Truman Refuses To Say Whether He'll Run Again Washington, Dec. 18. ? Presi dent Truman smilingly refused to aay today whether he will seek another term in the White Houst The question came up at his news conference for the first time since the November con Sessional election upset of the Democrat*. Reminded by a reporter that Harold Stassen hat annuonced his intention to seek the Re publican presidential nomination, the president was asked if he woula I accept the Democratic nomination in 1948. The president smiled, but flatly refused to com ment. Not That Barber ? Your hair is terribly thin on top. Have you tried our great Russian tonic? Victim ? No. It wasn't that. DEMOCRAT ADS PAY " n The TOWNER Wlierever you g o ... whatever you do ... you'll want to be In thW dream of a fult. Cleverly tailored of all wool, with a cardi gan |acket and a iwingy kick pleat ikirt. lusciou*. lively color* In size* 7 to 15. $12.95 HUNT'S DEPT STORE CJhortk- , CJt 'fiend* MERRY CHRISTMAS! 1 9 '4- 6 * V MAY TIE TREASURE OF ACCUMULATED MEMORIES of Christmases past and gone gladden your Christmas ceie bration this year. We wish for you all the good things for which Christmas has always stood. , WATAUGA HARDWARE, Inc THE FRIENDLY STORE Christmas ? In a New World REAL ESTATE SALES AND RENTALS . . . COTTAGES. VACANT LOTS AND FARMS J. H. Winkler Phone 3086 Blowing Rock. N. C. FIRE INSURANCE Winter is near Don't overlook the following: 1. Inspect and repair faulty chimneys and flues 2. Windstorm insurance is very cheap in cost 3. Do not overlook your fire insurance needs Watauga Insurance Agency E. A. GAULTNEY le J. PAUL WINKLER. Fix. Insurance NorthwMtam Bank Bldf. Boon?, N. C. DOGWOOD TIMBER WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR DOGWOOD DELIVERED TO OUR MILL ALSO BEECH. MAPLE, BIRCH. HICKORY AND ASH MATHESON & P ANGLE BOONE. N. C. I I For ran. \ Merry ChriM* nm*- In all of you! PARKWAY COMPANY Economic Council j Sees Prosperity Ahead Washington, Dec. 18, ? Thel [president's economic council to night predicted prosperity for "some years" ahead, except for a possible "dip" in 1947 ? and Mr. Truman quickly added that even this dip could be avoided if everybody stayed on the job. The council, in its first report l nder the employment act of 1946, declared that while 1947 might bring a short-lived business reces sion, the long-term outlook is for sustained high employment and production. Disagreeing sharply concerning next year, Mr. Truman told his news conference that he did not admit such a possibility as a 1947 slump. He said that he had not studied the report. He made the statement re peatedly, Mr. Truman replied to questions, that the outlook for the country is good and will continue to be good if we can only get people to go to work. When ask t*d if he was referring to strikes, he amended this to say: If only people stay at work. Nobody wants strikes, the presi dent went on, and those thai in terrupted the nation's reconver sion drive ? persumably the great steel, railroad, auto and coal shut downs ? were not necessary. The council's report to Mr. Tru man predicted "some years ol high production, employment and purchasing power." Treasury examines plans to end or cut corporation double tax a Boone Flower Shop Cut Flowers, Corsages and Funeral Designs GIFT ITEMS Phon* 214-J E. King Street Vulcanizing and Recapping We maintain a modern and complete Vulcanizing and Recap ping Department, and are rendering the beat of service. COMPLETE ESSO LUBRICATION SERVICE MADDUX ESSO SERVICE Phona 1103 M. R Maddux. Pnp. N ow ON THE AIR 1 WC YB A New Daytime Broadcasting Station "City of Bristol" 690 ON YOUR DIAL 1000 WATTS OF POWER Appalachian Broadcasting Corporation Q?a*ral Shelby Hotsl Bristol, Va. Tty Roger* R H Smith Jima Mahoney ^ic/iuqs of Great J otf jQSri sim% GREETINGS! Music and song and happiness everywhere! Lighted windows, green trees brilliant with glowing bulbs, all contributing to the grand sum total of Christmas. It's fine to celebrate Christmas again this season of 1946, fine to have finished another year in this community of happy homes and friendly peopie. To Each and AH We Wish A VERV MERRY CHRISTMAS i Management and Employees Belk- White Co. The Home of Better Values I