THE DEMOCRAT h your boat and moat nlgu With mm than MO* paid-up. caah ?ubscrlptiaaa, your an aa?e goaa to 1U? VOL. LXI, NO. 11. An Independent Weekly Newspaper ? Established in the Year I BOONE. WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1948 KING STREET BY ROB RIVERS THE UNUSUAL AMOUNT of vehicular traffic in Boone Mon day noon . . . cars waiting for an indefinite period at side streets trying to find a break in the traf fic on K'ng . . . Rain brought bu sy farmers to town, Labor Day increased the traffic from the cen ters of population and the auto mobile inspection lane was a drawing card . . . Friend races through the red light, waves a greeting as he barely misses us, as we proceed on the green from the other direction . . . Ernest Lewis and Policeman Coy Greene in hot car trade . . Federal em ployee, silenced by the Hatch act, listens to discussion of partisan politics and says 'nary a word . . against the law for him to take part in matters of government, in a nation which boasts of personal freedom . . . particularly of the vocal chords . . . aged man asks coin for bus fare . . . one legged man passes around a card, and gamers a few dimes . . . minister mentions the expansion of the lo cal bootlegging syndicates and vows that stores would be better . . . Miss Rachel Ann Vance, ef ficient business manager of The Appalachian, gets ready for the first edition of ,the college news paper . . sidewalk preacher goes to and fro under awning, his ex hortations unaided by amplifiers, offering little competition to the noise of the traffic. ? ? ? GUESTS of the BiU Franc* enterprises at the stock car ra ces in North Wilkesboro Sun day . . . Good entertainment provided by the swaying batter ed racers as they slide around . the curves and roar down the straighaway . . . Boone f?k I have been attending the races right aloof, and Frank Triptatt Boone automobile moflhanir. 1ms entered his spec! ally designed ear on a number of opt? Ions and placed la the money at but f altering voice, the loudspeaker, but ' little ... Like . the folks of course _ ted in the hazards ef Ike gruelling motor grind, and to feel it was a pretty good day. when two of the cars careanad through the board fence surrounding the speed way ... It was a good piece of sportsmanship on the part of everyone concerned, and were mighty glad the fellows suffer ed no serious injury in their efforts to promote a worthy sport. ? ? ? BOONE'S NEGRO RESI DENTS, there are not many, com paratively speaking, due largely to the fact that they themselves have not sought or particularly welcomed others from their race from outside communities ? have lived here in peace and harmony with their white neighbors for these many years, with a mini mum of friction . . . They are, on the whole, enterprising people, who have fostered their churphes and school, built creditable homes and taken their places in an or derly and friendly society . . . They have succeeded remarkably well through their own efforts and with the co-operation of the white folks, and there has been a noticeable lack of race trouble here . . even since the nation's politicians, so many of them, have spread discord, in an effort to pass the negro vote back and forth like a football in the pivo tal states of tRe east. ? ? ? BUT THINGS DO HAPPEN, occasionally, which the local ne gro cen't help and for which he is in no wise responsible . . The other day. It saemi. an out ride negro, who had served a stretch on the gang, and who Is said to be a rather ordinary h ombre in about all respects. ? bit i for the well ?aL % offering insults to two lnd^r of the community . . . in Jail an a . the ben of the emotional sta bility of the people of the city. Occurrences of this sort are ra high and mighty type of ne gyotc who occasionally happen in the community, with the I that they ca the loyal ma (Continued on page 4) VICTIMS OF WEIRD FIRES ? ?' Vw ? * J About 200 fires hare oeeurnd on the Willey farm near Macomb. 111. in ? short period, destroying the farm house and two barns. The fires mystified the fire department and nearby counties and some beliered that they might have been caused by radio ig nited materials . . . that is until the 13-year old member of the famliy. a granddaughter of the Willeys. admitted striking the mat ches which caused the widespread damage. The family is shown in front of a lent, which is their temporiry domicile. 6 Polio Cases Delayj Opening 01 Schools Earl Greer Sergeaht On Albemarle Force SGT. EARL GREER The following which was re cently published in the Stanley News and Press, under the head ing of ?' People You -Should Know' is of interest to the friends of Mr. Greer in this section. He is the popular son of Mr. and Mrs. John Greer of Boone. A pleasant-faced fellow, wear ing the badge of a sergeant with the Albemarle police depart ment, is William Earl Greer. A native of Boone, Watauga county, he moved to Albemarle 12 years ago. According to some of his associates on the force, who are always more willing to give information about others than about themselves, he is a genuine mountaineer ? and well he might be because Boone is right in the heart of the North Carolina hills. Mr. Greer attended Boone high school, where he played football, basketball, baseball, and tennis. Following graduation he worked with the State Highway depart ment for a while and in 1935 was married to Miss Jane Smith of Albemarle, who was a stud ent at Appalachian State Teach ers college at Boone. They now have two children, Phyllis Ann and Jane. Upon coming to Albemarle in 1936, he worked with the Wlscas sett Hosiery mill for five year* and was a guard at Efird mill for two years, joining the police department in May, 1944. It is perhaps Sergeant Greer, of all the Albemarle policemen, who has developed the art of giving an erring motorist a ticket, with a most pleasant smile on his face at atl times. He says it is bad enough for a motorist to have to receive a ticket without having a sour faced policeman breathing down his neck while delivering the unwanted slip of paper. Hobbies of this well-known and popular policeman include swimming and badminton. He lives on North Cotton avenue. es cat Children Again Quarantined As New Cases Of Polio Develop in County. Six new cases of polio in the county, have caused the board of education to postpone the open ing of the county schools to Sep tember 20, and caused health au thorities to announce a renewal of the voluntary quarantine of children, which had been lifted only last week. County Superintendent W. H. Walker states that the school op efl Ipg ?dates_have been changed on the advice of the health depart ment. Dr. Len D. Hagaman, acting health officer, states that the re currence of a number of polio cases makes it wise to again in sist that parents keep their chil dren out of crowds, as well as off the streets for the time being. The new polio cases as report ed by the health department are: Billy Stewart, 3Vi, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Stewart of Blow ing Rock. Barbara Farthing, 14, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Farthing of Boone. Glenn Hodges, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dock Hodges of Boone. Marie Wilson, 3, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wilson ofl 'Reece. Leonard Garges, 6, a visitor at the home of the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Greene, Blowing Rock. Jackie Greene, 23, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Com Greene of Blowing Rock, who had also been spending some time at the John Greene home. The new cases brings the coun ty total to sixteen for the current epidemic. Mrs. Thomas is Taken by Death Mrs. W. C. Thomas, 52, died September 2nd at the home of her daughter, Mrs. David If. Wilson, following a prolonged illness. Funeral services were con ducted at the ZionviUe Baptist church Saturday afternoon by Rev. R. C. Eggers, Rev. Edd Farthing and W. K. Wilson. Active pallbearers were: E. G. Greer, W. O. Stephens, Edd Bumgardner, R. L. Trivette and Rufus Smith. Flower girls were: Mesdames R. C. Eggers, Will C. Miller, Howard Greer, W. A. Stephens, Chas. Greer, Harve Wilson, W. K. Wilson, Reeves Holm an, Edd Bumgardner, Clay Reeoe, R. C. Bumgardner, Mrs. Dora Penn and Miss Edna She is survived by one daugh ter, '.Mrs. David N. Wilson, of Reece, four brothers, Edward Potter, Richmond, Ore.; J. K. Potter, Jacksonville, Fla.; Roes Potter, Zionville; Lee Potter, Portland, Ore.; -two sisters, Mrs. W. W. Roten, Richmond, Va. and Miss Sara Potter, Jacksonville, Fla. Truman asked to defer teach er* by educators' conference. ROTARY CLUB FORMED HERE; HARRIS GIVEN PRESIDENCY Eighteen Business Men Are Charter Members of Orga nization; The Slate of Offi cers; Rotarians From Blow ing Rock, Lenoir. Attend. The Boone Rotary Club was or ganized at a meeting of 18 busi ness and professional men of the community. Meeting with Russell E. Zook, the men voted to apply fgr a charter In Rotary Interna tional, world-wide service organ' ization, thus adding Boone to the list of more than 6.200 cities in some 75 countries and geograph ical regions of the world where Rotary has come to play a lead ing part in the progress of the community. Stanley Harris, retired national Boy Scout executive, was elected president; Bert Ellis, Boone mer chant, vice-president; Dr. W. R. Richardson, Boone druggist, sec retary-treasurer and F. T. Wag oner, Boone hardware merchant, was named sergeant-at-arms. Rev. E. F. Troutman, W. H. Gragg, Stanley Harris, W. R. Richardson and Dave Mast were| appointed as a board of directors. Charter members present were J. Edgar Brown. Glenn Howell, L. E. Tuckwiller, D. L. Wilcox, W. B Murray, W. H. Gragg, G. D. Barnett. Ralph Mast, Stanley Harris, B. W. Ellis, F. T. Wagon er, Dr. W. R. Richardson. W. A. Sfhith, Lester Carroll, George Greene, C. C. Wilcox, Rev. E. F. Troutman, L. H. Smith and Dave Mast. Representatives from Blowing Rock, Lenoir, Valdese and Char lotte were present at the organi zation meeting. Mr. Zook in an address at the meeting defined Rotary as "* fellowship of some 805,000 busi ness and professional executives throughout the world who are united in the 'Ideal qf Service," which is though ffulnew of, and helpfulness to Others." "Mem bers of Rotary clubs,"* said Mr. Zook, "endeavor to exemplify their motto "Service above self in all of their daily busines*, social and civic contacts by plac ing the obligation to serve others before the desire for profit for themselves." (Continued on page 4) RE A Members Ttf Meet on Saturday The eleventh annual member ship meeting of the Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corpora tion will be held at the court house in Lenoir on Saturday, September 11, a? 4ft- o'clock a. m. All members are urged to be present and the public is in vited. Mr. George Haggard, as sistant administrator of the rural electrification will make the principal address of the meeting. Mr. Haggard has been invited to speak on the value of an informed membership. Mr. Haggard is an outstanding speak er and it is hoped that everyone that can, will- avail themselves of the opportunity to hear him. The Honorable Robert L. Doughton will also appear on the program. Mr. Doughton has been untiring in his efforts to get electric service to all the rural people and his influence in Congress has been very instru mental in getting the necessary loan appropriations for the cooperatives to carry on this work. Also, Mr. Gwyn Price, chair man of the North Carolina Rural Electrification Authority, will be on' the program. Mr, Price is a native of Ashe county ?nH a member of the cooperative. Many of the members h?Ve made inquiry about the possibilities at getting telephone service in their home. Mr. Price will bring the latest information available on this subject l? Since the close of the war in 104J the Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corporation has made vast strides In its expan sion program. More than 790 miles of line have been built bringing electric service to S287 additional consumers. Within the next twelve months the Cooperative expects to build an additional seven hundred miles of line to serve more than three thousand new consumers. This will satisfy all application for electric service now on hand. HOMESTRETCH GROWN "COKES" f?>l* : ' Beautiful Hialeah race track at Miami, Fia., which raaound* to tht pounding of horsas' boom in tha wintar, is a vegetable garden in tha off season. Hera. Batty Wagnar and Olga Pttarson gather cucumb?rt grown in tha homeatretch. Vagatahia root* pnvaot tha turf baing blown or washed away. Whan tha track U is b* wii4a ready for tha racing taason. special equipment plows tha growth under. Republicans Select Slate Of Candidates NAMED TO HEAD MARCH OF DIMES KALTH W. M?DONAU> ' ; i r >. . ? "/ Ralph McDonald, prominent Winston-Salem educator and' civic leader, has been appointed North Carolina state chairman of the 1949 March of Dimes, Basil O' Connor, president of the National Foundation for Infantile Paraly sis, has announced. It is Dr. Mc Donald's seventh consecutive year as head of the fund raising cam paign in North Carolina. y i The 1949 appeal will be held January 14-31. Mr. O'Connor, in announcing Mr. McDonald's acceptance of the March of Dimes chairmanship, revealed that when complete in cidence figures for the year are tabulated the toll of infantile par alysis in the United States from 1943 through 1948 may Well ex ceed 100,000 cases. "While the final answer to the mystery of poliomyelitis ? the dis covery of a cure and a preventa tive for the disease ? lies in the research laboratory," Mr. O' Connor said, "the generous sup port of the American people is now more vital than ever before if victims of polio, children and adults alike, are to receive the care they must have to achieve maximum recovery." Win. F. Davis Dies in Columbia William Floyd Davis, 77, of Richlannds, Va. died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Clay ton C. Houck of Columbia, S. C., August 18th, following a long illness. He was born in Watauga county, and is survived by his wife, the former Miss Flora Moretz of Boone. Also survlng are four daughters, Mrs. Clay ton Houck, Columbia, S. C.; Mrs. Gladys G. Moretz, Boone; Mrs. Raleigh Moretz, Bristol, Va.; Mrs. Dale Greene, Canton, Pa.; and four sons, Alonzo, Boone; Calrence, Raven, Va.; Paul, Mdilsmk, Va.; and Robert, Portsmouth, Va. Funeral service Were conduct ed by Rev. Speagle at old Mt. Pleesant Lutheran church Aug ust 20th., and burial was in the church cemetery, with Re 1ns Sturdivant of Boom, and Term ers Funeral Home of Rirhlands, Va. in charge. Yugoslavia's trdftiei held "scraps of paper" by Com inform bloc. Jfjf Courtroom Crowded as G. O. P. Leaders Start Fall Campaign. The Republicans of Watauga county met in the courthouse Sat urday afternoon, to name candi dates for the assefribly and for county office, and to hear State Republican leaders unloose the initial politicial oratory of the 1048 campaign. A capacity crowd, estimated at four hundred, gathered for the convention. Dr. A. P. Kephart, was nomint ted for the State Senate, winning handily over Prof. W. L. Winkler, who had announced his candi dacy for the position. Repfesentative S. C. Eggers, was nominated as a candidate for a third term in the House of Rep resentatives. Nominees for the three-memuer board of county commissioners are: R. M. Ward, A. G. Miller and E. D. Cook. Mr. Cook takes the place of H. O. Aldridge, member of the board for the past six years, who had withdrawn from the ' race. Others nominated are incumbents. Mrs. La verne Fox was nomina ted for register of deeds and Jack Storie for county surveyor a sec ond time. W. H. Gragg, candidate for State commissioner of 'Agricul ture. Introduced Sim DeLapp of Lexington, Chairman of the State committee, and J. E. Broyhill, of Lenoir, Republican national com mitteeman for North Carolini. John Wilkinson, candidate for the U. S. Senate, was the princi pal speaker, and was introduced by Clyde R. Greene, candidate for Congress from the ninth district. Mr. Wilkinson urged the voters to send Mr. Greene and himself to Washington, saying that Congress and the national administration would be Republican, and that Democrats J. Melville Broughton and R. L. Doughton, would not be in a position to aid North Caroli na. Howard Bingham Dies In Tacoma Howard Stanford Bingham, 48, former resident of Boone, died at his home in Tacoma, Wash, last Thursday. A heart attack Was given as the cause of his demise. Funeral services and interment were in Tacoma, but details are unavailable. Mr. Bingham was born March 28, 1000, a son of Robert L. and Mrs. Lula B. Bingham of Boone. He had lived in Washington for 19 yean, where he was construc tion supervisor for a number of Tacoma building firms. He was a member of the Elk and Rotary Clubs, and was a Methodist. The widow, the former Miss Kate Parker of Mount Olive, N. C. survives. The parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L Bingham of Boone and one brother. Dean, of Boone, also survive. ELLISON GIVEN PAROLE BY GOVERNOR CHERRY Raleigh, Sept 7.? Sam Ellison, sentenced from Watauga county last September to foctr to seven years for manslaughter, was am ong lour prisoners paroled today by Governor Cherry. Ellison was convicted in the (death of Howard Hockeduy. 7 FACE TRIAL AS FALL COURT TERN OPENS 2 WEEK SESSION I ? r r _ | Judge Piess and Judge Alley To Hold Sessions; Most of Cases of Minor Nature; A List of Those Who Will Do Jury Dutv. The fall term of Watauga Su perior Court will convene on Monday September 20, fftr a' two weeks term for the trial of both criminal and civil cases. Judge J. W. Pleas, Jr., will pre side over the first week's sess sion, while Judge Felix Alley will hold court during 'the second week. Fred M. Gragg, court clerk, says that 67 cases are docketed for the State, most of them in volving misdemeanors, prohibi tion law violations, etc. There are 45 civil cases. Following are the names of those who have been selected ior jury duty during the term: First Week Bald Mountiin: Elbert Moretz, J. C. Miller. Beaver Dam: E. J. Farthing. W. C. Eggers." Blowing Rock: William B. Cas tle, Edward Moody, Charlie R. Spann. Blue Ridge: Vance Cook, Sta cy Ford. Boone: Guy Hunt, C. C. Rogers, J. C. Cline, T. Milt Greer. Brushy Fork: J. Frank Wilson, Claude Minton, Cleve Gross. Cove Creek: Clarence Isaacs, ^lfred Thomas. Elk: Albert Greer, Arthur J. Wheeler. Laurel Creek: McKinley Trtv ett, Tom Glenn, N. L. Glenn. Meat Camp: E. Jones Burkat, Forrest Greene. North' Fork: Walter South. Shawneehaw: Green R. Mich ael. Stony Fork: Orville J. Millar, M. O. Greene, Lane Idol. New River: F. Cecil Miller, Burl Hartley, Lawrence Van Dyke. Watauga: Fred Yates. Ralph Church, J. Edgar Harbin. Second Week Bald Mountain: W. L. By land. Beaver Dam: R. J. Millsaps. Blowing Rock: Fred Hartley. Blue Ridge: Frank Ford. ^1"' Brushy Fork: Coy Bingham. ? Cove Creek: Bynum Grogan, Dock Isaacs. Elk: Grover Wheeler. Laurel Creek: Wm. C. Presnell, Roosevelt Presnell. ,uM Meat Camp: Larkin W. Miller. New River: Frank Hodges, Da vid P. Miller. North Fork: Will Wallace. Shawneehaw: Ira Townaehd. Stony Fork: W. A. Watson. Watauga: Stewart Aldrldge, Dr. A. P. Kephart. Diplheria Gains Foothold Here Dr. Len Hagaman, public health officer, pointa out that diptheria appears to be doing more damage in the county this year than polio, despite the fact that the former is one of the preventable diseases. There have been fifteen cases of diptheria In the county this year, he states, one less than the number afflicted with polio, the disease has been in its most fatal form and several deaths have oc curred. Dr. Hagaman insists that par ents have their babies immuniz ed against diptheria at 8 months of age, and curb this needless suf fering and death. Vaccines are available at -'the health depart ment. Attend Rites For Beoj. Council! Don J. Harton, of Vilas; Mrs Myrtle Buchanan and Roaula of Boone, ware in Seianoe Hfll, Ky? Thursday, where they attended funeral services for a brother of Mrs. Buchanan. Ben (Tod) CouncHl, who died there At the age of S3. Rites were conducted from the Methodist church and interment was in the church cemetet jr. Mr. Council was reared at Vi las, N. C? the son of the lata James P. and Mrs. Councill, and resided in Watauga until ha was ? years old. He had It**! ta

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