WAST ADS ~4?l?P?itTUNITY KNOCKS HERE" FOR SAU-MU Dodge four door n4w with radio and heater. 8m Carl Day m Sooth ?t lp roc SALE ? One Shorthorn bull. 1* months aid See H O. Otmu. Deep !? WANTED TO BUY small business or partonershlp In or mw Boom. N. C. Address "Buslnsas " % Watauga Demo crat lp WANTED? A used wood aaw with Dower unit attached Starr Stacy. Ill Faculty St., Boone. N. C. lp rom SALE ? Duo-Therm oil clrculat I M hfitaf. in excellent ahape. $40 00 Mrs Nell Uonty. Phone 30. Boone. N C. 10-14-*p ? -a- ? , - RUBBER FOOT WEAR ? Juat received bli Una of men a and boys' artlca. Boys' DM. men# UJO. Wonwn's and girls' rubber boota, black wltli upper, other* In brown, white and red $3.9#. Children 'a brown, rad and white Tmota. Bit Another M? shipment of combat boota. Alao have a nice selec tlon of men'a and boya' work and dreaa ahoea. Compute Una of child ren'* ahoea and slippers. *J9S Excel lent value. Wiiam l and girls ox forda and slippers. B9S and BJ5 All at theae ahoea are priced very reason able Big line of ballerinas all colors, styles and leathers *2 93 Economy Shoe and Ready to Wear Store 1c FOR SAL*? Extra food 880 ?al. fuel oil tank. Uaed but In good condition. Thus W. Young. Blowing Rock. N C Phone IU1. lc MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S all wool aulta. Nice assortment of styles and color*. Men'a re -conditioned John B. Stetson I lata OH. Monte lair hats, with narrow bands. M*. regular value. Economy Shoe and Ready to Wear Store. lc FOR RENT? A throe room apartment furnished. Electric cook stove, refrl ierator. bath room, and hoatrola In Vine nemv If interested see Mrs. D. Horton. VOas, N. C. lc FOR SALE ? One maple corner cabinet, $1300. one oil furnace. (MA), which con be soen at home of William T. ?fitf%tu5e> to Mrs Payne. I 1ST Clevfndon St.. Fitch burg. Maas. lp OOtLs''- AND CHILDREN'S coats. Willie mo have sold quite a number at these coats, we still have a nice selection of all-wool coats which we are offering at less than one-half price. Nice Una of dresses, women's, girls' and children's cotton and dress up dresses. Prices unusually low. Wo man's; white cotton slips. 11.93 "Star dust" sups. Big line of women's, glrh', children's end Infants pantise and bloomelrs. cotton and rayon. 39 cents and S3 cents Economy Shoe and Reedy to Wear Store lc FOR SALE ? 1M0 Studebaker Champ ion motor, also act of fender skirts, all priced right. Ray Critcher. Blow lng Rock. lp FOR SALE ? Winter apples and pears, alao some Virginia Beautlea and Stark*. Cheap If you help gather them. Miss Sallie Ray. Rt. 1. Box 199. Boone, N. C. Xc BIO UNI of Men'a. boya' and child ren's socks and anklets, work, dress and sport styles. One lot of children's anklets at 10 cents pair Economy Shoe and Ready to Wear Store. lc FOR RENT ? Five room houae furnish ed in Blowing Rock, one block from school. Warm morning heat. Reason able for winter months P. O. Box 41*. phone >717. lp FOR SALE ? Feed bags, beautiful colored cotton print dress goods, about one and one third yard to each bags They make pretty dresses, house ooats, pajamas, quilt tops and many other uses. Three for <1.00 $3300 per 100. Delivered parcel post. Send postal money order for number wanted or jve will ahlp C. O D. Champion Poultry Farm, Champion. N. C. South largeat breeding poultry farm. 10-14-tfc FOR SALE ? One six -room house, located Just out of Perklnsvllle on West Jefferson highway Ope acre land, house haa been newly painted lnaide and In excellent * condition. Homer Lane. R. F D. S. Boone lc OCTOBER 14th and 15th Thursday and Friday, dont forget these dates B'g Phikso Freezer demonstration at CRA VEN FURNITURE CO . Boone. N C ' ' ; lc HAKE'S UNIONSUITS? Men's and boys'? men's WOO suit, boys' ?1S3 While prices sre ?S00 to (3.00 a dozen higher this season, we sre offering this underwear at the ssme prices ?s last year Economy Shoe and Reidy to Wear Store. lc IVENKT1AN BUNDS me? nred installed in your hWM OMnajwg hatN BBT FOR SALE ? Two good Jencjr milk [cows See Clarence Lynoa, Boone, uoute S. >P SPECIALS ? One lot of children'* leather oxford* and slipper* reduced to 93.00 pair. Men's Army khaki aox'a 15 cents pair. Men's wool sox'*. first quality 90 cents pair. Men'* and boys' fancy sport box's, first quality, ZS cent* pair. Dupont nylon. SI gauge, first quality. 11.43 pair? new fall shades. Beautiful line of children'* anklets 20 cents pair. Economy Shoe and R?ady to Wear Store. le rOR RENT ? Three room brick apart ment. hot and cold water. Available now. E. D. Cook, Black Bear Tourlct Court. lc SEE OUR LINE of boy's *nd girls' aU wool Jackets, with zipper, sizes from t up to U. 93-00 and I4J6. A wonder ful value. Men'* and boy*' jackets and tnacklnaw* of all kind* at price* far below today's market. Economy Shoe and Ready to Wear Store. lc "DONT klU your wife Let our WASHING MACHINES do the dirty work." We have ga* and electric models. WESTERN AUTO ASSOCI ATE STORE 10-17-3C NOW BUYING GALAX. Log Moss. In Urgent need of some of this and are now paying 9 cents per pound for this Nice. dry. large piece*, green color. Wilcox Drug Co. 10-14-tfc CAR OWNERS ? Bring your car to City Service Station and leave It while you go shopping and to work Let us grease, wash and vacuum clean It. Eree parking to our custom ers We sell Goodyear tire*. Aac bat terle* and Pennzoll. Homer Arnette. I0-7-3P VENTIAN BLINDS ? Are you planning to Install ventlan blinds In your home or business? We have one of the beat custom built blinds at the lowest cost In town. Write or c*U R W Watklns Dhone 347-W. free estimate on your homo. 19-7 -lc BLOWN ROCK WOOL AND WEATH ER ST HIPPING ? Now Is the time to have your home Insulated for thl* Winter We also handle the new rib bed type of weather stripping for windows and doors Write R W Watklns or call 347. for estimate 10-7-3c WANTED ? Laurel and Ivy burls. Well trimmed, delivered at the old dlesel power plant. Blowing Rock. N C 9-J0-9P FOR SALE ? Small piece of land near ?cenlc highway and near my place Won't cost much to own. Mrs. J, C Church. Shulla Mills; N. C. 9-23-8c ALTERATIONS, reweavlng. mending, buttons and buckles covered. Com plete belts tailored Call Boono. 349- J 9-33 -4p| WESCOTE SUPREME PAINT, guaran ?eed the highest quality possible to manufacture! Our price $3.39 gallon Why pay more and get less? We als" ?arry a wide selection of Wall Papet n the latest designs low as 19 cents oer roll. Western Auto Associate Store. 7-15-tfc >R C G. BAUGHMAN. eye. ear. now nd throat specialist of Elizabeth ton "enn . will be at the Watauga Hoe ?Ital In Boone the flr*t Monday It- | ach month for the practice of hi* pro ?salon RADIO BATTERIES. extra heavy metal covered A B packs, guaranteed 1400 hours, special this week 99 95 -ach. Our customer* find they last one third longer than the 1000 hour batteries yet sell for less WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE. ?-lS-tfc 'OR RENT ? Floor lander, eager and >ollsher. Call C 9c E Home and Auto Supply Co., Boone, N. C. 7-29-tfc VORTH WILKESBORO BEAU T Y SCHOOL G I. approved. Now open ?o both boys and girls. 1-30-tfc NEW TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES Fast delivery, expert repair serv-| ice, all makes. RENOIR OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO. Phone 419, Lenoir, N. C. Authorized distributors of Rem ington Rand office equipment. BARGAINS AT AUCTION Friday, and Saturday at Same Place WATCH ADS ft I am moving to the Kelly Osborne buildings just ac ross the street, from where I am, soon. Follow me for Bargains. JIM BROWN, Auctioneer FOR SALE NEW FIVE ROOM HOUSE with large bath, hardwood floors, electric hot water heater, large spacious lot. Priced to sell. NINE ROOM HOUSE, two baths, five bedrooms, conven iently located to schools, churches. Can be financed. Quick sale. GOING BUSINESS, year around business, located in the heart of Boone business district. Can be bought on terms. POUR APARTMENT HOUSE, large lot located near col lege, rents the year around, will trade for small house any place in Boone. Can be financed GREENE HEIGHTS: New five room house, bath, large lot, can be bought on terms. Small down payment. FARMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS for sale, small, large, L from $8,000.00 up. BEAUTIFUL 20 ACRE FARM located about 1-2 mile from Boone. Good brick house, very valuable land. Terms to the * right person. "H T YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY AND* * THE PRICE IS RIGHT. SEE US." TRI-COUNTY REALTY CO. btpol Street"^ - Phone 14?-M P. O. Bo* 12 ? * BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA E. F. COE, Manager. . ; r OR SALE AT ONCE ? Luncheonette, ?oda and sundaes, excellent location. Plenty of buatnaaa. Telephone ?1M Boone. lc LOST In Boone. Saturday Oct #. black billfold containing money and picture*. Finder please notify Mn Glenn Stan berry. Route 1. Boone. N C. lp TOR RENT ? Two room apartment, furnished With private entrance and private bath. Near campus ? Phone ilS-W le DUPONT NYLONS ? Don't fall to see our line of these wonderful hose. All first qual. ., . no Irregulars or seconds Priced $1 .00 to tl?S "Cameo" SI -IS denier. II M In new fall shades, size* S'i to 11. Economy Shoe and Ready to Wear Store le CARD or THAJTKg. I wlsl^ to thank my nelgfflhr* and friends for their kindness following the death of my husband. Lionell Harmon, for all the beautiful flower* and furnishing and serving food ? Retha Harmon. A* ORDmAJICE AUTHORIZIWd THE IMOAMCE or ?M or BORDI or THE TOWM or muamnma IMPROVEMENT ROCK rOR THE or muc STREETS. ^ BE IT ORDAINED by Aoard of. Commissioners of the Town of Blow ins Rock as follows: v Section 1 The Board of Commis sioners of the Town of Blowing Rock has ascertained and hereby determine* that it la necessary that said Town construct or reconstruct the surface of patolic streets In said Town and contemporaneously grade tuck streets and construct or reconstruct theron sidewalks, curbe. gutters and drains, and that It will be necessary to ex pend for said purpose not less than UO.OOO. Section a. Said Board of Commis sioners has also ascertained and here by determines that the purpose here inbefore described is a necessary ex pense of said Town within the mean ing of Section 7 of Article VII of the Constitution of North Carolina, and Is a purpose for which said Town may ralae or appropriate money, and Is not a current expense of said Town. Section 3. In order to ralae the money required for such purpose, bonds of the Town of Blowing Rock are hereby authorized and shall be issued pursuant to The Municipal Finance Act. 1M1, of North Carolina. The maximum aggregate amount of, bonds authorized by this ordtnance| shall be Twenty Thousand Dollars itao.ooo). Section 4. A tax sufficient to pay the principal of and Interest on said bonds shall be annually levied and collected Section 5. A statement of the debt of said Town has been filed with the Town Clerk and Treasurer of said Town, as required by said Act. and Is open to public Inspection. Section 8. This ordinance shall takei effect when approved by the voters| of said Town at an election to be called and held as provided In said Act The foregoing bond ordinance was passed on the 7 day of October. 1948 . and was first published on the 14 day of October. 1M8 Any action or proceeding question ing the validity of said ordinance must be commenced within thirty days after its first publication. O. W STONE Town Clerk and Treasurer of the Town of Blowing Hock. North Carolina. AM ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF ? 40, 000 Or BONDS OF THE TOWN OF BLOW-. INC ROCK FOR THE ENLAROE4 MENT AND EXTENSION OF THH WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM OF THE TOWN OF BLOWING ROCK. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Blow ing Rock, as follows: Section 1. The Board of Commis sioners of the Town of Blowing Rock has ascertained and hereby determines that it is necessary that said Town en large and extend the water supply system maintained and operated by said Town to supply water to said Town and its inhabitants, and that it will be necessary to expend for said purpose not less than $40,000. Section 2. Said Board of Commis-j sioners has also ascertained and here by determines that the purpose here inbefore described is a necessary ex pense of said Town within the mean ing of Section 7 of Article VII of the Constitution of North Carolina, and is a purpose for which said Town may raise or appropriate money, and is not a current expense of said Town Section 3. In order to raise the money required for such purpose, bonds of the Town of Blowing Rock ?re hereby authorized and shall be issued pursuant to The Municipal Finance Act. 1921. of North Carolina. The maximum aggregate amount of bonds authorized by this ordinance shall be Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000) Section 4 A tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds shall be annually levied and collected. Section 5 A statement of the debt of said Town has been filed with the Town Clerk and Treasurer of said Town, as required by said Act. and is open to public Inspection. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect when approved hv the voters of said Town at an election to be called and held as provided in said Act. The foregoing bond ordinance was passed on the 7 day of October, 1948 and was first published on the 14 day of October. 1948. Any action or proceeding question ing the validity of said ordinance must be commenced within thirty days after its first publication. O W. STONE Town Clerk and Treasurer of the Town of Blowing Rock. North Carolina. NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT North Carolina WATAUGA COUNTY Ruby Trivette Presnell. Plaintiff Vs Bynum Presnell. Defendant The above named defendant. Bynum Presnell. will take notice that an act ion entitled as above has been com menced In the Superior Court of Wa tauga County. North Carolina, by the plaintiff to secure an absolute divorce from the defendant on the ground that the plaintiff and defendant have lived separate and apart for more than two years next preceding the bring ing of this action: and The defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Watauga Countv, in the Courthouse In Boone. North Carolina, within twenty day* after the fourth day of November. 1JM8. and answer or demur to the complMnt in the said action or the DlaintlfP w'll apnlv *o the court for the relief demanded In *afd complaint. This the 4th dav of October. 1948. FRFT) M OR A CO Clerk Superior Court 10-7 -4c NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as the administra tor of the estate of R J. Mtllsaps. late of the county of Watauga, state of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased, to present them to me for payment within twelve month" of the date hereof, or this notice will be pled in bar of their r^vfrv All thofe indebted to the estate are asked to make Immediate pavment. This September 27 " IMS. PERRY FARTHTNG. Admr MMp / NOTICE OP ADMU 1ST RATION Having qualified as th? admini itratrix of the estate of D P. Wyke. ate of the county of Watau|a, thli is to notify all persons havir.g claims i (a Inst the estate of the said deceas Kl. to present them to me within twelve months of the date hereof or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All those Indebted to the estate are asked to make Immedi ate payment. This October t. IMS. LOUISE WYKE RUSSELL. Admx. HM4-6ci NOTICE I took over the ownership of the Boone Sup?r Cleaners and Laundry yr\ October 1. 1948. I will not be re sponsible for any obligations of the laid company prior to that date This October 11. IMS. MRS R. D SHOEMAKE. Admx. lc KM ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE or 871,010 OF BONDS OF THE TOWN OF BLOWING ROCK FOR PARK AND PLAY GROUND IMPROVEMENTS. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of the Tdwn of Blow ing Rock, as follows: Section 1. The Board of Commls iloners of the Town of Blowing Rock has ascertained and hereby deter mines that It Is necessary that said Town construct or reconstruct s pub lic park. Including a playground, on land heretofore acquired by the Town for such purpose, and to construct thereon s swimming pool and recrea tion building and other Improvements suitable to provide recreational facili ties for the inhabitants of said Town, and that it wtlt be necessary to ex pend for said purpose not less than 178.000. Section S. Said Board of Commis sioners has also ascertained and here by determines that the purpose here inbefore described Is a purpose for which said Town may raise or Ap propriate money, and is not a cur rent expense of said Town. Section 3. In order to raise the money required for such purpose, bonds of the Town of Blowing Rock are hereby authorized and shsll be Issued pursuant to The Municipal Finance Act. 1921. of North Carolina The maximum aggregate amount of bonds authorized by this ordinance shall be Seventy-five Thousand Dol lars (875.000). Section 4. A tax sufficient to pay the principal of and Interest on said bonds shall be annually levied and collected. Section 5. A statement of the debt of said Town has been filed with the Town Clerk and Treasurer of said Town, as required by said Act. and is open to public inspection. Section 8. This ordinance shall tnke effect when approved by the voters of said Town at an election to be cal led and held as provided in said Act. The foregoing bond ordinance was passed on the 7 day of October. 1948 and was first published on the 14 day of October. 1948 Any action or proceeding question ing the validity of said ordinance must be commenced within thirty tlays after its first publication O W STONE Town Clerk and Treasurer of the Town of Blowing Rock. North Carolina TOWN or BLOWING ROCK. NORTH CAROLINA, NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION AND OF NEW REGI STRATION OF VOTERS A SPECIAL ELECTION will be held tn the Town of Blowing Rock. North Carolina, on the 23rd. day of Novem ber. 1948. for the purpose of submit ting to the qualified voters of said Town, for their approval or disap proval. the bond Ordinances adopted bv the Board of Commissioners on the 7th day of October. 1948. and also the indebtedness proposed to be Incurred by the issuance of the bonds author! *??d bv the ordinances. Said bond or dinance^ are as follows: (11 An ordinance entitled "An or ^'nance authorizing th* issuance, of 140.000 of bonds of the Town of Blow In* Hock for the enlargement and ex tension of th#? Wfttor ?5>innlv of >h#? To?-n of Blowing Pock". au*ho "*?inp the Issuance of bonds of the Town of Blowing Pock of the maxi mum affrregate amount of *40 000 to finance the enlargement and exten sion of the water supply system maintained and operated bv said Town to supplv water to said Town and its inhabitants. (2) An ordinance entitled "An or dinance authorizing the issuance of 820.000 of bonds of the Town of Blow ing Rock for the improvement of public streets", authorizing the is suance of bonds of the Town of Blowing Rock of the maximum ag gregate amount of 120.000 to finance the construction or reconstruction of the surface of public streets In said Town and contemporaneous grading of such streets and the construction or reconstruction thereon of side walks. curbs, gutters and drains (31 An ordinance entitled "An or dinance authorizing the issuance of M 5.000 of bonds of the Town of Blowing Rock for the erection of a Fire Department Building" authoriz ing the issuance of bonds of the Town of Blowing Rock of the maxi mum aggregate amount of $15,000 to finance the erection of a new buildlnff for the use of the Fire Department of laid Town. (4) An ordinance entitled "An or dinance authorizing the issuance of tta.000 of bonds of the Town of Blowing Rock for the erection of a municipal building", authorizing the Issuance of bond* of the Town of Blowing Rock of the maximum ag gregate amount of $25,000 to finance the erection of a new building to house the administrative offices of said Town (5) An ordinance entitled "An or dinance authorizing the issuance of ?75.000 of bonds of the Town of Blowing Rock for park and play ground improvements", authorizing the Issuance of bonds of the Town of Blowing Rock of the maximum ag gregate amount of $75,000 to finance the construction or reconstruction of a public park, including a playground, on land heretofore acquired by the Town for such purpose, and the con struction thereon of a swimming pool and recreation building and other improvements suitable to provide re creational facilities for the inhabi tants of said Town. Each ordinance authorizes the levy and collection of an annual tax suf ficient to pay the principal of and In terest on the bonds thereby authori red The oo lis for said election will open at the hour of 6:30 o'clock, a m.t and will close at the hour of 8:30 o'clock, p. m.. Eastern Standard Time. The polling place for said election shall be the Town Hall, in the Town of Blowing Rock Every person offering io vote must be a legally registered voter The Board of Commissioners of the Town of Blowing Rock has appointed Miss Doris Greene to act as Registrar, ind J. P Lyon and H. E. Coffey to act ?s Judges of Election for said election. NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN, that a new registration of the quali fied voters of the Town of Blowing Rock for said election has been order ed by the Board of Commissioners of Mid Town The Registrar will keep open the book for new registration 'rom 9 o'clock a. m.. until 0 o'clock. P. M on each day. except Aundays and holidays, for three weekJf begin ning on Monday the 25th day of Oct ober. 1948. and ending on Saturday, the 13th day of November. 1948. being the second Saturday before said elec tion On each Saturday during the registration period said book will be kept open at the polling place above foamed By order of the Board of Commis sioners of the Town of Blowing Rock. Dated. October 7th. 1948 O. W. STONE Town Clerk and Treasurer of the Tows of Blowing Rock. North Carolina / Truman to Come To Carolina Soon President Truman 't tentative schedule for his October 19th visit to Raleigh has been announ ced by Willis Smith. Smith, who is chairman of the State commission for a memorial to three North Carolina Resi dents. said the President is sche duled to arrive at the Raleigh AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE or 121,400 or BONDS or THE TOWN or BLOWING 'NOCK FOR THE ERECTION OF A MUNICIPAL BUILDING BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Blow ing Rock, as follows > Section 1. The Board of Commli sioners of the Town of Blowing Bock has ascertained and hereby determines that It ts necessary that said Town erect a new building to hoase the ad ministrative offices of said Town, and that It wlU be necessary to expend for said purpose not less than *25.000 Section 2. Said Board of Commis sioners has also ascertained and here by determines that the purpose here inbefore described is a necessary ex pense of said Town within the mean ing of SecUon 7 of Article VII of the Constitution of North Carolina, and Is a purpose for which said Town may raise or appropriate money, and 1s not a currant expense of said Town. SecUon 3. In order to raise the money required for such purpose, bonds of the Town of Blowing Rock are hereby authorized and shall be Issued pursuant to The Municipal Finance Act 1921. of North Carolina. The maximum aggregate amount of bonds authorized by thts ordinance shall be Twenty Five Thousand Dol lars (*25.000). SecUon 4. A tax sufficient to pay the principal of and Interest on said bonds shall be annuaUy levied and collected. SecUon S. A statement of the debt of said Town has been filed with the Town Clerk and Treasurer of said Town, as required by said Act. and Is open to public InspecUon. Section 6 This ordinance shall take effect when approved by the voters of said Town at an elecUon to be called and held as provided In said Act. The foregoing bond ordinance was passed on the 7 day of October. IMS and was first published on the 14 day day of October, 194ft Any action or proceeding question ing the validity of said ordinance must be commenced within thirty days after Its first publication. O. W. STONE Town Clerk and Treasurer of the Town of Blowing Rock. North Car Durham airport at 9:30 a. m. from Miami. He will be escorted immediat ely to Raleigh, where he will lead a parade up Fayetteville street to the Capitol. The exercises for the unveiling of the three men North Carolina claims as native sons ? Andrew Jackson, Andrew Johnson, and James K. Polk ? are scheduled to begin at 11 a. m. President Tru man will make the dedicatory ad kiress. AM ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE iuuavcz or iitiMQ or bonds or THE TOWN or BLOWING ROCK roR THE ERECTION OT A FIRE DEPARTMENT BUILDING. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Blow ing Rock, as follows: Section 1. The Board of Commis sioners of the Town of Blowing Rock has ascertained and hereby determines that it is necessary that said Town erect a new building for the use of the Fire Department of said Town, and that it will be necessary to expend for said purpose not less than $15. mo. I Section 2. Said Board of Commis sioners has also ascertained and hereby determines that the purpose hereinbefore described is a necessary expense of said Town within the meaning of Section 7 of Article VII of the Constitution of North Carolina, and is a purpose for which said Town may raise or appropriate money, and is not a current expense of said Town. Section 3. In order to raise the money required for such purpose, bonds of the Town of Blowing Rock are hereby authorized and shall be issued pursuant to The Municipal , Finance Act 1921, of North Carolina. The maximum aggregate amount of bonds authorized by this ordinance shall be Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000). Section 4. A tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds shall be annually levied and collected. Section 5. A statement of the debt of said Town has been filed with the Town Cleric and Treasurer of said Town, ss required by said Act. and Is open to public inspection. Section 6. This ordinance shall take < effect when approved by the voters of said Town at an ele<4lon to be called and held as provided in said lAct. __! The foregoing bond ordinance wai passed on the 7 day of October. 1M8 and was first published on the 14 day of October. 1MB. Any action or proceeding question ing the validity of said ordinance must be commenced within thirty days after Its first publication. O. W. STONE Town Clerk and Treasurer of the : Town of Blowing Rock. North Carolina. ? You Are Invited to a demonstration in the use of the New Phil co Home Freezers by MRS. MARGARET TYNER Philco Home Economist of A K. SUTTON, INC. Two Jjig days at our store OCTOBER 14th and 15th Plan now to attend these dem onstrations. Refreshments for all. Craven Furniture Co. BOONE, N. C. WHEN GASSY STOMACH PAINS DOUBLE YOU UP Time-tested Scalfs Brings Grand Comfort. When discomforts of gas pains make you feel miserable when you can't get a night of restful sleep ? get up mornings feeling as tired as when you retired, your work seems a burden, your appe tite no good, don't feel able to work, can't enjoy play or recrea tion, then it's time to do as thou sands of others are doing ? try Scalfs Indian River Medicine. Scalfs is made from Herbs which grow right out of the good earth and is intended to build itrength, energy and sturdy health by peppingup the appetite and aiding the cligestion of healthful food. When you can eat heartily and digest what you eat, there can be little cause for stomach gas pains to torture you and rob you of sleep and rest. Don't suffer. Try Scalfs indi^n RiverMedicine today on a guar antee of satisfactory results or your money back on the first bot tle. On sale at Carolina Pharma cy. NOW UNTIL NOVEMBER 20, 1948 SPECIAL OFFER MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE Your Frozen Food Locker Plant will save you money if you will use it. We have many customers in Watauga county, and some in other counties, that have found out that they save money, meat and time by using the services of the Locker Plant. Not only are they saving, but they are eating better than ever before, fresh meat all year. ASK THEM. We have now been in business for nearly a year and as a special offer on our anniversary we are reducing the price of all lockers $2.00 per year. This offer applies to renewals as well as new rentals and will be in effect from now until November 20, 1948. For those of you who have already renewed your locker we will give you $2.00 credit on the first processing that you have done between now and November 20. * Kill your fat hog or beef now and save the extra feed. ! ANY OLD TIME IS KILLING TIME WHEN YOU USE THE LOCKER PLANT. With the price of grain what it is today your locker will soon pay for itself. Come in and see us when you are in town, we will be glad to show you around our plant. We are proud of it, and you should be too, as it rfe for you to use. Boone Frozen Foods r Phone 274-J Boone, N. C.