APPALACHIAN HI SCHOOL NEWS Had?* Council The Student Council of Appa lachian High school was official ly installed on Friday morning's assembly program. Mr: Wey ad ministered the pledge of office to. President V. J. Moretz, Jr., who in turn gave the pledge to the officer* of the council. Mar garet Hayes was installed as vice-president; Barbara Bingham, secretary-treasurer; and Nora Austin, as reporter. Senior members of the council are Nora Austin, Annie Cooke, Margaret Hayes, Teddy Bamette, V. C. Payne and Lawrence Phil I BOONE DRUG CO. [ Toot Prescription Store Prompt Service Three Registered Pharmacists; Q. K. Moose, W. H. Richardson, O. K. Richardson Store Hours 8:30 A. M. to 0:30 P. M. Sundays 3:00 P. M. to 6 P. M If needed after store hours, call 114-M or 101. THE RETM.I. STORE lip*. Representatives from the jun ior class are Barbara Bingham, Nettie Lou Rogers, H. M. Moretz and Roy Wood. Sophomore class members are Mildred Dean, Sarah Jane Lewis, John Idol and Dixon Quails. The freshman class is represen ted by Peggy Gross, Billie Jean Storie, Clyde Austin and Jerry Troutman. Council members from the eighth grade are Pat Aldridge, Patsy McGuire, Guy Hunt and Dempsey Wilcox. The two seventh grade classes ire to be represented by Geral dlne Brown and Betty Ann Ed mis ten. The executive committee of the council Is composed of the officers and two other members elected by the council, Dixon Quails and Jerry Troutman. Home Rooms And Clubs Miss Alexander's 9th grade girls elected homeroom officers last Wednesday morning. They ire as follows: President, Fairy Lunsford; vice-president, Ruby Greer; sec retary, Joanne Greene; reporter, Man Culler; student council, Peg gy Gross. Miss Reynold's ninth grade no throa/imItation In a rtctot tea*. hundred) of men and women all across (he country amoked Camela ? and only Camelf ? an average of one to two peckajiea a day -for 30 cooaecutive dart Each week their throati were examined by noted throat apecial iats ? ? total of 2470 examinations? and theae doctors found not one single case of throat irritation due to smok ing Camels. The Home Jewelry presents superb plan for you to own GENUINE BAVARIAN AND ENGLISH BONE CHINA $$1 DOWN $1 PER WEEK FOR 1 PLACE SETTING Select Now For Christmas Your China is a lifetime buy. Nothing but the best will do. Stop in early and see our patterns. Begin our con venient one for one for one plan. The same plan may be used for our Sterling and Silver Plate Items PROTECT YOUR FAMILY by becoming a member of REINS-STURDIVANT BURIAL ASSOCIATION TELEPHONE 24 - BOONE, N. C. A 25 cent fee is charged upon joining after which the follow ing dues are in effect: Quarterly Yearly Benefit One to Ten Years 10 .40 ) 50.00 Ten to Twenty-Nine Years ? .20 .80 100.00 Thirty to Fifty Years .40 1.60 100.00 Fifty to Sixty-five Years .80 2.40 100.00 Shop in BELK'S Men' 8 Department for Quality Mer chandise . . . We feature Curlee Suits, Esquire Socks, Fruit of the Loom Underwear, and Archdale Shirts. All alterations on Suits and pants FREE. BELK'S DEPARTMENT STORE Boone, North Carolina THE HOME OF BETTER VALUES girls elected the following offic er*: President, Betty Joe Miller; vice-president, Frieda Moretz; secretary-treasurer, Kathryn Mil ler; reporter, Betty Sue Rogers; room committee, Joaephene Mil ler; Eva Oxentine, Carol Wood, Alice Wood;- locker and basket room, Margaret Phillips, Helen Winebarger, Olive Moretz, Becky Shoemaker; program committee, Reta Lee Norris, Evelyn Mc Cracken, Beth Phillips, Joan Parker; first aid, Merrill Hayes, Shirley Maltba; student council representative, Billie Jean Storie. State College Hints to Farm Homemakera One way of attaining a more successful home life is by the provision of a family council. Let all members of the household join in this council and meet once a week to discuss common problems. This will give anyone with a grievance an opportunity to bring it before the group, where it is usually ironed out with no difficulty. A good dinner served amid peaceful surroundings and in an atmosphere of securdity is no small contribution to family life. Keep the table-talk constructive and mix with the baked beans and angel cake plenty of love, laughter, and understanding. Thus will the dinner hour be made a much-looked-forward-to event in your home. After cutting fresh flowers from the garden, place in water almost to the blossoms. Insert scissors under water and cut off small portion of the stem. Keep stems under water until flowers become turgid and stand up well for artistic arranging. Have you ever tried a little |Chlorox in the water to keep it fresh and keep down the odor |from decaying stems and leaves?| A little dry mustard or salt rubbed on the hands and then rinsed off will remove onion odors. To remove onion or fish odors from pans in which those and other odiferous foods have been cooked, wash the pans in hot soapy water to which one or two tablespoons of vinegar have been added. Farmers have increased their capacity -to produce food to the highest levels in United States [history and prospects are that they will produce even more in the future. ?or ?jtfrtV\fear bwQood Shot Repair SflVSTOOAY Daniel Boone Shoe Shop CHAS. C. ROGERS. Mgr. Boone Flower Shop Cut Flowers, Corsages and Funeral Designs. GIFT ITEMS Phona 214- J E. King Sir**: f IT 16 ...LET VK REVIVE IT WITH A Cbmfiftft REBUILDING JOB I COMPLETE REPAIR SERVICE All MikN Horn* and Car Sate Phonographs Electrical Appliancaa PICKUP AMD DELIVERY Radio Electric Co. Boa Terminal Bldg? Phona JM-W Boon#. N. C. LUCKY l! CUSTOMER! ? S ; Every (ingle one of the flmoui ! International Sterling Silver pat- ! tern* it Mill priced juit aa it wai ! (our yean ago ! A six-piece place telling in mod International Sterling pattanu at leaa than 123.00! Sea (or yo ureal! at our ailverware departiaaal, toon! STALLINGS JEWELERS Boob*, N. C. BRIEF NEWS Government ownership of trans port is held dangerously near. Employers to get awards of merit for hiring handicapped. Navy opens school in Bayonne to cut vast material waste. Class I railroads' net income for August was $86,000,000. Radio revenues rise 7.4 per cent in 1948 as costs advance 10 per cent. U. S. asks five movie produc ers to end hold on 1,400 theatres. Two air - colonies say super atom bills will win a war quick ly Rearming and U. N. speeches create war fears among British. RAF opens drive for 100,000 recruits at rate of 1,000 weekly. California begins $50,000,000 Folsom Dam near Sacramento. Autos hold lead as users of steel, six months' figure shows. United States sought reduction of arms sixteen years ago. Secretary Marshall stresses right of all people to free press. United States high command charts defense for fifty years. Gen. Clay quoted as -saying the Soviet might is overrated. Auto output in seven months put at 3,000,000 cars or trucks. Doctors say penicillin dust has cured cases of common cold. Business failures feared heavy If price inflation ends. Peak steel output of 64,000,000 tons is forecast for this year. Building up of charge accounts urged on retail stores. House group majority lays high prices to grain export. California's population rises to 10,031,000, census shows. France tops list of ECA grants in first six months. Nehru says India will resist "aggression" in Kashmir. U. S. orders helicopter big as DC-4, with bus-size trailer. p Its The Talk Of The Town Food MEET ME AT People's Cale where Food is courteously served by prompt waitresses, AND COOKED TO SUIT "YOUR" INDIVIDUAL TASTE No Waiting for This Brand-New Fireball Engine. Get This Thrill Today! YOU can dish yourself up a full por tion of the zip and go that make today's Buick engine the leader of the parade. You can thrill again to the surge of brand-new Fireball power ? under the bonnet of your prewar Buick. And you can get action- ? and action now. In from one to two working days, we can take the weary engine out of your faithful 1937 or later model Buick ? re place it with a sparkling new 1948 Fire ball engine fresh from the factory. It's a complete power package. You get all the items listed in the panel ? everything new from carburetor to clutch, valves to oil pan. You get every design and construction feature that puts today's Buick engine out in front. Best of all ? your engine is waiting for you in our shop right mow ? because en gine output has outstripped new-car production at the factory. The cost ? varying a bit from model to model? is low enough to make this power package a prize bargain. So why delay any longer the thrill of owning and driving a 1 948- powered car? Come in today to see how simple the whole thing is. BUICK CARE KEEPS BUICKS BEST You get all this ALL NEW! NCW NfW NfW NfW NfW NCW NCW Cylinder Block Crank th aft and tacrine* Connecting Rods Pistons, Km and Rings Push Rods and la OH Pump Oil Scraorn OH Pan TWmostat and Homing Corporator Air Qoonov Wator Pump Timing Chain and Cyfndor Hood Volvos and Springs Rock?r-Arm AssomUy Wywtml Hooting Wywhooi Clutch Balancer Pool Pump Distributor ifiClk Plugs Spark Plug Wltoa Watauga Sales. & Service 400 N. MAIN STREET BOONE, N. C.