Many Waiaugans Attend College Watauga county in well re presented at Afoalachian State Teachers college this 1*11 terra by 193 students who are prepar ing t49- J 10-tS-4c WANTED ? Registered nurses and undergraduates for General duty. ? hours a day, < days a week Vacation and sick leave with pay Experienced 0 B Supervisor for 3-li duty. Marion General Hospital. Marlon. N. C. l#-*l-tc FOR SALE? I Diss ton Model OSHAY 38 Inches. H. P heavy duty gasoline chain saw Been used about a month. At sale for a bargain. R O. Barr. West Jefferson. N C. 11-4-lc 1 AM NO longer connected with Winkler's Grocery, and .will not be responsible for any debts made after October 28th. 1M? W B. York. Sr ll-4-4p VENETIAN Blinds ? Are you planning to Install Venetian blinds fn your home or business' We have one of the best leustom built blinds at the lowest cost In town Write or catl R W. Watklns oh one 247-W free estimate on your [home 11 -4 -tor | BLOWN ROCK WOOL AND IhtATH ]ER STRIPPING? Kow Is the time to have your home Insulated for this [Winter We also handle the new rib |hed type of weather stripping for windows and doors Write R W [Watklns or csll M7-W. for estimate. 11-4-JC FOR SALE? International Hi ton truck Good condition Will trade for rattle or late model car See Walter Hampton. Blowing Rock. N C. ll-4-4t> FOR RENT ? Floor Sander, eager and nollsher Call CAE Home and Auto [Supply Co.. Boone. N. C. 7-?-tfe| | FOR SALE ? Feed bags, beautiful colored oottmi print dress goods, nbout one and one third yard to each ban. [They make pretty dreeeae. house coats, pajamas, quilt tope and many other uses Three for fTM. WN per 1M. Delivered parcel poet Send postal [money order for a timber wanted or |We wftl ship C. O. D Chsmplon Poultry Farm. Champion, If. C. South ?ansst breeding poultry far m. 10-lt-tfe VENETIAN BLINDS ? Let us measure and install In your home the famous Globe blinds Absolutely guaranteed. Terms Craven Furnltura Co. lc FOR SALE ? Good 6 -room house with large lot. bath and wired for Mectric stove 300 N Water Street See Brady Campbell. Vila?. N C. il-ll-2p GROW DELICIOUS MUSCADINE GRAPES by planting our home vine yard collection consisting of one each new. Self -fertile Dark Tarheel; Old Favorite James: Large Bronze Scup pernong; Well-known Reddish Purple Thomas. All four two-year Vines ? Special offer No. 80-8 -$4 85 postpaid Write for free copy 48-page Planting Guide in full color Salespeople want ed WAYNESBORO NURSERIES WAYNESBORO. VIRGINIA. lcl WATCH OUR ADS for special free gift offer Hope to give full details In next weeks' issue Economy Shoe and Ready to Wear Store. lc APARTMENT FOR RENT ? Steam heat, electric stove and refrigerator furnished. B. W Stallings. lc FARM FOR SALE? 81 acres. 7-roomj house and out buildings Located on Rich Mountain. J