buds. Mr. Frank T Greene, brother in-law of the groom, was best man. Ushers were Jack Grogan of Cove Creek, and Stacy Eggers of Boone. The maid of honor was Miss Faye Rayfield, a sister of the groom. Her suit was light gray with black accessories. The bridesmaids were Paulene Green, Barbara Farthing, Lucille Norris, and Mrs Frank T. Green, of Boone; Miss Annie Miller of Mountain City, Tenn., a cousin of the bride, and Miss Minnie Dare Green of Vilas. Mrs. Rayfield is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lea man Miller of Boone. She receiv ed her education at Appalachian high school. For the last year she has been employed in Hunt's Department Store. Mr. Rayfield is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Rayfield of (Zionville Route I The groom was employed in Panama and Costa Rica for three [years before joining the Army. Was recently discharged after serving two years. Most of this 'time served overseas. After a wedding trip the couple I will make their home in Boone I for the present. make their home in Chapel Hill where Mr. Sapp will be enrolled in school. h - To Our Customers We appreciate the business of our friends and it is our aim always to give the best of service at the lowest cost. Our hanging space is so limited we are asking our cus tomers to call for their work promptly. We cannot be responsible for garments left over 60 days. Hi - Land Cleaners' BEN WOOD, Manager PAUL WEBER AND HIS MUSIC CONCERT and DANCE APPALACHIAN HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th O 8:30 to 11:45 Benefit of High School Recreation Program Worthwhile Woman's Club Admission . . . $1.50 per couple 1 WED? IN WILSON ?VVfci 1! Mrs. William G. Lasater (above) before her marriage on Aug. 10th, was Miss Kathenne Sugg Underdown. daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Underdown.l formerly of Blowing Rock, now] of Wilson. Mr. Lasater is the son of Mr. D. E. Lasater, Sr., and the late Mrs. Lasater of Erwin, N. C. Higher goal for American, wheat exports "is set bv Anderson. Blue Ridge Music Co. Opposite Buick Garage New and Used Phonograph Records for Sale 1-24-tfc OCX') DR. L. E. WELLMAN Optometrist MOUNTAIN CITY. TENN. Office Days: Tuesdays. Wednes days. Thursdays, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. 6-20-tf Yonahlossee Theatre Dial 3071 Blowing Rock SHOWS EVERY NIGHT AT 7 AND 9 P. M. THURSDAY Eddie Albert ? Gale Patrick Faye Marlowe C. Aubrey Smith in "RENDEZVOUS WITH ANNIE" Plus: Three Stooge Comedy FRIDAY The story of a girl who tried to cure heartbreak with other men'i kisses! DOROTHY McGUIRE GUY MADISON ? in ? "TILL THE END OF TIME" Plus: World's Latest News SATURDAY They fought for what they wanted ? in the way they knew best . . . VIRGINIA GREY BUSTER CRABBEE ? in ? "SWAMP FIRE" ? Plus ? Cartoon. Comedy, Pete Smith SUNDAY DOROTHY McGUIRE ROBERT YOUNG ? in ? "CLAUDIA AND DAVID" Plus: Lonesome Lenny Cartoon MONDAY Together again ? Terrific Again! HUMPHREY BOGART LA WREN BACALL ? in ? "THE BIG SLEEP" Plus: World's Latest News TUESDAY Upon popular request we bring one ol motion picture's greatest masterpieces. If you have seen it once It's well worth seeing again! GARY COOPER INGRID BERGMAN ? in ? "FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS" in Technicolor Plus: Cartoon WEDNESDAY DURYEA . . . He's no ?angel again. He's the man whom w?m?n called "Heartbreak" DAN DURYEA JUNE VINCENT PETER LORRE "BLACKANGEL" Plus: Cartoon and Short THURSDAY ANITA LOUISE MICHAEL PANE ? in ? "Personality Kid" Plus: HVck Chick Cartoon . Paseing Parade - Musical Church Announcements FIRST BAPTIST R?t. J. C. Canipe. Pastor Remember next Sunday. Sept. 8. is G. I. Day in our church. We will honor especially the boys on our honor roll, but are expecting all G. I.'s in the town and com munity along with the American Legion, and all others who have had war records A special pro gram is being prepared. GRACE LUTHERAN Edwin F. Trout man. Pastor Sunday School at 10 a. m. Worship at 11 a. m Anthem, "Nearer. My God". Sermon top is: "Mountain-top Experiences." Luther League af 6:30 p. m. Brotherhood at 7:30 p. m. Choir rehearsal 7:30 p. m. Kri-, day. Come to worship, depart toi serve. REVIVAL AT TODD Rev. John W. Groce of High Point, N, C.. approved evangelist of the Methodist Church, will hold a series of revival services at the Blackburn Chapel Meth odist Church, Todd, beginning Sept. 9. Services each evening at 7:45. The pastor, Rev. Ernest Stephens, and the congregation extend to everyone a cordial in vitation to attend these services, and hear Mr. Groce. PASTIME THEATRE 2 Shows Each Nigh! 7-9 Monday Through Friday Saturday Showt at 2-4-7-9 Admisiion 9c and 2Sc WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY ney toots, rm iN rne Atoms NOW.'. Leon Errol - Joe Kirkwood LEON ERROL at Knobby Walsh JOE KIRKWOOD as Joe Palooka ELYSE KNOX as Anne Howe| FRIDAY "Riders of Dawn" ? with ? JIMMY WAKELY SATURDAY "Lady Has Plans" ? with ? GODDARD - MILLAND MONDAY 'Anchors A weigh" TUESDAY "REAP THE WILD WIND' WEDNESDAY "Belle Starr" T APPALACHIAN Monday Through Friday Shows 2-4-7-9 Matin** 9c- 30c; Night 35c Saturday 11 o'Clock 9c- 2 5c ''Everybody Lik*s B*on*" Call 170 For F*alux* Tim* SOYO CINY SANOLS I hum aaxovd a Tin j os whij os aNnou os 9t6I J? ^!?M lMOH ?MX ? ut ? uVDNVlflVSVD NI JLHDIN V? pu*ds SH3HXOHS X?VW 3H1 AV(lS3Na3M TH URSDA Y-FRID A Y LANA JOHN TURNER GARFIELD '^^nan Always . sliice ??* Their Love Wai a Flam* That D*stroy*dl SATURDAY 11 o'Clock THE MAIL GOES THROUGH! USD RIVER ?lorring A MPUBUC P1CTUM Also lh* Stooges in "Monkey Business Men" and chaptn 2 "MONSTER AND APE" SATURDAY 7 o'Clock THE MIOOLE OF A KISS . . . MURVL, NIGHT editor | William GARGAN Janis CARTER J?ff DON NELL The year's outstanding sus pense hit. Also last chapter WHO'S GUILTY?" and Cartoon MONDAY-TUESDAY Sju> ...IN ACTION? I N ONE PICTURE! Th? Jomes Boys Th? Da I tons B?ll? Starr IMKBOIPH SCOTT ANN RICHARDS I -ffflRBE^HAYES The Scr*?n's Mightiest Saga of Frontier Outlaws' WEDNESDAY One Day Only '*%JE?KlNS I amu i Jim ucio'cr CRAIG HOMEIER PATRICK 1 Remember "BOYS' TOWN" a Great Movie ? This is Greater! An Important Announcement On account of State and Federal laws we are not al lowed to buy or swap any local merchandise. Every item in slightly used wearing apparel which we sell, is shipped in, and is thoroughly sterilized. When you buy from us you are not buying any of your neighbor's clothes. 0 We put forth every effort to please you and will gladly exchange or refund your money on any item you buy from us, provided you ao not wear same when out of the store. Thank you^ We appreciate your patronage. O JUNE RUSSELL . THE ECONOMY STORE Congratulations to th? Farmer* o I Wttiagt County on th? Organisation of Um WATAUGA FARM BUREAU

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