?A*TADS OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS HERE" UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS and Sunstrand adding machines. 30 day <*elivery. Complete service work or all makes machines and fully guaran teed. Pull line of office supples and furniture Office Machine Co.. 312 Main Street, North Wilkesboro, N. C ^ IP ?WOm. SALE OR TRADE ? IMS Ford tractor, new tires, with new 4R RENT OR LEASE ? Service iU tjon axvl grocery store, fully equipped, do la* good business. 3',^ miles west +t Boonf. also 6 -case bottle cooler for Dallas Hodges. Vilas. N. C. 5-29-tfc IAL? LAWN MOWERS repaired sharpened by latest grinding raacftalne. When sharpened and over hanled will cut as well as new machine WL Sprung. 120 Oak Street. 5-29-2p DO YOU NEED GUTTERING, roof ing. warm air furnace Installations, or anything, in sheet metal? Boone Sheet Metal Works, Howard Street, Boone Woodworking Shop Building. 4-3-tfc VQR SALE ? Army Jeep trailer, good m s new. 600x16 6-ply tires. Price ftSgiJO. Claud W. Moretz. Deep Gap. *C. C. 5-22 ?2p TOBACCO PLANTS FOR SALE ? No 16, white burley. Estimation of plants. 190,000. G. S. Hartley. Route 6. Box 83. Lanoir. N. C.. on Blowing Rock Highway. First come, first served. 6-20-3p MILK GOATS ? I have two fresh goats. Come to Lark Miller's store on upper Meat Camp. L. W. Timmons lp FOR SALE ? 1036 Ford pickup, very stood condition. $490. R. L. Grogan. Lax on. ,N. C- lp SUNDIAl, "sHOES? Ju?t received a pig shipment of Sundial Shoes in cluding women's, girls' and children's oxfords, saddles. play shoes. and ktrap sandals These shoes as you wejl '??ow, are made of leather, and not per and pasteboard Will have ?oUier shipment this week for men. ^oys and the whole family. Economy Store /# "" lp ILADIE$ ? Why wax your floors every ?week? tTse Plasti-Kote once a year Westei^n Auto Associate Store. 3-20-tfc L - * PR (j.G BAUGHMAN eye. ear. nose nnd throat specialist of Ellzabethton Tenn., will be at the Watnugn Hos pital in Boone the first Monday in ?each month for the practice of his pro fession t?HOES. SHOES* Have nice selection men's and boys' navy shoes. new. men's and boys army and navy shoes. Klahtly ? used, but in perfect condition, with original sole ana heel, near new; men's. boys' oxfords and slippers, women's. girls' and children's ox-| fords and slippers. WAC shoes, wo men's and children's leather sandals fl 35 and $165. Economy Store lp FDR SALE? 1937 Chrysler Royal 4 door sedan. This is a clean car. extra (food tires and in good mechanical shape Orginat paint good Also 1931 T-Ford. extra good condition. See in Woone after 6 o'clock J C. Mc Oonnell. IcJ FOR RENT? New cottage with 3 rooms, bath and closet, linen shelves ahd cabinats In kitchen, electric lights, water Furnished, except silver ware Ready for occupancy May 1 to tourists. Then with start of fall term of school to G. I. who wanta to go to school or collage. If Interested see Mrs D F Horton. Vilas, N C. 4-24-tfc DRESSES ? Women's, girls', children's and Infants' wash dresses. 95 cents up; women's and girls' silk rayon dresses special price Seersucker and butcher Linen, assorted colors $2 95; Blouses 95 cents up Dupont Nylons ? f?iU stock of these famous hose, 49 and 52 guage. 20 and 30 denier, first quality, with and without seams $1.00. $1.50 and $175; women's cotton and mercerized hose 25 cents up; men's snd boys* work and dress sox 16 cents up; Anklets 10 and 15 cents; men's and boys' T-shirts, sport shirts and under wear Economy Store. Ip WE MOVE any kind of buildings. H. A. Beaver House Moving Co.. 931 West Front St . SUtesville. N. C. Phone 1144 S-lft-4p FOR SALE ? One double iron bed-, stesd. with springs snd mattress. ln! good condition. If interested call 63-M. WORK CLOTHES? Men s and young men's new coveralls $4-50; army chino shirts and pants, perfect; men's snd boys' overalls and overall pants; men's, young men's and boys' odd coats and pants, reconditioned John B. Stetson hats, men's and boys' wool felt hats, new. $1.95; straw hats $1.95. $3 value; cloth hats $1.50 and $2.00 value 95 cents. Economy Store. Ip, HILLARiys LITTLE MARKET? Fa-' mous 191 Pole Bean Seeds that bring $5 00 to $6.00 per bushel on market. (Farmers last year realized as much as $2000 per acre on Mountain City market from these beans.) FROZEN FOODS? All varieties in cludng strawberres. red raspberries. Fish and Chickens BABY CHICKS? 14 cents each. TENDERGREEN BEAN SEED WE BUY hens, fryers and eggs. FOR SALE? Locust posts, 0*4 and 9 feet long. 4 inches square. See Balma Miller or Bruce Greene. Brownwood, N C. 5-22 -4p FOR SALE -Windows and doors, any size, immediate delivery. If we don't have what you want we can get it on short notice. Vilas Service Station. Vilas. / 5-28-4p FOR SALE? Sawmill, complete with power, etc., available in 60 days. If interested see it in operation. J. W. Hampton. Deep Gap. N. C. 5-22-4p FOR SALE ? Two combination brick and block cement making machines Makes 5 sizes of blocks and 2 sizes brick. Also large cement mixer. See Tommy Greer of Zionville. N. C. after S;30 p m. 1c WE BUILD by the Golden Rule. But inflation hat that rule measuring two and one-half times its normal length. How ever, see us for best price under present conditions for your build ing needs. Immediate delivery on sand and gravel for your personal work. W. C. Greene Construc lc FOR SALE PICKUP. IN FOR SALE, WAS DISPLACED BY 8UIRE AT CRA . BOONE. lc tion Co. 5-22-tfci THE ONLY RATIONALLY KNOWN TlRf THAT GIVES YOU A DEFINITE. WRITTEN 24 MONTH PRO-RATA . guarantee/ STRlCTl* f-ihSt Li^fc QUAlit r ! new/ f hi in! WITH LATf ?t ?Ml'kOVF.MtNi; ' 6 00 Kl6 700 > it $20 40 6.25/A 50 Mft (ft ?,o 5.2i/i (3.55 SiifSSOnb . . . . ri.H'j StllS SiMiLAh 5 l ? ?, HOlP Alt? LCNGER/ TOvO-HBK1 1 , SAFER / All Sizes ?r savings! ? AfeWEST /947MTTERH9' B/fr$AW// WE ARE in the business of and equipped to do your house moving and house raisin|. Jack Brown. Blaine Hodges or Jim Brown, Boone or Adams lp PLUMBING AND HEATING. Tele phone Henry Mast, Vilas, N. C. S-22-2p FOR SAllE ? 1941 Dodge 2}> ton. dump truck in good condition. Phone 659-J in Asheboro or ?ce J. E. Miller in Boone. 5-8-4p ATHLETES FOOT GERM HOW TO KILL IT IN ONE HOUR IF NOT PLEASED, your 35c back Ask any druggist for the strong fun gicide. TE-OL. Made with 90 percent alcohol, it penetrates. Roches and kills more germs faster. Today at Boone Drug Co. Blue Ridge Music Co. Opposite Buick Garage New and- Used Phonograph Records for Sale 1-24-tfc tMoro KOOAJC RLM^ . ro - SALE AH, A/C. OONT UlSK fcXPENifc 6DtL*> OF lOST HEVi EACH 25c fa**9* (Paint Sphay&i SIMPLy ATTACH TO SPARK PIM6 OPENING. COM PIETE FOR USE $5.49 Oliooss (Paint KICK, SMOOTH- ONLY SPdfAOlNG M An IONG -LASTING jjpi WHIT CI riiM A-V BATTERY F4CK JO^o MOCf >OWf?. ? * ? ~ tuccf o auui> MfTAl fNClOSfOl OU*??N!ffD Q/J QIZ 864.12 trUtOU (PARKWAY IS RIOT Of COLOR F.d.r.j Forwl, Display Nature Spring Color*, in Floral Drees Rehearsal Once again the Blue Ridge V?ay' g road through the ' ?' western Virginia and North Carolina, is display. u ig nature's finest spring fash ions. Several exciting changes of costume in a variety of colors Snk1 vPnre Whitf' trough the yeUow, and orange hues to deep rich purple are being shown. ,, ??rt ,?f dress rehearsal for the big show is the myriad of smaller ground flowers which He.n "ow carpet the forest floor and line ihe woodland trails. Trillmm, wild iris, lady slipper, May apple, dogtooth violets, mountain bluets, and many others from this spring woods carpet tn the main show already underway the white dogwood ?hr? sta?e for the past three weeks. An outstanding Vifw ?dpPl?y that at Smart ?J?%n Parkwfly recreational area 30 miles south of Roanoke, th'J8fn,a. . e each year from V . , to middle of May the whole picnic grounds are white with many hundreds of dogwoods !Vhe h'Kher eleva tions of the Parkway, dogwood continues blooming throughout Taking the stage now is the pink azalea, or pinxterbloom as some folks call it. SmaU patches, and lh some sections near the Virginia-North Caroling State line large areas of this pink azalea border the roadway. Smart View in Virginia and Cumber land Knob on the Parkway just below the state line in North 'na many such areas, ine most spectacular color dis play of the Blue Ridge follows the pink azalea. This is the flame r??Kin* from c,ear lemon yellow, through brilliant orange, to deep red. The display has be gun along some of the lower Parkway sections and will con tinue on through the middle of June in the higher sections. At ,po,.nt.s alone the Parkway both states, this flame azalea, or mountain honeysuckle as it is called by some, forms solid mas ses of brilliant variegated color. Lone plants, some eight to twelve feet tall, in deep woods p.rese~,t ^"ordinary color m^nra, .u alse aza'ea is com JT?n *? the Parkway south of Roanoke to Asheville, with the most concentrated areas 50 miles V?r I arlM 50, miles south of the lTne Carolina state Before the flame azalea is spent, another showy group is coming on The Rhododendron throuah t families, splendid through June with a color range from white to deep purple are fhe0BWRdr ^unSaAt in thl.r w dgc that a festival in their Honor is celebrated each year in the city of Asheville. The the rh"rl ^Ur!i1 with its cousin, the rhododendron, is the most common shrub in the Blue R?d? Mountains. Whole mountainsides white?^rH Laurfd ranges from white t? deep pink depending on Alonff a? shade conditions. Along portions of the Parkway m upper North Carolina, the 5 13,banked solid at the 7oodS e by the side of the ifr<^rPlf rhododendron varies mirnlo laTvender to deep velvety ? many areas the plant grows in great masses up to fif teen feet in height. Such large groupings of rhododendron cf^ be found in nearly all the way side recreational areas including Peaks of Otter and Rocky Knob Knob *8^ ,Bluff' Cumberland Knob, Cascades, and Crabtree GrandZfh "Vr North Carolina. Grandfather Mountain, Mt. Mitc 'n?rti rd, Crag*y Pinnacle are Pha^c"'arjy outstanding for their rhododendron display. The most specucu show in The Parkway fif.if 0n^ ln Craggy Gar dens, fifteen miles north of Ashe i ls honored by the Rhododendron Festival. Here many acres of highland meadow are covered with the purple bloom | 5 o?>*& DECK ENAMEL Mere's a tough, durable Floor Enamel that will restore worn-down floors, either Interior or Exterior. WetheriH's Floor t Deck Enamel fills up the pores of the wood, and pro duces a beautiful, smooth gloss fin ish that wears and wears. It's easy to apply and dries overnight. [Come In for Color Chart and com- I plete Floor FiniMitg Information. | HOME ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. Iduring the middl <; of June each car. Pax-kina facilities are close y so that tlw visitor may leave his car and wander leisurely through these natural rhododen dron gardens. Later, during the first weeks pf July, the last of the rhododen dron family blooms. The white to pink bloom of the rhododendron maximum Is not so gaudy or pro lific as that of the purple variety, but the plants themselves grow into even denser masses and to greater heights. Interesting trails in Rocky Knob, Bluff, and Cumberland Knob recreational areas wind through rhododendron tunnels where the plants form overhead arches. With the passing of the rhodo dendron bloom the great spring show is over, but the curtain never falls on the Blue Ridge color parade. The smaller summer flowers soon take over, and the parade ? holds through autumn, closing in a blaze of fall color. PLEASANT SURPRISE Welborn, Kansas ? Hearing that Glenn Masterson, 11, had fallen into a pond twenty volun teer fireman sped to his father's farm with resuscitating equip ment. The pond, nine feet deep, balked rescue efforts by wading, so the men made a hole In the dam to drain the pond. As the water flowed out, Glenn, came trudging down the road, surpris ed that they were looking for him. GET CASH AND EAT TOO Cambridge, Mass. ? Two thieves who broke into the Windsor Diner stole $6 from the cash reg ister but delayed their escape long enough to cook themselves a breakfast of ham and eggs. LUCKY BORROWER New York ? When Charles J. F. Porter borrowed $312 from the National City Bank recently, along with the cash he was handed his note, "paid." The puzzled man then learned that the loan included the billionth dollar loaned by the bank's 21 year-old personal loan depart ment. and writing off the loan was the bank's way of celebra ting. S^ate College Hint* For Homemakeri There is a simple trick to turn inn jellied^, cranberry ' sauce, ot any other jelly, out of a can with out spoiling th^ shape of the mold. Food Specialists of the U. S. Department of Agriculture say punch a small hole in the bot tom of the can first. Then remove the top with an opener that slices the tin evenly around the can. The hole in the bottom al lows enough air to get in at this point so that the jelly will slide out easily without the help of a knife. ? Food specialists of the U. jp. Department of Agriculture re port that a slice of apple m&y be used to loosen brown sugar which has become hard and lumpy. Brown sugar hardens wtien al lowed to dry out To restore the moisture .put the sugar in a tight container, a large glass jar with a screw top or a metal canister, and include a slice of apple on a bit of waxed pafbr so the apple does not touch the sugar. In a few days the sufar will absorb enough moisture to be loose again. To preveni brown sugar from hardening, V"t it into a glass I jar when the package is opened and keep it tightly closed. Air soon dries out the sugar if left in ? a paper package. Maybe you brush your blank ets to bring up the nap after ; laundering them, but try extra brushing between lauriderings , too. This keeps them soft and ; fluffy. Don't be afraid to wash fluffy bedroom slippers of pile fabrics. ( Wash them as you would fluffy toy animals or chenille robes. Don't wring at all, but squeeze gently in a towel to remove some of the moisture and bursh up the soft nap RESCUES OWN SON Lakeville, Ind. ? Answering a call for help, Mrs. James Peters plunged fully clothed into the chilly waters of Riddle's Lake to rescue a child who had fallen in. She swam out and brought the child to the top, learning for the first time that he was her son, Jimmy, 4. Towing her uncon scious son back to the shore, she began artificial respiration. By the time firemen and & doctor ar rived, the boy had been revived. RCA VICTOR RECORDS New Album . . . "The King Cole Trio" "Somebody Loves Me" "Bach Cantata No. 4" "Covento's For Dancing" Freddy Martin Orchestra "Fats Waller On the Ivories" Children's Album and Records Other Popular Recordings Come in and Hear Your Favorite Artist HOME ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. AT AUCTION Tuesday, June 1Q 10:00 A.M. -1.V THE E. M. Harmon Farm foAnerly known as the Chas. P. Moore farm at Foscoe. Subdivided into small farms and tracts. Beautiful home sites, rich river bottom. EASY TERMS CASH PRIZES Tuesday, June 1A 2:30 P.M. A" S.F.Horton Property AT COVE CREEK HIGH SCHOOL / Subdivided into beautiful lots for residential or business o purposes. This property has long been sought, but has never been offered for sale before. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE. S,. C. Eggers & Co. Selling Agents