W THE DEMOCRAT is your bMt and moat econo mical medium or advertising With mora than LMO paid-up. cash subscriptions, your mee aafe goes to 1XM0 people, on the universally used basts of five readers to each subscriber An Independent Weekly Newspaper ? Established in the Year 1 888 nocrat is operating strictly a cash in advance baaia. The data' label shows the date acrlption will date your paper will unless sooner renewed. Democrat is on VOL. LXI, NO. 15. BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1948. FIVE CENTS A COP* HNGjTRECT BY ROB RIVERS . .OCTOBER comes in ahead ofl frost but Oie fronds of the forests are changing to gold and crim son as summertime takes leave of the mountains . . . Jack frost will soon bring in his paint pot and spreads cloak of many colors over mountains and valleys in a magnificent requiem to thei happy days of summer . . Screech owl sounds plaintive notes in the' cool of eventide ... Big crowsl visit their Alma Mater on the oc casion of Appalachian College! and the homefolks turn out to Mountaineer* van* quish the Elon Christians in a| classic of the frolicksome pig-1 skin . . The one-way traffic signs on Appalachian Street, if obswv ed, most likely will save a life, y?ur? ? ? ? Howard Street, beautifully paved, and as smooth as a floor, brings joy to the folks who have occasion to use the town a second most Important WELv Mdie B. Hagaman, wh? is a sort of one-man Gallop poti of local opinion, tells us what's i1) the minds of the folks over in his district ... j. Frank Wilson, who has read the Democrat since) it first hit the mails, hails us on the street and chats pleasantly ? . . Earl D. Cook, G. O. P. lead er. and candidate for commiss ioner. chats with us about some! of the funny political angles while! we wait before the teller's win. dow at the bank . . . Surveying a bunch of picture frames and try-l ing to figure out why the mak ers thereof can't conform to stan1 aard photographers' sizes the authority and high moralel which accompany unusual femi nine beauty. ' <>*:? ? ? ROT ARIA* makes it a point 1 to 90 on inspoctioa trip ?f tfa ^ county jail and drops by fc> ta "? tha courlaous treatment j throughout, everything in tip lop shape, and that the best part H the visit was when he look ed into the cells, and found ?*. ?ry single one of the barred rooms . . . EMPTY! ALONG THE' WspHAL'T: O roups of bicyclists t (kittling to and fro in the line oC fast traffic and giving the motorists the wil-l lies . . . pick-ups anC trucks slow ing up the deal . . . driver ahead! doing fifty, and apparently talk-l ing incessantly, taking hand from! wheel to drive home point every once in a while, and crossing the center line with every gesticula tion . . . woman lets bitzy one walk unaided along the edge of the .pavement . . big dog who aimed to cross to the other side . . . small lad attempts to pull ob-| stinate cow against her will gazing down an embankment at; remains of one of the huge ex press trailers, which had been a funeral pyre for the driver . entire cargo burned, even the rub-| b?r from the wheels . . . the cur-' ious pass a few words, and arej | gone again . . faster than before 1 - ? ? cars passing on one of the old narrow bridges, while pedes-! ) tnan caught in the center of the] span holds on to the superstruc / *ure ? ? auto with every fender! / battered . . . crimson-colored mo del T, chugging along at a pace! that would have been breath-tak-! ing just few short years ago the hustle and bustle of the air terminal in Winston-Salem . Hadn't been at the spot since we took a barn-storming flight there when sailing through the ether| was considered a prank, ratherl | than a practical means of getting some place . . . The stop signs at) Brooks cross roads ... After all . cm are stopped, no one knows! 2 who has the right of way . another fellow took the pain to ; move same time we did ...? I standard traffic light would, it| . seems, help. ? ? ? ? Voter reeds plea of candi date for the esiabllshx&eni of ? two-party ifitam la North Car olina . . "Psrhaps the thing to do . . . think myself there should b**hro . . , thing that punlM aae. how mr. is. be don't say > which two of the darn things we ought to get 'rid of ... . f Trying to absorb with might I and main one of those mixed op deduct ions . . . speaker notes our sluggishness on the uptake and allows that we appear to ' he "dumber than common." . . Farmers vis 11 Herford sale Bat I nrday to view the juicy steaks * an the hoof, and to do their buy fog . . . some say the peak in (Continued on page 4) ELECTION DAY IS COMING p? ? pnnnnM'1* 'i"" " ' ' Ti ?x.1, wuawwB? ? | Mi>i Margaret Truman, daughter of tha President, lions tha at ac tion registration book to Tola in har first Presidentiarelection. up on har arrival in Independence, Mo. Looking on are har father and mother and election clerk. Anna Kelly. Mrs. Harris Chosen For Assembly Race POLIO VIRUS? Dr. Eduardo D. P. Derobertis. left >nd Dr. Francis O. Schmlil. of Cambridge and Belmont. Mask. respectively, showed pictures of tiny dots thai may be polio virus moving inside a nerve to the Mi croscope Society of America at Toronto. Scientists attending the meetings said that if these dots are actually the virus, there is reason for rejoicing. Last Riles Held For Ll. Aldridge Funeral services were conduct ed last Wednesday from the Fos coe Christian Church for Lieut. Shona Aldridge. who lost his life in the recent war while leading his platoon in the invasion of It aly. Rev. S. E. Gragg, of the Advent Christian Church, conducted the services, and members of Watau ga Post, American Legion confer red militaj-y honors at the grave side. Lieut. Aldrige is survived by the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lin ville Aldridge and the following brothers and sisters; Shula, Clus, Jifnmie Aldridge, of Foscoe; Gar ner Aldridge, Bel Air, Md.; Miss Burla Snow Aldridge, Mrs. Demp sey Shook, Miss Burnell Aldridge of Foscoe; Mrs. Stanley Storie of Shulls Mills. Lieut. Aldridge, who was 32 years old, was posthumously aw arded the oak leaf cluster, an ad dition to the silver star, for 8*1 larttry in action with an infantry regiment of the 36th "Texas" di vision. He was serving with Gen eral Mark Clark's fifth army, and had seen action in Africa and Sicily, before losing his life as he led his platoon in an attack across the Rapido River in the Italian campaign. Whitener Speaks In Siatesville Dr. D. J. Whitener of Boone, district governor, Lions Interna tional. was guest speaker at the States ville Lions Club, marking the first of a series of regional conferences on world peace and uriders tending. Abo speaking at the conference wyt Edward H. MrMahon and Congressman R. L. Doughton. Mrs. Whitener and Richard Kel ley, cabinet secretary, also atten ded the meeting. Mrs. Mary S. Hlurris of Sher wood, has been selected as the Democratic candidate for the Mouse of Representatives, thus becoming the first woman to be chosen by either political party for a seat in the General Assem bly from Watauga county. Mrs. Harris received the nomi nation from the Democratic exe :utive committee, which acted af ter Dr. J. B. Hagaman had decid ed to withdraw from the race for the house. Dr. Hagaman had been nominated by an overwhelming fete of the county convention, but decided against making the race due to the pressure of his professional duties. Mrs. Harris is a daughter of the late Enoch and Mrs. Swift, pionefr residents of the Cove Creek section, and has long took an active interest in public af fairs. and may be expected to aggressively place her candidacy before the people. Her husband, Stanley A. Harris, retired nation al Boy Scout executive, is presi dent of the Boone Rotary Club. 554 Children in School in Boone The Boone Demonstration School has gotten off to a satis factory start with an enrollment of 554 children in the first seven grades. The largest enrollment Is in the first grade. Mrs. Robert Broome has been employed by the college to teach part of the 97 pupils enrolled in this grade. Principal John T. Howell stat ed that the lunch room has aver aged serving 350 children per day during the first two weeks. Rotary Seeks To Aid Delinquents Local law enforcement officers sometimes find that they have boys and girls under 16 years of age in their custody and no place to put them except the jail. Our officers hate to lodge a boy or girl in jail; our citizens hate for youth to be put in jail and our county and city officials disap prove of it. It is unlawful. Some kind of detention quarters is needed. Recognizing this community need, the Rotary Club is using its influence to help work out some satisfactory solution to this problem. Thomas Child Dies Tuesday Nora Doris Thomas, 13, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas of Trade, Tenn., died at her home Tuesday of bronchial pneumonia. Funeral services were conduct ed Wednesday at 11 o'clock at Thomas Chapel at Trade and bur ial was in the Thomas cemetery. Rev. ' Victor Trtvette was In charge of the rites. She is survived by the parents, one brother and two sisters, Wil ey A. Thomas, Maude K. and Arta Mae Thomas all of the home. COUNTERFEIT BILLS CAUSE OF ALARM AMONG MERCHANTS Descriptions of Sythetic Bank Bank Notes Given For the Protection of Local People; Say Comparison Quickest Way to Detect Bad Money. The appe ranee of a number of spurious ten and twenty dollar bills in territory in which some of the Boone stores operate, has caused the merchants association to issue the following bulletin to the public, in order that they may protect themselves against the counterfeit bank notes: There are a good many counter feit $10 bills being circulated in the country and some of them have been found in the territory in which we operate. The de scription of these bills is shown below but this description states that the seals are green. However on some of these bills the seals are black. (The (10.00 bills that bear the B 388 in the lower right hand corner have the serial num ber on the left hand Side under the seal to begin with the letter "G" and end with the figures and letter 0O2C). All of these bills are drawn on the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. There are also a few counter feit $20 bills being circulated and they all bear the numbers D 99 and A 96 in the lower fight hand corner. They are alio of the "G" series. Please be on the lookout for both the $10 and $20 coun terfeit bills. We are giving in form lit ion seal in by the United States Secret Service and the United State! Treasury Department regarding the counterfeit bills. The counterfeits are Of the se ries of 19340. Red ink lines are drawn on the paper simulate genuine threads. Hamilton's hair has an unnaturally-white appear ance. % On the back look for the num bers 1177, 1159, or 1098 in tiny print, inside the border at the rigrtl. Also,, the steps to the Treasury building are missing, and the area just under the col umns at the entrance is solid white. This counterfeit is being pass ed on retail merchants in many parts of the United States. Cash iers are urged to keep a genuine S10 Federal reserve note handy, and to compare all suspected bills with it. This counterfeit can be easily detected when compared with a genuine bill. I If you get a counterfeit, do not return it. Try to delay the passer by some natural excuse, and tel ephone your police department. If the passer leaves, write down the license number of any caw involved. Gay Fall Colors In Parkway Area Nature is parading itself in all the glory if its many fall colors, along the Blue Ridge Parkway. The familiar green foliage is giv ing way to a party dress showing its many and varied hues of yel low, brown, scarlet and red. The fast-turning leaves of the black gum, hickories, maples, bir ches and sourwoods and other trees are arranging a colorful pat tern for the enjoyment of the vis itor to the Parkway. According to Mr. Sam P. Weems, superintendent of the Blue Ridge Parkway, this display is now at its height and should be very attractive for the next two weeks. Athletic Assn. Meeting Slated Coach R. W. Watkins, president of the tri-county athletic associa tion, has called the fall meeting of the association for Monday Oc tober 11th at 8:30 in the men'* gymnasium at the college. The association is made up of nine high schools in Ashe county, four from Watauga, and three from Avery. The fall meeting will deal with basketball schedules, officials and rules of eligibility for players. All coaches and principals are asked to be present HAWAIIAN HONEY The Department of Agriculture is giving consideration to Hawai ian honey in its further purchase for the school-lunch program. CLUBWOMEN AID ENDOWMENT-FUND Dr. B. B. Dougherty, president of Appalachian State Teachers Col* lag*, accepts donation to endowment fund for Appalachian Summit School from a group of local clubwoman. Mrs. F. R. Derrick, chair man of the finance committee. Worthwhile Woman's Club, is saan presenting the check. Other members of the committee, left to right are: Mrs. Starr Stacy, Mrs. G. H. Phillips, and Mrs. V. E. Warm an. A member of the committee, not present whan the ptetars was made, is Mrs. Lea Reynolds ? Photo by Palmer Blair. {Registration Books To Open Saturday HENRY REGISTERS, How you rot* In Naw York ittit is your buiiaoM, but you don't rot* unless you ragistar. So tha -tanry Willnw. whoii farm omi U in tha mora rural ruchti >f suburban Wastchastar. want to .ha board of alactiom at Whita Plains. N. Y. to raglstar for tha Norambar *1 actions. Mr. and Mrs Wallaca ara shown dropping thalr ^allots In tha box. Services Held For William H. Vines Funeral services for Pfc. Will iam Hal Vines, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Vines of Sugar Grove were held Tuesday, September 28 at 2:00 p. m. at the Bethel Bap tist Church with the Rev. W. D. Ashley, Rev. Robert Shores and Dr. Wiley Smith officiating. In terment was in the family cem etery. Pfc. Vines entered the service April 12, 1944, and received train ing at Camp Blanding, Fla., Fort Meade, Md., and Camp Van Dorn, Miss, before being sent to France in December 1944. He was killed in action January 29, 1945 in the vicinity of Colmar, France, at the ige of 19. While home on furlough he was converted at Forest Grove church but was called back to camp be fore he had the opportunity of uniting with the church. He is survived by the parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Vines, one ister, Mrs. Ruby Anderson of Boone; and four brothers, James, Thomas, Vance, and Johnny of Sugar Grove. Shipley on Board Hereford Group dreensboro, Sept. 30. ? Three new directors of the North Caro lina Hereford Breeders associa tion were elected this morning at a business session at Guilford Dairy club. They are R. G. Shipley of Vilas, J, H. Crossingham of Mr. Airy, and W. S. Barber of Mt. Olive. M. O. Galloway of Waynesboro association president, presided ov er today's sessions. After an ad dress of welcome by T. B. Bled soe, Greensboro Hereford breeder, Paul Swaffer of State College's Extension service, spoke of . the poasibility of developing Here fords in this section. He recom mended improved pastures, dev elopment of community herds and improvement in the quality of purebred herds as methods of development Charles Ingersoll co-founder of dollar-watch firm, dies. i The registration books for the general election will be open at the various polling place* in the county next Saturday, it is advis ed by R. T. Greer, chairman of the county board of elections. Mr. Greer states that the books will also be at the polling places on October 16 and 23, and that October 30 will be observed as challenge day. " < u _ All those who have nat 'hither to voted in Watauga, and ? who have become eligible by estab lishing their residence here, or who have attained their majority since the last election will be re quired to register. Those who do not' eppear at. the polling place, May contact their register at his home or place of business. J:.' ?,<- Absentem; Available, Chairman Greer says that the board of elections, is establishing an office in the P. W. Moretz building on Howard Street and that ballots and necssary forms for use in absentee vpting are now available. Blowing Rock [.Leader Succumbs David J. Craig, summer resi dent of Blowing Rock for many years, died at his home in Char lotte Sunday, after an illness of several months. Born in Gastonia, Mr. Craig was a former resident of States ville where for 25 years he was secretary-treasurer of the Henkel Craig Livestock company. As an executive of the companies which built the golf course and enlarg ed and modernized the Green Park hotel, he was active in the development of Blowing Rock as a summer resort. Funeral services were conduct ed at the home Monday afternoon by Dr. James A. Jones, pastor of Myers Park Presbyterian church. Interment .was in Elmwood cem etery. Drivers Asked To Get License . All persons in Watauga county [whose surnames begin with E. F, and G are urged to renew their driving license at once by the State examiner for this area. July 1 to December 31 was des ignated as the time for the auto ista in this category to get their licenses, and although half the time has elapsed, very few have secured renewals. The examiner will be at the courthouse every Friday throughout the remainder of the year for this purpose. Persons driving without a li cense after December 31, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and be liable to a fine of not less than $25.00. Supper Arranged ByP.-T. A. Body [ ' "" ___ I The Parent- Teachers Associa tion will sponsor a get-acquaint ed covered dish supper at the high school cafeteria Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. AH members of the organiza tion and members of the facuKj in prior years, will furnish th? food for the occasion. TEACHERS TO HOLD INITIAL MEETING HERE NEXT FRIDAY Schools to Close at Noon So Tutors May Gather; Presi dent Wey to Preside; Walk er to Give Comparative Tax Figures Candidates Invited. The first meeting of the Wa tauga County Unit of the North Carolina Education Association will be held lrf the auditorium of Appalachian High School, Fri day, October 8, at two o'clock. The schools throughout the uma ty will close at noon In order to allow all teachers to be present for this meeting. Mr. Herbert Wey, who was elected vice-president last spring, is now president and will pro side at the Friday meeting. Mr*. Rawlelgh Cottrell Is the now vice-president and program chairman. Mrs. Cottrell has announced the following program to r the first meeting: Superintendent Howard Walker will compere Watauga county with surround ing counties In regard to taxes spent for education. Mrs. Grace Council! will re Dort on the N. C. E. A. meeting held in Raleigh, October S. ? The county candidates for of fices in the November election will state briefly their views to ward education for Watauga county. These candidates are: State Senate, Dr. H. B. Perry. Sr., Dr. A. P. Kephart; State House of Representatives, Mr. C|yde Efcgers aqd Mrs. Mary Harris; County Commiaatonera, Mr. Harry Hamilton, Mr. A. G-. Miller, Mr. Will Winabarger, Mr. Ckarlie Clay, Mr. Ruff Ward and Mr. Earl Cook. Apps Wfoi Over * [ Hon By 33-13 HermarfBlyson, former Child ren's. Home -ace, led the Moun taineer? Appalachian to ? 33-13 home-corning victory over Elon last' Saturday night. Bryson sprinted 05 yards on the first play from scrimmage and counted three more times in a wild 26-point third period. The Mountaineers scored their third straight North State conference triumph. Tackle Zurlis covered a block ed punt in the end zone for Elon's first touchdown and a 65-yard drive notched the second in the final period with Clayton going over. Appalachian Lineup Ends ? Cacky, Small. Tackles ? Grissom, G. Lyons. Guards ? Boyette, Alford. Center ? Honeycutt. Backs ? Mills, Ragan, Bryson, Akins. Cottrell Named To YDC Position Raleigh, Oct. 6 ? Appointment of Howard Cottrell, operator ot the College Bookstore at Appa lachian State Teachers College, as YDC organizer for Watauga county has been announced by Bedford W. Black, State organi zer for the Young Democratic Clubs of North Carolina. In announcing Cottrell's ap pointment, Black said that the Young Democrats have establish ed offices in State Democratic headquarters and that their goal is the organization of every pre cinct in the State to roll up the greatest Democratic majority in history on November 2. Riles An Held - For Boss Ragan Boss Cleveland Ragan, resident of Boone, R. F. D. 2, died at Hox boro, where he was engaged to saw milling, on September tt. Funeral services were held last Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Meat Camp Baptist Church. Rev. R. C. Eggers was assisted lirlhe rites by Rev. Na than Greene, and Rev. A. K. Mor etz, and Interment was in tba church casoetary Surviving are four brothers and one sister: D. B. Ragan, A. J. Ra gan. J. M. Ragan, L. F. ~ Boone. Mrs. Jake Nc

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