WATAUGA DEMOCRAT! An Independent Weekly Newspaper m iblished in 1888 and published] for 45 yean by the late Robert C. Rivera, Sr. EVERY 'THURSDAY SUBSCRIPTION RATES IN WATAUGA COUNTY One Year 41-80 Six Months 1.00 Tour Months .75 OUTSIDE WATAUGA COUNT 5? One Year _42.00 Six Months 1.50 Four Months 1.00 NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS In requesting change of address, It is important to mention the OLD, as well as the NEW address R. C. RIVERS, Jr. - Publisher Cards of Thanks, Resolutions of Respect, Obituaries, etc., are charged for at the regular adver-J tising rates. filtered at the postoflice at Boone, N. C., as second class mail matter, under Ihe act of Congress of March 3. 1879. "The basis of our government being the opinion of the people, the very first objective should be to keep that right, and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a govern at without newspspers, or Ki without government, I should not tate a moment to chooee the lat ter. But I should mean that every man should receive these papers and be capable of reading them."? Thomas f sfferson. THURSDAY, SEPT. 4, 1947 GOLDEN GLEAMS Few men have the strength of character to rejoice iii a friend's success without a touch of envy. ? Eeschylus A sound heart is the life of the flesh, but envy the rottenness of bones. ? Proverbs, 14: 30. Every other sin hath some pleasure annexed to it, or will admit of an excuse; envy alone wants both. ? Robert Burton The vulgar bark at men of mark, as dogs bark at strangers. ? iivy DON'T LAUGH orn Shanghai, China, comes the report that natives across the Wnangpoo River are carrying out a day and night watch for an amphibious monster" which they believe, is carrying off chil dren. It might be a good idea, be ; lore Americans smile at the cre dulity of the Chinese, to reflect UP??, the amazing phenomenon of Hying saucers" which had the United States by the ears for about a week. ^EACE ^*AY END SUDDENLY Senator Tom Connally, of Tex as. says that it is important for us to leave no stone unturned in our attempt to understand the Unfon" P0hcity of the Soviet The senator made the state ment in connection with a sur S. Russla's foreign policy wgan l8St year at his re J Was an act've parti ? In several foreign confer ences and chairman of the sen W:* ' ? B*$EL n?-? 8 A BEL 6' MOB O^L DUtr. by United Fciture Synllcate. Inc. OBLIGING THIEF London ? Alter a thief had bound and gagged Mrs. Evelyn Holman, 30, and stole about $100 and a gold watch, he kept his promise to her by telephoning Scotland Yard to give details of his attack. CORRECTION The birthday dinner given Mr. T. Len Cooke and his sister in-law, Mrs. Alice Brown, occur red at the home of Mr. Cooke, in stead of at Mrs. Brown's. The brothers and sisters of both were present. CARD or THANKS We wish to express our thanks and appreciation to everyone for their kindness during the sickness and death of our beloved husband, father and grandfather. John Lawrence. The flowers are deeply appreciated. as well as the service of the funeral home. May God be with each and everyone. ? Emma Lawrence children and grand children. fokjCanning Ks # OJL yy. Mt tok Cleaning ton Cooking VALUES... VALUES... VALUES... our ooly prk. but QUALITY. W? off.r tU store it chucl< full of tk?m! A valu* ? not b*tt quofcty cK tk? low**t prk* . . . aiwayt. 0 We have in stock Hot Air Furnaces (coal and oil). Also Stokers . . . Trade with us and save the difference. FARMERS HARDWARE &' SUPPLY CO, Phone 1 Boone, N. C.