THE FIGHTING PRESIDENT U. S. Elects Trumon, Democratic Congress "Now maybe you would 1&? to know why X hav* mad* thi a flight lor tho people. I will try to tell you. It is e matter oFthe things I beSeve In." ?. Tnn&aa ipoto km word* t* flb* nattoa*a i?H?? l?llwU hard MOgtl te get hlm anotiMr term t> ?? remap* km made a wish on . w,ttweehU *" *??K Mwrtnow fight that dJtu - **** ?moun<^ to ? man ^ SO aSFVa. vlctte* thai ha loan, the by the rp*Pto of his ?aim, 'rZ " ir *?-???ctten a trair " naiiiif political phenomeaoa. He U President today despite tha Political experts. despiu ?^fU".p^U- support prices, -hus at 11:30 a. . EST) on j November S, Gov. Thomas E. Dewey conceded the election to President I Truman, shortly aftei the pivotal ! states of Ohio. Illinois and California ! d definitely gone Democratic r What can the naUon expect from ' the next four years of Democratic government under President Tru man? Foreign Policy .Stays. . u; s- 'ortien policy will remain basically unchanged, keeping as its mainspring the European Recovery Program. As a matter of fact, it , ""Old have retained it* status quo ' under a Republican administration. ' too. But in any event it is reason- ! ?We to assume that most American I voters cast their ballots not so much I <*the basis of foreign policy as on domestic issues. Whether or not much. If anything win be done about tha Taft-Hartley att is more of a question than it bt the first place, although tha Democrats have a nominal ma]or Tht Splinter Parties Neither Henry Wallace's Pro gressives nor J. Strom Thur mond'* Dlxiecrata turned op with a decisive effect on the election. The total Impact ea the national electorate ..f WaHaoe's "leva everybody, incl ? dlag RaeeU" philosophy was extremely small. Be polled only aHgfctly mere thaa a million votes, made aa great Inroads In aay state. H* fought and won lty In both house* of congress. If remains to be seen if they will have ? dominating workable majority with enough strength, for instsnce, to repeal or amend the law. >|M. MM a?IMsUt Coll (?ssnnes are MtcenTlneed that tfca Taft-Hartley law la aa black a thing aa It has brm painted One of the first demands i. .-it President Truman and the Demo cratic list congress will get from the people Ml] be to do something ?bout high prices and Inflation. Action along this line probably will take the form of price controls? perhaps wage controls as well. Mr. Truman Is likely to try again to get congress to paaa the 10- point anti inflation legislation be first eluci dated a year ago. Truman Receives 304 Electoral Votes to Win During the dramatic early hours of the election return*, electoral vou* seesawed back and forth be tween Governor Dewey and Presi dent Truman, changing as the tide oi popular votes from each of the states wes tabulated. In the final compilation. President Truman garnered a total of 304 elec toral votes, 38 more than the 266 which were t^cessary for him to be elected. Governor L/ewey ileclea I electoral votes and J Slrom Thur mond drew the Dlxlccrats votes of Alabama, l.ouisiena Mississippi ar.d South C.arcflina which totaled 38. Wallace failed to get a single vote Tabulated below are the electoral returns by states; STATE DEWEY TRUMAN Alabama 0 ? Arizona 0 4 Arkansas 0 9 California 0 15 Colorado ? 4 Connecticut .... 8 0 Delaware 3 1 Florida I 1 Georgia ........ 0 S Idaho ? I Illinois ? 1 Indiana IS ? lew* 4 I Kentucky ' ? \ Louisiana ? ? Maine f ? Maryland < ? Massachusetts .. ? i Michigan It J Minnesota ? 1 Mississippi I ? Missouri 0 i ItiwjMi ........ ? t Nmpks ( i Ntrals ? 3 New Hampshire. 4 * New Jersey 14 ? New Mexico .... ? t New York 47 t North Carolina .. t I North Dakota .4 4 Ohio ? 1 Oklahoma ? t Oregon f ? Pewsylvaaia ... 35 I Rhode Island ... ? ? Seath Carolina ? ? ? ??Hi Dakota ... 4 ? Texaa ? .23 Utah ? 4 Yeraseat I I fWMt ... ? u Washing Ian ? t West Virginia... ? g Wyasntag ?* ( Boone, N. C., Nov. 8, 1MB. TO THE VOTERS OF WATAUGA COUNTY BOTH DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS Dear Friends: My first thought in victory is one of gratitude for the splendid support (iven me by both parties. Please accept my deepest appreciation and sincere thanks, and assuring you again that whenever I am able to accord you any courtesy, personally or officially, it will be a genuine pleasure to do so. With every good wish and all my gratitude, I am. Sincerely yours, HELEN UNDERDO WN, Register of Dm* Zionville News Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Miller and ?on, Bobbie, have returned to their home here, after visiting relatives and friends in Idaho, Washington and Oregon. They also visited many interesting parts of California. Mrs. Chat>. Wilkinson of Roa-] no Ice, Va. is spending a few] days with Mr. and Mfs. George] Thomas and Mr?. Polly Greer. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stephens Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cantor of Shouns, Tenn., Mr. and Mrs. Bynum Proffit and family of Boone and Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Stephens and family of Suther land. Mr. Don Campbell of Cleve-I land, Ohio 3pent the week end] with his family here. Mrs. Chas A. Greer and Mrs. Nancy Roten are spending this week in Morganton at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Greer. Miss Ettie Younce was called to Chucky, Tennessee Saturday evening due to the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Bill Reece. Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Byers had as dinner guests Monday Mr. and Mrs. Worth Byers and daughters, Sandra and Linda, of Savannah, Ga., Frankie Byers of Boone, Mrs. Polly Greer, Mrs. George Thomas, Mrs. Chas. Wilkinson and Mrs. Ivan Church. Mrs. Callie Wilson and Mrs. Kathem Wc'sh of Trade, Tenn. visited friends in the community Sunday afternoon. Mr. Chas. Wilkinson and son, G. C., spent the week end with relatives here. Eugene Wilson of Kingsport, Tenn. spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Mon Critcher] and family were the guests Sun day of Mr. and Mrs. Chariiej Critchfr in Boone. Clipping cows when they are stabled for the winter is re cognized as an important factor in the production of sediment free milk. NOTICE North Carolina Watauga County Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain deed of trust executed by George M. Sudderth. Jr.. Richard E. Gragg and Luther Greene. Trustees of Blowing Rock. North Carolina Post 266. American Legion, dated 26 April. 1948. and re corder In Book 63. Page 230. In the office of the Register of Deeds of Watauga County. North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for caah at the courthouse door in Boone. North Caro lina. at 12:00 o'clock noon, on the 6th day of December. 1948. the property conveyed in said deed of trust the same lying and being in the County of Watauga and State of North Caro lina. in Blowing Rock Township, and in the Town of Blowing Rock, and more parUcularly described as follows: LYING AND BEING in the Town of Blowing Rock and BEGINNING on a stake, corner of the Hart property, and being about live feet from the now exisUng fence corner, and runs thence with the Rochelle property line South 36', a East 225 feet to a stake: thence South 53' a West 62 feet to a stake; thence South 48 West IflO feet to a stake in line of the Downey property; thence North 41 degrees thirty minutes West 123 feet to a stake; thence North ]7ia West 248 feet to a stake, corner of the Hart pro perty; thence North 86 East with the Hart line 217 feet to the BEGINNING CORNER; together with the right of way conveyed to the granters herein by deed from Herbert Stewart. Nov ember 6, 1946. which deed la on record In the office of the Register of Deeds for Watauga County at Boone. North Carolina. In Book 61 at Page 491 This 8th day of Nevember. 1948 WADE E BROWN. Trustee ll-ll-4c| yVhy have a watch that's sick? Let us make it well for you with our expert repair service. Best in town. i INSPECTION FREE Cleaning end repairing. Genuine pert*. All work guaranteed by this store. ***? Mr. Jack Hogbes. formerly of| Washington. D. G. and e uale el the Waltham Wa with as as bead Stalling* Jewelers WHITE LILY FLOUR ? ? ItS Itlf REJECTS MILLfoM FOB fit Loa Angeles ? Fined $15 foe speeding, Francis G. Gorman, now in Shanghai, sent the Court $1,000,000 in Chinese greenbacks. The judge, ordering the currency which is worth only $2 in Ameri can money returned, warned that if the $15 is not forthcoming shortly, be will issue a warrant tor Gorman's anest when he re turns to this country. "HOPPER" EATERS Stillwater, Okla. ? Recently Co-ed Ann Miller, of Mercer Col lege, Ga. said she'd eat a grass hopper for $2 and did. Clarence Jones, of Oklahoma A & M Col lege, said he'd eat one for $5. Fel low students raised the pool and Jones performed. He used a whole tube of toothpaste for a chaser. NOTICE or ADMUnSTHATIOM Having qualified u the admini stratrix ol the estate of D. P. Wyka. late of the county of Watausa, this la to notify all persons havlnf claims against the estate of the said deceas ed. to present tham to me within twelve months of the date hereof or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All those Indebted to the estate are asked to make Immedi ate payment. This October S. IMS. LOUISE WYKE RUSSELL. Admx. 10-14-Sp EXECUTORS NOTICE Having qualified as the executors of the will of R. L. Gentry, late of the county of Watauga, State of North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceaaed. to present them to us for payment within twelve months of the date hereof, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. AU those Indebted to the estate are asked to make Immediate payment. This October ?T. IMS. Mrs. Grace Gentry and J. R. Gentry. Executors 10 M-Sp NOTICE The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission announcer the opening for Game and Fish Protector position in Watauga County, 7th district. The requirements for this po sition are, applicant be between the ages of 21 and 45 years, weigh 150 pounds or more, have high school education, or the equiva lent, be of good chaActer and in terested in wildlife and conser vation. Must be in position to de vote full time to work. Application blanks may be ob tained by addressing the N. C. Wildlife Resources Commission, Raleigh, N. C. Examination at Watauga Co. courthouse Friday November 19, at 10:00 a. m. 11 -4- 2c EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as the executor of the will of J. L. Wilson, late of the county of Watauga, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them to me for payment within twelve months of the date hereof, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All those indebted to the estate are asked to make imme diate payment. This Sept. 11. IMS. MRS. CALX. IE WILSON. Ex. Will of J. L. Wilson. Deed. 9-18-Sp NOTICE or ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as the administra tor of the estate of Vaughn Howell, late of the county of Watauga. State of North Carolina, this is to notify j all persons having claims against the : estate of the said deceased, to pre- 1 sent them to me for payment within 1 twelve months of the date hereof, or ' this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All those indebted to the estate are asked to make imme diate payment. ? This October 25. 1948 Homer L. Johnson. Admr. Blowing Rock. N. C.. RFD 1 L ll-4-?p DR. C. RAT LAWRENCE OPTOMETRIST Specialist in Vision ? Glasses Fitted Offices with Dr. E. T. Glenn, Boone, N. C. OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 - 5:00 Closed Wednesday Afternoons POLICY LOST? ...SO WHAT Mm seed to won? or scurry whea yoa'ra iasared pro t actio a goes right sal We keep a complete aad srmsaaa record of the ia snraace of all au holders ? i WATAUGA Insurance Agency e. r. co*. Box 12. a. & MMMMi Tobacco curing is t trust ?I... ii? * "?rtaln dMd n ^"?Wra defeuit Nofth ^SudSi tr>*t?w'^mn o^^;. I^m^r>1f*<' ?uctton to the highest JS* *l- WMk at the Court HoSf^ i? 2r*x ?nce North 37 U N1NG. vST ^,th? P?int Of BKJIN vlew land M, ?' r?^-l toe tu^?ik,e,U^Sd0"to? "outh aide ?S toe lin. of ,1?n? *10 feet; thence SoSSt Merw ?o a .take in th,Ts m /Si*??* ??? thence with saih ???' Clark a line; BEGINNING, contaSiw 011 Point of ?ere. more or ??,UInln? one third ?r^S.TtA? ?i? n*^ to meet Oka '"'tended to toe 'thi"*' prcpartr ?ion* aald extend^iir,??^ ?"tori 7 weat corner of the ?. South to~ce along tot: of aald churchiot i? t?"ndary line beginning, conumfc. I>olnt of ?era. more or ' on? 'ourto l?nUT%*TZtCJ^ ^PZNING ? ?? vey^i^A^t3' toe Nortocorrurr Btowi^UB^kmt? rn^k"1 2?' "'""to* SfsstarSrS ??"srir.?5~ -s. .?.? toence North 37i?^ler ?' ?ot No 90; ?? to .n l^n p.Ve ^t^ *? ? 4x8x10? par Hundred- $12.00 0x8x10? per Hnndred- 18J0 8x8x10? par Hnndred 2040 12x8x10? per Hundred- 30 JO H&M >880 388 8 DELIVEBY PRICES BASED ON FULL LOADS ELIZABETHTON CINDER BlOCK,lllcJ ^^^^?PLANT and OFFICE S SYCAMORE STREET MM PHONE 864 OUR LOCAL DEALER HAMPTON BROTHERS At Hampton Brother* Service Station, Boone, N. C. PI? p .I"*!* . tkkn. j