*04mw& During the hot weather, it be hooves us all to save ourselves from the heat as much as possi ble We can do this by some of the recipes for short cuts in cook ing. Many delicious and novel desserts can be made in a few moments, some require no cook ing. Uncooked Umon Pis 1 1-2 cups condensed milk 2 eggs 1-2 cup lemon juice Grated rind of 1 lemon Blend together condensed milk, lemon juice, grated rind and egg yolks. Pour into baked pie shell. Cover with beringue made by beating egg whites until stiff and .adding sugar. Bake in a moder ate oven until brown. Chill be fore using. ' Graham Cracker Cake 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup condensed milk 1 egg 1 cup finley rolled graham crackers Pinch of salt 1 teaspoon baking powder 1-2 teaspoon vanilla 1-2 cup chopped nut meats Melt butter, add to the con densed milk, add well beaten egg yolk, And the cracker crumbs, add baking powder and salt. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour into well-greased baking dish. Bake 25 minutes in a moderate oven Serve plain or with whip ped cream. FROZEN CHEESE SALAD 11-2 packages cream cheese 1-4 cup chopped green pepper 1-4 cup chopped nuts Pjttrlka Salt 2 teaspoons lemon juice Whip 1-2 pint of cream stiff. Cream the cheese with a fork until soft. Add the pepper, nuts, paprika, salt, lemon juice and the cream. Pack in a freezing tray and chill until firm enough to slice. Cut into small squares and serve on slices of tomatoes, ar ranged on lettuce. Garnish with mayonnaise. 9 Royal Cocktail Pit 1 cup of white cherries, cut in cubes, 1 cup of pears. Make 2 cups of juice, using 3-4 cup pine apple juice, 1 cup of orange juice, and 1-4 cup lemon juice. Combine fruit and juice. Chill and serve. Fruli S pongs 1 cup fruit pulp (peaches, cooked apples, cooked prunes, or apricots). White of 3 eggs Salt Sugar to taste Rub the fruit through a strain er. Add sugar and salt. Beat the egg whites stiff and fold in the fruit mixture. Turn into a mold 3-4 full, place in pan of hot water. Bake in a moderate oven until firm. Serve with custard sauce. Angal D?s??rt Whip 1-2 pint of cream, stiff. Fold in to this 1 cup of angel cake torn in very small pieces; add 1-2 cup marshmallows, quart ered; 1-4 cup green mint cherries, quarted; and 1-4 cup blanched almonds, shredded lengthwise. Toss all lightly together, pile in sherbert glasses and chill. Gar nish with green cherries and tiny mint leaves. Lima Ice I-2 cup lime juice 2 egg whites II-4 cup water Pinch of salt 1-2 cup sugar Small quantity of food coloring. ANNOUNCEMENT We have just installed modem service station equipment and are equipped to give you prompt, courteous service. GIVE US A TRIAL "If it's Cities Service ? it HAS to be Good" The Friendly Service Store CLAUDE WINEBARGER. Owner PARTY LINE COURTESY speaks louder than words I Allow a little time between calls to permit others to have itieir turn at the line. Complete colli quickly. Thl* assures better service for you and your party line neighbors. / Be sure phone is placed securely on hook after each call. Remember, one phone off the hook ties up an entire line. When another party on your line has an emergency, please release the line quickly ...and pleoscnf<;?. FOR A PLEASANT PARTY ?INE SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY o BIKINI DOG TAMED Pluto (short for Plutonium), wild dog of Bikini, is shown with his captors, John Donofire (left) of Bremerton, Wash., and Earl Christman of Allentown, Pa., after being in captivity and even tual domesticity by a hambone. The boys will bring Pluto *o the United States. Cook sugar and water for 10 minutes. Add strained lime juice and cool. Add green coloring. Chill and freeze. When nearly frozen pour into bowl and whip. Add well beaten egg whites. Freeze. Patman reports "alarming" symptoms of Fascism in U. S. Hail freight rates increase in East, down in South and West. SAD ENDING Seattle, Wash. ? Unaware that her husband was flying home from his station in Japan. Mrs. Virgil E. Carley arrived in Seattle on the first leg of a trip to join him in Japan, only to learn that he was among those lost with Ambassador George Atcheson, Jr., in an air transDort crash landing at sea. With her was her six months-old son. James. WAIT ADS * OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS HERE" WANTED TO BUY? Small surface, planer. See or write Chas. Critcher. Route 1, Boone. lp SPECIAL BUY? Boys* 3-piece all-wool suits. 3 to6 years, including sailor suits. $3.95 ana $4 95. These prices are less than wholesale price. Economy Slot*. lc LOST ? Walker fox hound, female, lemon ,color. Finder notify John Dot son. Snulls Mills. N C. lp ANOTHER SHIPMENT mens and boys' army shoes and combat boots These shoes and boots are near new and perfect with original soles and heels. Priced unusually low A can of [army shoe grease free with each pair Another shipment men's, boys', wo men's. glifs' and children's shoes, ox lords and slippers. These shoes are leather, perfect condition, and priced ,at less than one-half price. Economy Store. IP DR C. G BAUGHMAN. eye ear. nose and throat specialist of Elizabethton Tenn.. will be at the Watauga Hos pital In Boone the first Monday in each month for the practice of his pro fession. CARPENTER WORK painting block work, roofing I am now working in the colored section of Boone. John D. Hodges. RFD 1. Vilas. N. C. lp LADIES ? Whv wax your floors every week? Use Plasti-Kote once a year.t Western Auto Associate Store. 3-20-tfc j JOHN B. STETSON HATS recondi- ' tloned. Just received a big shipment | of these well-known hats, fall shades New shipment men.'B and bovs' wool; felt hats, nice assortment of colors $1.95. regular *2 50 values, men's and \ boy?' odd coats and pants. Jackets and mackinaws. work and dress shirts, tmen's and boys' underwear, men's and boys' dress and work sox. men's and boys' sweaters. Economy Store. lp RADIO BATTERIES, metal clad, leak proof. AB packs, guaranteed 1300 nours. special this week $8.95 each Western Auto Associate Store. lc WANTED? Waitresses' at Daniel Boone Hotel. Boone. N. C. 8-21-3c NEW SHIPMENT women's, girls' and children's sweaters, dresses, women's, girls' and children's fall and winter coats Big line of women's Dupont nylons, women's cotton and rayon hose 25 cents up; girls' and children's anklets 25 cents; women's girls panties 25 and 35 cents, women's, girls' slips S3 45 value. $195 Griffin ABC shoe polish, liquid wax. black, all-white. 10c. Economy Store. lp FOR RENT ? 1 furnished 2-room apart ment and one furnished 3-room apart ment. water and lights. See Mrs. J G. Cooke. Route 2. Box 1. Boone. N C 8-14-tfc j IF YOU HAVE USED CLOTHING you would like to dispose of and get cash for Call or Write Mrs. F W. Hughes. |Elk Park. N C. Phone 5803 lc WORK AND SCHOOL CLOTHES? Men's and boys' overalls, overall pants, shirt pants. Special. In order to make ,8ome room we are offering all men's and boys' army raincoats $1.95 Regular price these coats up to $3.95; men's leather work gloves 25c . cotton gloves 25c. extra good quality. lp FOR SALE ? Six room house in Boone. If interested Telephone 215-M lp WANTED- We are now buying galax Also buying all the white Pine Cones we can get Wilcox Drug Companv. Boone. N. C Phone 201 9-4-tfc, WANTED- Men to pick apples, start-* ing September 15. for eight weeks Wa^es $6 00 per day Mt. Pleasant) Orchards. R F. D Havre dc Grace. | Maryland. *-14 5c; FOR SALE- -Household furniture, can ned goods, and miscellaneous items of prmonal property, belonging to thei estate of the late Stewart Winkler | May be seen at old Smlthey stand In Boone after September 8 Howard Shore, administrator 9-4-2c FOR SAI E 1939 3 4 ton Chevrolet truck. Good condition Also bay m.ire Weight about 1400 pounds. T. T Dan ner. Valle Cruets. N. C. 9-24-2p MILK COW to let this winter In ex-i change for feeding her. Mrs Filmore! Bingham. Sherwood. N. C. lc| FOR SALF- ?>:# 3-1 Dodge pickup! Would .rade to.' Jeep. E. K ?>^lifns. Todd. N. C 8-^8 2g> TIME WTLL TELL WEAR SUN DIAL SHOES ? We have a complete line of these well-known leather shoes and can fit any member of the family We absolutely guarantee to sell them for less. Free with each pair, a pair of hose. sox or anklets We handle Red Goose shoes. We also handle the Friedman -Shelby line. St. Louis branch International shoe Company. These two well-known lines are made by the world's largest ^manufacturer of leather shoes Th*# own their own tanheries. and you can easily see why these shoes are sold for leas. Hare Joyce Shoes of California and Blue Oraaa by Rein hart. Economy Store, lp JOYCE AND BLUE GRASS SHOES REDUCED ? All Joyce and Blue Grass shoe*, white and toe and heel out. re duced. Economy Store. lc FOR RENT ? Three-room cottage with bath partly furnished. For 1947-48 school term *30 00 per month Also a 3 room apartment on second floor for small family. $25 00 per month. Mrs D F Horton. Vilas. N C. 8-28-2p VIRGINIA FARMS 73 acres. 40 woods, balance pasture. 6 -room house needing repairs. Rood barn, good road, creek. $2,250 144 acres, attractive 9-room house, basement, fireplaces, electricity, set ting. trees, creeks, farm buildings, good road, near town. $6,750. 290 acres, good road, school bus. good land, fair buildings, excellent buy at $10,500 Many other fine cattle and dairy farms. P. M Browning. Broker. Culpeper. Virginia. 9-4-2c FOR SALE ? Purebred white Spitz puppies. Patsy Ann Swift. Sherwood. N C lc WANTED ? Good used portable or standard typewriter. Remington or Royal T. A. Henson at Cove Creek School. lp FOR SALE ? Duo therm oil water heater, with 50 gallon fuel tank, and feed line. $60 See Rob ivers. lp FAIRBANKS-MORSE STOKER. 30 pound with controls, no thermostat; also big Sunbeam hot air furnace, without casing or front trim, com plete controls for same, and for furnace fan unit Bargain. Rob Rivers lp AVON PRODUCTS is able to help housewives earn in their spare time. No experience necessary, pleasant and profitable work. Write Mrs. Odell Hodge, 2646 S. Main Street. Winston Salem. N. C. IP LUMBER FOR SALE? Framing, roof ers. and other items needed in general building construction. See W. G. Todd at Farmers Burley Warehouse or at No. 2 warehouse, near bus station. 9-4-lp DUPONT NYLONS ? Just received from mills shipment of nylons in the latest shades 51 and 54 guagei 15. 20 and 30 denier. We have been sell ing this hose exclusively for the past three years and have sold hundreds and hundreds of dozens, and have never had a complaint on a single |pair So they must be good. Econ omy Store. lc CAN YOU SAVE $2,000 IN 3 YEARS IN YOUR PRESENT JOB? Here'r a Job opportunity that can start you on the road to financial in dependence. Want to own a farm ? or a business for yourself some dav? Then here's how you start ? enlist in the new Regular Army or Air Force Highest pay you'll receive in history plus free food, clothing, housing, and medical care. Thousands of high school graduates are volunteering daily be cause no other profession offers so much. Learn, earn, and save while you serve. If you are a qualified vet eran. you may spend your first year in your own Army Area, or if travel ap'peals to you. you may serve in the European Theatre at twenty percent extra pa y. If you re seeking travel, adventure, education in specialized branches, the Regular Army and Air Force offer all these. along with depression -proof pay checks to guarantee you real stability and the chance to save up to nearly $2,000 in cash in 3 years Rising prices need not affect you. You can prepare for a secure career by qualifying for the Job you select in the U. S. Army or Air Force. Get full details. without any obligation. at your nearest U. S Army and Air Force Recruiting Station at Postoffice build ing Lenoir. N. C. FIREWOOD. STOVE WOOD. Heater wood, slabs, poles, tree laps, green or seasoned Cut to order. Buy your winter wood now. Phone 5- W Gill Phillips 7-24-tfc WANTED -Postage stamps Have you any old postage stamps or envelops with stamps on th??m stored away? Trade them in for cash Write stating what you have, or send them to me for my offer G A Atkins. ShulLs Mills. N. C. 8-21 -4p NORTH WIL.KESBORO B E A iTt^Y SCHOOL G. 1. approved. Now open to both boys and girls. 1-30-tfc WE BUILD bv the Golden' Rule. But inflation has that rule measuring two and one half times its normal length. However, see us for best price under present conditions for your building needs. Imme diate delivery on sand and gravel for your personal work. W. C. Greene Con struction Co. 5-22-tfc r\ UNEXPECTED SURPRISE Hancock, Md. ? As Millard Mc Cusker rounded a curve in the highway, ihe door of his auto mobile popped open and Mc Cusker was thrown out on the highway. The driverless car ? crashed into a pole down the street, but McCusker received only minor injuries. $1,500 STOLEN FROM MATTRESS Chicago? Miss Mary Orgozelic returned to her apartment after attending nrass to find that a thief had stolen $1,500, which she kept hidden in a purse between the springs and mattress of her bed. For restful, luxurious listening ? the gracefully designed, new Famsworth Chairside model. Offering a new degree of convenience and flexibility, this charming model brings to your finger -tips the world's finest entertain ment from either album or airlane. Deserv edly popular, it's deftly -styled in extreme good taste, reaching a new high in mod ern furniture design. Wherever you want it ? beside your chair, in a corner, against the wall ? the Farns worth Chair side never disturbs the harmony of your room scheme. Available in both walnut and blonde cabinets. th a a*sr, mxelmttw 3-point jaipsai/aa record cbtagmr The celebrated Famsworth 3-point sus pension record changer handles up to 12 ten-inch or 10 twelve-inch records. Each record is gently handled on the edges. Feather weight tone arm features a sealed crystal pick-up with precious metal stylus. SEE THIS AND OTHER MODELS AT Radio Electric Co. BUS TERMINAL BLDG. PHONE 240-W BOONE, N. C. ? SUfx . Get your share of fall egg profits! Stock up on these supplies to help keep layers in the nest. m SeUctcny /<jt 07<U4 ? IT S THE EGGS IN THE BAG W v* You're ahead when you N Q fJJ.jjjp' 1 ? buy a feed with lots of H <4 J eggs "built in." Lots of eggs mean plenty of extra money for you at today's high egg prices. r>When You Buy PURfilA You Buy EGGSI r - - ? ? - T- . v 'V ** i { > \ ? I PURINA FLOCK FEEDERS PURINA 3-GALLON WATERER .Sturdy. (Guard helps! keep water clean. -J LAYING HOUSESV evitA PURINA INSECT OIL Disinfects y/ Controls Mites f \J Preserves Woody' WORM PULLETS before HOUSING Good body condition is needed for lots of eggs. Knock out large roundworms 110W with potent, easy to use ? PURiNA CHEK-R-70N ^ST' PURINA TURKEY CHOWS v/ Complete Feed v' Supplement \/ Concentrate LOW-COST GAINS (faviitiaK DRY COWS Special Purina feed builds dry cows for easy salving and heavy mi'.kir.g after calving. A=? for . . PURiNA DRY & FRESHENING CHOW Choice Timothy Hay ... Baby Chicks . . . Asphalt Shingles. WILSON'S FE'ED STORE Burley Warehouse No. 2 Boone, N. C. ? 41 * ? gr ^ "s & mm

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