THE HOPE rem THE MESSIAH International Sunday Lmmh for J una 20. IMS Isaiah 9: 6. Tntt 7t 13, 14) 12s 10> 13: 1. As we realize, the Bible is the mmm M?W WWW U MM GOLDEN TEXT: 'Tor unto us a story of redemption, from Gene child is born, unto us a son is sis to Revelation. Sin spoiled the] given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God. Ever lasting Father, Prince of Peace.") $6.95 KICKERINOS Give yourself a treat ? put ; KICKERINOS on your feet. You will be amazed at their smartness thpir an- . m^nSp^i-ttattering | fit and their beautiful soft- tex tured genuine elk-tanned lea thers. Goodyear stitched con struction. BARE S DEPARTMENT STORE BOONS. H. C. Auction Means Auction ANOTHER AUCTION June 17, 1948 at 2 O'CLOCK A nice 5 room house, brand new, located on Bristol Road ... a fine location! Has hardwood floor and oil heating plant, bring told with all tha furniture. Has 7 foot Phllco Refrigerator, new gaa store, new mahogany bed room suite with new lnnerspring and box mattresses. Another nice bed room suite, new living room suite, a new S4t rocking chair. Has a nice I foot cast iron cabinet sink, complete bath, gas water heater; all bed linens and spreads are brand new, new curtains and Venetian blinds It has rugs and table spreads, full slse basement and large rooms. Also has telephone. We can't mention all the thing* in this add but it has the things a home needs. You can't ima gine this home until you walk in it. We want you to come and see it. even if you don't buy. so you can see what a real home looks like. THIS IS KNOWN AS THE FRED EARP HOME Sold on Easy Terms . . . Cash Prizes EVERYBODY CON^ HONEYCUTT REAL ESTATE AND AUCTION COMPANY LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US FOR PRIVATE OR AUCTION SALE ... WE SELL IT I HEADQUARTERS FOR BATTERY SERVICE A dry botfry Bay moom b* a "d?od" battery, tar* your battery with our PHEE pmMIn mainteaanc*. Stop la today ? and regularly lot a ch*ck-up. FOR THE SOFTEST RIDE YOU EVBt HAD. ..ON ONLY 24 LBS. OF AIR! . GET ! T H C NEW B V i GOOD, -YEAR $17.50 iTtalt |NfUi MkMI Swofford's TIRE STORE Boob*, H. C, Phon* 225-J blessing for the human race. In the perpetual (i(ht between man kind and evil, both would be wounded, but the final victory would be in favor of the woman, who would bruise the serpent's head. God renewed his covenant with Abraham, who was selected to be the father of a chosen people, the Jews. Through them God would bless the whole world and this has been literally true. The Jews have been the teachers of religion and morality to the world all through the eons of time. Throughout the history of the Jews, as recorded in the Old Testament, the guiding hand of God can be seen. They prosper ed when they kept close to Mm and were punished when they forgot him. All through the years, the hope for a deliverer runs like a bright thread. In our Scripture lesson for this week, we are given some of the mes sianic propheci from the people who suffered exile from their homeland. F.rekiel, a priest, was one of those carried away with King Jehoiahcin. He continued his prophecies while living among the captives in lower Babylon. His messages before the fall of Jerusalem were full of denun ciation of sin and warnings of the coming destruction of the city. After the final fall of Jerusalem, his messages became messages of promise of deliverance. Ezekiel portrayed the coming Messiah as a shepherd of God's flock, Israel. The former kings he described as evil keepers who were selfish and not interested in what happened to their sheep. The flock had been attacked by wild beasts ? heathen nations ? but God would judge the evil shepherd and would eventually claim the flock for his very own, giving them a new Shepherd of the House of David. The new Shepherd would feed thein in peaceful and rich pastures where they would be unmolested by the beasts of prey. In John 10, Jesus stated: "I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for his sheep ... I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine." Daniel, about whom we studied several weeks ago, also prophe sied of the coming of the Mes siah. He spoke of the promised one as a ruler, whose kingdom was so great that people of all nations and of all languages should serve him. Christ's dom inion was everlasting for the kingdom would never be destroy ed. The next prophecy comes from Zechariah, a young man who had returned to Jerusalem from captivity. He foretold several things concerning the Messiah. He pictured the coming of the king ? he would be just, have salvation, be lowly, and ride on an ass. He would speak peace to the heathen and his dominion /S YOUR RAD/O .W Oi/TCO*D? U - ~ , urtj [ IF IT IS...LET MS ftdflVE IT ! WITH A Cbm/fAA REBUILDING JOB/ COMPLETE REPAIR SERVICE All Makes Hon* and Car Set* Phonographs Qtdrleal Appliances PICKUP AND DELIVERY Radio Electric Co. Bos Terminal Bldg.. Phone J98-W Boone. N. C. PERFECT DIAMOND RINGS 1 -Doubly guaranteed in writing to be perfect* 2-Iadividualljr registered in the owner'* name; J-Fiilly ineared ^ain.t less by fire or Ibeftx 4-Oae uniform natioul price oa iralsd na tag. fa* m ftar AUTHOftlZED ^?yaYV B; W STALLINGS Jeweler BOONE. NORTg CAROLINA would be from tea to aea and from the river to the ends of the earth. He also pictured what would happen at the time of the Saviour's death. He would be pierced and the people would mourn, like one mourning for Urn only son. He also declared that "there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness." Purification by the use of water was familiar to the Jews. It was easy for them to understand that the Messiah of the house of David would be a Saviour who would cleanse from ?in. While we cannot mention all of the prophecies in the Old Tes tament concerning the Messiah, probably none is more familiar to the Bible student than the prophecies of Isaiah and his pic ture of the suffering Saviour. The prophecies of the Old Testa ment are fulfilled in Christ, the promised Messiah. The Messiah was to be the Son of man and Jesus described himself to others with' that phrase. His mighty acts, his miracles and his teach ings showed him to be the Son of man and the Son of God. Christ is the Prince of . Peace, for those who have accepted him find peace of heart and spirit. The crucifixion of Christ reveal ed him as the Suffering Servant of Jehovah, the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world. He suffered at the hands of sinful men that man might be saved from his sins. Surely, Christ is the fulfilment of all the messianic hopes of the Jewish people ? and of the whole world. JOBS This year's crop of more than 200,000 college graduates and 1,000,000 high school graduates who are in search of jobs will find conditions generally favor able, according to the Bftreau of Labor Statistics. There is a need for trained engineers, chemists, physicians, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, social workers, librarians and specialists in various fields of science. Teaching will offer op portunities to many thousands and many college graduates will be required for sales and admin istrative jobs. He Will Appreciate a Gift from BARES Dept. Store "Hie gift he'll wear throughout the year. Choose from stripes, solids, plaids or designs . . . washable, wrinkle resistant" 97c and $2.49 Choose a gift for Dad that he'll en joy on his day, June 20th, next Sunday , . . Beautiful, white, broad cloth shirts to keep him cool. Just body to give you the neat dress appearance you want. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY SOCKS, solids, plaids and stripes 39c and 97c BELTS, all leather 79c and $4.00 Come in and browse around . . . you'll be sure to find the gift you especially want for him. Bare's Department Store BOONE. NORTH CAROLINA WhiH avoilobh m* ?Mtrm emit. I llslheQr offheVfear i We'll have H Friday . . . The Car of the Year, Hie Ford Forty Nineri It's the one and only NEW cor In its field, and you can tee it at our show room: f id ay I There nevec was an automobile like this before. There is no other like it today. The revolutionary, new '49 Ford is a complete break with the past. H was designed by you ? all the way through. Yes, in surveys, letters and personal interviews, you told Ford what you wanted. And it's on its way! It looks like a custom built carl Just for the thrill of it, look at the list of new features. And for an even bigger thrill ? your biggest thrill of the year ? see the '49 ford, "The Cor of the Yeai;", at our showrooms Fridayl mmsi June /Si MWI You wanted ROOM. So wo gave you a 57' front, and 60' roar soot, wMi lota of rftouldor and elbow room. NIWI You wanted SAFETY. So wo gov* you a 59% mora rigid "lifeguard" Body, 35% oasior "Magic Action" King. Six* Brakes, and now "Ftcturo Windows". MWI You wonted COMFORT. Ir'i hmn, in a now "Mid Ship" Ride, "Hydro Coil" Front Springs, "faro-Wen" Roar Springs. I ridos Hko a droom t NIWI You wanted ECONOMY. Now V-4 and SIX Engines. Up to 10% More gas ocowoory. (Up to 25% wMi Over* drtvo, optional at extra cost J NIWI You wanted BEAUTY. WO, youl sea for yourself Juno 111 Youl Ford "Iho Car of Hw YoarT Winkler Motor Co. Boone, N. C. Telephone 69