LOCAL AFFAIRS Mrs. Francis McGhinnis ofi Washington, D. C., visited lust j week with relatives and friends in the county. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Trotter and I daughter Virginia, of Statesville, visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Winkler. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wilcox and family left Sunday for Fort Lauderdale, Fla., where they will spend a holiday vacation period. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Isaacs of Elk Park were in town last week. Mr. Isaacs has returned from an extended business trip to Detroit, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. John Boone, Duke University, Durham, are spending the holidays at the home of Mr. Boone's mother, Mrs. Esther S. Boone. Mayor and Mrs. Gordon H. Winkler and daughters, Anna Boyce and Barbara, left Saturday for a two week's trip to Miami, and other points in the state of Florida. Mr. H. C. Ingram of Colbert, Wash., has been spending a few days with friends in Watauga, be fore proceeding to his old home in Iredell county for a visit. Mr. Ingram left this section for We northwest 45 years ago, after having taught for three years in the public schools of Watauga county. UNION CHURCH SERVICES Union services will be held at the Advent Christian Church Sunday evening at 7 o'clock, when the sermon will be deliver ed by Rev. Mr. McKeown of the Episcopal church. Present plans of the "ministerial association are for one union service in the city each month. EMPTY STOCKING FUND } Two new contributors are noted to the empty stocking fund: J. O. Cook $1.00 and Mrs. H. I. Lookabill $5.00. This brings the number of contributors to the fund to 22 and the amount ofj money to $69.90. Mrs. C. C. Farth ing of Boone contributed nice' apples to the cause, and others1 made special price concessions on fruits, confections, etc. CHRISTMAS PROGRAM A Christmas program including a play "The Prophecy Fullf illed' , | will be given at Three Forks, Baptist church, the night before1 Christmas at 7.30 p. m. The pub-i lie is cordially invited. SPAGHETTI DINNER Very delightful yas the spag hetti dinner given by Sir Guy Monroe Thomas when he enter tained at the "House of Seven Gables". A group of A. S. T. C. students prior to their going home for tne Christmas holidays. Enjoying Mrs. Cottrell's fam ous spaghetti with its equally famous sauce were: "Red" Leatherman, Will Gra ham, Danny Perkins. Troy Husk ey, Martin Martin, Bill Holt, Bob Teidder and the host. Mrs. F^ank M. Piyn* Entertains With Christmas Party The Friday Afternoon Club met with Mrs. Frank M. Payne on December 20th, at her home in Cherry Park. A life size model of St. Nicholas was stationed in the entrance hall to assist in welcoming the guests. The house throughout was gaily bedecked with evergreens, and a brightly lighted tree was the center of interest in the living room. The hostess presented a pro I gram of music and stories ap propriate to the season. Mrs. H. B. Perry, Jr. played a piano solo, "Tryika , or Sleigh Ride", a Rus sian number by Tschaikovsky. Mrs. D. J. Whiiener sang "White Christmas". Mrs. J. D. Rahkin read two humorous stories about Santa in I i the modern age. ' The guests were invited to the dining room, where a beautifully appointed table with colorful and . delicious refreshments awaited them. Mrs. Ronda Hardin, Mrs. James Councill and Mrs. Coun cill Cooke assisted in serving. Santa Claus, impersonated by Frankie Payne, Jr. "led the group in singing "Jingle Bells", then sang alone, "Santa Claus is Com ing to Town", Santa presented a gift to each one present. Special guests other than club members were: Mrs. James Councill, Mrs. P. O. Brewer, and Mrs. H. B. Perry, Jr. | I Worthwhile Woman's Club Holds Christmas Meeting The general meeting of the Worthwhile Womana Club was held on the evening December j 12th, at the home of Mrs. W. C. Greer. Hostesses assisting Mrs. Greer were: Mrs. J. M. Moretz, Mrs. J. C. Farthing, and Mrs. Ralph Greer, who served delici ous refreshments to the guests as they arrived. The dining table was gay with red candles and evergreens, and a i Christmas tree surrounded with gifts dec orated one end of the room. Mrs. R. H. Harmon, president, was in charge of the business. W. B. York, member of the student council, and representing the Appalachian High School, was introduced The club voted to sponsor youth recreation at the nigh school on Satu'day after noons. Two club members will act as supervisors in the gym nasium and recreation rooms, beguiling after the holidays. Final plans for the under privileged children's paty at the theatre, December 22, were com pleted. Toys, fruit and candy are being secured for 150 children. The program was in charge of Mrs. A. P. Eggers. Origin of "O Little Town of Bethlehem" was presented in song by two young girls, Beth Eggers and Betty Ann Hagaman. Several members gave Christ mas customs from other lands, and all sang, "White Christmas." Mrs. Eggers read a modern humorous version of "The Night Before Christmas." Gifts were distributed from under the tree. More than thirty members were present for this delightful annual affair. Cook -Cook On December 20 Miss Osa Lee Cook and Mr. Alton Monroe Cook were married in a quiet ceremony at the home of Rev. A. E. Moretz. The bride is the lovely daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Cook ot Zionville. She received her edu cation at Cove Creek school. For some time she has been employ ed by the Rexall Drug Comany. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cook of Boone. He received his education at Appalachian high school. He served two years in Germany, France and Belgium in the recent war. He had the rank of Cor poral when discharged. After a brief wedding trip the newly-weds will reside witn the groom's parents. Fidelis Class Entertained At Buffet Supper The Fidelis class of the Baptist church was entertained at a buf fet supper Tuesday night, Dec ember 17th. at the home of Mrs. E. S. Quails with Mrs. Quails, Mrs. Herbert Jones, and Mrs. Lester Carroll as hostesses. Christmas decorations were used in the living room and gifts brought by the members were placed under a lighted Christmas tree. The dining table was cover Blue Ridge Music Co. Opposite Buick Garage New and Used Phonograph Records for Sale 1-24- tfc Dacus RADIO Shop EXPERT RADIO REPAIRING;! ALL MAKES 24 YEARE EXPERIENCE 217 E. Main St. Phone 117! COM, SUFFERERS! 666 STARTS RELIEF IN JUST 6 SECONDS Ofl famous, pr*?cHptla?-t>-p? J for Mprr-apcerijr { from co 14 miMrirt. Try - Col# Tablets, or. Liquid Cold ? ffnfflPrif arstJon today Car (ton: Un only' aa direct ad. IS YOUR LIVER CRYING FOR HELP because of constipation or faulty di festion? If you feel bilious, sour, ioated with gas, headachy, blue, grouchy, you may be putting too big a burden on your liver. Retained un digested food becomes putrefactive, causes toxins, which overload the liver, keeping it from working prop erly. Then Is the time to relieve your tired liver by letting Calotabs help nature sweep the putrefactive ana partially digested matter from your stomach and Intestines. Nothing acts Just like good old Calotabs. Use as di rected. 10c and 25c at your druggists. Take CALOTABS Correction The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Mountain Burley Warehouse, Inc., will be held January 4th, 1 947, at 3:30 p. m., at the Junior Order Hall, Boone, N. C. All stockholders are urged to be present. ? H. GRADY FARTHING, Pres. CLYDE R. GREENE, Sec'y. ed with a lace cloth and centered with an arrangement of red tap ers and holly. After suppe#the class held its regular meeting with the presi dent, Mrs. George C. Greene, presiding. The devotional service was conducted by Mrs. Claude Morris who had as her theme 'The Need for Meditation in Christmas Living." At the con clusion of this there was a brief period of silent prayer while Mrs. R. L. Tait played softly, "Silent Night, Holy Night." A Christmas reading, "Simeon Hears The Angels^', was given by Mrs. Ralph Greene. The business meet ing began with a report by Mrs. Hale Vance on plans for gifts of fruit to shut-ins. Mrs. Vance also presented the schedule of meet ings for 1947. The secretary's re port was given by Mrs. ' C. C. Rogers ana the treasurer's report by Mrs. Leonard Story. Mrs. Wiley Smith explained details of assistance being given to a needy family. At conclusion of the business Little Miss Nancy Quails sub stituted for Santa Claus and delivered a gift to each person present and the teacher of the claap Jdrs. Frank Miller, was pre sented a gift from the group. Miss Ball Married To Jamas M. Hill Miss Jean Bell of Griffin, Ga., became the bride of James M. Hill of Rutherfordton, N. C., in a ceremony performed at the Methodist parsonage Thursday afternoon by Rev. S. B. Moss. Mrs. Hill is a teacher in the commercial department of Appa lachian State Teachers College, where her husband is a student. NOTICE Or ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of James H. Bryan, late of the county of Watauga, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them to me for payment within 12 months of the date hereof, or this no tice will be pled in bar of their re covery. All those indebted to the es tate are asked to make immediate pay ments. This December 21, 1&46 MRS. CORA L. COUNCILS . ADMX Estate James H. Bryan. Deceased. 12-26 -6c NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as the administra tor of the estate of A. Cory, late of the county of Watauga, state of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the Mid deceased to present them to me for payment within 12 months of the date hereof, or this notice will be pled in bar of their recovery. All those in debted to the said estate are asked to make immediate payment. This Dec ember 16. 1946. C. L. DULA, Administrator. 12-19-6C TO WISH FOR YOU LOADS OF GOOD CHEER AND HAPPINESS AT CHRISTMASTIME DACUS RADIO SHOP | '-4 A k V ^r,5tFolk5 ? T he trummxan u ill fnde a * iht Ost**<ither Mvrrm.i, ?/?rf f??o ??.?? forget the jiry* f?".r'.v;^o ami ill mellowing v fleet upon our lives. It is our hope that this Christmas of J 946 will bring you many a blessing in the weeks and months ahead. RADIO SERVICE DEPARTMENT Home Electric Supply Co. Rot?n- Hodge* ? Miss Mollie Hodges became the bride of Mr. S. B. Roten Wednesday morning, December 18 at the office of Edw. N. Hahn. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hodges of Shulls Mills. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Millard Roten of Laurel Springs. The ceremony was performed by Magistrate Hahn. CARD or THAJfKS We wish to express our thanks and Uncere appreciation for the kind ness and sympathy shown during the illness and death of our husbana and father. WlllUm If. Hodges ?Tift FAMILY Lemon Jnice Recipe Checks Rheumatic Pain Quickly If you aufer from rheumatic. inhri tia or neuritu pain, try thu simple inexpcnaive borne recipe that thoiiaanda are uaing. Get a package of Ru-Ex Compound, a 2 week*' lupply todav. Mia it with a quart of water. add the juice of 4 lemons. It*? ?iy, pleaaant and no trouble it all. You need only J tabkapoonfula two timea a day. Often within 48 hour# ? sometimes over night ? splendid reaulta arc obtained. If the paina do not quickly leave and if you do not feel better, Ru-Ex will coat you nothing to try ai it ia sold by your druggist under an ahao lute money -back guarantee. Ru-Ex Compound ia for aak and recommcndcd by CAROLINA PHARMACY Phone 47 Boone, N. C. Try BISMAREX for Acid Indigestion. Insist on genuine BISMAREX and refuse other so-called Anti acid Powders, recommended to be "just as good." BISMA REX is sold in Watauga county at Boone Drug Co. The REXAJLL Store Peace and Good Will Lighting the way to better fellowship and good will towards all it Christmas. That it may be ? truly happy Christmas for each of you is our ardent wish. SMITH'S ESSO STATION oc y) DR. L. E. WELLMAN Optom?tri?l MOUNTAIN CITY, TENN. Office Days: Tuesdays, Wednes days, Thursdays, 9 a. m. tc 4 p. m. 6-20- tJ 'VlGHT BEFORt CfoiibbniaA May CHRISTMAS Bring You JOY AND GLADNESS Brendell's Garage i <* Her.-*., - ? -?o MEKfOT c^ftJST/^s May countless blessings bring true joy to you and yours at Christmastime. Hi-Land Cleaners ^VMGS, <x>' ^r/rom st-rfkkZrdM* Have you ever thought of Christmas as a birthday party ? a birthday party that goes all over the world at once ? That is why Christ mas is so joyous ! Everybody is a participagj in this big. grand, world wide party, with Santa Oaus the host ! And here we are, on the Eve of Christmas, sending you our very liest wishes for a joyous time at this great Birthday Party. > Hollar's Grocery ceecwctcwctctcwcwcttemKwcw DEC? 23 TO JAM. 1 appaucb,^ DEC. 23 TO JAN. 1 MONDAY DEC. 23 Leo Gorcey sad the Dead End Kids -to- ? "SPOOK BUSTERS" Alio Sport ? Cartoon ? Musical TUESDAY DEC. 24 Zane Grey's "SUNSET PASS* ? Starring ? JAMES WARREN Phis Cartoon WEDNESDAY DEC. 25 2 and 4 o'clock "MAN FROM RAINBOW VALLEY" in Magnacolor, starring MONTE HALE ? ADRIAN BOOTH Alio Comedy and Cartoon WEDNESDAY DEC. 25 7 and 9 o'clock "BACHELOR'S DAUGHTER" ? with ? Gail Russell - Clair* Trevor Aim Dvorak Adolph Menjou Comple program change matinee and nit* THURSDAY DEC. 26 "SINGING ON THE TRAIL" with the Hooeier Hotshots and Kan Curtis Jaff Donnail Alio Cartoon and Featurette FRIDAY DEC. 27 "CORNERED" ? Starring ? DICK POWELL with WALTER SLEZAK Plus M.GJ4. New. SATURDAY DEC. 28 11 o'clock "LIGHTNING RAIDERS" ? with ? Butter Crabbe - A1 "Fussy" St. John Also Comedy and Serial SATURDAY DEC. 29 7 o'clock "DEADLINE FOR MURDER" ? Starring ? Paul Kally - Kant Taylor - Jerome Cowan Plus Cartoon ? Sport ? Serial MONDAY DEC. 30 "FIGHTING LADY" in Technicolor Narration by Lieut. Robert Taylor Also Cartoon ? This is America ? Sport TUESDAY DEC. 30 2-4-7.9 "JESSE JAMES" ? Starring ? TYRONE POWER - HENRY FONDA Plus Man's Pest Friend Cart 000 Late Show NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY 11 o'clock Broadway Master Story Teller Mark Hellinger Gives You Ernest Hemingway's "THE KILLERS" WEDNESDAY Jan. 1. 1947 "NOBODY LIVES FOREVER" ? Starring ? John Garfield - Geraldine Fitzgerald tt-U AWARE ? We can't come to each of our customer's doors to extend greeting, so we are taking this opportu nity to say to all of you: "Let there be light, song and gladness in 'your heart." That is the wish we send you with this Christmas greeting. May peace reign supreme! BURGESS ANTIQUE SHOP antiques a specialty . Phone l<?5- We DELIVER - BOON E,N. CAROLINA * ; SasiBA 2/<ru~?Kon6y '[? J i Guinea Pi6 18 HOT A PlO BUT A Root NX and Dots not come from Guinea tr ORIGINATED IN SOUTH AMERICA uKia REV. RUFUS MITCHELL r EVANGELIST RUFUS MITCHELL will preach at the Gospel Tabernacle SUNDAY, DECEMBER 29th at 3 o'clock P. M. Everyone invited. Interesting subject. j'.'i'tiivv zaa&Suhi

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