JESUS AND SINCERITY OF SPEECH International Sunday School L*uon for September I. 1946 Golden Text: "Wherefore, putting away falsehood, speak ye truth each one with his neighbor" ? Ephesians 4:25. Lesson Text: ixodus 20:16; Proverbs 20:23-28; Matthew 26:69-75 While the Ninth Command ment, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbors," refers primarily to the giving of false evidence in court, it natu rally follows that it forbids the giving of false testimony against anyone at any time. This would forbid the practice of gossiping, of slandering, of adding extra facts to a story to make it more interesting, and, in fact, all forms of untruths. It is evident that the practice of lying originates in a heart that is unclean. This Jesus recognized and, for this reason, strongly con demned the hypocrisy of the religious leaders of his day, who strictly adhered to all external rituals, such as the washing of the hands before eating, but who were not so careful that their hearts and lives were corres pondingly clean. They were ex amples of "living lies" because their outward appearances testi fied to one thing, while their hearts were not in harmony with| their action. Lying does not just happen, it proceeds through un clean lips from an unclean heart. In John 8:42-45, Jesus is argu ing with his enemies, the Phari-, [sees, who, because they . were jmoi^ally unable Vo receive his message, branded him a liar. Be cause what he declared did not fit in with what they were teaching, they relused to believe him, in cited others to do likewise, and, finally, by the use of paid, false witnesses, had him condemned ?o death and crucified on the cross. However, Jesus told them that if they were what they claimed to be ? God's chosen children ? they would believe that he was what he claimed to be ? God,'sj son. If they were really God's children, they would have had spiritual discernment necessary to recognize Jesus as divine. But because they were morally the children of the devil and did the bidding of their father, the devil, they did not understand or be lieve him. OAK LODGE CAFE s?^ 1 mile out of West Jefferson No Beer 9 t^nf^to on ???ne Highway 221 or Wine 8 p. m. Phone 4-F-320 Sold "HOME OF GOOD FOOD" Blue Plate LUNCH 50c to 65c FRIED CHICKEN Fr#nch Fry. and tlaw Sl.JS T-BONE STEAK Frnch Fry*. eol? *law_ SUS DELICIOUS COUNTRY HAM Phone or write for reservation for rooms TEXACO SERVICE STATION GLENN COFFEY. Operator. Blowing Rock, N. C. EXPERT TEXACO LUBRICATION BY COMPETENT MECHANIC . . . WASHING. POLISHING ACCESSORIES. REAL ESTATE SALES AND RENTALS . . . COTTAGES, VACANT LOTS AND FARMS J. H. Winkler Phone 3086 Blowing Roak, N. C. HONEY FOR SALE Pure Florida Honey in any amount you want. VILAS SERVICE STATION Vilas, N. C. PROTECT YOUR FAMILY by becoming a member of REINS-STUREHVANT BURIAL ASSOCIATION TELEPHONE 24 . . . BOONE, N. C. A 25-cent fee is charged upon joining, after which the follow ing dues are in effect: Quarterly Yearly One to Ten Years 10 .40 Two to Twenty-nine Years 20 .80 Thirty to Fifty Years 40 1.60 Fifty to Sixty-five Years .60 2.40 FIRE INSURANCE Helpful information to fire insurance policy holders and prospective policy holders: 1. To those visiting or attending school at a distant place: in case of loss by fire of clothing, 10% of Ihe amount of poli cy value on furniture and contents will be paid assured. Ex ample: Assured carries $1,000.00 on household furniture, cloth ing and other contents. Son visits uncle. Clothes valued at $100.00 are destroyed ? Assured gets $10% or $100.00. Watauga Insurance Agency E. A. GAULTNEY k J. PAUL WINKLER. Fire Insurance Northwestern Bank Bldg. Boone, N. C. Benefit I 50.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 "Men are responsible for their volitions, and, as sin is not the direct offspring of their own wills, but the offspring of the surren der of their own wills to this mysterious will behind them, [their deliverance from his per sonal influence is possible and is the result of Christ's salvation" ? (Geo. Reith.) Lying, hypoci isy, untruthful ness, dishonesty and the like are just as prevalent today as ihey were in the time of Moses or of Jesus Christ. In private life and in public life, there are glaring examples of all forms of false witnessing. Very often we read of witnesses in court being prosecuted 'or perjury, for giving testimony that is later proved to have been un true. In international affairs, we also have instances where na tions sign treaties, apparently with no intention of abiding by the provisions contained in ihem. Thus, we have witnessed ihc breadown in private, local, state, national and international af faii's involving confidence in one another. When confidence is destroyed, we have undermined the very base of civilization for, whether we realize it or not. our every jday business transactions depend |upon our faith in the trustworth iness and honesty of those with whom we deal. ! We trust the merchant from whom we buy an article to sell us worthy merchandise at a fair price. We mail a letter to a loved one in a djstant city, confident that it will be delivered because we believe in the honesty of the postal employes. We follow our doctor's orders because we have faith in his integrity and confi dence in his ability. What a ter rible thing it would be if we could trust no one! Therefore, we should do all in our power to guard ourselves against the formation of the habit of deceitfulness. An easy habit to acquire, it is an unusu ally difficult one to break. Once one's reputation for truthfulness is destroyed, it is practically im possible for it to be rebuilt. I Let's be honest in our dealings with those in our home, in our business and social life, in the making of promises, and in the varied and sundry contracts of lour lives: Let us so live each day that the telling of a lie. either to our fellow men or to Cod. will be [unnecessary. BLACK MARKET The resources of the Office r>f Price Administration, augmented by aid from the Department of Justice Treasury, and Agriculture [ture, will be used to block any [revival of a meat black market when price ceilings are again re jstored, according to Paul A. Por ter- head of the OPA. FOOD RISES | Mid-July food prices in seven teen cities throughout the country were 80 per cent higher than In August- 1939, according to the Bu reau of Labor Statistics. Memphis Tenn. led with a 94.6 per cent rise, while Houston Texas, with a 64 per cent rise, was the lowest. SOME EARNINGS ! Salt Lake City. ? In about a minute's time at the recent Days of '47 Rodeo. Cowboy Buck Sor 'rcls earned SI -456 as prize money for roping three calves and bull dogging one steer. He averaged about 15 seconds for each lime [out. DOG FOOD MADE BY GENERAL MILLS Puppies and adult dogs of all breeds really like larro. It hat taste appeall And yod can feed it in many dif ferent way*. Distributors Wilson's Feed Store Boone. H. C. Dealers: i Howard Mast, Valle Cruets H. & W. Service Station, Vilas Ralph Hartley, Meat Camp Hollar's Grocery, Boone Triplett's Grocery, Boone >X 'TiiLVTI.i:-' | Telling a gripping story of vhe days when the Oklahoma Pan handle was a true No-man's Land and a haven for most o^the West's outlaws, RKO Radio's big adventure romance' "Badman's Territory " stars Randolph Scott, Ann Richards and George "Gab by" Hayes at the head of a dis tinguished cast. ? Scott- as a Texas sheriff, jays aside his badge to go into the re gion in search of his reckless younger brother. Miss Richards is cast as an impetuous newspaper woman striving to persuade the inhabitants to join with the rest of Oklohotna in petitioning Con gress for full territorial status, and eventual Statehood. Not only do the outlaws and their hangers-on prefer to keep the area free from Federal sup ervision. but the prosperous cat tlemen also enjoy their freedom from regulation and taxes. This brings about a dramatic conflict between the opposing forces' against which is painted the vivid activities of ;he James Boys, the Daltons and other fa mous bandits of the era. and the istormy love affair between the Isheriff and the heroine. | An exciting horse-race, a train robbery and the trill-laden re creation of the Dalton's memor able Coffeyville raid also lend color and authenticity to the un iusal film- which will be showing at the Appalachian Theatre Mon iday and Tuesday. September 2 'and '.ird. ANSWERS * } 1. 16,000.000. | 2. Australia's Minister of Exter nal Affairs. 3. The Dardanells. 4. About 500 000. 5. Yes, under a treaty signed in 1936. 6. Thomas' Jefferson. 7. Not as long as Franco re mains if) power. 8. 8 300 000. 9. No; Switzerland has not ap plied for membership. 10. Yes, about forty per cent. FBI figures show crime up 13% biggest increase since 1930. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the will of the late Larkin M. Trivett, this is to notify all per jsons holding claims against the 'estate of the said deceased, to present them for payment with jin 12 months of the date hereof, or this notice will be pled in bar of their recovery. All those in debted to the estate will please make immediate payment. This July 26, 1946. W. L. TRIVETT. 8-l-6c Executor Boone Drug Co. The REXALL Store G. K. MOOSE. Owner STORE HOURS: 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. on week days. Sundays: 2 to 6 o'clock p. m. ? ? ? ? ? ? . GRAYSTONE Block Company I am now manufacturing concrete blocks in quantity from crushed stone. If you have been disappointed in a sand block made by different processes, see and test this one made from crushed stone with plenty of cement. I have the latest power tamping machine and perfect mixer. J. C. McCONNELL Ownir Telephone 199 Boon*, N. C. Watch Repairing With a more satisfactory sup Hv of materials of late, we are pleased to offer our patrons a watch repair service compar able to that given in the pre war years. We have added another man to our staff, and *11 or ders are delivered within a minimum length of time. Our 22 years of experience in this community is your guar antee of good service and honest workmanship. WALKER'S Jewelry Store WILL C. WALKER Opposite Pomtofflc* Italians demand return of tub marine cables seized during war. NOTICE OF SALE State of North Carolina. County] of Watauga. In the Superior Court; Before the Clerk. W. H. Jones and Frances Jones, his wife; B. H. Watson and Sadie Watson, his wife, and B. B. Dougherty vs. J. S. Lyons #id Lillie Lyon* his wife. Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wat auga County, North Carolina, made in the special proceedings entitled as above, and signed on the 5th day of August, 1946, by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Watauga County, the under signed commissioner will, on the 14th day of September, 1946, at 11 o'clock a. m? at the court house door of Watauga County, in Boone, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, all that certain tract or parcel of land together with the improvements thereon, lying and' being in Boone township, Wat-j auga County, North Carolina,! and more particularly described: as follows, to-wit: Being in the town of Boone| and beginning on a stake in King! street, comer of store and lodge and runs north 36 degrees with King street 24 feet to a stake ;| thence south 34 west 100 feet to a stake: thence south 56 east 24 [ jfeet to a stone, corner to store; land lodge lot; thence north 34 east 100 feet to t^ie beginning, and being the lot on which is lo cated the building known as thei old post office building. This 12th day of August. 1946. J. E. HOLSHOUSER, 8-15-4c Commissioner.! NOTICE North Carolina. Watauga County. In the Superior Court. Rebecca Price Nelson; Julia Price Pierce; Edith R. Price; . Mrs. James P. Tobin; Walter Price; Coy Price; M. N. Ellison; Helen Ellison Rippel; Glen El lison; Theola' Ellison Jordan; Mrs. Chris Magelki, Petitioners vs. Howard Price; Verna Price Wilma Price ; Edna Price Jervis, together wilh any and all other heirs-at-law oi S. J. Price, deceased, Defendants. The above defendants will takej notice that an action entitled as] above has been commenced in| the superior court of Watauga | County. North Carolina, to par-, tition and/or sell property be-| longing to the estate of S. J. Price, deceased; and that the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the superior court of said county in the courthouse in Boone. North Carolina, within 10 days after 3rd day of September, 1946, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or pe titioners will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 3rd day of August. 1946. A. E. SOUTH, Clerk of the Superior Court. Watauga County, N. C. 8-8-4c ? web ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of W. F. Wink ler, deceased, late of Watauga County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned or her attorney, on or before the 8th day of August, 1947. or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate (will please make immediate pay iment. | This 5th day of August, 1946 MRS. W. F. WINKLER. Administratrix of the Estate of W. L. Winkler. J. E. Holshouser, Attorney for Administratrix. 8-l-6ch NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Watauga County; In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk S. C. Eggers, Administrator of the estate of S. J. Price, de ceased, vs. (Rebecca Price Nelson, Julia Price Pierce, et al. Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wat auga County, in the special pro ceedings entitled as above, signed on the 5th day of August, 1946, by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Watauga County, the undersigned commissioner will, on the 6th day of September, 1946, at two (2) o'clock p. m., at the courthouse door in Boone, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, all ? that certain tract of land lying " and being in Cove Creek town ship, Watauga County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning on a bunch of lynn trees on top of the ridge and runs south with the old grant line to two dogwoods in the Jerry Greene line; thence south with said Greene's line to the Zach Adams line; thence with said Adams line to the T. P. Adams line; thence with conditional line between the said Adams line and Samuel Lawrence, now S. J. Price line to the line of the heirs of J. W. Smith; thence with the said line along the extreme top of the ridge to Geo. Smith's line; thence with said Smith's line to Holden Davis' line; thence with said Davis' line and Jerry Greene line to the beginning, containing 100 acres, more or less, and being the lands conveyed to S. J. Price by deed recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Watauga County in Book L, at page 388. This 5th day of August, 1946. S. C. EGGERS. 8-8-5c Commissioner. OPA price rises defended as a OPA opens a dftve as the short barrier to runaway inflation. age of sugar becomes acute. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT Claude Garland of Shells, Mills, N. C., is a candidate for the Republican nomination for Clerk of Superior Court of Watauga County. He has been in business in Boone and is a popular and well known young man. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself as a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the Re publican convention. ELMER G. MILLER Blue Ridge Township. QUALITY USED FURNITURE Wo are featuring a comprehensive line of first class used fur niture. which includes Cook Stoves. Sewing Machines, Lawn Mowers, Living Room, Bed Room and Dining Room Furniture, Odd Chairs, Tables, Kitchen Cabinets and many other items. Our furniture is in good condition, and we can save you mon ey on your house furnishings. VALLE CRUCIS COMPANY Valle Crucis. N. C. For Heavenly Food Dine at . . . ANGELS CAFE Chicken Dinner ? Short Orders Steaks ? Chops ? Sandwiches Home-Baked Pies ?PUBLIC ACCLAIM? OUR RFWABD FOR FAITHFUL SERVICE" Open Day and Nite ? Opposite Bus Station ? Phone 76-W Announcement I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Watauga County, subject to the Republican convention. I am 28 years old and a life-long Repub lican. I have four years and six months military service in World War No. 2. Three years of this tirm ->s military policeman. Served on the front linos in the Rhineland and Central Europe. Actual combat two months. Was wounded and awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart. My rating was sergeant. Anything my friends can do for me will bo appreciated. BLAINE FORD Blue Ridge Township Blowing Rock, N. C., Route 1 A nnouncemen t Every Monday and Wednesday Beginning Monday, September 9th, and until further notice . DR. H. E. HALLER of Lenoir, N. C. will be in his offices over the Western Auto Associate Store, in Boone, N. C., for Complete Eye Examinations, Fitting, Adjustments and Repairing of Glasses One week service (or less) from examination to delivery of gla^^s. Hours: 8:00 to 5:00 Monday and Wednesday Every Week After 5.00 by appointment only.