KODAK FILM DEVELOPED AND PRINTED SPECIALISTS IN CHILD AND BABY PHOTOGRAPHY in our studio or la your homo. CAMERAS - FILM - REPAIRS PALMER QTUDIO DOONE 309 Wml photo "Service d n. c. Phone Day 280- W; Nite 245-W ? - t* ? ;T ?. ? H ? ? *17. ? ?? J. ? NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS The 1M8 tax books are now ready, and taxpayers may get the full discount by paying their taxes at this time. CLAUDE GARLAND, Tax Collector, Watauga County DR. C. RAY LAWRENCE OPTOMETRIST I % Specialist in Vision Glasses Fitted Offices with Dr. E. T. Glenn, Boone, N. C. OFFICE HOURS 8:30-5:00 Closed Wednesday Afternoons The books o? DANIEL and REVELATION are being studied in the GOSPEL TABERNACLE on Each Tuesday and Friday Evening at 8 p. m. COLORED SLIDES FRIDAY EVENING Teacher ? Miss Johnson of West Palm Beach, Fla. FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE . . . CALL LETCHER'S CABS Phone 328-J Opposite City Hall Boone, N. C. RESIDENTS of BOONE taken to church each Sunday morning ? FREE on call. CONCRETE BLOCKS GRADE A Buy Fireproof Concrete Blocks We can furnish orders large or small, also crushed stone for driveways, private roads and concrete work, all at prices you can afford to pay. We deliver. GRAY STONE BLOCK COPMANY J. C. McConnell, Manager Phone 309-J 1 In Boone It's . . SHOE FOB EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY 1 Ladle*' and Children'* Ready to Wear, Men'* and Boys' Clothing, Hosiery and Place Goods. When in Boon* make Belk's Your Headquarters BELK'S DEPARTMENT STORE Boone, North /Carolina . . -? '? ? ? / THE HOME OF BETTER VALUES . - | Gives Advice On Prevention of Polio Chapel Hill ? Precautionary measures against the possible prevention of the spread of polio have been printed and issued In a bulletin by Dr. O. David Gar Hvin, District Health officer here, Has a result of Orange county's (only case of polio in the current ^outbreak. Dr. Garvin, in cooperation with the University of North Carolina officials, has had the [entire Victory Village, occupied II by married students and their Hfamilies, sprayed with DDT and ^bulletins issued on precautions to be taken. These actions were the result of the only case to develop here. Dr. Garvin, who took a re fresher ? course in the diagnosis and treatment of polio last spring at the Knickerbocker Hospital in New York, drew up the fol lowing list of. precautions: 1. Avoid unnecessary contacts with groups and crowds, especi ally indoors. 2. There is no advantage in going away, chance of exposure is greater if you travel. 3. Continue your normal acti vities. ? 14. Treat every fever not readily explained as poliomy litis and go to bed. 5. Don't take medicine for protection. Do not use gargles or nose drops. 6. Avoid fatigue. 7. Avoid use of contaminated water. 8." Avoid insult to mouth, nose and throat. 9. Kill flies. 10. Don't get panicky. Dr. Garvin pointed out that Dr. Charles Armstrong of the U. S. Public Health Service has de monstrated that "approximately 71 percent of the adult popula tion have had poliomylitis ex perience without having known about it. This means that 71 per cent of adults have developed some immunity to the disease. "Dr. Philip Stimpson, special ist with the National Founda tion," Dr. Garvin went on, "states that for every 1000 per Isons exposed to the disease, 45 will have the disease in such mild form that it will be disregarded or passed by as a minor illness. Only three persons of the 1000 will have enough sympt-jma to be diagnosed. Of theso three cases only one will have any type of residual paralysis. Wildlife Group To Hold Conferences ? The N. C. Wildlife Resource Commission is sponsoring a aeries of wildlife resources training conferences to be held in each of the state's nine com mission districts, Executive Director Clyde P. Patton an nounced today. The first conference of the series, is scheduled for July 19-20 in district 1 at Edenton, to be followed immediately by the second to be held in district 2 at New Bern on July 21 and 22. Further conferences will occur on alternate weeks until Septem ber 3 when the final meeting will get underway at Waynes ville in District 9. The conference will be attend ed by all commission personnel residing within each district, plus central office personnel and representatives of various state and federal agencies concerned with wildlife conservation. Ten tative plans call for Judicial, Educational, Forestry, Soils, and Agricultural representatives in each commission district to at tend the conferences. The purpose of the conferences is to acquaint Wildlife Resources Commission personnel with cur rent trends in wildlit'a manage ment, and to discuss law en forcement and field administra tion problems. The Wildlife Resources Com mission believes that the con ferences will be an important step in integrating wildlife con Boone Flower Shop Cut Flowers, Corsages and Funeral Designs. GIFT ITEMS 'Hon* 21 4- J ?. K'ncj Slr?? GIVES when cold miseries strike FAST RELIEF servation activities in this state, and bring about a more efficient administration of executive and field personnel. 4 WIVES. 1 DIVORCE: / PRISON - Flint, Mich. ? James N. Hamm, 25, went to the altar four times and to the divorce court only once, and so, he was recently convicted and sentenced to three to four years in State Prison for bigamy. ?MOV at SAME'S DEFT. STORE, tor ??aitty amkudlH tad tow >rlo? Wa wit a nnwslit! stack ot JAB MAM iho? BBd ROOST MfeWWI. Visit our La Mm tatr-to-Ww D^t. | ? Co -Ed Snack Bar SPECIALS Western Steaks, medium, small, large ? Sandwiches ... all kinds Milk Shakes Sundaes Curb Serviced ? Delivery Service ROBERT GILLEY, Owner-Manager Phone 3 16- J Boone, N. C. HIGH QUALITY Cinder and Concrete Blocks STEAM CURED? AGED ON OUR YARD LABORATORY TESTED Plant Capacity 30,000 Blocks a Day PRICES AS FOLLOWS ON OUR YARD DELIVERED? BOONE AT ELI2ABETHTON AND VICINITY CINDER BLOCKS? 4x8x16 ? per Hundred ? $ 9.00 Per Hundred ? $10.50 6x8x16 ? per Hundred ? $12.00 Per Hundred ? $14.25 8x8x16 ? per Hundred ? $16.00 Per Hundred ? $19.00 12x8x16 ? per Hundred ? $24.00 Per Hundred ? $28.50 CONCRETE BLOCKS? 4x8x16 ? per Hundred ? 10.50 Per hundred ? 13.50 6x8x10? per Hundred ? 14.50 Per hundred ? 19.00 8x8x16 ? per Hundred ? 18.00 Per hundred ? 24.00 12x8x16 ? per Hundred ? 28.00 Per hundred ? 37.00 DELIVERY PRICES BASED ON FULL LOADS ELIZABETHTON CINDER BL0CK,ll)C. PLANT and OFFICE S. SYCAMORE STREET PHONE 864 ELIZABETHTON, TENN. OUR LOCAL DEALER HAMPTON BROTHERS At Hampton Brothers Service Station, Boone, N. C. Phone 281-W ? but we couldn't do business without him! . When you take your car to an Esso Dealer Station for gasoline, motor oil, or a complete lubrication job - you're not really "doing business" directly with Eno Standard Oil Company, even though we make the fine products you get. Instead, these *25,000 Esso Dealers from Maine to Louisiana are local, independent business men. You deal with the owners them selves ? men who have invested their money and their initiative in building their own fu tures on serving you. From many competing brands of gasoline i . , ESSO STANDARD OIL COMPANY and oil, these local business men have chosen Emo products. Year after year, they have seen first-hand evidence of the satisfaction to the buyer that Esso quality stands for. As of today, these able business men have, on the average, handled Esso prpducts for 12 years each. Esso Many have bought from us for 35 to 40 years. Obviously, we couldn't do business without these men. And naturally we're proud of them ? just as proud of them as we are of die 28,000 workers who are on our company payroll. Both groups? our own employees and these "partners" in their independent businesses ? express this company's basic belief that indi vidual enterprise, given its fair chance to earn fair rewards ? is the best way and the Ameri can way to make progress with and for all the people of this country. ?